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1、学年云南普洱市思茅第三中学初二上第四次月考英语卷2020-2021学年云南普洱市思茅第三中学初二上第四次月考英语卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1词语释义:When did you arrive at the bus station last night?A、get B、reach C、stop D、break2词语释义:My Mobil phone is different form yours .A、is similar to B、isnt the same as C、is interested in D、is as new as3词语释义:We got to the top

2、of the mountainfinally.Ain common Bat last Cin danger Din fact4词语释义:Allvisitorshere are from the USA, yes?Awriters Breporters Cdoctors Dtravelers5词语释义:I was so excited that I watched the games on the Internet many times.A、over there B、on timeC、over and over again D、 in time6Linda is understanding gi

3、rl, we all like her.Athe Ban Ca D/7Uncle Wang knows a lot about the world watching TV.Aby Bat Cto Dfor8We didnt go to the mountains the terrible weather.Abecause Bbecause of Cso Dthat9Today there were people in the supermarket.Yes, No one would like to go shopping on such a day.Alittle Ba little Cfe

4、w Da few10Many people living in large cities, because there is so much pollution there.A、dislike B、finish C、enjoy D、remember11Be quiet! I have _ to tell you.Aimportant anything Banything importantCimportant something Dsomething important12Its too dark. Can you help me turn the light(灯) Mom?Sure.Aon

5、Boff Cup Ddown13I usually have for breakfast, because I can make them easily.Acheese Bbutter Csandwiches Dhoney14The little boy is _ young _ go to school this year.A、too; to B、so; that C、to; too D、such; as 15Her handwriting is than mine.A、as good as B、wellC、much good D、much better16Which is , the su

6、n, the moon or the earth?A、smaller B、the smallerC、bigger D、the biggest17Are you free today, Alice?No, I must _my little brother.A .look like B look for C look after D look at 18Most children like . They make us laugh.Acomedies Bnews Cthrillers Daction movies19If Tom _ the games, well buy him a gift.

7、Awin Bwins Cwon Dwinner20We will be late for meeting _ we take a taxi there.Aunless Bwhen Cbecause Dand21I am looking forward to across America one day!Atravels Btravel Ctraveled Dtraveling22Ill give you a phone call in a few days.OK, !ACatch you later BThe same to youCThats really bad DI dont think

8、 so23You are now, Bill .so you should wash your clothes by yourself.A、young enough B、enough old C、old enough D、enough young24 ?I love it. It is one of my favorite programs.A、What do you think of the program B、Which do you think of the programC、Why do you like the program D、Whats your favorite progra

9、m二、完型填空完形填空How is everything going? Id love to 25 you to my birthday party on December 12th. Are you 26 then? Please do come. I really miss you. The other 27 like Miss Elephant, Mr. Giraffe(长颈鹿) and Little Koala(树袋熊) all want to see you, too. We dont think the party will be fun 28 you. You are such

10、an interesting friend.The party will start at five. We will have a big 29 first. The zoo keeper will 30 a lot of delicious food for us. I hear she will also make a big fruit cake. Lets enjoy it 31 . Then, we can watch TV in my house 32 we can play some games. Could you please bring your camera(相机)?

11、Im always dreaming of having a 33 with so many friends. I hope you can help me with that.Im looking forward to 34 you. Yours, Miss Panda25Aforget Brefuse Caccept Dinvite26Apossible Bavailable Chealthy Dfresh27Aguests Bdoctors Ctravelers Dstudents28Auntil Bfor Cwithout Dfrom29Ameeting Bmeal Cevent Ds

12、how30Aprepare Bshake Cpeel Dmix31Atogether Balready Calmost Denough32AThough BBut CAnd DSo33Awalk Bmirror Ctrip Dphoto34Afinding out Blooking for Clistening to Dhearing from三、阅读判断 Mrs. Jackson is an American doctor. She is now in China. She works in a childrens hospital in Chongqing. She is also lea

13、rning Chinese medicine there. She likes Chinese medicine very much. She loves to work for children. She works hard in the day and reads English books on Chinese medicine at right. She learns Chinese from the Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends. Now she can speak some Chinese. She can read some C

14、hinese, too.Her husband, Mr. Jackson, is a teacher. He teaches English in a middle school in Chongqing. He works hard, too. He works from Monday to Friday. He teaches three classes every day. He wants to make more money.根据短文内容,判断以下句子的正误。对的在括号内填“T”,错的填 “F”。35The Jacksons are from England.36Mrs. Jacks

15、on works in a childrens hospital in Shanghai.37Mr. Jackson teaches two classes everyday.38Mr. Jackson is an English teacher.39Mr. Jackson doesnt work hard.四、阅读单选Where Are We Going, Dad? Is a popular reality show from Hunan TV station. In the show, five pairs of fathers and kids went to strange(陌生的)

