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1、苏教版牛津英语8BU1U2词组8B Unit 11.Have you seen my watch? Yes, I saw it on the table just now.2.I have lost my map. I cant find the way.3.Great changes have taken place in China. = There have been many changes in China.= China has changed a lot.4.over the years 在这些年期间5.dump its waste into the river6.pollute

2、 the river7.throw away well as 除了还有9.My family has owned a boat since 1920.10.a real boat11.Its the best model that I have even seen.12.a place of natural beauty自然美的地方/ a nature reserve / a natural disaster13.with the development of science14.a developed country15.What changes have there been i

3、n your life? 现完16.a lot more people / many more people / much more pollution17.cause many problems for people18.bring many advantages to people19.bring them a modern life20.something useless8B Unit 21.bring everything with me2.I dont think it will be a good holiday for me, will it?3.The theme park i

4、ncludes four different the entrance to the park / enter (v.)5.through the whole ride 在乘坐期间6.cant stop doing sth 不停地做 cant help doing sth 情不自禁地做cant wait to do sth 迫不及待地做7.nice and cute = very cute8.scream with fireworks10.look in Chinese style12.What do you think was

5、 the best part of that day?Where do you think he is?13.the parade of Disney characters14.helpful helpless / unhelpful ; useful useless ; cheerful cheerless ; colourful colourless ; careful careless ; hopeful hopeless; noisy noiseless ; successful unsuccessful; wonderful ; delightful ; endless 无反义词15

6、.a really delightful holiday / be delighted with 对满意16.a meaningful experience17.It seems that / seem to do sth18.They have been married for 15 years. / celebrate their 15 years of marriageThey got married 15 years ago. / a married woman19.go sailing20.One of the theme parks he can go to is Window o

7、f the any season22.My dad has gone to Singapore for a if 仿佛, 好像24.tie up25.desserts and snacks 甜点和零食 / deserts and snakes 沙漠和蛇 excited about 对感到兴奋 / be happy about 27.three and a half hours28.The weather in Hong Kong is quite different from that in Beijing.29.the next

8、day / on the third day30.the cultural centre of Hong Kong31.a good place to buy things32.some day33.state clearly 清楚地陈述34.think of something interesting to talk about35.write about your feelings in the last paragraph36.the day before yesterday 前天 / the day after tomorrow 后天37.see so many elephants m

9、arching down the street 8B Unit31.television 缩写 TV TV is short for television .channel 频道 channel 1 一频道 movie channel 电影频道my favourite channel 我最喜欢的频道 on channel 5 .在5频道channel还可以指运河 the English channel 英吉利海峡 . v .设计 designer n .设计者。设计师 。He is the designer of bridge . He designs this bridge

10、.他设计了这座桥 。3.program . n .节目;程序;计划TV or radio program电视或收音机节目。 computter program 计算机程序4.all-time adj作定语 有记录以来的 空前的。 one of the all-time great tennis players 历来最好的网球键将。an all-time record 空前的记录5.traveller . n旅行者 .是由ravel +er - traveller travel ( v ) travel to china . 到中国旅行travel in china 在中国旅行。6.overvi

11、ew . n 概述。 give sb an overview of sth 给某人-概述(大概)7.main adj main points 要点main meaning 主要意思mainly (adv )mainly revision 总复习8.character . n 人物 .main character主要人物 ,还有其他意思:(1)性格特征 .her character她的性格 (2)字母符号 Chinese characters汉字9.Knowledge n知识。学问(不可数) . much knowledge 许多知识 。10.Surely adv 一定 ,必定 ,当然 cert

12、ainly 当然 sure . adj Hell surely find the office .He is sure to find the office .他肯定能找到办公室 。11.Order . n 订购。He gave his order to the waiter他把他点的东西告诉了服务员。Weve received an order我们收到一张定单 . n 顺序。in alpha betical order按字母顺序。Put it in the right order .按正确的顺序排列12.Regard . n致意 .please give regards to your br

13、other请代为向令兄致意 . v把看作 .We regard our teacher as our friend 我们把我们的老师看作我们的朋友 .13.Mind . vt 介意。Would you mind opening the window ?Certainly not 当然不。14.Look like 看起来象。sound like听起来象 taste like smell like .其中look .sound taste smell 为联系动词,后通常按形容词作表语 。 It looks nice / . They sound interesting .15.Agree . v

14、同意。refuse . agree to this suggestion / idea 同意 ,建议 / 主意 agree with sb同意某人。I dont agree with you我不同意你的观点 .16.Turn on / off 打开/ 关掉(电器电源)turn on / the TV / the radio / the computer / the light打开/ 关掉电视 / 收音机 / 电脑 / 灯。 turn up / down提高 , 关小 .turn up the radio 把收音机声音开大 . turn down the TV 把电视机声音关小17.Be use

15、d to do sth ; be used for doing sth 被用来 . the computer is used for sending and receiving messages 电脑用来接受和传递信息。18.Search for :look for寻找 . The police are searching for the thief 警察正在抓小偷。 search sth检查 搜查某物。 The police are searching the building 警察组织搜查大楼 .19.Fall asleep 入睡。 He was just falling asleep w

16、hen there was a knock on the door 他刚刚要入睡这时有人敲门。20.Sell out 卖完 卖光。 We all sell out all our vegetables 我都卖完了所有的蔬菜 .8b unit 41 a charity show 2 hold a microphone3 be the host of a charity show4 practice a lot5 practice sth/ doing sth6 only if 7 sleep less during the day8 advertise on the Internet9 give

