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1、大学英语一课一练12语法题汇总Book 1 加粗字体为答案Unit 1 Growing up1. It is essential that he _ in extracurricular activities. A) will participate B) participates C) participate D) shall participate 2. Dream of the Red Chamber (红楼梦) is said _ into dozens of languages in the last decade. A) to have been translated B) to

2、translate C) to be translated D) to have translated3. _ might be expected, the response to the question was very mixed. A) It B) That C) What D) As4. He talked as if he _ the incident.A) had witnessed B) witnessed C) witness D) have witnessed5. _ table tennis was accepted as a regular part of the Ol

3、ympic Games.A) Not until 1986 B) It was not until 1986 that C) It was in 1986 when D) It was until 1986 that 6. Scientists say it may be five or ten years _ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.A) since B) before C) after D) when7. It was impossible to avoid _ by the stormy weather

4、. A) to be much affected B) being much affected C) having much affected D) to have been much affected8. You will see this product _ wherever you go. A) advertise B) advertising C) advertised D) to be advertised9. Although he knew little about the large amounts of work done in this field, he succeede

5、d _ other more well-informed experimenters failed. A) which B) that C) what D) where10. Not that John doesnt want to help you, _ it is beyond his power.A) but that B) for that C) and that D) in that 11. They are teachers and dont realize _ to start and run a company.A) what it takes B) what takes it

6、 C) what they take D) what takes them12. The letters _ which she _ grew fewer, then stopped altogether. A) of hungered B) for hungered C) to hungered D) by hungered13. After the Arab states won independence, great emphasis was laid on expanding education with girls as well as boys _ to go to school.

7、A) to be encouraged B) been encouraged C) being encouraged D) be encouraged14. The king commanded that enough money _to fund the project.A) be collected B) must be collected C) is collected D) can be collected15. Frankly speaking, Id rather you _ anything about is for the time being. A) didnt do B)

8、havent done C) dont do D) have doneUnit 2 Friendship1. Peter has just arrived, but he talks as if he _ everything here. A) will know B) has known C) knew D) know2. In no circumstances can more work be got out of a machine than _. A) is put into it B) to put it into it C) to be put into it D) that pu

9、ts into it3. _ to him if he went out in that weather?A) What was he afraid that would it happen B) What was he afraid that would happen C) What he was afraid what would happen D) What was he afraid would happen4. No one wants to stay here, _? A) do they B) does it C) dont they D) doesnt he5. There i

10、s a _ candle on the table and a _ man is lying on the floor. A) lighted drunken B) lighted drunk C) lit drunken D) lit drunk6. _ forever are the days when Shanghai was the “paradise of the adventurers”. A) To go B) Having gone C) Went D) gone7. I have considered seeing Jane tomorrow, but I havent co

11、nsidered _ my hand. A) having offered B) to offer C) how to offer D) offered8. A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time _ the guards discovered what had happened. A) before B) since C) until D) when9. I hope that the little _ Ive been able to do has been of some use. A) which B)

12、what C) this D) that 10. _ discussed, the problem remains unsolved. A) Not having B) Not having been C) Having not D) Having not been11. The young teacher _ complain about the poor working conditions in the school. He donated some money to improve them. A) didnt more that just B) did much than just

13、C) did more than just D) did much more to12. It was only after some progress _ in the use and development of electric current that men began to realize the importance and possibilities of magnetism. A) was made B) has been made C) would have been made D) had been made13. We often advise him not to d

14、rink more wine _ is good for his health. A) as B) than C) that D) but 14. It seems that the rain wont stop in a few hours. We _ watch a DVD movie at home before we go out. A) might well B) might just C) might just as well D) might as well as 15. Im amazed that she married him so soon. She _ him very

15、 well. A) mustnt have known B) cant have got to know C) didnt have to know D) neednt have knownUnit 3 Understanding Science1. Although a teenager, Fred could resist _ what to do and what not to do. A) being toldB) telling C)to be toldD) to tell2. In fact, Peter would rather have left for San Francis

