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1、圣诞节主持稿中英文版圣诞节主持稿中英文版时间:2020年08月02日 编稿:作者二第一篇:圣诞节主持稿 中英文版 圣诞节主持稿 开场:Good evening and welcome to the Christmas party .I am 高秀妍 XX(主持人依次说自己的名字),I am honored to have the chance to be your host tonight .On behalf of the entire staff of Horizon English school , I wish all of you a happy Christmas eve. 大家晚

2、上好,欢迎大家参加今天的圣诞晚会,我是今天的主持人XXX,非常荣幸有这样一个机会主持今天的晚会,我仅代表新视野英语全体人员,祝福大家度过一个愉快难忘的夜晚。 Before we go , Id like you to know that we have planed various interesting programs and games for tonights party .we hope you would join them and have so fun. 在晚会开始之前,很高兴告诉大家,我们为今天的晚会预备了无数丰富多彩的节目和游戏项目,希翼大家都能参与其中,玩的开心。校长致辞

3、 First of all , lets welcome our principal ,Mrs. Li to give us a welcome speech . 首先,请我们的李校长致辞,请大家欢迎! A: Thank you Mrs. Li .( 谢谢李校长致辞) B: Next , our first program , everyone stand up ,please .All the students sing jingle bell 。 A: 接下来,请所有同学起立,我们的第一个节目。师生一起唱jingle bell 。 C:Thanks for your cooperation

4、 .everyone sits down ,please ! What a beautiful song ! Now , lets welcome Grade 6 students to perform Hokey pokey 。 D:大家请坐,谢谢大家的配合,多么动听的一首jingle bell 。接下来,请6.1 的同学来为大家表演节目 Hokey pokey 大家欢迎。 B:How exciting ! Thanks for the Grade 6. Hei , XX , Have you seen the movie frozen ?(多么令人振奋的舞蹈啊!感谢六年级同学的精彩表演,嘿

5、!XX,你看过冰雪奇缘这部电影吗? A: Yes ,I love the theme song of Frozen。固然我非常喜欢这部电影的主题曲。 B:Ha ha ! you are lucky ! I will come true your hope ! listening . (哈哈,你真的太幸运了,我将会实现你的愿望。听。* PS :后台立刻放音乐,主持人下台) C:It is so nice ! I am so lucky ! thanks Ru Yi 。(真的太好听了,我真的很幸运呐!。很谢谢刚才茹意同学为我们的带来的歌曲Let it go。 D:Now , Lets enjoy

6、a song old Macdonald。The performers are XX现在,让我们观赏歌曲old Macdonald .表演者XX C:Its a famous song. Thanks for XXX。还真的是一首很经典的歌曲哦!感谢XX的表演。 D:Have you heard the story of Cinderella ? I think every girl has dreamed to be a princess . However , you have never seen the story played by your classmates ,now ,let

7、s enjoy the Cinderella,played by 6 grade students. D:你听过灰姑娘的故事吗?我想每个女孩都会有一个公主梦吧! 然而,你一定没有见过你的同学来扮演灰姑娘。接下来请观赏由六年级的同学带来的话剧灰姑娘。表演者: A:Its a nice story . The following please enjoy drum performance .The performers are XXX B:很漂亮的一个故事。下面请观赏架子鼓表演。表演者XX A: thank you for the exciting performance .Applaud for

8、 them .Next ,this song everyone can sing .lets sing together。 :感谢六年级同学的精彩表演,请把热烈的掌声再次送给他们。接下的这首歌,大家应该都会唱哦,下面请观赏歌曲。演唱者:许文琪,任伊,高博瑜。会唱的要一起唱哦。 C:thank for these lovely girls . Are you recalled yesterday ? Is it sad or happy? Then ,we will enjoy the music yesterday once more 。 D:谢谢这几位可爱的小朋友,掌声再次送给她们、你是否会

9、回顾曾经?那些过往或心酸或美好?都是生命的一部分。接下来,请观赏歌曲yesterday once more 表演者: D: it is a beautiful song ! thanks XXX。 Now,the story time begin .Lets enjoy a story introduce my room 。The performer is X C :很好听的一首歌曲。感谢XX的表演。现在是故事时光了。让我们一起听故事介绍我的房间。表演者X A:thanks XX .The next program is a popular song . I remember that the

