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Global warming Period 2 Language Study.docx

1、Global warming Period 2 Language StudyGlobal warming Period 2Language Study Glbal aring Perid 2Language Stud整体设计教学内容分析The ephasis f this perid ill be plaed n the iprtant ne rds,phrases and sentene patterns in aring Up,Prereading,Reading,prehending and Disvering useful rds and expressins in Learning

2、abut LanguageThere are altgether 3 ne rds and phrases in these five parts20 f the are ared ith triangles,hih shs that the students neednt learn the b heartIt is enugh t regnize the hen eeting the hile reading the passageThe ther 33 shuld all be reebered,ang hih the flling rds and expressins are even

3、 re iprtant:tend,range,subsribe t,g up,idespread,state,glane,stead,tenden,eep n,n the hle,quantit f,be ppsed t,e abut,result in,even ifThe are all ver useful and iprtantS are the sentene patterns “it is a rapid inrease hen pared t ther natural hanges” and “There is n dubt that the earth is being are

4、r” e ught t pa re attentin t the三维目标设计nledge and sills1T get the students t learn t use the flling iprtant ne rds and phrases freel:tend,range,subsribe t,g up,idespread,state,glane,stead,tenden,eep n,n the hle,quantit f,ppse,e abut,result in,even if2T get the students t understand and use the flling

5、 iprtant and useful sentene patterns:(1)it is a rapid inrease hen pared t ther natural hanges(2)There is n dubt that the earth is being arerPress and ethds1T help the students t understand the eanings f the abve useful ne rds and expressins in the ntext,and then give se explanatins abut the,and at l

6、ast ffer se exerises t ae students aster their usages2T as the students t ae up their n sentenes b iitating the abve sentene patterns3At the end f the lass,ae students d re exerises fr nslidatinIn ding s,the an learn,grasp and use these iprtant language pints ellEtin,attitude and value1T stiulate st

7、udents interest in learning English2T develp students sense f peratin and tear教学重、难点1Iprtant ne rds and expressins:quantit f,ppse,e abut,result in,even if2Iprtant and useful sentene patterns:(1)it is a rapid inrease hen_pared_t ther natural hanges(2)There_is_n_dubt_that the earth is being arer3Se di

8、ffiult and lng sentenes in the text教学过程 Step 1Revisin1he the her exerises2As se students t tal abut glbal aring Step 2Reading and findingGet students t read thrugh aring Up,Prereading,Reading,prehending and Disvering useful rds and expressins in Learning abut Language t underline all the ne rds and

9、useful expressins r llatins in these partsRead the alud and p the dn in the exerise b Step 3Pratie fr useful rds and expressins1Turn t Page 28G thrugh the exerises in Disvering useful rds and expressins ith students and ae sure the n hat t d2Give the several inutes t finish the exerisesThe first d t

10、he individuall,and then disuss and he the ith their partners3he the ansers ith the hle lass and explain the prbles the eet here neessar Step 4Vabular stud简单知识扫描 1tend(P26)【原句再现】It eans that re heat energ tends t be trapped in the atsphere ausing the glbal teperature t g up这意味着更多的热量被困在大气层中,从而引起全球温度上升

11、。【观察探究】(1)e seties tend t thin that the ean btt is ade up f sth plains我们往往误以为海底由平坦的平原构成。(2)Peple under stress tend t express their full range f ptential处于压力下的人容易发挥自己全部的潜力。(3)Dtrs and nurses tended(t)the inured医生和护士护理受伤的人。【归纳总结】tend vi≈ vt意思是“往往会,趋于,倾向;照料,护理”。作“照料,护理”讲时,常与介词t搭配。【即景活用】(1)救护车上的救护人员在

12、照料受伤的工人。Abulane res _ the inured rers(2)男孩往往比女孩个子高。Bs _ taller than girlsSuggested ansers:(1)ere tending(t)(2)tend t be 2range(P27)【原句再现】it ill enurage a greater range f anialsall f hih ill ae life fr huan beings better这将促进动物的生长所有这一切都会使人类的生活变得更好。【观察探究】(1)abe the questin is bend the range f huan unde

13、rstanding或许这个问题超越了人类理解的范围。(2)u an see a range f untains standing n the tp f the ter站在塔顶你可以看到一系列脉。 (3)The teperature ranges beteen ten and thirt degrees气温在十至三十度之间。(4)I ranged the bs n the shelf b/arding t size我把书依大小顺序排在书架上。【归纳总结】range n 意思是“范围;射程;脉;行列”; v 意思是“变化;排列;归类于”,常用于range frt结构,意为“从到范围内变化”。【即景