16、places and finished interesting tasks(任务). They had some interesting experiences while they were staying in different places.The show is about growing up. Five fathers said that they grew up with their kids. They learned to take good care of (照顾好)their kids. The kids learned about teamwork and being

17、 independent.(独立)For Kimi, a 4-year-old boy, need_. In the show, Kimi got the most fans(迷,粉丝). People fell in love with him because of his cute face and a good personality. At the beginning of the show, Kimi was a little shy. He found its hard to finish his task alone. Sometimes he refused to accept

18、 the tasks, His father Jimmy Lin encouraged him to be brave. Soon Kimi learned to communicate(沟通)with other kids. He learned to finish the tasks by himself. He grew up and changed a lot.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。40What did fathers and kids do in the show?AThey went to other cities and made friends with others.B

19、They went to the countryside and helped the farmers.CThey went to strange places and finished interesting tasks.DThey went to the villages and traveled around.41The underlined word “encouragement” probably means “ ”in Chinese.A安慰 B鼓励 C代价 D自信42At the beginning of the show, Kimi found that it was not

20、to finish his task alone.Aeasy Bhard Cdifferent Dsuitable43About Kimi, which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?AAt the beginning of the show, Kimi was a little shy.BJimmy Lin is Kimis father.CKimi never refused to accept the tasks.DKimi grew up and changed a lot.44Whats the main

21、idea of the third paragraph?AIts about Kimis growing up.BIts about Kimi and his hobbies.CIts about all kinds of tasks.DIts about how to communicate with others.Long long ago, There was a tree and some grass(草). The grass grew next to the tree. The tree was very tall and the grass was short. The tree

22、 often_the grass.One day, the tree said to the grass, “You are weak(弱的). Even the grasshopper(蚱蜢) is too heavy for you.”The tree also said that it was big and strong. No strong wind was able to blow it down.The tree laughed at the grass. But the grass didnt get angry. The grass only said, “Im not af

23、raid of the wind.”That night, there was a strong wind. The wind blew down(吹倒) the tree. The tree was very poor. It was thrown (被拔)on the ground. But the grass was still there. The wind couldnt blow down the grass. It even danced in the wind.根据短文内容,选择正确答案,并将其字母代号填入相应空格内。45The underlined phrase “looke

24、d down upon” means “ ”in Chinese.A看得起 B看不起 C向外看 D照顾46The grass when the tree laughed at it.Agot angry Bdidnt get angryCfought with the tree Dsaid nothing47Why did the tree mention(提到) the grasshopper?ATo show how strong the tree was.BTo show how weak the grass was.CTo show how the tree loved the gra

25、ss.DTo show how the grass loved the grasshopper.48After reading the passage, we can know the tree was .Aproud Bfriendly Ckind Dbrave(勇敢的)49Which of the following is true according to the passage?AThe wind blew down the grass.BThe wind didnt blow down the tree.CThe grass was afraid of the wind.DThe w

26、ind threw the tree on the ground.五、填写适当的句子补全对话 根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。50My brother wants to be a great _ (violin).51I cant understand why you kept the news to _(you).52Yesterday was _ day because I lost my wallet.(lucky)53We have music class _ a week. (one)54How many _ do we need? (tomato)六、根据句意填空 将下列句

27、子中的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。55Tom wants to learn_. (摇摆舞)56Can you _ with us on Sunday night?(闲逛)57My sister is going to _ to the cinema with her classmates.(打的)58You will cut your problem _if youd like to share it with others.(分成两半)59You can keep the book _you like.(只要)七、话题作文60书面表达请以“My Winter Vacation”为题

28、写一篇不少于80个词的短文。提示:用一般将来时畅想即将到来的寒假,假期里打算去哪里?和谁一起前往,打算做些什么事?把你的计划写成一篇短文与同学们分享。要求:语言流畅 ,书写规范,不得使用真实姓名、否则以零分计。_参考答案1B【解析】试题分析:B句意:昨天晚上你什么时候到车站的。get 得到;reach 到达;stop停止;break 中断。所以选B。2B【解析】试题分析:B句意:我的手机和你的不同。is similar to和相似;isnt the same as跟不一样;is interested in 对感兴趣;is as new as 和一样新。所以选B。3B【解析】试题分析:B句意:我们终于到达山顶了。in common共同;at last 最后;in danger处于危险中;in fact 事实上。所以选B。4D【解析】试题分析:D句意:这里所有的游客都来自美国,是吗?writers作者;reporters 记者;doctors 医生;travelers 旅行者。所以选

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