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3、erarethe()、A.gotoschoat7:B.Iohot5:0.C.Igowoat:00.()10、A.ItsnpngB.Itianuar.IJune.练习二一、你将听到一个句子,根据听到的内容选择符合的一项。( ) 1. A.Wo B. When. Where( ) 2A. gr )3. she B. e .hey( ) 4. A the shir B theskrt C. thgir(). A. Mr Mrs . Mss( ) 6 A thin andsr B. thi an tll . hot a stron( ) 7Aon Sunday B. nTuesday

4、 C Thursday( ) . A.gohiin . go hppi . g swiming() 9 A. ew students B ne techerC. new clasmates() 0. ly basketball B. pay ga C.laycmuer( )11. A. ke a kite . mke te e C asnoman( ) 2. . fuit fot C. food( ) 13. A. what B wih . eek( ) 4. A. ain. ndyC. ng()5the weher he ae C.he faer二、你将听到一个句子或一组对话,根据所听到的内

5、容,判断图片或句子是否与录音相符,相符的打“”,不相符的打“”。( )1 Sumr is o a the das l.( )2. Mm is cooking dinner i te iten.( ) 3 reinbook.( )4 I aswering the phne.() 5. Mike likall es()6 It s Jue 1toy( ) . Iplay comutegame on te wed( ) 8. maknga birthdaycake( ) 9.we doing an experimen on insect( ) 10. W sualy do smesots n e w

6、eeend三.听句子或对话,根据其内容填入所缺的单词,使对话或句子的意思合理、完整,每空只填一词。1.We _ _ _atchoerya.Lets _ _ togher nex Satuay.A: Cn u_ _? B: Ys, I cn.4. It _. ts im to _ _.5.Snak_ n_.6 : Why do oulike _?B: Becuse I can_i th sea.: Do you like _ a _? : Ye, I do8.A:Whatste _?B: It _ 3th9. A: Wo has abrthay i _? B: Amy.1_s om _ o _i

7、n hin四.听读短文,判断下列各句的正误,,对的打“”,错的打“”。( )1 omnd iec se many nalsin hepa.( ) 2 Teanda can walk,eat baos and limb res.() 3. he animas e o cute.( ) . wo pandas ae climbing thebig reeno( ) 5. Thre are mn animas in the o.2() . T ephants e drininwate inthe rk( ) . heimals ae not hpy inhe natuepark( ) 3. Th m

8、onkys are singng i tetree.() 4.Sometiersre sleping undthetres.( ) 5.Som kangao ander thetrees.3( )1. ave a isternd brther() y fathers bitd ison Jun 12th( ) 3 y ittle brother biday sn srig.( ) 4 Ay is makin abirhdychart or hr amiy.( ) 5. lilyirthdayiin Novm.练习三小学五年级下册英语听力练习听力资料(练习一)一.听录音,完成下列句子中所缺的单词



11、wesDay?练习二听力材料一1.When do ogo t scol? 2. Th oyets up at :3 . Thiss mysister. She goshome at 5:0 evryday. 4 lik he sirt. It s prty. r. Z ismy E teacher.H s sart. MEngiseher yong.Shisthn and al.7.OThudayI ave .E cass. 8. I go hing on Suday. . Tere are iene students in the clasroom. 0. I a oing toplay a

12、ketball Sunday 11.Ilke wter es, bcuse can makesnowman.12. Was your faorit frit? 13 Wicheaso do lie best? 4. I ont like pri, like winer. .hs weather lie in Bijng?二、. Issummer ot ? Yes, t s. 2. What isyou at doing? She iscoking dinnr i the kitchen. 3. What is my ding?hes reaing a boo. Whatare you dng?

13、 Im nsweri tepon. . Wat you faouri eason? like fl. 6. Are yo appy? Yes, oday is Clrns Dy. 7. ply copute gme o unay. 8 oayis bithday. My motr ismking bithday o me. . What ae ou di there? I am oing an xprimet?htxperit? Wado th ants lie to at? 10 We py pipongnSatury morng Wpay otball on Suday aftrnon.三

14、、1. We dorning exerciss atshoo evda. 2. Letsg hopigtogethernextStrday3. A: Can yfy ks? : s,I ca. 4. Issprig. Its ime to ln es. .Snakssleep inwintr. 6 Wyd yu i summer? BecausIan swimin t ea. A: oyoulike makng a nwma? : Ys, I o. 8 A: Wats thede? B:Its M30t.9A: Who hs a birhday in Dcember? B: Ay 10. Fl

15、lsomugut toctobr n Chin.四、 1 Tomand Mike art thezoo. arry hap.They can se mnyanimal. Now theyre ting. : oo, ike. I a ee som pnda. Mie: ,Yea. here s cute. Ltsgond have aook.Tm: hecan walk, at baoos andlimb ree. ke:at? lmb rees? om:Yes. Lok, the two padas r cimbing tebtre n. 2 In the ntur par The aima

16、ls ae vryhay an ative. he are doin may higs. he elepans are drinking wateritherivhe mokey reswininithe ree.ome kgaros are sleping uer th tsSoe tigers arealkn inh woos.3 I mAmy. I am mking irthay hart o amly.ere ae 6ple imy famly M athr birta is Ja.h.ygrndms irhdyi on I hava bo ada siter. y i

17、ttebrohersbirhdy is on a 9th My big sistbirtha i n Ag. 2h My mothe nd y irthdy re i inter. mothrs irtdayi o Ocber 2. Mine ison Nov.2st.练习三听力材料参考答案一:B BCB BABA CCAA ACA CCA二:xdx dxxxdddx dxdxx xxxdxxddxd ddx xd三:CBC CACBA BABB ABCA CC ABBCB ABCABABAACA AAC四:1play weeken;g hiki; aycess visit rapaets3

18、do mrnigecis 4 go shppng 5 ly ites rg planttree 7slepwnter 8 summer swim 9mking nom10dte May11 Dember 2FallAugst ctober 1limb moutains 14cni insecs15doing;ritig rept16 elphantwkn 17seasons They ar 18vember;Septmer 9 all;sunn cool 2reading udy21te;there ist 22Than Thats 23 classate;ds catchng butterflies 24 ats ood 25 Wht counting 6z;rining water 7 watchgoey 8 mons;wiging 9wing lette;listeningmusc 0 When hmework;Usally Somtimes五:ddd 2xdxd 3dxd 4dddxd xxd dxd7d8xxxdd8xxd 10xdx听力材料

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