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1、英语语法与写作短文改写二、Passage rewriting1. Our neighbor is Captain Charles Alison. He will sail from Portsmouth. The time is tomorrow. Well meet him. The place is at the harbor. We will do that early in the morning. He will be in his boat. It is small. It is called Topsail. Topsail is a famous little boat. It

2、 has sailed across the Atlantic many times. Captain Alison will set out. He will do that at eight oclock. Well have plenty of time. Well see his boat, then well say goodbye to him. He will be away for two months. We are very proud of him. He will take part in an race. The race is important. It is ac

3、ross the Atlantic.2.We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord. It was made inGermany. It was made in 1681. We keep our clavichord in the living room. Our family has it for a long time. My grandfather bought the instrument many years ago. Recently a visitor damaged it. She tried to

4、 play jazz on it! She struck the keys too hard. She broke two of the strings. My father was shocked. Now he does not allow us to touch it. A friend of my fathers is repairing it now.3. My daughter is called Jane. She never dreamed of receiving a letter. The letter was from a girl. She is of her own

5、age. She lives in Holland. Last year, we were traveling across the Channel. Jane wrote her name and address on a piece of paper. She put it into a bottle. She threw the bottle into the sea. She never thought of it again. Ten months later, she received a letter. It came from a girl. She was in Hollan

6、d. Both girls write to each other regularly now. They have decided to use the post office. Letters will cost a little more. Letters will certainly travel faster.4.I had an experience last year. It was amusing. I had left a small village. It was in the south of France. I drove on to the next town. On

7、 the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped. He asked me for a lift. He had got into the car. I said good morning to him. I used French. He replied. He used French too. I only know a few words. I do not know any French at all. He and I did not speak during the journey. I had nearly reached the town

8、. The young man suddenly said,”do you speak English?” His speaking was vely slow. I soon learnt, He was English himself.5. Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad. I live near an airport. I can hear the passing planes night and day. They built airport years ago. For some reason they could not use it th

9、en. Last year, they used it later. The noise must drive people away. Over a hundred of them have left from their homes. Few people did not move. I am one of them. A passing plane will knock down this house. Sometimes I think so. They offered a large sum of money to me. They wanted me to go away. I a

10、m determined to stay here. I must be mad. Everybody says so. They are probably right.6.I had lunch at a village pub. After that I looked for my bag. I had left it on a chair. The chair was beside the door. Now it wasnt there! I looked for it. The landlord came in.He asked Did you have a good meal?.I

11、 answered Yes, thank you. I cant pay the bill. I havent got my bag.The landlord smiled. He immediately went out. In a few minutes he returned. He had my bag in his hand. He gave it back to me. He said Im very sorry. My dog had taken in into the garden. He often does this!7. Fishing is my favorite sp

12、ort. I often fish for hours. I dont catch anything. I dont worry about this. Some fishermen are unlucky. They dont catching fish, they catch old boots. They catch rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything. I do not even catch old boots. I have spent whole mornings on the river, I always

13、go home. I always have an empty bag. My friends say you must give up fishing! Its a waste of time. They dont realize one important thing. Im not really interested in fishing. I am interested in sitting in a boat, I am interested in doing nothing at all!8. Jimmy Gates was a circus owner. Last Christm

14、as, he decided to take some gifts. He went to a childrens hospital. He was dressed up as Father Christmas. Six pretty girls accompanied him. Then, he set off. He rode a baby elephant. He went down the main street of the city. The elephant was called Jumbo. The police would not allow him to do this.

15、He should know that. A policeman came over. He told Jimmy. He should go along a side street. Jumbo was holding up the traffic. Jimmy agreed to go at once. Jumbo would not like to go. Fifteen policemen pushed hard. They wanted to move him away from the main street. The police had a difficult time. Th

16、ey felt interesting. A policeman afterwards said, “Jumbo must be a few tons. It was lucky that we neednt carry him. Certainly, we should arrest him. He has a good record. We shall forgive him this time.”9. In Japan, people hold a festival for the Dead. They have it one time each year. It is a cheerf

