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1、日四级真题答案与解析2016 年 6 月 18 日四级真题答案与解析重庆新东方四六级教研组新东方在线写作题目:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your friends who helped you most when you were in difficulty. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.今年四级时隔九年之后首次考了一

2、道应用文写作,虽然出乎意料,但 是大家可以根据题干中的关键词“ letter ”迅速判断今年要写的是书信。 书信本身难度不大,但是需要特别注意英文书信的书写格式。一、四级书信格式要求1、抬头:收件人的姓名2、正文:三段式3、落款:祝福( yours sincerely ) +写信人名、感谢信格式模板Dear ,I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for ( 感 谢 的 原 因 ). If it had not been for your assistance in ( 对方给你的具体帮助 ), I fear thatI would have

3、been ( 没有对方帮助时的后果 ).No one would disagree that it was you who (给出细节 ).Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Pleaseaccept my gratitude. Best wishes.Yours sincerely ,Li Ming(注意:抬头的 Dea r+人名顶格靠左写,后面一定要加逗号!落款 yours sincerely 和写信人名顶格靠右写, yours sincerely 后面也一定要加逗 号! Yours sincerely 为书信的惯用套

4、话,这个必须得有! )三、真题解析再来看看今天第三套试卷的写作。写作要求让自己写一封感谢信来表 达你对帮助自己克服困难的朋友的感谢。虽然书信大家可能在复习的时候 准备的较少,但其实只要抓住了书信的基本格式,即多了抬头和落款,正 文的写作应该较为简单,尤其是第二段,大家可以按照熟悉的原因分析段 的方式来写。1、写作思路:第一段:表明对朋友的感谢并点题; 第二段:朋友用哪些方式帮我在哪些方面克服了困难 第三段:再次表示对朋友诚挚的感谢并祝愿朋友身体健康。2、范文:Dear Tom,I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for your great

5、help when I failed that vital English interview. If it had not been for your assistance in giving me those brilliant suggestions and warm encouragement, I fear that I would have lost my way.No one would disagree that it was you who stayed with me and pulled me through the hard time. First and foremo

6、st, you told me it is the priority for me to calm down. This is due to the fact that the ability to stay sober and positive made me come up with quite a few ideas to cope with the consequence that failure triggered. Furthermore, you mademelearn to analyze mylack of interview skills and find solution

7、s. Plenty of evidence has shown that this work played an indispensable role in my success the next year. Last but not the least, you helped to build my confidence.Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude. Best wishes.Yours sincerely,Li Minga o 曲MxeduM: ln ihit

8、 r eudi Muiri /hjm a lit 少曲备訂 du ffasnuKt thmttgh ntnily A曲* 皿潍 * fpfjerJ 应月曲 & f5 “如阴by耐叶Please 2 tht浪*:伽砂泗映川吋 Answer Sht 2 ith a 诵诙 /iw嗣谕妝“It uunv m L- StjjjJc rirfjpT fhdFT cnrt-讪t it hdP51吐b的讪6Physical avtniix kc* the bod、geMd ond Ihcrci |4Towm 門 i 即 巾血副 school or onKcwAivhcni lai Llw Methw恤n血 i

9、rpoit llud childrciifc 卅局 占 11MMC EE诣匕 口 事 仕 of 1,4 their Lg 2b IO E higher GPM and tetter sa 如血血眾;询;血肿出 thu : ph4cnl tiivnv aid aadcrnic 期_*还* _ .琢訥洒Ml皿n mm vd Th c Klt their grtifes weft *n whcnl. J - * &nd rtadnpTH 亦M noinb 血 thenjbirw debflif overwhUKrphyic-l 1晦伽 closes should.、畑lioo”、injg沪出-3Q

10、An Tirtuller hudtet* The irgumenti apainsl pti-iral eeiiJcniinTi、谭代 *wlu卧J ZTE日1诣 曲就 昉m time muy be mling iwiy from stihdy hfflK. With ndiirdid 杞料轡 并血 the LlS 31 in TKeni ycAti. same mdrnrnistratniT. betid e smAaiti nd to spend 祁 nc讥口ic irt (he clssmiorn insiead of on lire plfivgrmi&d. 0m a* these f

