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1、英文新年祝福英文新年祝福导读:本文是关于英文新年祝福,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、新年祝福:一年一年开心过,开开心心,一生快快乐乐,一世平平安安,一家和和睦睦,愿你生命中的每一个愿望全能得到实现!新春快乐!New Year greeting: happy year after year, a happy heart, happy life, I go in peace, a HeHeMuMu, may every wish of your life universal achieved! Happy New Year!2、欢欢喜喜迎新年,开开心心过大年,平平安安吉祥年,快快乐乐喜庆年,

2、团团圆圆团圆年,顺顺利利顺心年,舒舒服服舒心年,祝你长长久久岁岁年年!And New Year, happy holidays, safely auspicious, happy festival, reunion, tenant smooth LiShun heart, comfortable light years, I wish you a very long days!3、斟一杯幸福满满,聚一家团团圆圆,看一张笑脸灿灿,报一声平平安安,守一世长长久久,享一生滚滚财源,纳一年收获多多,贺一句生活甜甜。除夕快乐!Poured a cup of happiness, a reunion, s

3、ee a smiley face brassy, reported in peace, I long for a long time, enjoy life, a year many, a sweet life。 Happy New Years eve!4、祝福加祝福是很多个祝福,祝福乘祝福是无限个祝福,祝福减祝福是祝福的起点,祝福除祝福是唯一的祝福,祝福你平安幸福,新年快乐!Blessings and blessing is many blessings, blessing by blessing is infinite a blessing, blessing blessing is th

4、e starting point of blessing, blessing blessing is the only, wish you peace happiness, happy New Year!5、春节之际祝福你:吉祥追着你,顺利跟着你,平安围着你,烦忧躲着你,健康贴着你,财运缠着你,幸福抱着你!祝除夕快乐!At Spring Festival blessing you: auspicious chasing you, goes well with you and peace around you, CARES away from you, health with your fina

5、nces will haunt you, hold you happiness! Happy New Years eve!6、春节恭喜你,发个短信祝福你,成功的事业属于你,开心的笑容常伴你,健康长寿想着你,最后还要通知你,财神爷爷也要拜访你哦。Spring Festival congratulations, send a SMS bless you, successful career belongs to you, always happy smile, longevity and health thinking of you, finally, to inform you that the

6、 god of wealth grandpa also want to visit you。7、一声声鞭炮将一份份祝福送到;一粒粒饺子饱满一年年骄傲;一张张团聚的微笑共享除夕春宵,一天天幸福时光伴您青春永不衰老!除夕夜快乐!Because firecrackers send one wishes to say; Dumplings bead full year pride; Reunion smile to share having a New Years eve, every day happy days with you the youth never grows old! Happy N

7、ew Years eve!8、乘着健康快车,走过幸福大道,捧着玉如意,揣着金元宝,擎着平安果,背着吉祥树,然后把这些都送给你。不要太感动哟!因为我要你新年快乐!In health express, through happiness avenue, holding jade ruyi, carry a gold ingot, holding peace fruit, with auspicious tree, then put all these for you。 Dont be too touched! Because I want you happy New Year!9、腊月二十三,小年

8、祝福来,我为你祈愿,一祝你快乐没烦恼,二祝你幸福美如意,三祝你健康吉安泰,四祝你和家人团圆,吾祝你新年新气象。Twelfth, off-year greeting, I wish for you, wish you happy dont worry, the beauty I wish you happiness, three wish you health, aetna, four wish you and your family reunion, I wish you a New Year new atmosphere。10、红春联红红火火,新年画漂漂亮亮,大爆竹噼噼*,年夜饭喷喷香香,过

9、大年欢欢喜喜,全家人团团圆圆,除夕夜吉吉利利,新一年兴兴旺旺。Red spring couplets, new New Year pictures, nice big firework cracking, the eve of the jet spray joss-stick joss-stick, holidays with joy, the whole family reunion, on New Years eve JiJiLi, New Year wangwang, cheerfully。11、新年到,欢声不断;电话打搅,多有不便;短信拜年,了我心愿;祝你全家,身体康健;生活幸福,来年

10、多赚;提早拜年,免得占线!In the year, cheers and constantly; Telephone to disturb, there are many inconvenience; Short messages, I wish; I wish you and your family, your body is healthy; Happy life, make more next year; Early happy New Year, so that the line is busy!12、除夕到,天庭大值班,财神爷枕钱待旦,寿星公齐装满员,好月老搭桥牵线,灶王爷蜜语甜言,