10、re is a word: they say nothing lasts forever , we are only here today. Lets appreciate take me to your heart。 B:感谢XXX的表演、接下来的这首歌有段时光很流行。相信无数人都听过他的中文版歌曲。我记得歌词里有一句话说:他们说没有什么可以天长地久,我们仅在此时相守。大家听听看吧!有请六年级的同学陈阳,刘杨爱月等人表演歌曲take me to your heart D:thats a beautiful song ! Thanks for my classmates . Now , let

11、s enjoy a song how about you the performer is X. C: 很好听的歌曲。感谢同学们的表演。现在,请观赏歌曲how about you 表演者X T:游戏:随机 C:After a game. lets enjoy a song .Welcome XXX to sing see you again. D : 游戏过后,想必大家也累了,那么接下来让我们听一曲see you again 来放松一下吧! B:thanks Hedys performance .Next we will see a comic dialogue .the performers

12、 are 李德峰,马韩丽。 A: 感谢Hedy 的表演。接下来请大家观赏由里德峰等人带来的相声表演。 C: Its so funny ! Next, please enjoy dance performance. The performer is XX D:真的很好笑,接下来请观赏舞蹈表演.表演者XX B:thanks XXX performance。Lets enjoy Nothing gonna change my love The performer XXX A: 感谢XXX的表演. 接下来将由XXX为大家带来歌曲Nothing gonna change my love A:Thanks

13、 for my classmates . Now , lets enjoy a song Happy song the performer is X. B :感谢同学们的表演。现在。请观赏歌曲happy song。表演者X D:thanks XXX performance。Chinese kung fu is famous . It stand for Chinese traditional culture . Lets see the performance of kung fu .the performers are 李惠泽。 C:感谢XXX的表演。中国功夫很出名。它代表着一种传统的中国文

14、化。接下来,让我们一起观赏功夫表演。表演者李惠泽等人。 A:Thanks XXX performance。Lets enjoy a song lemon tree 。 B:感谢XX表演。下面,为大家表演的是5年级的同学。歌曲柠檬树 C:what a happy song! Thanks grade 5 students performance。Lets enjoy candy house 。 D: 真的很欢快的一首歌曲。谢谢5年级同学的表演。下面请观赏话剧candy house 。表演者 T:游戏。喊数字。 A:Love is sacrifice , love is inclusive ( 爱

15、是奉献,爱是包容) B:Love is patient , love is kind (爱是忍耐,爱是仁慈) A:love is forever 。Lets enjoy the music MY heart will go on 。The performer is Gao Xiuyan . B: 爱是永恒,那么,接下来请观赏歌曲MY heart will go on 。演唱者 :高秀妍。 C:What a nice sing ! I hope everyone could cherish your life . Ok ! lets watch the program Happy holiday

16、 the performers grade 3. D :多么动听的一首歌曲,我希翼每个人都可以珍爱生命。好啦!接下来请观赏歌舞表演 Happy holiday .表演者3年级同学。 A: I am very happy .thanks all of you .lets enjoy a song . B: 我感觉很高兴。感谢你们的精彩表演。接下来请观赏合唱挥着翅膀的女孩。表演者 D:thanks XXX perform . it is really good . Lets enjoy stronger。Performer is XX C: 感谢XX的表演。真的很棒。下面请观赏歌曲stringer

17、。表演者 A: It is a famous story .I believe everyone has heard . Its 三顾茅庐 The performances are XXX B:接下来,为大家带来的是一个很有名的故事,我相信每个人都听过。请观赏三顾茅庐,表演者XX B:thanks XXX perform . it is sweet . Lets enjoy a song named big big world。Performers are XX A:感谢XX的表演。歌声很美妙啊。接下来请大家观赏合唱big big world 。表演者 D:thanks XXX perform

18、ance .we are speak English .Do you know where is the capital of the England ? Yes ,that is London .what happened in London ? Lets listen London bridge 。Performers are Grade 4 . C: 感谢XXX的表演。我们都说英语,那么你们知道英国的首都是哪里吗?是的,是伦敦。那么伦敦都发生了什么呢?接下来。请观赏由4年级全体同学为大家带来的歌曲伦敦桥 C: Thanks XXX perform .we always say “oh !

