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1、冀教版初中英语七年级下册期末测试题格式 Units 1 8120分钟 120分第 卷 共75 分. 单 项 选 择15 分1. There are_ birds in the forestA. two thousands of B. thousands ofC. two thousands D. thousand of【 解 析 】 选 B 。 句 意 : 那 片 树 林 里 有 成 千 上 万 只 鸟 。thousands of “ 成 千 上 万 的” ; 数 字 后 面 的thousand 不 加“s” 。2. Look! Many people _ on the grassA. are

2、 liying B. is lyingC. are lying D. is lay【 解 析 】 选C 。 句 意 : 看, 许 多 人 躺 在 草 地 上 。 由“look” 知 用现 在 进 行 时 ;people 作 主 语, 动 词be 用are; lie 的 现 在 分 词 为lying 。 故 选C 。3. 10 ? 宿 迁 中 考 There _ a big cake and many candies at the party yesterdayA. was B. were C. is D. are【 解 析 】 选A 。There be 句 型 表 示 某 处 有 某 物, 根

3、 据“ 就 近 原则”, be 动 词 的 形 式 由 离 它 近 的 主 语a big cake 决 定 ; 时 间 状 语为yesterday, 用 一 般 过 去 时, 故 选A 。4. The boys head _ because a basketball _ itA. hurt; hit B. hurted; hittedC. hurts; hits D. hurt; hitted【 解 析 】 选A 。 根 据 句 意“ 那 个 男 孩 头 疼, 因 为 一 个 篮 球 打 在头 上 了 。” 知 用 一 般 过 去 时, hurt 的 过 去 式 为hurt, hit 的 过

4、去 式为hit 。5. _ the car is going! A. How quickly B. How quickC. What quick D. What a quickly【 解 析 】 选A 。 句 意 : 那 辆 小 汽 车 跑 得 多 么 快 呀 !“How+ 形容 词/ 副 词+ 主 语+ 谓 语 !” 构 成 感 叹 句 。 此 处 用 副 词quickly 来修 饰 动 词“go”, 故 选A 。6. I usually stay at home and read some books _ rainy daysA. in B. at C. on D. for【 解 析 】

5、选C 。on rainy days “ 在 下 雨 天”, 固 定 用 法 。7. The little boy ran towards his mother, _A. cry B. cried C. crying D. cries【 解 析 】 选C 。 句 意 : 那 个 小 男 孩 哭 着 跑 向 他 的 妈 妈 。crying现 在 分 词 作 动 词run 的 伴 随 状 语 。8. ?Whats your favourite sport? ?_A. Skate B. Skates C. Skated D. Skating【 解 析 】 选 D 。 答 语 的 完 全 形 式 为 “

6、 My favourite sport is skating. ” 动 名 词 作 表 语 。9. Hurry up, or we cant _ the last busA. catch up B. catch withC. catch for D. catch up with【 解 析 】 选D 。 句 意 : 赶 快, 否 则 我 们 赶 不 上 末 班 车 了 。catch up with “ 赶 上”, 固 定 短 语 。10. The bad news made us _A. to feel sad B. to feel sadlyC. feel sad D. feel sadly【

7、 解 析 】 选C 。 句 意 : 那 个 坏 消 息 让 我 们 感 到 很 难 过 。make sb. do sth. “ 让 某 人 做 某 事” ;feel 系 动 词 后 加 形 容 词 作 表 语, 故选C 。11. ?Shall I take you to the shopping mall after work? No, thanks. My father said he would _ on his way homeA. look for me B. pick me upC. let me down D. look after me【 解 析 】 选B 。 答 语 句 意 :

8、? 不, 谢 谢 。 我 爸 爸 说 他 会 在 回家 的 路 上 来 接 我 。look for 寻 找 ;letdown 令 失 望 ;look after 照 顾, 只 有B 项 符 合 句 意 。12. ?My bike is broken. Im afraid I have to walk to school today?_My father can drive usA. Be careful B. I hope soC. Thats OK D. Dont worry【 解 析 】 选D 。 考 查 交 际 用 语 。 句 意 :? 我 的 自 行 车 坏 了 。恐 怕 今 天 我