11、只要我一按键,就全部冲向你身边,让你乐翻天!On duty to New Years eve, heaven, god of fortune pillow money stay denier, longevity and his full member, and good old shepherded through, honey you tell god, as long as Im a key, all rushed to your side, make you happy!13、随着新年的钟声,伴着新春的第一抹朝阳,让祝福和希望随春天的绿色成长,带给你满岁的丰硕和芬芳,收获快乐,收获健康

12、,收获如意和吉祥!As the New Year bell, with the New Years first sunrise, let the greetings and hope that with the growth of spring green, to give you full years of fruitful and fragrant, harvest happiness, health, harvest happiness and good luck!14、除夕夜,忽见一神猴下凡,长着如意头,吉祥嘴、健康腿、兴旺足、发达肋、幸福胸、平安背、亨通肚、大顺尾,祝您甜甜蜜蜜和和美

13、美。On New Years eve, suddenly see a monkey god himself, has a good head and mouth auspicious prosperity, health, leg, foot, developed rib and chest happiness, peace back, prosper belly, dashun tail, I wish you a sweet HeHeMeiMei。15、新年到到到,祝您好好好,福星照照照,前程妙妙妙,收入高高高,烦恼少少少,喜讯报报报,圆梦早早早,全家笑笑笑。好运就来到!To to to

14、the New Year, wish hello, well some fusion, the future wonderful fantasy, high income, high, little less trouble, news report submitted to the newspaper, interpreta dream early, early family laughing and smiling。 Good luck will come!16、告别春节长假,让休息为事业添砖加瓦;迎接挑战,让奋斗为未来打开局面;节后上班,让问候为工作加油打气。相信自己的努力,去迎接人生的

15、大胜利!Say goodbye to the lunar New Year holiday, let rest for tomorrow; Meet the challenge, to struggle for the future; After work, let the greetings cheer for work。 Believe that our own efforts, to meet the great triumph of our life!17、新春到,送你四个“同心圆”:心圆梦圆,团团圆圆;财源福源,左右逢源;情缘友缘,相逢有缘;心愿祝愿,愿愿随心,祝你春节快乐。To t

16、he Spring Festival and send you four concentric circles : heart interpreta dream round, round and round circle circle; Revenue showers, both ways; Love, friendship, meet decree by destiny。 Wish wish, wish to do, I wish you a happy Spring Festival。18、除夕夜,听说幸福被你“征服”了,吉祥向你“妥协”了,平安对你“曲膝”了,顺心向你“投降”了,快乐成为

17、了永属你的招牌动作!祝你合家团圆,除夕快乐!New Years eve, heard that happy is you conquer, good luck to you, compromise peace on you knee, surrender to you, those happiness became the belong to your signature action! Wish your family reunion, happy New Years eve!19、你不想看我华丽的辞藻,你不想我听动人的声调。我简简单单的一句话胜过千言万语,你却能心花怒放喜上眉梢:春节开心快

18、乐,生活越来越好!The rhetorical topdressing from you dont want to see me, you dont want to me moving tone of voice。 I simply a word more than thousands of words, but you can be elated beaming: happy Spring Festival, life is getting better and better!20、幸福是什么?是脸上有笑容;是你开着车平安到家;是一家人其乐融融;是成功时有人分享喜悦,失意时有人宽慰。春节快到

19、了,祝你:平安、快乐、幸福!What is happiness? Is the face with a smile; Are you driving home in peace; A family in harmony; Is when someone sharing the joy of success, frustrated when some relief。 The Spring Festival is coming, wish you: peace, joy and happiness!21、初春雪漫漫,人间处处新!春节快乐,新年幸福!辞旧迎新,心想事成。以真挚热诚的祝福,在春节之际表

20、示思念之情。祝春节快乐,新年快乐!Early spring snow long, new to be found everywhere! Happy Chinese New Year, happy New Year! Looks new, come true。 Warm and sincere blessings, in the Spring Festival when I remember fondly to said。 I wish a happy Chinese New Year, happy New Year!22、钟声触动了回忆,烟花灿烂了心情,大红灯笼挂满千家万户,新春的呼唤在耳畔

21、回响,想起了远方的你,春节就要到了,提前送上我的祝福:祝快乐、幸福!Touches the recollection, the fireworks brilliant mood, red lanterns hung with families, New Years call echoes in the ears, think of the far-away place of you, the Spring Festival is coming, send you my blessing in advance: wish happy, happy!23、感恩于上苍的赋予,感恩父母的养育,感恩朋友