16、co than _ in New York. A) to stayB) stayedC) stayingD) having stayed3. This crop does not do well in soils _ the one for which it has been specially developed. A) beyondB) rather thanC) outsideD) other than4. John seems a nice person. _, I dont trust him. A)Even thoughB) Even soC) ThereforeD) Though

17、5. _, a man who expressed himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor. A) Other things being equalB) Were other things equal C) To be equal to other thingsD) Other things to be equal6. I appreciate _ to your home.A) to be invitedB. to have invited

18、C) having invitedD) being invited7. It is important that enough money _ to fund the project. A) be collectedB) must be collected C) was collectedD) can be collected8. Our only request is that this _ as soon as possible. A) must settleB) is settledC) settledD) be settled9. A good teacher must have th

19、e ability _ himself in the learners place. A) to putB) putC) puttingD) of putting10. With all the children _ at home during the holidays, she has a great deal of work to do. A) being B) wasC) having beenD) were11. He said, “Time is running short. You _ now.” A) have better leaveB) better leave C) ha

20、d better leaveD) had better to leave12. A survey was carried out on the death rate of new-born babies in that region, _ were surprising. A) as resultsB) which results C) the result of 9itD) the results of which13. Sometimes new ideas have to be tested many times before _. A) accepting fullyB) fully

21、accepting C) being fully acceptedD) fully being accepted14. She never laughed, _ lose her temper. A) or she everB) nor did she everC) or did she everD) nor she ever did15. There are few electric applications _to raise fears regarding future employment than robots. A) more likelyB) likelyC) most like

22、lyD) much likelyUnit 4 The American Dream1. _ when she started complaining.A) Not until had he arrivedB) No sooner had he arrivedC) Hardly had he arrivedD) Scarcely did he arrive2. Criticism and self-criticism is necessary _ it helps us to correct our mistakes.A) in thatB) thatC) so thatD) such that

23、3. If the South had won the war, what is now the United States _divided into several countries.A) will beB) must have beenC) should beD) might have been4._how to operate a switchboard, I had to ask the office supervisor to show me the correct procedures.A) Not knownB) Not to knowC) Not knowingD) Hav

24、ing not known5. It is strange that you _ say such a thing.A) would B) shouldC) willD) shall6. Your hair wants _. Youd better have it done tomorrow.A) cutB) to cutC) cuttingD) being cut7. Being in no great hurry, _.A) we went the long route with scenery B) the long, scenic route was our preferenceC)

25、we took the long, scenic route D) our preference was taking the long, scenic route8. Did you notice the cute boy _ away?A) took the candy and runB) take the candy and runC) taking the candy and runD) when taking the candy and running9. _ before we depart tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner p

26、arty.A) Had they arrivedB) Would they arriveC) Were they arrivingD) Were they to arrive10. Ive never been to Paris, but its the place _.A) where Id like to visitB) in which Id like to visitC) I most want to visitD) that I want to visit it most11. Once environmental damage _, it takes many years for

27、the system to recover.A) has doneB) is to doC) doesD) is done12. She didnt _ me for returning the wallet that I found.A) so much as thankB) so much as to thankC) as much as thankingD) so much as thanking13. Were safer on a train than we would be if we _ any other way.A) traveledB) had traveledC) tra

28、velD) have traveled14. Without water, _ no plants or animals.A) there will beB) there would beC) there have beenD) there is15. _ is known to all, too much stress can cause mental disease.A) WhichB) ItC) AsD) ThatUnit 5 Work to Live or Live to Work1. All things _, the planned trip will have to be cal

29、led off. A) considered B) be considered C)considering D) having considered2. Any packet _ properly will not be accepted by the post office. A) not to be wrapped B) not being wrapped C) not wrapped D) not having been wrapped3. Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely _ to the outside world. A) being lost B) losing C) having lost D) lost4. He was sitting in the chair, _ a book. A) read B) was reading C) reading D) with reading5. They sat together for about half an hour, _any word _. A) with.exchanged B) without.exchanged C) with.exchanging

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