9、得 步 行 去 上 学 了 。? 别 担 心, 我 爸 爸 可 以 开 车 送我 们 。13. 10? 山 西 中 考 ?_ do you have an art festival in your school?Once a yearA. How often B. How many C. How soon【 解 析 】 选A 。how often 多 久 一 次 ;how many 多 少 ;how soon 多 长 时 间 之 后 ; 根 据 答 语“ 一 年 一 次” 。 知 是 对 动 作 频 率的 提 问, 故 选A 。14. Its hard _ me _ finish the wo

10、rk in two daysA. for; to B. to; toC. for; for D. to; for【 解 析 】 选A 。Its+ a d j. +for sb. to do sth. “ 对 于 某 人 来 讲 做某 事”, 固 定 句 式 。15. _ an umbrella _ you, it might rain todayA. Take; for B. Take; withC. Bring; with D. Bring; to【 解 析 】 选B 。 句 意 : 你 随 身 带 把 雨 伞 吧, 今 天 可 能 会 下 雨 。take sth. with sb. “ 某

11、 人 随 身 携 带 某 物” 。. 完 形 填 空10 分 John is an American. He works in a big factory 工 厂He always goes to work by bus. It takes him about one 1to get to his factory In the past, John 2 at 6: 40 in the morning. After brushing teeth and washing face, quickly he took a bus to work. He always took some fast fo

12、od when he3 homeThen he had his breakfast on the bus,4 newspapers. John thought that work was the most important 5 him. He cared 在 乎 nothing but his work6 people worked harder than himOne day, John was ill and he went to see a doctor. The doctor said, “ You re in poor health now. You must 7 eating s

13、o much fast food. Don t read while having meals. If you dont do as I say, you may 8 your job for your poor health. ”John thought the doctor was right9 is more important than anything else Now John always runs for half an hour in the morningThen he enjoys his breakfast and goes to work happily. He is

14、 10and healthier. Of course, he does better in his work, too. 1. A. second B. minute C. hour D. day【 解 析 】 选C 。A 项“ 秒”; B 项“ 分 钟”; D 项“ 天”, 均 不 符 合 题 意 。2. A. got up B. watched TVC. had breakfast D. worked hard【 解 析 】 选A 。 此 处 句 意 : 过 去 约 翰 早 上6 :40 起 床 。3. A. went B. got C. reached D. left【 解 析 】 选

15、D 。 此 处 句 意 : 当 他 离 开 家 时, 他 总 是 带 些 快 餐 。4. A. watching B. reading C. looking D. seeing【 解 析 】 选B 。 看 报 应 用“read” 。5. A. about B. in C. to D. with【 解 析 】 选C 。be important to sb. 对 某 人 重 要 。6. A. More B. Many C. Few D. Less【 解 析 】 选C 。 由 上 句“ 他 除 了 工 作 之 外 不 在 乎 别 的” 得 知 此处 句 意 为 : 很 少 有 人 比 他 努 力 。

16、D 项less 修 饰 不 可 数 名 词 。7. A. keep B. stop C. enjoy D. like【 解 析 】 选B 。 医 生 对 他 的 劝 告, 应 是 停 止 吃 太 多 的 快 餐, 停止 干 某 事 应 说“stop doing sth. ” 。8. A. lose B. win C. hit D. find【 解 析 】 选A 。 此 处 句 意 : 你 可 能 因 为 你 的 不 健 康 而 失 去 工作 。“ 失 去, 丢 掉” 用lose 。9. A. Work B. Money C. Food D. Health【 解 析 】 选D 。 医 生 对 他

17、 的 劝 告, 使 他 认 识 到 健 康 要 比 别 的 一切 都 重 要 。10. A. lighter B. stronger C. heavier D. clever【 解 析 】 选B 。 由 上 文 知 他 早 上 跑 步 锻 炼, 结 果 应 是 比 以 前 强壮 、 健 康 。. 阅 读 理 解30 分A It was December 26, 2008, Mr. Smiths birthday. MrsSmith said to him, “ It s your birthday today, dear, and we must celebrate it. Let s go

