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1、三校生词汇表三校生词汇表英文汉文1. be able to 能,会2. be about to do 正要做3. look about 环顾4. how /what about怎么样5. go abroad出国6. be absent from不在7. by accident偶然8. in accordance with一致,依照,根据9. on account of 因为10. get across穿过11. act as 担当12. take action 采取行动13. bring into action使行动起来14. be active in 积极,积极参加15. be in act

2、ivity在活动中(火山等)16. add to 增加;增添17. add to 把加到上去18. add up to 合计达19. in advance 在前面20. take advantage of 利用21. a piece of advice 一项建议或忠告22. ask for sbs advice /ask advice of sb .向某人征求意见23. follow /take sbs advice 接受某人的意见24. give sb .some advice on sth 就某事向某人提出一些建议或意见25. be afraid of 害怕,担心26. again and

3、 again 常常,一次又一次地27. at the age of 在的年龄28. agree with sb 同意某人(观点,看法,意见等)29. agree to sth 同意某事(提议,建议,方法,计划等)30. agree on sth .(双方)对取得一致意见31. agree to do sth 同意做某事32. be in agreement on sth 对某事意见一致33. make an agreement with与达成协议34. ahead of 在之前35. aim at 瞄准36. by air 通过航空途径37. go by air 坐飞机去38. on /off

4、 the air 正在(或停止)广播39. above all 首先,首要40. after all 毕竟,终究41. (not)at all 根本(不)42. in all 合计43. all in all 总的说来44. allow sb .to do sth 允许某人做某事45. leave alone 不管,不理会46. let alone 不科学家,不干涉,更不用说47. all along 一直,始终48. read aloud 朗读49. not only but also 不但而且50. a large amount of 大量51. in large/small amount

5、s 大量地/小额地52. the ancient 古代民族,古人53. be angry at /about sth 因某事生气54. be angry with/at sb ,for .doing .sth因某人做了某事而生气55. get angry 生气,动怒56. make sb .angry 惹某人生气57. one another 互相58. one after another 一个接一个地,接连地59. answer to the question问题的答案60. in answer to (作状语用)回答,应答;响应61. be anxious about 为而焦急62. (n

6、ot)any longer 不再63. (not)any more 不再64. anything but 根本不,除外都65. apologize to sb for sth 为某事向某人道歉66. appeal to 上诉67. apply for a job 求职68. apply to 把应用于69. argue with sb about / on sth与某人辩论某事70. arm in arm 臂挽臂71. arrive in 到达(大地方)72. arrive at 到达(小地方)73. arrive at a decision /conclusion作出决定/得出结论74. a

7、s for 至于,就而论75. as if 好象,仿佛=as though76. as a matter of fact 事实上77. as to 至于,关于78. ask about 询问,打听79. ask after 询问,问候80. ask for 请求81. fall asleep 入睡82. make an attack on 对发动进攻83. pay attention to 注意84. award a prize to sb 授奖于某人85. be aware of/that 知道,意识到86. far away 远离,在远处87. right away 立刻,马上88. at

8、 sb s back/at the back of sb 支持某人89. be bad at 不善长,拙于90. be bad for 对有害91. a piece of baggage一件行李92. beat off 击退93. because of 因为94. long before很久以前,在以前很久95. beg for sth 乞讨,乞求96. beg a favour of sb 请某人帮个忙97. begin with 由开始98. at the beginning of 在开始99. come into being(事物,局面等)形成产生100. bring in to bei

9、ng 使形成,使产生101. believe in 信任,信仰102. belong to 属于103. be beneficial to 对有益104. pay a bill付账105. kill two birds with one stone一箭双雕106. by birth 生来,天生地107. a bit (of ) 一点;一些108. not a bit 毫不109. bit by bit 一点一点地110. block letter 印刷体字母111. write in block letters 用印刷体书写112. at a (one )blow 一下子113. in the

10、 same boat 处境相同114. be /get bored with 对感到厌烦115. be bored to death烦死了116. borrow sth from sb 向某人借某物117. both and 两者都118. at the bottom of 在底部119. bottoms up !干杯120. break away from 脱离,挣脱121. break down 崩溃,(指机器等)出毛病,坏掉122. break in /in to 闯入/破门而入123. break out 爆发124. break the law 违法125. break in to

11、/pieces (使)成碎片126. break sb s heart 令某人心碎,令某人绝望127. out of breath上气不接下气128. bus stop 公共汽车站,车站129. on business因事,因公130. be busy at /with /over /about ones work忙于工作131. be busy doing sth 忙于做某事132. last but one 倒数第二133. but for 若非,要不是134. by all means 当然,一定,务必,好的,当然可以135. by underground乘地铁136. by means

12、 of 用方法137. by and by 不久以后138. by the way 顺便问一下139. by oneself亲自,独自140. call at (some place)拜访(某地)141. call for sb 来(或去)接某人142. call in (a doctor)请医生143. call on 号召144. call on sb 拜访某人145. call (up)打电话146. go camping去野营147. cant help doing 禁不住148. cannot but do 不得不149. cannot help but do 不得不150. can

13、nottoo越越好151. be capable of 有能力152. care about 关心,在乎153. care for 喜欢,照顾,关心,愿意154. take care 小心,当心155. take care of 照顾,负责156. carry out 进行到底,开展,贯彻,执行157. in any case 无论如何,总之158. in case 假使,万一159. in case of 万一160. in no case 决不161. in the case of 就来说162. catch (a )cold 感冒,受凉163. catch hold of 握住,抓住16