14、活用】有年龄从七岁到十四岁的两百个男孩。There are t hundred bs _Suggested anser:ranging fr seven t furteen in age 3subsribe t(P26)【原句再现】 All sientists subsribe_t the vie that the inrease in the earths teperature is due t the burning f fssil fuels lie al,natural gas and il t prdue energ所有科学家都赞同这样的观点:人们为了生产能量而燃烧化石燃料(如煤、天

15、然气、石油等),从而引起了地球温度的升高。【观察探究】(1)The hildren eah subsribed pene t bu a present fr Ni in hspital孩子们每人出五便士为住院的尼克买礼品。(2)All the peple present subsribe t the pinin put frard b the hairan参加会议的人全部同意主席提出的意见。(3)I have subsribed t that agazine fr ears我订阅那本杂志已好几年了。【归纳总结】subsribe t的意思有“捐款;捐助;同意,赞同;订购(报纸、杂志等)”等。【即

16、景活用】The gvernent alled n all the itizens t _ a relief fundAsubsribe tBagree taunt tDshift t Suggested ansers:A4g up(P26)【原句再现】It eans that re heat energ tends t be trapped in the atsphere ausing the glbal teperature t g_up这意味着更多的热量被困在大气层中,从而引起全球温度上升。【观察探究】(1)The elevatr ent up t the furth flr电梯升到了四楼

17、。(2)As u g up a untain,u have t vere the earths gravit hih pulls u dn上时你必须克服把你往下拉的地球引力。(3)Pries f fruit and vegetables have gne up水果和蔬菜的价格上涨了。【归纳总结】动词短语g up的意思有“升;攀登;向上去,沿(街)而去;涨价”等。类似意义的词还有rise,inrease等。其反义词是:g dn,fall dn,derease。【即景活用】(1)物价又上涨了。Pries _ again(2)到处都盖起新的大楼。Ne buildings _ everhereSugg

18、ested ansers:(1)have gne up(2)are ging up eep n(P27)【原句再现】 Even if e start reduing the aunt f arbn dixide and ther greenhuse gases,the liate is ging t eep_n aring fr deades r enturies尽管我们已经开始减少二氧化碳和其他温室气体的排放量,但是在未的几十年或几个世纪里气候将会持续变暖。【观察探究】(1)The airplane ept n fling at a high altitude这架飞机持续在高空飞行。(2)H

19、e ept n sing after the dtr tld hi t stp医生劝告他戒烟,可他仍继续抽。(3)He is eeping n the huse in his hetn他把家乡的那所房屋保留着。(4)eep straight n and ull e t the aret一直往前走就到市场。()I have failed several ties,but I still eep n我已经失败了好几次,但我仍然坚持下去。【归纳总结】eep n意为“继续(做某事);不顾困难、反对或警告而坚持(做某事);继续前进,继续工作”等。【即景活用】Even if I fail again,I

20、ill _ ring hard until I sueedAgive up Bturn t eep n Dthin f Suggested anser:6n the hle(P28)【原句再现】n_the_hle the aring f the earth is a phenenn that auses great nern大体上,地球变暖是一种引起巨大关注的现象。【观察探究】The eather this nth has been gd n the hle这个月的天气基本上是好的。Living in tn is pleasant but,n the hle,I lie the untr be

21、tter住在城里是愉快的,但是,总的看,我更喜欢农村。【归纳总结】n the hle意为“总的看;大体上;基本上”,相当于in general,stl,可位于句首、句中或句尾。 【即景活用】翻译句子总的看,我认为他那样做是对的。Suggested anser:n the hle,I thin he as quite right t at as he did重点知识探究 1ppse(P27)【原句再现】n the ther hand,there are thse,lie Gerge Hable,h are ppsed t this vie,believe that e shuld nt rr a

22、but high levels f arbn dixide in the air另一方面,像乔治•汉布利那些人,他们反对这种观点,认为我们不应该为空气中二氧化碳含量高担心。【观察探究】an ebers f the unil ppsed the building f the luxur huses in the entre f the it许多市议会议员反对在市中心建造豪华型住宅。an residents are ppsed t the plan f building the tra许多居民反对修建那条高速公路的计划。【归纳总结】ppse vt≈ vi意为“反对;使对立;使对抗

