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组织诊断Organization diagnosis.docx

1、组织诊断Organization diagnosis组织发展篇OD 深藏精度之:组织诊断 Organization diagnosis组织发展过程 The Process of Organization Development1、进入与签约 Entering and Contracting2、组织诊断 Diagnosing Organizations What is diagnosis ? 诊断是什么? The need for diagnostic models 对诊断模型的需求 Open systems model 开放系统模型 Organization-level diagnosis 组

2、织层级的诊断3、工作群体与职位诊断 Diagnosing Groups and Jobs4、收集和分析诊断信息 Collecting and Analyzing DiagnosticInformation5、反馈诊断信息 Feeding Back Diagnostic Information6、设计干预措施 Designing Interventions7、领导和管理变革 Leading and Managing Change8、评估和制度化“组织发展变革” Evaluating and InstitutionalizingOrganization Development Interventi

3、ons诊断是什么?When done well, diagnosis clearly points the organization and the OD practitioner toward a set of appropriate intervention activities that will improve organization effectiveness.Diagnosis is the process of understanding a systems current functioning. It involves collecting pertinent inform

4、ation about current operations, analyzing those data, and drawing conclusions for potential change and improvement. Effective diagnosis provides the systematic knowledge of the organization needed to designappropriate interventions. Thus, OD interventions derive from diagnosis and include specific a

5、ctions intended to improve organizational functioning.Diagnostic models derive from conceptions about how organizations function, and they tell OD practitioners what to look for in diagnosing organizations, departments, groups, or jobs. They serve as a road map for discovering current functioning. A

6、 general, comprehensive diagnostic model is presented based on open systems theory.WHAT IS DIAGNOSIS?Diagnosis is the process of understanding how the organization is currently functioning, and it provides the information necessary to design change interventions. It generally follows from successful

7、 entry and contracting, which set the stage for successful diagnosis. Those processes help OD practitioners and client members jointly determine organizational issues to focus on, how to collect and analyze data to understand them, and how to work together to develop action steps from the diagnosis.

8、 In another sense, diagnosis is happening all the time. Managers, organization members, and OD practitioners arealways trying to understand the drivers of organization effectiveness, and how and why change is proceeding in a particular way. 诊断是一种对组织当前如何运作的理解过程,为设计组织变革/发展干预措施提供必须的信息 成功的【进入和签约】,奠定诊断成功

9、的基础 该过程帮助客户和 OD 共同决定应集中力量解决的组织问题,如何收集和分析 数据,如何协作以确定组织诊断的具体行为步骤 在另一种意义上,诊断一直发生 管理者、组织成员和 OD 总是尝试理解组织有效性的驱动因素、变革是如何/为什么以特定方式进行Unfortunately, the term diagnosis can be misleading when applied to organizations. It suggests a model of organization change analogous to the medical model of diagnosis: An or

10、ganization (patient) experiencing problems seeks help from an OD practitioner (doctor); the practitioner examines the organization, finds the causes of the problems, and prescribes a solution. Diagnosis in organization development, however, is much more collaborative than such a medical perspective

11、implies and does not accept the implicit assumption that something is wrong with the organization. 遗憾的是,诊断在组织应用中常被误解:存在问题的组织(病人)到 OD(医生)寻求帮助;OD 检查组织、寻找问题成因、提出解决方案 组织发展中的【诊断】比医学中的诊断更强调合作精神,并且反对“组织可能出了问题”的潜在假设First, the values and ethical beliefs that underlie OD suggest that both organization members

12、 and change agents should be involved in discovering the determinants of current organization effectiveness. Similarly, both should be involved actively in developing appropriate interventions and implementing them. For example, a manager mightseek an OD practitioners help to reduce absenteeism in h

13、is or herdepartment. The manager and an OD consultant jointly might decide to diagnose the cause of the problem by examining company absenteeism records and by interviewing selected employees about possible reasons for absenteeism. Alternatively, they might examine employee loyalty and discover the

14、organizational elements that encourage people to stay. Analysis of those data could uncover determinants of absenteeism or loyalty in the department, thus helping the manager and the OD practitioner jointly to develop an appropriate intervention to address the issue. 指导 OD 的职业价值观和道德信念指出,组织成员和变革推动者应参

15、与到发现当前组织更有效的决定因素 同样,组织成员和变革推动者积极参与到构思合理的干预措施,以及参与实施 这些干预措施Second, the medical model of diagnosis also implies that something is wrong with the patient and that one needs to uncover the cause of the illness. In those cases where organizations do have specific problems, diagnosis can be problem orient

16、ed, seeking reasons for the problems. On the other hand, as suggested by the absenteeism example above, the OD practitioner and the client may choose one of the newer views of organization change and frame the issue positively. Additionally,the client and the OD practitioner may be looking for ways

17、to enhancethe organizations existing functioning. Many managers involved with OD are not experiencing specific organizational problems. Here, diagnosis is development oriented. It assesses the current functioningof the organization to discover areas for future development. For example, a manager mig

