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1、剑桥国际英语教育教案听力脚本Unit 1 Thats what friends are for!(1) Chris: Do you have a date for the party yet? Kim: Actually, I dont Do you think you could help me find one? Chris: Hmm. What kind of guys do you like? Kim: Oh, I like guys who arent too serious and who have a good sense of humor. You know . like yo

2、u. Chris: OK. What else? Kim: Well, Id prefer someone I have something in common with who I can talk to easily. Chris: I think I know just the guy for you. Bob Branson. Do you know him? Kim: No, I dont think so. Chris: Let me arrange for you to meet him, and you can tell me what you think. (2)Dave:

3、Hello? Jim: Hi. My names Jim Hunt. Im calling about the ad for a roommate. Dave: Oh, right. Jim: Are you still looking for someone? Dave: Yes, we are. Jim: Oh, good. Im really interested. Dave: Well, there are four of us, and its a fairly small house, so we want someone whos easy to get along with.

4、Jim: Im pretty easygoing. Dave: Great! So can I ask you a few fairly straightforward questions about yourself? Jim: No problem. I like it when people are direct.Unit 2 Career moves (3) Tim: Wow! There are so many jobs to choose from! What do you think? Diane: Working in the media could be fun theres

5、 TV, newspapers, the internet. T: Well, lets look. Hmm. How about this? You could be a TV news director. D: Are you kidding? Directing the news would be nerve-racking! T: Well, writing for a magazine must be exciting. How about that? D: No. Im really more interested in working with computers. Hey, l

6、ook. Designing interactive media. Id like that! T: Designing interactive media? It sounds interesting, but what is it?(4)Tracy: Good news! Ive found a summer job! Mark: Thats great! Anything interesting? T: Yes, working at an amusement park. Doesnt that sound fantastic? M: Sure, it does. T: So, have

7、 you found anything? M: Nothing yet, but Ive got a couple of leads. One is working as an intern for a record company mostly answering phones. Or I can get a landscaping job again. T: Being an intern sounds more interesting than landscaping. And its probably not as hard! M: Yeah, but a landscaper ear

8、ns more money than an intern. And you get a great tan!Unit 3 Could you do me a favor? (5) Jack: Hi, Rod. This is Jack. Rod: Oh, hi, Jack. Whats up? J: Im going to my best friends wedding this weekend. Id love to videotape it. Would you mind if I borrowed you video camera? R: Um, yeah. Thats OK, I gu

9、ess. I dont think Ill need it for anything. J: Thanks a million. R: Sure. Have you used a video camera before? Its pretty easy. J: Yeah, a couple of times. Would it be OK if I picked it up on Friday night? R: Fine. No problem.(6)Amy: Hello? Jeff: Hello. May I speak to Sophia, please? A: Im sorry, sh

10、es not in right now. Would you like to leave a message? J: Yes, please. This is Jeff. Would you tell her that Tony is having a party on Saturday? A: Un-huh. J: And would you ask her if shed like to go with me? A: All right, Peter. Ill give her the message. J: No, this is Jeff, not Peter. A: Oh, Im s

11、orry. J: By the way, whos Peter?Unit 4 What a story! (7) Jake: What an awful story! A couple was sailing their yacht from Hawaii to Mexico. While they were crossing the Pacific, their boat hit a whale and sank! Anne: Is that true? What happened to the whale? J: It doesnt say! Oh and heres another on

12、e. A guy in Los Angles was robbing a bank. But as he was escaping, he got caught in the revolving door. A: I guess it was his first bank robbery! J: Yeah. On and listen to this. Some guy got locked out of his house, so he tried to get in through the chimney. A: Dont tell me! He got stuck in the chim

13、ney! J: Exactly. And he was still trying to get out two days later when the police rescued him. (8)Brian: Someone stole my wallet last night! Kate: Oh no! What happened? B: Well, I was working out, and I had put my stuff in my locker, just like I always do. When I came back, someone had stolen my wa

14、llet. I guess Id forgotten to lock the locker. K: Im sorry. Thats terrible! Did you lose much money? B: Only about $20. But I lost my credit card and my drivers license. What a pain!Unit 5 Crossing cultures (9) Fred: I hear Maggie is going to work in India. Pam: India! Wow! I hear its a beautiful pl

15、ace, but I dont think I could ever live there. F: Why not? P: Well, its too far from home. Id miss my family. F: I dont think Id mind moving to a foreign country. The language is the only thing that Id be worried about. P: Yeah, but wouldnt you miss your friends? F: Sure, for a while, but Id make ne

