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1、mbti性格测试英文版MBTI Personality Test IndicatorsOriginal Edition,Random Item Bank Guide: MBTI is a forced selection, self-reported personality assessment tests to measure and describe peoples access to information, make decisions, deal with the psychological aspectsof life activity rhythm and personality

2、 types of tendencies.Recruitment MBTI has bee the most widely used when hiring professional evaluation tool. Character is not good or bad, the test was intended to reflect the truest themselves, rather than others expect of you. Maybe you would think that, when faced with certain situations in which

3、 there is a third, or between the choice, in fact, we are faced with the following situations have certain natural inclinations, choose when you are faced with those situations you most involuntarily, the most natural , the most unthinking tendency.The questionnaire of any of the options are not goo

4、d or bad points, there is no right answer. If you can not be determined is a particular answer to that question please left blank, the system will prompt you to go back re-election. Before submitting it, you can always change the answer. The Test Code of Conduct1.When in a one-on-one situation I usu

5、ally do moreA. talkingB listening2.When making decisions IA consider the feelings of othersB dont consider the feelings of others3.I usuallyA play, then, then play.word.zl.4.I enjoy a task when IA.start itB.plete it5.I preferA.spur of the moment activitiesB.routine activities6.It is impor

6、tant for me toA conserve my energyB spend my energy7.I am quick toA critiqueB pliment8.I prefer toA see how I can change thingsB leave things the way they are9.I am more likely to invest inA promising new ideas.word.zl.8.proven methods10.When around other people IA.start conversationB.keep to myself

7、11.I am more excited about what might happenA.later today or a couple years12.I take more pride in myA successesB goals13.I have more fun engaging inA individual activitiesB group activities14.I enjoy time spentA.with a group of friendsB.alone or with one close friend.word.zl.15.Change

8、for me isA.easyB.difficult16.I am more likely to have myA head in the cloudsB feet on the ground17.It is worse to beA.inflexibleB.indecisive18.I tend toA see the big pictureB focus on details19.My thoughts areA randomB orderly20.With people, I am more oftenA brief and to the point.word.zl.8.friendly

9、 and warm21.I prefer someone who isA.efficientB.empathetic22.I amA soft-heartedB tough-minded23.When paying at a store I oftenA have conversation with the cashierB pay and leave without chit-chat24.At workA I get the job doneB I put things off25.When judging others I amA impartialB partial.word.zl.2

10、6.I make decisions based onA.feelingsB.logic27.I am more fortable withA.rulesB.principles28.When I have a task to plete, I usuallyA wait until the last moment8.get it out of the way29.The prospect of social activityA.usually excites meB.rarely excites me30.I tend to be moreA.reasonableB.personable31

11、.I consider myself to beA.a concrete abstract thinker32.I ways tend to be moreA conventionalB revolutionary34.More often than not, a plan that is set in adaptable35.I like to finalize decisionsA earlyB only when necessary36.I

12、entertain myself with myA imaginationB surroundings.word.zl.37.When dealing with problems I focus on theA.peopleB.issues38.I consider myself to beA. a realistB an idealist39.When there is a need to correct someone, I amA afraid to hurt their feelingsB quick to do it40.I prefer to spend timeA. intros

13、pectingB interacting with people41.Clutter in my homeA bothers meB is not something I notice42.I process information throughA five senses43.I would classify myself as butterflyB.lone ranger44.I am more concerned withA my own thoughts and feelingsB the world around me

14、45.My work space is usuallyA disorganizedB organized46.After a social gathering I feelA. drainedB energized47.When in conversation, IA say things as they areB am careful to avoid conflict.word.zl.48.Talking about feelings and emotions isA.difficultB.easy49.I amA objectiveB subjective50.I see lifeA a

15、s it isB as it could be51.I get energized byA learning facts8.exploring theories52.I am more interested inA future possibilitiesB current happenings53.My thoughts are onA.the here and now.word.zl.B.what lies ahead54.I valueA.justiceB.mercy55.Others might describe me as moreA.practicalB.imaginative56

16、.I am governed by myA. heartB head57.I am more likely to measure things withA total precisionB approximation58.I work better whenA.following a scheduleB.deciding what to do next as I go.word.zl.59.Being the center of attention isA.exhilaratingB.unfortable60.At work I amA.relationship- focusedB.task-

17、oriented61.I likeA to go with the flowB timetables and plans62.I consider myself to beA privateB social63.A quiet weekend at home isA. boringB rejuvenating64.I want toA get the task done.word.zl.8.get to know others65.I dislike it when people are tooA.insensitiveB.emotional66.On a free night I like

18、toA go out with friendsB spend a quiet night at home67.Others might perceive me asA aimlessB rigid68.I am drawn toA. hidden meaning and inspirationB what is immediate69.I make new friendsA. quicklyB over time.word.zl.70.When the phone rings IA.pick it up right awayB.wish I could ignore it71.I prefer

19、 to workA in a teamB alone72.I enjoyA getting to know new peopleB spending time with friends I know well73.I usually leave for appointmentsA with extra time to spareB at the last possible moment74.I prefer speakers that municateA. figurativelyB literally75.Give me theA facts.word.zl.B. personal details76.I am most fortable beingA. spontaneousB a planner.word.zl.

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