17、ul occasion. On this day, people say the dead will return back to his home. The living welcomes them. They take a long journey, people expect they are hungry. They lie out food for them. People make special lanterns. People hang these lanterns outside each house, they do this help the dead find thei

18、r way. People dance and sing a whole night. On the early morning, people throw the food into the river and into the sea, these food is they laid out for the dead. People think these food is unluck for any living one eat. In those near the sea towns, after the festive is over, people place the tiny l

19、anterns into the water, these lanterns are they hanged in the streets the before night. Thousands lanterns slow drift out to sea, they guide the dead on their return journey to the other world. This is a moving spectacle. Crowds of people stand on the shore, they watch the lanterns drift away, at la

20、st they can be seen no more.10. The Great St. Bernard Pass connects Switzerland to Italy. It is 2,473 meters high. it is the highest mountain pass in Europe. The monastery of St. Bernard is famous. People set it up in eleventh century. It lies about a mile away. For hundreds of years, St. Bernard do

21、gs have saved the lives of travelers. These travelers were crossing the Pass. The Pass was dangerous. These dogs were friendly. People first brought them from Asia. People used them as watchdogs. They did so even in Roman times. They built a tunnel. It was through the mountains. The Pass is less dan

22、gerous. Each year, people still sent the dogs out into the snow. At any time a traveler is in difficulty. There is the new tunnel. There are still a few people. They attempt to cross the Pass. They rashly did so. They are on foot.The monastery is very busy during the summer months. Thousands of peop

23、le visit it. They cross the Pass in cars. There are so many people about. They have to keep the dogs in a enclosure. the enclosure is special. In winter, life is quite different. The life is at the monastery. The temperature drops to 30. There are very few people. They attempt to cross the Pass. The

24、 monks like summer. The monks are more like winter. They have more privacy. The dogs have greater freedom. People allowed them to wander outside their enclosure. Parties of skiers are the only visitors. They visit the monastery regularly. They do so in winter. They go there at Christmas. They go the

25、re at Easter. They are young people. They love the peace of mountains. The monks always give them a warm welcome at St. Bernards monastery.11. Mary and her husband Dimitri lived in small village. It was in the south of Greece, it named Parachora. One of Marys most precious possessions was a white la

26、mb. It was her husband to give her. During the day, Mary tied the lamb to a tree in the field. Every night she pulled it back. However, one evening the lamb was gone. Someone cut the rope. It was clear that someone stole it. Dimitri came back from the field. His wife told him about it. He went out a

27、t once, he wanted to find the man who stole his lamb. He knew it well, in such a small village catching the thief was not difficult at all. He told it to his several friends. He found his neighbor, Aleko, suddenly had a new lamb. Dimitri went to Alekos house immediately. He was angry. He accused him

28、 to steal his lamb. He told him had better give it back to him. If not, he would go to call police. Aleko didnt confess. He led Dimitri to the yard. It was all right. He had just bought a new lamb. Aleko explained, he said that his lamb was black. Dimitri felt sorry for his boldness. He apologized t

29、o Aleko. He said he accused him wrongly. Just when they talked. The sky began to rain. So Dimitri stayed at Alekos house to avoid rain. He waited and waited. The rain stopped. Half an hour later, he came out of the house. He was surprised. He found the whole body of the black lamb almost turned into

30、 white. The hair of the lamb was dyed black. Now it was washed out clean by the rain.12.The Statue of Liberty is one of the most famous monuments in the world. In the nineteenth century, the people of France presented to the United States of America. The statue was great. Auguste Bartholdi designed

31、it. He took ten years to complete it. He used copper to make the actual figure. He used a metal framework to support it. The framework was Eiffel especially constructed. They transported it to the United States. Before this, they had to find a site for the statue. They had to build a pedestal for it

32、. They chose a site. It was an island. It was at the entrance of New York Harbour. By 1884, they erected a statue in Paris. It was 151 feet tall. In the following year, they took it to pieces. They sent it to America. By the end of 1886 October, they put the statue together again. Bartholdi official

33、ly presented it to the American people. Ever since then, it was a symbol for the millions of people. They passed through New York Harbour. They wanted to make their homes in America.13. The prisoner of war killed the guard. He dragged quickly him into the bushes. He worked rapidly in the darkness. So

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