22、的帮助,感恩大自然的恩赐,感恩食之香甜,感恩衣之温暖,感恩花草鱼虫,感恩困难逆境,春节快乐!Grateful to god to give, Thanksgiving parenting, gratitude the help of friends, Thanksgiving gift of nature, Thanksgiving food sweet, warm clothes, gratitude gratitude flowers and worms, Thanksgiving difficulties in adversity, happy Spring Festival!24、使人

23、疲惫的或许不是漫长的路,也许是鞋里的一粒沙;让你温暖的或许不是厚实的棉袄,也可能是来自亲朋好友的一声问候:春节到了还挺冷的,照顾好自己。May not be a long road that makes person exhausted, may be a grain of sand in the shoes; Let your warm may not thick cotton-padded jacket, also could be a greeting from friends and relatives: Spring Festival in it is quite cold, tak

24、e care of yourself。25、季节有冷有暖,时间有长有短,岁月有甜有酸,故事有我有你,工作有张有弛,生活有喜有乐,业绩有模有样,朋友有情有义,愿你应有尽有,预祝除夕快乐!Have cold with warm season, time has long have short, the years have sweet acid, stories I have you, primary activity work, life happy, performance is good, friend sentient beings have righteousness, I wish y

25、ou everything, I wish happy New Years eve!26、新年伊始,短信传情特恭祝:大财小财意外财,财源滚滚来;官运财运桃花运,运运总亨通;亲人爱人和友人,人人都平安。春节快乐,万事如意!Text messages (SMS) : at the beginning of the New Year, good: fortune small fortune accidentally, bonanza to; Stages finances possibilities, his movement always prosper; To love and to frien

26、ds, relatives everyone peace。 Happy Spring Festival, all the best!27、瑞羊还没走,金猴送福到,除夕还没到,祝福先来到,人还没来到,问候先来到,春节还没来到,好运先来到,在此提前祝你:春节快乐!万事顺利!Didnt go red sheep, golden monkey to send blessing to, to New Years eve, wish to come, people havent come, greetings came first, didnt come to the Spring Festival, g

27、ood luck come first, in this early to wish you: happy Spring Festival! Everything goes well!28、春节的脚步近了,除夕的钟声响了,新年的饺子吃了,拜年的祝福送了,孩子的红包给了,收到的信息回了,看短信的人笑了,漂泊的心回家了,团团圆圆!The footsteps of the Spring Festival is near, the bell is ringing of the New Years eve, New Year eat dumplings, New Years blessing sent,

28、 children red envelopes to, receive information back, look at the person who smiled, drifting heart to go home, the pandas!29、值此春节来临之际,一送你缘分的“缘”,送一个祝福是一种缘;二送你财源的“源”,祝你新的一年有财源;三送圆满的“圆”,愿你家庭幸福团团圆圆!On the occasion of the arrival of the Spring Festival, a send you the fate of the edge, send a blessing i

29、s a kind of edge; Two gave you money, source, I wish you a New Year has financial resources; To enhance a complete circle, I wish you a happy family reunion!30、新年到,送你一个饺子:平安皮儿包着如意馅儿,用真情煮熟,吃一口快乐,两口幸福,三口顺利,然后喝全家健康汤,回味是温馨,余香是祝福!春节快乐!In the year, send you a dumpling: peace stuffing paper pack flexibly,

30、and cooked with the real feeling, happy have a bite, two happiness, three smoothly, then drink soup of family health, the aftertaste is sweet, lingering fragrance is a blessing! Happy Spring Festival!31、除夕夜无眠,烟火铺满天。家家摆酒宴,欢声拜新年:祝事事无烦恼,样样平顺安;贺康乐欢喜年,团聚阖家欢!除夕夜,祝你新年吉祥、万事如意!On New Years eve sleepless, fir

31、eworks spread all over the sky。 Every place booze, cheers and thanks to the New Year, wish everything without trouble, everything smooth sunan; Rejoice, recreation years, reunited family huan! New Year New Years eve, I wish you good fortune, all the best!32、除夕临近,问候先发声。字字表深情,愿博你欢心。愿你心情够美,诸事够顺,好运够多,收入

32、够高,身体够棒,一切够好,就是幸福得够呛。预祝除夕快乐!New Years eve approaches, greeting voice first。 Table deep feeling, every word, you would like to。 May your mood is enough beauty, all smooth enough, good luck enough, income is high enough, the body is enough good, everything is good enough, is happiness。 Wish happy New Years eve!33、手儿牵着,就有说不完的话;脸儿笑着,快乐是不凋谢的花;炮竹响着,炸开幸福顶呱呱;年饭吃着,夹着亲情放不下;问候惦着,除夕祝你事事顺,处处发!Hand

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