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1、销售助理英文简历模版 销售助理英文简历模版 Steve Lee(010)xxxx-xxxxstevelee No.29North 3rd Ring Road, Xicheng District, BeijingEMPLOYMENT OBJECTIVE:To obtain sales assistant position in New York.EXPERIENCE: 1990-Present REGENCY CORPORATION, Dallas, TX Sales Assistant Act as liaison between customer and sales representati

2、ve. Provide customer service via telephone. Ascertain order accuracy. Track and expedite orders. Cooperate in team endeavors. 1987-1990 THE MUSIC MAKER, Inc., Houston, TX Sales Assistant Coordinated sales efforts of a staff of six for a large musical instruments dealership. Developed and maintained

3、working relationships with manufacturers and customers. Supported top account executives. Maintained open files to ensure greatest customer satisfaction. 1985-1987 CITY OF DALLAS,TREASURERS DEPARTMENT, Dallas, TX Research Assistant Assisted in the collection of delinquent real estate, personal prope

4、rty and motor vehicle excise taxes. Matched instrument of taking against daily tax title receipts. Processed petitions of foreclosure for the legal section and title searches. 1984-1985 TRAFFIC AND PARKING DEPARTMENT, Dallas, TX Senior Claims Investigator Investigated and expedited claim settlements

5、 relating to ticket disputes and information request. 1983-1984 SHERMAN BANK FOR SAVING, Sherman, TX Bank Teller Interacted with customers, processed all money and check transactions, balanced all transactions at the end of each shift. Operated a Wang Word Processor, CRT and TRW terminal, and develo

6、ped a working knowledge of money market funds and TRA accounts.EDUCATION: Austin College, Sherman, TX A.S. Business Management,1983Texas Institute of Banking Completed courses in Bank Organization and Business English,1981. OBJECTIVE: Dedicated registered nurse (RN) with specialty experience in psyc

7、hiatric/mental health nursing. Developed strong psychiatric-evaluation and treatment-planning skills through recent internship at Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. Knowledge of psychotropic medication administration, management and training. EXPERIENCE: Served as RN at hospital located within

8、maximum-security correctional facility housing approximately 3,500 inmates. Assigned to the mental health crisis unit and played a key role on interdisciplinary team of psychiatrists, RNs, social workers and corrections officers. Actively participated in development and implementation of individual

9、treatment plans for patients with broad range of mental health issues. Ensured that doctors orders were effectively carried out, including testing, medical procedures, consultations and stat orders for five-point restraint. Key Accomplishments: * Selected as one of only seven student nurses to be ad

10、mitted into internship program after rigorous selection process. * Helped refine unit policies and procedures in the areas of suicide-watch procedures, safety methods, discharge planning and documentation. * Responded to numerous volatile situations and violent outbreaks, earning the respect of phys

11、icians and coworkers for calm, levelheaded and quick thinking to restore the safety and security of patients and staff. * Completed training in team building, management of assaultive behaviors and psychotropic-medication administration. 9/2002 - 9/2003 Doylestown Hospital Doylestown, PA Student Nur

12、se / Clinical Rotations Worked under the supervision of an RN providing bedside care, treatment and clinical documentation for patients on cardiac, oncology and medical-surgical floors. Handled medication administration, dressing changes, IVs and all other aspects of nursing care. Facilitated admiss

13、ions, discharges and transfers; prepared chart notes and other documentation; and participated on interdisciplinary team. Key Accomplishments: * Treated an average of 16 patients daily (100 percent above average student caseload). Gained experience in procedures such as cryotherapy and trigger-point

14、 injections. * Presented in-service training on ethics concerning elderly atrial fibrillation treatment. EDUCATION: 5/2004 Buckingham College of Nursing US-PA-Buckingham Bachelors Degree - Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) * GPA: 3.4 (Deans List) * Senior Practicum: 150 hours, Psychiatric Unit, Y

15、ardley VA Hospital Worked intensively with patients to promote their interest and participation in reality, identify problems and solutions, and enhance their coping skills. Provided a safe and therapeutic environment for psychiatric patients. * Course Highlights: Family and Community Nursing, Healt

16、hcare Delivery Models, Professional Nursing Synthesis Theory, Nursing Health Assessment, Clinical and Chemical Therapeutics, Biophysical Pathology, Psychosocial Pathology, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Statistics, Nursing Research 9/2003 Registered Nurse US-PA-State of Certification - Registered Nur

17、se (RN) PA, 2003 SKILLS: Skill Name Skill Level Last Used/Experience Psychiatric Nursing Intermediate 1 year ago/1 years Medication Administration Intermediate Quality & Continuity of Care Expert JCAHO Standards/Compliance Expert Patient Assessment Expert Critical-Care Nursing Intermediate Patie

18、nt Advocacy Expert Parent/Patient/Family Education Expert Case Management Expert ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Known as a patient advocate and team player; believe in empowering patients by delivering health education and nursing care that enhances wellness and quality of life. 一、实习说明 (1)实习时间:xx年12月19日至xx