19、 my god “. Then ,who is the god ? the next music will give you answer .welcome 周焱 to sing God is a girl A:Lets enjoy a story 奇遇记The performer is XXX B:接下来请观赏故事表演。奇遇记表演者XX B: Thanks for XX。 Its a good story . Next please enjoy playing guzheng , Little apple the performer is Cathy . A:感谢XX的表演。真的是个不错的故

20、事。接下来请观赏古筝表演 小苹果表演者XX D:感谢XX的表演。我们经常说:哦!我的上帝!。那么上帝是谁?接下的这首歌曲也许会给您一个答案哦!有请周焱为我们带来歌曲上帝是个女孩 A:Oh! God is a girl .thanks for Zhouyan. Lets enjoy a song named see you again 。The performer is B :哦!我明白了,原来上帝是个女孩。挺新鲜的答案吧。感谢周焱的演唱。接下来请大家再次观赏歌曲see you again D:Now, its story time .Welcome to Vicky . She will te

21、ll us a story。 C:现在,到了讲故事的时光了。欢迎Vicky。来给大家讲一个故事。 C:thanks for XXX. See you again . Everytime has different feelings . Time is flying. The last program is 感恩的心。 D:感谢XX的表演。再见一次,每次都有不同的感觉!时光飞逝,最后我们为大家预备的一个节目是手语感恩的心。 结束: A: Happy time is always short , we always feels it limited .But we should also reme

22、mber that theres always time for good bye . ( 美好的时间稍纵即逝,但是天下没有不散的宴席) B: and this times farewell is for next times meet again (今天的道别是为了明日的重逢) C: So , lets have a happy ending ! memorializing this great night ! 那么,今天的晚会到此就结束了,希翼我们大家能铭记这一刻。 ABCD: dear friends ,see you next time ! 亲的朋友们,再见! 第二篇:圣诞节的来历(中

23、英文版) 圣诞节的来历(中英文版).txt31岩石下的小草教我们坚毅,峭壁上的野百合教我们执著,山顶上的松树教我们拼搏风雨,寒冷中的腊梅教我们笑迎冰雪。圣诞节的来历(中英文版) Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. No one knows the exact date of Christs birth, but most Christians observe Christmas on December 25. On this day, many go to church, whe

24、re they take part in special religious services. During the Christmas season, they also exchange gifts and decorate their homes with holly, mistletoe, and Christmas trees. The word Christmas comes from Cristes maesse, an early English phrase that means Mass of Christ. The story of Christmas comes ch

25、iefly from the Gospels of Saint Luke and Saint Matthew in the New Testament.The history of Christmas dates back over 4000 years. Many of our Christmas traditions were celebrated centuries before the Christ child was born. The 12 days of Christmas, the bright fires, the yule log, the giving of gifts,

26、 carnivals(parades) with floats, carolers who sing while going from house to house, the holiday feasts, and the church processions can all be traced back to the early Mesopotamians. Many of these traditions began with the Mesopotamian celebration of New Years. The Mesopotamians believed in many gods

27、, and as their chief god-Marduk. Each year as winter arrived it was believed that Marduk would do battle with the monsters of chaos. To assist Marduk in his struggle the Mesopotamians held a festival for the New Year. This was Zagmuk, the New Years festival that lasted for 12 days. The Persians and

28、the Babylonians celebrated a similar festival called the Sacaea. Part of that celebration included the exchanging of places, the slaves would become the masters and the masters were to obey. The ancient Greeks held a festival similar to that of the Zagmuk/Sacaea festivals to assist their god Kronos

29、who would battle the god Zeus and his Titans. The Romans celebrated their god Saturn. Their festival was called Saturnalia which began the middle of December and ended January 1st. With cries of Jo Saturnalia! the celebration would include masquerades in the streets, big festive meals, visiting frie

30、nds, and the exchange of good-luck gifts called Strenae (lucky fruits). The Romans decked their halls with garlands of laurel and green trees lit with candles. Again the masters and slaves would exchange places. Jo Saturnalia! was a fun and festive time for the Romans, but the Christians thought it

31、an abomination to honor the pagan god. The early Christians wanted to keep the birthday of their Christ child a solemn and religious holiday, not one of cheer and merriment as was the pagan Saturnalia. Some legends claim that the Christian Christmas celebration was invented to compete against the pa

32、gan celebrations of December. The 25th was not only sacred to the Romans but also the Persians whose religion Mithraism was one of Christianitys main rivals at that time. The Church eventually was successful in taking the merriment, lights, and gifts from the Saturanilia festival and bringing them to the celebration of Christmas. The exact day of the Christ childs bir

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