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版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Heroes讲义 北师大版必修1.docx

1、版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Heroes讲义 北师大版必修1 一积词汇见多识广课内单词回扣(一)阅读词汇写其义1character n人物;性格;汉字2.astronaut n宇航员 3disaster n灾难_ 4.atmosphere n大气;气氛_5revolution n革命_ 6.republic n共和国7march vi.& n._游行示威;行军_ 8.champion n冠军9commit vt.犯(错误),做(坏事) 10.brilliant adj.卓越的_(二)表达词汇写其形1calm adj.镇静的,沉着的 2.peacefully adv.和平地,平静地3rep

2、orter n记者,通讯员 4.wave_vi.挥手示意,致意5found vt.建立,创立 6.opinion n意见,看法,主张7struggle n斗争,拼搏 8.event n竞赛;事件9quality n质量;品质 10.unusual adj.不平常的11promote vt.促进,提升 12.disabled adj.残疾的(三)拓展词汇灵活用1.react vi.反应reaction n反应*2.violent adj.暴力的violently adv.猛烈地violence n暴力,暴行*3.equal adj.平等的equally adv.平等地equality n相等;平

3、等4.skilful adj.灵巧的,熟练的skilfully adv.熟练地skill n技巧*5.amazing adj.令人惊异的amaze vt.使惊异amazed adj.惊奇的6.fortunately adv.幸运地fortunate adj.幸运的fortune n运气;财富;命运*7.injury n伤害,损害injure vt.伤害,损害injured adj.受伤的*8.confident adj.自信的confidently adv.自信地confidence n自信;信任*pete vi.比赛,竞争competition n比赛competitor n竞争者,对手co

4、mpetitive adj.竞争的;比赛的10.generous adj.慷慨的,大方的generously adv.慷慨地,大方地generosity n慷慨;豁达用上面加*号的单词的适当形式填空1The violent pictures in which some Japanese soldiers were violently shooting the Chinese civilians expose the violence of the invaders.2What amazed me most was that the boy had an amazing appetite for

5、 American country music.3During the Olympic Games, hundreds of competitors compete in various competitions to win honor for their countries.4As far as Im concerned, the boy always does everything confidently,_for he shows strong confidence in doing everything.5The injured man was being operated on b

6、ecause of his knee injury.6The workers demand equality,_thinking they are equal with others and should be paid equally.,话题单词积累1relative /reltv/ n 亲属,亲戚2partner /ptn/ n. 伙伴;同伴3fellow /fel/ n. 同伴;伙伴4monitor /mnt/ n. 班长5manager /mnd/ n. 经理6headmaster /hedmst/ n. (中小学)校长7neighbour /neb/ n. 邻居,邻人8village

7、r /vld/ n. 村民9roommate /rummet/ n. 室友,舍友10acquaintance /kwent()ns/ n 熟人;相识11elder /eld/ n. 长辈;老人;父辈12senior /sin/ n. 年长者;高年级学生13junior /dun/ n. 年幼者;低年级学生14adult /dlt; dlt/ n. 成年人15teenager /tined/ n. 青少年16companion /kmpnjn/ n. 同伴;同事17president /prezdnt/ n. 总统;董事长;大学校长18chairman /temn/ n. 主席19clever

8、/klev/ adj. 聪明的20patient /pe()nt/ adj. 有耐心的21grateful /gretfl/ adj. 感激的22modest /mdst/ adj. 谦虚的23justice /dsts/ n. 公正24reliable /rlab()l/ adj. 可信赖的25educated /edjketd/ adj. 有教养的26positive /pztv/ adj. 积极的27brave /brev/ adj. 勇敢的28duty /djut/ n. 责任29strong /str/ adj. 强壮的30considerate /knsd()rt/ adj. 体贴

9、的31enthusiastic /njuzstk/ adj. 热情的32precious /pres/ adj. 珍贵的33sincere /sns/ adj. 真诚的34conscience /kn()ns/ n. 良心;良知35merciful/msfl/ adj. 宽大的;仁慈的36curious /kjrs/ adj. 好奇的二积短语顿挫抑扬课内短语回扣(一)根据汉语写出下列短语1.millions_of数百万 *2.let_out解脱;放出去3.in_ones_opinion 在某人看来 *4.on_ones_own 单独地,独自地*5.give_up 放弃 *6.pull_thro

10、ugh渡过难关7.get_on 融洽相处;进展 8.get_involved_with 参加,参与*9.far_too太,极为 *e_to_an_end结束11.in_the_course_of在的过程中 pete_against与竞争(二)用上面加*号的短语完成下列句子1Its a far_too long journey to make in one day.2He sat there for a long time, then let_out a loud sigh.3She cant finish the job on_her_own. Its quite difficult.4Whe

11、n the meeting finally came_to_an_end,_most people were tired and hungry.5The doctor managed to persuade my uncle to give_up drinking every day so his health is a lot better.6Everyone was very concerned whether he would pull_through or not.,话题短语积累1contribute to 有助于2take pride in 以为荣3be determined to

12、do 决心做4be keen on 热衷于5call for 需要6do sb. no good 对某人没有好处7fight against 与作斗争8be crazy about 对痴迷9show respect for 尊敬10be good at . 擅长11share .with . 与分享12be kind/friendly to sb. 对友好13quarrel with sb. 和某人争吵14have words with sb. 和某人争吵15have a word with sb. 和某人说句话16make up 和解三积句式写作扮靓课内句式仿写1be doing sth.