14、4. catch up with赶上165. be caught in the rain 被雨淋166. make certain 弄清楚167. be certain of /that对有把握168. by chance 偶然,意外地169. change()in to (使)变化170. for a change为了改变一下171. free of charge 免费172. in charge of 主管,看管173. in /under the charge of 在掌管之下174. check in 登记,报到,检票175. check up 核对176. play chess 下象

15、棋177. have no choice but to do 除(做)外别无选择,只好178. at Christmas 在圣诞节179. on Christmas eve 在圣诞节前夕180. go to church 去教堂做礼拜181. go to the cinema 去看电影182. clap ones hands 拍手,鼓掌183. be clever at 在方面聪明184. the clock round (round the clock)连续一整天(或一昼夜)185. close to 在附近,接近于186. a suit of clothes 一套衣服187. be in

16、college 正在上大学188. go to college 读大学,上大学189. come across(偶然)遇到,碰见190. come along 一起来,走过来,进步191. come at 向扑来192. come in to power 上台193. come in to use 使用起来194. come on 赶快195. come over 过来,从远方来196. come to 共计197. come to (oneself)苏醒,恢复知觉198. come to know /realize/understand 终于知道/认识到/明白199. come true实现

17、200. come up 走近,长出,发芽201. come up with赶上,提出202. have in common(with)与共有203. out of common不平常,非凡204. communicate with与交流,与联系205. complain of /about 抱怨206. congratulate sb on (upon )sth 祝贺某人207. on the contrary 正相反208. at one s convenience 最方便地209. in the corner of 在角落里210. on /at the corner of 在拐角处21

18、1. round /around the corner 在拐角处,即将212. at all costs 不惜任何代价213. cost sb .his life 使某人丧失生命214. a couple of 几个,三两个215. in the course of 在期间216. of course 当然217. be covered with被盖满218. under (the )cover of 在掩护下219. buy goods on credit 赊购220. cross talk 相声221. be crowded with挤满222. cry over split milk作无

19、益的后悔223. the customs 海关224. a short cut 近路。捷径225. cut short (cut sb .short)使停止,打断,缩减,截短(打断某人的话)226. daily life 日常生活227. be in danger 处于危险中228. our of danger 脱离危险229. in the dark 在黑暗中,秘密地230. out of date 过时的,废弃的231. up to date 现代的,新式的232. a day off 休息日233. all day long 一天到晚,整天地234. day after day 日复一日

20、地(表示重复)235. day by day 一天天地,逐日236. one day 某一天237. the other day 不久前某天238. to this day 至今239. a great deal大量的240. deal with 处理,对付241. decide to do sth 决定做242. by degrees 逐渐地243. deliver sth .to do 把某物交给某人244. desire sb .to do sth 渴望某人做某事245. in detail详细地246. be determined to do sth 决心做某事247. keep a

21、diary 记日记248. die of 因患而死249. die from 由于而死250. make some (no difference )有些(没有)关系251. be different from 与不同252. have difficulty in doing 在做有困难253. with difficulty 困难地,艰难的254. without difficulty 容易地,毫不费力地255. be diligent in one s work 工作勤勉256. at dinner 在吃饭257. in all directions/in every direction向四

22、面八方/向各方面258. in the direction of 朝着的方向259. discus throwing 掷铁饼260. discuss about /on 对进行讨论261. in the distance 在远处262. divide in to 把分成263. divide sth .among 在之间分配某物264. do everything possible 竭尽全力265. do good to sb /do sb .good 对某人有益266. do harm to 对有害267. do nothing but do 除做外什么事也没法干268. do sb .a

23、favour 帮某人一个忙269. do sb .harm 对某人有害270. do sb .wrong 冤枉某人271. have something/nothing to do with 和有些(没有)关系272. do well in 在方面做的不错273. do with 处理,处置274. next door to 与相邻,几乎275. be down with 因患而病倒276. dozens of 许多,几十277. dream of 梦想278. be dressed in 穿着279. be well dressed 穿得考究280. be poorly dressed 穿得

24、不好281. dress up穿上盛装282. drive away 赶走283. drive sb .mad 使某人发疯284. drop in (on sb )顺便(偶然)走访(某人)285. dry up 干涸,(思路)枯竭286. do ones duty尽职,尽本分287. off duty下班288. on duty 上班,值班289. each other 互相290. be eager for /after /about sth .渴求某事物291. be all ears 全神贯注地听着292. give ear to 听;倾听;注意293. earn ones living

25、谋生294. on earth 在世界上,在人间,究竟,到底295. in the east of 在的东部296. on the east of 在的东面297. to the east of 在的东面;在之东298. take it (things)easy别紧张299. eat up 吃光,吃完300. either or 或者或者/不论还是301. an elementary school小学302. be empty of 缺乏,无303. enable sb to do sth使某人能够做某事304. from beginning to end 从头至尾305. end up 告终

26、,结束306. in the end 最后,终于307. at the end of 在尽头(末端),在的最后,结尾308. bring to an end使结束309. by the end of 在结束时,到末为止310. come to and end 结束311. make ends meet量入为出,使收支相抵312. the english (总称)英国人313. enjoy oneself过得很愉快314. even as 恰在时候,正当315. even if (even though)即使316. ever since自那时到现在,以后一直317. for ever永远318. every other 每隔319. pass an examination通过考试320. fail(in )an examination考试不及格321. for example 例如322. set (give )a good example to sb 为某人树立好榜样323. except for

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