19、年3月31日 (2)实习地点:广东德豪润达电气股份有限公司珠海制造中心 (3)实习性质:毕业实习 二、实习单位简介 广东德豪润达电气股份有限公司(Elec-Tech International Co., Ltd)成立于1996年,是一家专业从事智能化家用电器产品开发、设计、制造和销售的企业。公司的产品全部销往美国、加拿大和欧洲等发达国家和地区,是珠海市最重要的出口创汇企业之一。 2004年6月25日,公司2600万A股在深交所成功上市(股票代码:002005),为公司长远健康发展提供了强大动力。作为行业内具有影响力的制造商,德豪润达拥有强大的研发能力、制造能力和全球营销能力,十余家下属工厂和控

20、股子公司,现有员工23000余人。被广东省授予优秀民营企业和珠海市优秀民营企业称号,也是珠海市唯一获广东省外向型民营先进企业突出贡献奖的企业。2004年度在国家商务部公布的全国进出口额及出口额民营企业百强中,出口额名列全国第三十一位。 在日趋激烈的市场竞争中,公司坚持以创新引导需求,以速度领先市场,以质量赢取信任,以成本推动发展的经营理念。围绕科研创新能力、一体化的制造能力、成本控制能力和全球市场销售能力等四大核心竞争力,经过多年的不懈努力,德豪润达现已跻身于全球小家电主要供应商的前列。 我们的目标是成为全球最具竞争力的智能型家用品供应商。 我们秉承为用户提供最优质产品,提供最优质服务的经营宗

21、旨,以强大的开发和制造能力服务于全球客户,与众多国际知名品牌、全球化公司形成了牢固的战略同盟。 我们尊重人、并为所有员工创造良好的工作和发展环境,为每一位员工提供良好的个人成长机会和空间。 三、实习环境 实习期间,我在实习工厂的注塑车间(部门)工作,注塑部门主要从事于在生产第一线生产并简单加工产品。我被安排在该部门的一个小组工作,该部门有经理1名,主管1名,拉长2名。车间的各个生产小组有组长1名,技术员1名,加料员1名。每个生产小组有生产员工10多名左右。 四、实习过程,以及实习工作总结 (1)了解过程 起初,刚进入车间的时候,车间里的一切对我来说都是陌生的。车间里的工作环境也不怎么好,呈现在

22、眼前的一幕幕让人的心中不免有些茫然,即将在这较艰苦的环境中工作3个月。第一天进入车间开始工作时,所在小组的组长、技术员给我安排工作任务,分配给我的任务是简单加工一种名叫黑色套管的产品,我按照技术员教我的方法,运用操作工具开始慢慢学着加工该产品,在加工的同时注意操作流程及有关注意事项等。毕业实习的第一天,我就在这初次的工作岗位上加工产品,体验首次在社会上工作的感觉。在工作的同时慢慢熟悉车间的工作环境。 作为初次到社会上去工作的学生来说,对社会的了解以及对工作单位各方面情况的了解都是甚少陌生的。一开始我对车间里的各项规章制度,安全生产操作规程及工作中的相关注意事项等都不是很了解,于是我便阅读实习单

23、位下发给我们的员工手册,向小组里的员工同事请教了解工作的相关事项,通过他们的帮助,我对车间的情况及开机生产产品、加工产品等有了一定的了解。车间的工作实行两班制(A、B班),两班的工作时间段为:早上8:30至晚上8:30;晚上8:30至早上8:30。车间的所有员工都必须遵守该上、下班制度。 (2)摸索过程 对车间里的环境有所了解熟悉后,开始有些紧张的心开始慢慢平静下来,工作期间每天按时到厂上班,上班工作之前先到指定地点等待小组组长集合员工开会强调工作中的有关事项,同时给我们分配工作任务。明确工作任务后,则要做一下工作前的准备工作,于是我便到我们小组的工具存放区找来一些工作中需要用到的相关用具(比

24、如:胶料袋子、脱模剂、产品标识单等)。在机台位置上根据员工作业指导书上的操作流程进行正常作业,我运用工作所需的用具将机器生产出的产品加工包装好,并将加工包装好的产品贴好产品标识单存放在指定的位置。另外在工作中,机器生产出的产品有时会出现异常(比如:产品出现缺胶、料花、气纹、色差等)。出现上述情况时,要及时告知小组组长、技术员,让他们帮助解决出现的问题,小组长、技术员通过对机器的调节让生产出的产品恢复正常,符合检验的要求。 以上是我的实习报告总结。在工作期间有些产品的加工难度较大,刚开始加工起来还真棘手的,加工效率不高,加工出来的产品质量也不怎么的。让人苦恼的,于是我便向小组里的员工同事交流,向他们请教简单快速的加工方法与技巧。运用他们介绍的操作方法技巧慢慢学着加工这有难度的产品,从中体会加工产品的效果。同时在加工中选择适合的加工工具,也有利于提高工作的效率。在平时工作过程中也要不断摸索出生产、加工产品的有效方法和技巧。有时在开关机生产、加工产品时,对产品应该怎样包装不明白,此时,我便向员工同事学习,向他们请教正确的加工包装方式,另外也可以询问评管(质检员),按评管提供的要求进行生产、加工包装产品。

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