16、w ones. P: You certainly sound very confident. F: You know, actually, there is one thing Id miss. P: Whats that? F: My dog!(10)Marta: Guess what! I just got invited to my teachers house for dinner! Karen: Oh, how nice. M: Yes, but what do you do when youre invited to someones house here? K: Well, it

17、s the custom to bring a small gift. M: Really? Like what? K: Oh, maybe some flowers or dessert. M: And is it all right to bring a friend along? K: Well, if you want to bring someone, youre expected to call first and ask if its OK.Unit 6 Whats wrong with it? (11) Clerk: Can I help you? Helen: Yes, Id

18、 like to return this jacket. C: Is there something the matter with it? H: Yes. I didnt notice when I bought it, but there are a few problems. First, it has a tear in the lining. C: Hmm, actually, its torn in several places. H: And some of the buttons are very loose, this one came off, in fact. And t

19、heres a stain on the collar. C: Im really sorry about this. Would you like to exchange it for another one? H: Well, to be honest, I dont think this jacket is very well made. Id rather get a refund. C: I understand. Do you have the receipt?(12)Ms. Lock: Hello? Mr. Burr: Hello, Ms. Lock. This is Jack

20、Burr. L: Uh, Mr. Burr in Apartment 205? B: No, in Apartment 305. L: Oh, yes. What can I do for you? Does your refrigerator need fixing again? B: No, its the oven this time. L: Oh, so whats wrong with it? B: Well, I think the temperature control needs to be checked. Everything I try to cook gets burn

21、ed. L: Really? OK, Ill have someone look at it right away. B: Thanks a lot, Ms. Lock. L: Uh, by the way, Mr. Burr, are you sure its the oven and not your cooking?Unit 7 The word we live in (13)Andy: Excuse me. Would you like to make a contribution to Greener World? Carla: Sure. What are you working

22、on right now? A: Well, were developing educational programs for schools. We want to show children how the oceans are being polluted by industrial waste. And we want to tell them about how fish supplies have been depleted through overfishing. C: I think what youre doing is terrific. I wish I could do

23、 more to help. A: So, have you ever thought about becoming a member of Greener World? C: No, but tell me a little more about it.(14)Andy: You know, theres a factory outside town thats pumping chemicals into the river. Carla: How can they do that? Isnt that against the law? A: Yes, it is. But a lot o

24、f companies ignore those laws. C: Thats terrible! What can Greener World do? A: Well, on thing to do about it is to talk to the management. C: What if that doesnt work? A: Well, then another way to stop them is to get a TV station to run a story on it. C: Yes! Companies hate bad publicity. By the wa

25、y, whats the name of this company? A: Its called Apex Industries. C: Oh no! My uncle is one of their top executives!Unit 8 Learning to learn (15)Paula: Do you want to take a class with me at the community college? Jason: Maybe. What are they offering? P: Well, heres the course catalog. Take a look.

26、J: Hmm. Theyve got a lot of language classes Chinese, German, Japanese. Would you rather learn an Asian language or a European one? P: Um, actually, I think Id rather take an art class. They have one on landscape photography and another on making videos. J: That sounds OK. But I think Id prefer stud

27、ying video to learning about photography. P: OH, wait. It says here that you need to provide your own video equipment. J: Oh, Id rather not spend a lot of money. Lets see what else theyre offering.(16)W: So, hows your French class going? J: Not bad, but Im finding the pronunciation difficult. W: Wel

28、l, it takes a while to get it right. You could improve your accent by listening to tapes. J: Thats a good idea. But how do you learn new vocabulary? I always seem to forget new words. W: I learn new words by writing them on pieces of paper and sticking them on my bedroom wall. I look at them every n

29、ight before I go to sleep. J: Maybe I should try something like that!Unit 9 Self-improvement (17)Ken: you know, Ive always wanted to have my fortune told. Lisa: Really? Do you know where you can get it done? K: Im not sure. But maybe there are some fortunetellers listed in the phone book. Lets take

30、a look. L: Hmm. Heres one. You could have your palm read by Madame Zara for $70. K: Thats really expensive. L: What about this one? You can get your fortune told over the phone for only $3.75a minute. K: Thats reasonable. Come on. Try it with me!(18)James: This has got to stop! Another Friday night

31、without a date! What can I do? Mike: What about looking through the personal ads in the newspaper? Thats how I met Stephanie. J: Actually, Ive tried that. But the people you meet are always different from what you expect. M: Well, why dont you join a dating service? A friend of mine met his wife that way. J: Thats not a bad idea. M: Also, it might be a good idea to check out singles night at the bookstore. J: Yeah. If I dont find a date, at least I might find a

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