18、ht be interested in using OD to improve a department that already seems to be functioning well. Diagnosis might include an overall assessment of both the task performancecapabilities of the department and the impact of the department on its individual members. This process seeks to uncover specific

19、areas forfuture development of the departments effectiveness. 诊断的医学模型暗示“病人出了问题并且需要寻找病因”。组织有具体问题的 情况下,诊断是问题导向的,诊断是寻找问题的成因 相反,客户和 OD 可以选择组织变革一种新的视角,积极化解问题。此外,客户和 OD 可能正在寻找增强现有组织功能的方法。许多管理者没有遇到具体的 组织问题,亦参与到组织发展(项目)中。在此,诊断是发展导向的,评估组 织当前功能,发现未来可发展的空间。举例,部门功能良好,管理者可能对使 用 OD 改进部门有兴趣。诊断可能包含对“部门绩效有关的能力”进行全面的

20、 评估,也包含评估部门对个体成员的影响是怎样的。这个过程揭示部门未来发 展的具体领域In organization development, diagnosis is used more broadly than a medical definition would suggest. It is a collaborative process between organization members and the OD consultant to collect pertinent information, analyze it, and draw conclusions for actio

21、n planning and intervention. Diagnosis may be aimed at uncovering the causes of specific problems, focused on understanding effective processes, or directed at assessing the overall functioning of the organization or department to discover areas for future development. Diagnosis provides a systemati

22、c understanding of organizations so that appropriate interventions may be developed for solving problems and enhancing effectiveness. 在组织发展领域,诊断比医学定义中应用更广泛。诊断是组织成员和 OD 合作的过程,收集相关信息,分析信息,得出关于行动计划和干预措施的结论 诊断可能瞄准发现特定问题的原因,专注理解有效的进程,给评估组织和部门的整体功能提供指导,以发现未来发展的领域 诊断提供了对组织的系统性理解,这样为解决问题提高绩效制定合理干预措施对诊断模型的需求

23、THE NEED FOR DIAGNOSTIC MODELSEntry and contracting processes can result in a need to understand either a whole system or some part, process, or feature of the organization. To diagnose an organization, OD practitioners and organization members need to have an idea about what information to collect

24、and analyze. Choices about what to look for invariably depend on how organizations are perceived. Such perceptions can vary from intuitive hunches to scientific explanations of how organizations function. Conceptual frameworks that people use to understandorganizations are referred to as “diagnostic

25、 models.” They describethe relationships among different features of the organization, as well as its context and its effectiveness. As a result, diagnostic models point out what areas to examine and what questions to ask in assessing how an organization is functioning. 【进入与签约】导致对组织整体或部分、流程、特征进行了解 为

26、诊断组织,OD 和组织成员就收集和分析哪些信息,需要有明确的主意 选择寻找哪些信息,取决于“组织如何被感知/领会” 这些感知包含“组织如何运作”的直觉性预感到对他的科学解释等方方面面 人们用于理解组织的概念框架被称为“诊断模型” 这些模型描述 组织不同特征之间的关系、环境及背景、有效性 因此在评估组织如何运作时,诊断模型指出了要检查哪些领域以及要问哪些问 题However, all models represent simplifications of reality and therefore choose certain features as critical. The positive

27、 model of change supports the conclusion that focusing attention on those features, often to the exclusion of others, can result in a biased diagnosis. For example, a diagnostic model that relates team effectiveness to the handling of interpersonal conflict would lead an OD practitioner to ask quest

28、ions about relationships among members, decision-making processes, and conflict resolution methods. Although relevant, those questions ignore other group issues such as the composition of skills and knowledge, the complexity of the tasks performed by the group, and member interdependencies. Thus, di

29、agnostic models andprocesses must be chosen carefully to address the organizationspresenting problems as well as to ensure comprehensiveness. 所有的模型都是对现实的简要描述,对特定要素的选择最为关键 the positive model of change支持这样的观点:把注意力集中在某些特征 上,排除其他因素,会导致带有偏见的诊断结果 解决组织呈现的问题并确保综合全面,需要谨慎的选择诊断模型和诊断过程举个例子一个将团队效率与处理人际冲突方式联系起来的诊

30、断模型,会引导 OD 询问有 关“成员之间关系、决策过程和冲突解决方法”的问题。尽管相关,但这些问 题忽略了其他一系列的可能因素,如:知识技能的构成、团队执行任务的复杂 性以及成员之间的相互依赖性(工作设计)Potential diagnostic models are everywhere. Any collection of concepts and relationships that attempts to represent a system or explain its effectiveness can potentially qualify as a diagnostic mo

31、del. Major sources of diagnostic models in OD are the thousands of articles and books that discuss, describe, and analyze how organizations function. They provide information about how and why certain organizational systems, processes, or functions are effective. The studies often concern a specific facet of organizational behavior, such as employee stress, leadership, motivation, problem solving, group dynamics, job design, and career development. They also can involve the larger organization and its context, including the environment, strategy, structure, and culture. D

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