17、 out (leaflets)10 organize a charity show11 Project Green Hope12 Project Hope13 Save Chinas Tigers14 Spring Bud Project15 in poor areas 16 help protect rivers and lakes in China 17 help(sb.) with sth., help (sb.) do sth18 have/hold a meeting19 have/hold a charity show20 raise money for sb.21 donate

18、sth.(money) to sb.22 those organizers23 choose sb to do sth 24 because of the TV caneras25 start working on the show26 introduce sb to sb 27 introduce oneself 28 have many other duties 29 hard work30work hard31 remember to do sth 32 remember doing sth 33 at the right time34 remember to look at the r

19、ight camera at the right time 35 in the beginning = at first36 in the end = at last = finally37 at the same time38 do everything right 39 become a little bit easier40 the night before the big event41 cant sleep at all42 the way to successkeep asking myself ,keep doing sth.44 come/ go into the theatr

20、e45 have no time to do sth 46 the fans of the pop stars 1一次慈善演出2拿着话筒3做慈善演出的主持人4多练习5练习做某事6除非7白天少睡点8在英特网上登广告9散发(传单)10组织一次慈善演出11绿色希望工程12希望工程13拯救中国虎14春蕾计划15在贫困地区16帮助保护中国的河、湖60-6217帮忙(某人)做某事18开一个会19举办一次慈善演出20为某人(某组织)筹款/募捐21捐某物(钱)给某人22那些组织者23选某人做-24由于电视摄象机25开始演出排练26把某人介绍给某人27自我介绍28有许多别的职责29艰苦的工作30努力工作(学习)

21、31记得去做某事32记得做过某事33在适当的时候34记得在适当的时候找准机35在开始;起初36在末尾;最后37在同时38把每件事做对39变得容易一点40这件大事的前一天晚上41根本睡不着42成功之道43一直问我自己(一直做某事)44走进剧院45没时间做某事46那些流行明星的迷47 speak loudly48 seem to do sth 49 seem angry/ to be angry50 have a lot of support from local businesses51 have more events like this 52 hope to do sth 53 best w

22、ishes 54 help people in need55 make money by selling goods and services56 introduce the guests in a show 57 at a big theatre 58 many things to do 63-6759 make your voice sound louder60 a person who performs in a show 61 hang in front of the stage62 want the show to be a success63 at the end of the s

23、how 64 on the ground 64 because of the heavy rain 66 make some decisions decide to do sth make s decision to do sth67 hold the show indoors68 be broken69 use notepaper70 be /become interested in 71 design some posters 72 I wish I were you .73 wish you a happy holiday (I wish you good luck)74 wish sb

24、. to do sth 75 pay attention to sth68-7376 work on a charity show 77 name of the show /charity78 ticket price, the price of the ticket79 talk about holding a charity show 80 a charity called Project Hope81 do a very important job82 cost 20 each83 volunteer to do sth 84 set up the stage 85 call the s

25、how Sunshine For All86 phone sb.87 have lots of free time 88 it doesnt matter that -47大声地说话48似乎要-49似乎生气50得到当地企业的大力技持51有更多的像这样的事件52希望做某事53最好的祝福54帮助需要的人55通过卖物品和提供服务来挣钱56在表演中介绍来宾57 在大剧院58 许多事要做59 使你的声音听起来更大一些60 在剧中表演的人61 挂在舞台前62 想要这次演出成功63 在演出结束时64 在地上64 因为大雨66 做出决定 决定做某事67 在室内举行表演68 坏了69 使用信纸70 对-感兴趣7

26、1 设计海报72 真希望我就是你呀。73 希望你度过一个快乐的假期。 74 祝你好运75 注意某物76 从事慈善表演77 这个表演/慈善机构的名字78 票价79 谈论组织一次慈善表演80 一个叫“希望工程”的慈善机构81 做一个非常重要的工作82 各花20 美圆83 自愿去做某事84 搭建舞台85 把这演出叫做“阳光洒向每人”86 打电话给某人87 有许多空余时间88 做-是没有关系的89 raise money to help poor childrengo to school90 a musical performance91 Sunshine Advertisement Agency92

27、 its important that -93 learn to read and write 94 go to work instead of going to school95 a magic show 96 a fun /funny evening 97 support Project Hope98 thank sb 99 be thankful to sb 100 thank sb for (doing)sth101 give ones thanks to sb 102 donate money to do sth 103 make this show possible 104 Sun

28、shine Department Store105 pass the exams 106 go/come to the show107 write back to sb 108 return to sp go/come back to sp 109 tickets for a charity show 110 clap and shout excitedly111 perform very well 112 perform on the stage 113 a break between the two classes 114 do business 115 the exit to -116

29、speak/talk in a low/high voice 117 donations are welcome118 the purpose of 119 invite sb to lunch120 cant wait for sth cant wait to do sth 121 do another show next year 89 筹钱帮穷孩子上学90 一场音乐表演91 阳光广告公司92 -是重要的93学会读书和写字94去上班来代替上学95 一场魔术表演96 一个有趣的晚上97 支持希望工程98 谢谢某人99 对某人感激100因为(做)某事而感谢某人101谢谢某人102捐钱做某事103使这次演出成为可能104 阳光商场105 通过考试106 去/来参加这个表演107 写回信给某人108 回到某地109 慈善表演的票110激动地鼓掌和大叫111 表演得好112 在舞台上表演113 两节课之间的短暂休息114 做生意115 通向-的出口116 低/高声说117 欢迎捐款118 -的目的119邀请某人吃午餐120迫不急待做某事121明年再举行一次演出

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