18、shopping and get something for dinner. ”Mr. Smith agreed with 同 意her. So they went out. But it was very cold. Most shops were closed and they couldn t buy any vegetables or meat. When they passed a small restaurant, Mr. Smith said, “Well, then, lets go in and have something there. ” The old woman ag

19、reed and they went in. Only a girl was there “Can I help you? ”asked the girl“ A fish, four eggs and some chicken and bread, ”said Mrs. Smith After a moment, the girl brought all their food to themMrs. Smith asked Mr. Smith to eat first and she watched him The girl felt surprised and asked, “ Don t

20、you want to eat anything? ” “ Yes, I do, ” said the old woman, “ but I have to waitHes using my false teeth 假 牙now. ”1. When is Mr. Smiths birthdayA. December 26th B. November 26thC. December 27th D. November 27th【 解 析 】 选A 。 由 短 文 前 两 句“It was December 26, 2008, Its your birthday” 可 知 。2. Could the

21、y buy anythingA. No, they cant. B. Yes, they couldC. No, they couldnt. D. No, they could【 解 析 】 选C 。 由 第 二 段“Most shops were closedor meat. ”可 知 。3. How many people were there in the restaurant after Mrand Mrs. Smith came inA. One B. Two. C. Three. D. Four【 解 析 】 选C 。 通 读 短 文 内 容 可 知, 史 密 斯 夫 妇 进 来

22、后, 加 上小 女 孩 共 有 三 个 人 。4. What food didnt they order in the restaurantA. Chicken. B. FishC. Bread. D. Vegetables【 解 析 】 选D 。 由“A fish, four eggs and some chicken and bread. ” 可 知 没 有vegetables 。5. Which of the following is TRUEA. The restaurant had false teethB. The food wasnt deliciousC. There was

23、something wrong with Mrs. Smiths teethD. The false teeth were Mr. Smiths birthday gift【 解 析 】 选C 。 由 短 文 最 后 一 句 可 知 。B There are a lot of places of great interest in ShandongYoure going to have a trip there. Here is a leaflet 传 单. 根 据 材 料 内 容, 回 答 问 题6. What places of interest can visitors see on t

24、he first Day in JinanThe Baotu Spring, Daming Lake and the Yellow River_7. How can travelers go to TaianBy bus._8. Where can travelers spend the night of the second day during the tripAt the South Heaven Gate_9. What can travelers see on the Mount TaiThe beautiful sunrise_10. Where was Confucius bor

25、n 出 生He was born in Qufu, Shandong_C Tony had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, he cleaned his room, because his mother was very angry with his dirty room. In the afternoon, he studied English till supper time, for he would have an English test. He was very tired. He slept well at night. The next

26、 day, he got up very early, and played basketball with his father in the morning. In the afternoon, he watched a soccer match on TV. It was very interesting. 根 据 短 文, 判 断 正T 误F1. Tonys weekend is busy2. He cleaned his room and his room is always clean3. He would have a math test 4. On Sunday morning

27、, he played basketball with his father 5. On Sunday afternoon, he watched an interesting soccer match in the gym答 案 :1 5. TFFTF第 卷 共45 分. 任 务 型 阅 读10 分 Spring is a pleasant season, but it is often wet at this time in Guilin. When spring comes, the trees and the a _ begin to turn green and the flower

28、s come out. The birds begin to sing b _ the trees. A time, but, year, the, often, this, rains, at, it, ofIt is very hot in summer. The sky is blue and the air is fresh 清 新 的. We can go c _ in the river. Girls wear d _ skirts, and boys wear shirts or T-shirts It is cool in autumn. BThe weather is not

29、 too hot or too cold. The leaves turn e _We can go out to have a picnicIt isnt very cold in winter and there isnt much snow here. So we cant make snowballs or snowmen. It is rainy and windy sometimes. 1. 选 词 并 用 其 适 当 形 式 完 成 短 文in, yellow, swim, grass, beautya _ b _ c _ d _ e _ 2. 将A 处 的 单 词 重 新 排 列 成 完 整 的 句 子_答 案 :1. agrass bin cswimming dbeautiful eyellow2. But it often rains at this time of the year

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