11、lndivt紳 how, exerci w and口亦1 曲 iy TH* be a tusi 內严i讪絢i临y imP hkxid _JJ_ 1o 屁 hram+山时陀哄憎忙.即询 iw Z cwtz 谢一 whieh art _14 . to leanting. And ckcw 际 reg鮎好that cm Empmvc ” 讪代Im r 止g “ hich can also help learning, Sc while itw ifkbds nt psi trofiiftg Their bixiies w*en they Ye mnnitif Hmu嗣* 1Jlcy 站 cxervi

12、*in( ibeir brain* 輕 well.选词填空一、文章主旨:根据首句,我们可以看到整篇文章的主旨意思: physical activitydoes the body good, and there s growing evidenee that it helps thebrain too. (身体活动对身体活动有好处,越来越多的证据显示它对大脑也有好处),所以我们可以知道整篇文章实际是在讨论身体活动与大脑活 动相关的影响。二、对 15 个选项进行词性分类A. nB. advC. nD. v-ingE. v-ingF. adjG. adjH. vI. nJ. advK. advL.

13、nM. vN. vO. v三、判断空格词性26., _ to have higher GPAs and better scores 固定搭配 tendto 倾向于答案: O27.In a _ of 14 studies that 空格词性为名词 ,备选项有 ACILA. 出席,出勤 C 趋势 I 心境 L 表现答案: C28.physical activity and academic _ 空格词性为名词,备选项有 AI L答案: A29., _ in the basic subjects of math, 空格词性为副词,备选项有 BJK答案: K30.空格词性为动词原schools str

14、uggle to _ on smaller budgets.形 备选项有 HMN答案: N31.With standardized test scores in the . _ in recent years, 空格词性为动词 ing ,备选项有 DE答案: E32.exercise and academics may not be _ exclusive. 空格词性为副词,备选项有 BJ答案: J33.can improve blood _ to the brain 空格词性为动词 备选项有DHM答案: H34., which are _ to learning. 空格词性为形容词 备选项有

15、 FG答案: F35.can improve _ and relieve stress. 空格词性为名词,备选项有IL答案: L篇章阅读第二篇 丁 n , kh -s s-A)li nuy amjiiicuie a (恤Hen餌 to coil叩uir pgnBininc幅B)it accotnpanics 訓 machinery involviiig high leclinokjgyC)li 5111 be avoided if huinaii tilueK are irntlait inlo 山匸応:angusge,D)h has tKuoniu Ju inevimble peril as

16、 teeteiology gets 加皿帛咐isticMcd47 Whiit wlxjIJ we ihirk oP第 person u lm invink:(?ur pcnonJil spare accMdin芝川Al Tlu. v 址 dtiivc. C) They art igndmii. EJ Lll are outworng. They arc ilJ-bCfld.比,Hev do roboti lenri huiin wig、A By intcrciclin x ith hurnans 率 ctfyday hie sjt JJtiontI j j Qy (ol.|oi,in 1 th

17、e diiily rouf inrx nf ciiliztrd iLjj:ianC)Bv pii kni up pjtnis iroin rtussBV dita on human hehaiiH. U) B、itinujirt tic buhy1! im ufpT“pii、biouiiLup h-UTiiir beings. hu: Uill a. uch-pn1 r L iiTncd itibtH do vhen facing ao uziusiiaI s-ilustionA)Ktcp b diiuncc from possible AinuvvB)Stop to sttk euH ice

18、 feuni 9 human bting.广Tnfigfif il$ tuih-iii iiMnn usiuni al oriur.p Do Ting bifonc Uting action.吐 h爭】气 rwisi I。心口 从林已 1 u 己 ium 51則11肚 k 3Ilm nitC1 b prog.fiimni&lc code*?戈)Deierminc 比 h/ is iik ial assd cthksLB)Dcijgji K)mc Urge-* eperim?nu:)初 rules Fiji maii-inoclimc interaction.Dj (Jevlop a more

19、sihiticactd pr l,Ul 山 Y W 论 X呻 ” roow outgoing, more arlivc and lz nnm哝cooperative 山:J叫肌 Loo8 vtng women are also more likely to be sympethetic andwould expect J :疋)Ullh a nonnal life span. These findings ire tn agreement witt.忧hat youathcr *、 nm lhC eVO,u,iona 山8邛山蚣 who like to noke friends and hel