23、; 抗争”,后面可直接跟名词作宾语,也可用于be ppsed t(ding)sth结构。【词汇辨析】 ppse,bet和resist三者都含有“反对”的意思,但是用法有区别。ppse为常用词,指“对某人、某事采取积极行动反对”,着重动作,尤指“反对一种观念、思想、计划等”。如:The father ppsed t his sns arriage父亲反对儿子的婚事。bet 常指“用言论或论据等表示反对”,着重“个人嫌厌”和“(由于与个人有关因此)提出反对意见”。如:I beted t his plan我反对他的计划。resist 指“积极地反抗、对抗;用武力阻止的前进”,如:The villag

24、ers ere united t resist the ene村民们团结起抵抗敌人。【即景活用】我们坚决反对在国与国之间实行强权政治。e _ firl _ the pratie f per plitis beteen natinsSuggested ansers:are;ppsed t 2e abut(P26)【原句再现】S h has this e_abut and des it atter?这种情况是怎么发生的,有什么影响?【观察探究】ith the use f eletriit,great hanges have e abut随着电的使用,种种大变化发生了。The aident es a

25、but in this a这事故就是这样发生的。an a quarrel has e abut thrugh a isunderstanding许多争执都是由于误会产生的。【归纳总结】e abut意为“发生,造成”,有时用it作主语,后面跟that引导的从句。【词汇辨析】 e abut与happen,ur,tae plae的异同。e abut与happen,ur,tae plae同义。tae plae常指经过安排的。happen指“偶然发生”,等于ur。happen tv意为“偶然/碰巧做出”。It happens/happened thatlause碰巧ur/happent(prep)发生在

26、 urt(prep)想起It ur(s/ed)(t sb)t d sth/thatlause想起,想到【即景活用】同义句转换She happened t be ut hen he alledA:It _ that she _ _ _ _hen he alledB:She _nt t be _ hen he alled:It _ _ she as nt at he hen he alledSuggested ansers:A:happened;as nt at heB:happened;he:ae abut3result in(P26)【原句再现】The als agree that it is

27、 the burning f re and re fssil fuels that has resulted_in this inrease in arbn dixide他们还一致认为,正是因为越越多的化石燃料的燃烧才导致了二氧化碳的增长。【观察探究】These easures resulted in a great vitr由于采取了这些措施,打了一个大胜仗。The plt resulted in failure阴谋以失败告终。【归纳总结】result in的意思是“产生,导致”,与 ause或lead t同义,其主语是起因;in的宾语是结果。result fr的意思是“由引起,产生”,与l

28、ie in,as a result f和beause f同义,其主语是结果,fr的宾语是起因。【即景活用】同义句转换(1)His failure resulted fr nt ring hard enughNt ring hard enugh_ _his failure(2)His siness as aused b eating t uhAHis siness _ _eating t uhBHe as ill _he ate t uh_ _ _ _ eating t uh,he as illSuggested ansers:(1)resulted in(2)resulted fr;beaus

29、e;As a result f4quantities f(P26)【原句再现】The prble begins hen e add huge quantities_f extra arbn dixide int the atsphere当我们把大量额外的二氧化碳排入大气层的时候,问题就出现了。【观察探究】(1)Quantities f fd(nuts)ere n the table桌子上有许多食品(坚果)。 (2)Great quantities f sand ere ashed dn the hillside b the rain雨水把大量的泥沙冲下坡。(3)He lleted quanti

30、ties(a quantit)f ld pitures他收集了大量的旧画。(4)There is nl a sall quantit f ine left只剩下很少一点酒了。【归纳总结】quantities fa quantit f,意为“大量的”,既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。quantities f无论修饰可数还是不可数名词,后面的谓语动词都用复数。另外,quantit前面还可以加修饰成分,构成的短语有a ertain quantit f (一定数量的),a large(great,gd)quantit f(大量的),a sall quantit f(少量的),large(great,gd)quantities f (大量的),sall quantities f(少量的)。 【知识拓展】(1)quantit 量,数量。如:ithut quantit there an be n qualit没有数量就没有质量。The gvernent has been buing silver in great quantities政府一直在大量购进白银。(in great/sall quantities意为“大/少量”,用作状语。)(2)表示“大量的”时,可用以下形式:修饰可数名词an,a great/large nu

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