20、p others cmpact on wheth UCVcr othcr charcteristies that you mighl ccinsidcr advantigeous had no invf - Cr SUld Nn cipanu were likely io live longer. Tho$c who uere more self discipltned.:“ Here morv likely to live k be very old. Aho. being opco to new ideas had no lheir l,l ng,e Wh,ch mi&hi explain

21、 all thmc had-tempered old people who are fixed in从 hMhcr you car successfully chan your peznality as an adutt is the subject ofa Joystanding pVLlhlogial debate. But lhe new paper suggests that if you want long life, you should strive to be outgoing as possible1 fnft- another rcccn【5tudy tliat your

22、nuxherS pefsutmlity rnaiy also help deirr- miM your longcv itv. I hat Mixly looked at nearly 28.000 Nor* egtw mothers and found tha: thoae moone knous that mdi.iduak can lm to change. Butboth studies show that long life isnt just a natter of your physical health bui of vur menul healih51.Itc aim of

23、the study in the Journal of the Ameruun Geriatric Soactx is A)to %rr wixrther people s pcionalit- affects ihcir life、panB)to find out if onc Incxiyic Iws an effect on their healthC)to investigate the role of ckckisc m livirg long ,lfeD)10 examine .ill the fetors contnbuung to Iggevrty52.WW does lhe

24、;Hitlx)r mpl about ouigouw md smpatbetK peogA)They bas e a good umicrMaiiding of evolution ,讀|B)They arc better at ncgotiaiinj? an agreement.C)They generally appear more rescurtrfuLD)They arc more likely to get over hardship.53.What finding of the study might prove somewl*-1* -ut 0, our exPectal*00A

25、)Easy-going people can also 咲 a 翻八出:f :;、“ 血 times.B)PerMirwIity cluiMteristics that prove “罗二 effeci longevity.C)Such personality charteiiMics as self-iPlinD)Readmess to xcepi new ideas Helps on k 叫 051.A解析:审题,问的是这个研究的目的,根据题干中的大写字母 JAGS定位到第一段,JAGS looked at this question 那一句,可以发现研究的目的 是为了回答这个问题,由此可

26、知就是上文提到的两个问题,所以是跟personality affect longevity 有关的,答案选 A52.D解析:审题,根据 outgoing and sympathetic people 定位到第二段,由最后一句话可知 作者暗示这些人是更有可能度过艰难时期的人。 答案选 D53.C解析:审题, finding 研究发现, out of our exception 出乎我们的意料的,所以结合题文同序原则定位到第三段,一开头就出现了 however, 所以出乎意料的是有一些你认为有利的人格却对长寿没有影响。后面接着 就举例说明了。答案选 C54.D解析:关键词定位到倒数第二段,研究发现

27、母亲的人格对孩子的寿命有影 响,选 D55.B解析:定位到最后一段,说明身、心健康二者才是促成长寿的原因。翻译乌镇是浙江的一座古老水镇,坐落在京杭大运河畔。这是一处迷人的 地方,有很多古桥,中式旅馆和餐馆。在过去一千多年里,乌镇的水系和生活方式并未经历多少变化,是一座展现古文明的博物馆。乌镇所有房屋 都用石木建造。数百年来,当地人沿河边建起了住宅和集市。无数宽敞美丽的庭院藏身于屋舍之间,游客们每到一处都会有惊喜的发现。Wuzhen, an ancient waterside town in Zhejiang Province, is located by the Great Canal. It

28、 is a charming scenic spot with numerous old bridges, hotels and restaurants of Chinese style. In the past more than 1,000 years, the water system and life style in Wuzhenhas experienced few changes, which is a museumunfolding the ancient civilization. All the houses there are constructed with stone

29、s and wood. For hundreds of years, the locals have built dwellings and markets along the river banks. There are innumerable roomy and beautiful courts hiding among the houses, and tourists will have surprise discoveries wherever they go.解析:1. 第一句是个标准的 A is B, and A is C 句式,根据我们之前在课程上讲过的公式直接套取即 A is B, and A is C = A

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