13、when .“正在做某事,这时”例句Millions of people all over China were watching TV when the spaceship landed safely.仿写杰克正在和孩子们在院子里玩耍,这时他看到空中有奇怪的东西。Jack was_playing_with_children in the yard when he saw something strange in the sky.2with复合宾语 例句Jennifer was in the kitchen, with her hands in a bowl of flour, when sh

14、e saw a small boy climb into a truck.仿写他站在门口,手里拿着一部电脑。He stood at the door, with_a_computer_in_his_hand.3状语从句的省略例句Brandi, the sisters mother, taught her daughters at home so that they completed their high school while developing their tennis careers.仿写当我周游世界时,我惊奇地发现了很多美丽的地方。While_travelling_around_t

15、he_world,_I was amazed to find so many beautiful places.4祈使句and陈述句例句Give me a challenge and Ill meet it with joy.仿写努力学习你就会取得很大进步。Work_hard,_and you can make great progress in your study.,话题佳句背诵1I didnt realize the importance of cooperating with others until I was chosen monitor of my class in my sen

16、ior middle school.直到上高中我被选为班长时我才意识到与他人合作的重要性。2To avoid the embarrassment, hosts should tell the guests whether they bring gifts to the party or not.为了避免尴尬,主人应该告诉客人他们是否要带礼物来参加派对。3As long as you can help someone and inspire him to make a difference, you are a success.只要你能帮助某个人并鼓励他去有所创造,你就成功了。 4The man

17、ager is such a warmhearted man that we all admire him very much.经理是一个如此热心肠的人,以至于我们都很喜欢他。四背语段语感流畅In my opinion, it is not so easy for us to be a hero. First, a hero must be brave. When he sees someone commit a bad deed, he must be brave enough to catch him or to stop him. Second, he must be strong en

18、ough.At the moment society calls for heroes. But there are fewer heroes now because of several reasons. The most important reason is that people dont want to mind other peoples business because they think it will do them no good.Personally, fighting against crimes is not just the job of the police;

19、its also the duty of every citizen.在我看来,对我们来说成为英雄不容易。首先英雄必须勇敢,当他看到有人做坏事时,他必须足够勇敢去抓住他或者阻止他。第二,他必须足够的强壮。目前,社会需要英雄。但是由于种种原因英雄很少。最重要的原因是人们不想管闲事,因为他们认为这对他们没有好处。我个人认为同犯罪作斗争不仅仅是警察的工作,也是每个公民的责任。 第一板块重点词汇突破师生共研词汇1character n品格,品质;特征,特性;(小说、戏剧中的)人物,角色;(汉)字,字体;性格教材原句Listen to descriptions of three film charact

20、ers.听三位电影角色的描述。一词多义写出句中character的含义They are the two main characters in the film Wolf Warrior .角色Her husband was a man of good character, wellliked and respected by his colleagues.品质There are more than 80,000 Chinese characters, most of which are seldom used today.汉字You must get rid of the bad habit,

21、 because it can affect your character.性格(1)a leading character 主角in character 符合某人的性格out of character 不符合某人的性格(2)characteristic adj. 表现特点的 n. 特征,特性be characteristic of sb. 是某人的特点I cant believe she lied to me it seems out_of_character.我想不到她会对我撒谎这不符合她的性格。Quick decision is characteristic of him.当机立断是他的

22、特点。一言串记One may only have a character, but may have many characteristics, all of which build ones character.一个人可能只有一种性格,但可能有多种特征或特点,所有这些特征或特点便构成了一个人的品质。2equal adj.平等的;相等的;胜任的n.(地位等)相同的人;对手;相等的事物 vt.等于,比得上教材原句King didnt want to because he believed black and white people should enjoy equal rights.金不想(让

23、座)是因为他认为黑人与白人应该享有平等的权利。(1)be equal to (doing) sth. 等于/胜任(做)某事A equals B in . A在方面比得上B/与 B相匹敌(2)without equal 无匹敌者;首屈一指(3)equality n. 平等equally adv. 相等地;同等地;均等地;同样地Im sure Catherine is equal to the new job that requires patience and skills.我确信凯瑟琳能胜任需要耐心和技能的这份新工作。Such stupidity is without_equal in the

24、 entire history of human relations. 如此愚蠢的行为在整个人际关系史上找不出第二个。Men and women must be treated equally (equal) in education and employment.男女应该在教育和就业方面得到平等的对待。3struggle vi.&n.斗争;拼搏;努力;挣扎经典例句Lisa struggled with her conscience before talking to the police.(牛津P2006)莉萨经过一番良心的斗争,终于对警方说了。struggle for 为而斗争strugg

25、le with/against sb./sth. 与某人/某物作斗争struggle to do sth. 努力做某事struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来We have to struggle against/with all kinds of difficulties from home and abroad.我们必须与来自国内外的各种各样的困难作斗争。Shes struggling to_raise (raise) a family on a very low income.她靠着非常微薄的收入艰难地供养一家人。I found an old man fell into

26、a pool, but quickly he struggled_to_his_feet.我发现有位老人摔倒在一个池塘里,但是很快他就挣扎着站了起来。4compete vi.比赛,竞争教材原句He has always been very strict with his daughters, training them hard to compete against each other.他一直都严格要求他的女儿们,努力地训练她们去互相竞争。(1)compete for . 为而竞争compete with/against . 与竞争compete in . 在方面竞争; 参加比赛(2)com

27、petition n. 竞争,竞赛competitor n. 参赛者;对手competitive adj. 竞争性的We can compete_with/against_students from other universities in debate contests or speech contests.我们可以和来自其他大学的学生在辩论比赛或演讲比赛中竞争。Im afraid I might not make it if I want to compete_for the first place.如果我想争第一名的话恐怕不太可能做得到。Nobody can entirely keep

28、 away from this competitive (compete) world.没有人能够完全远离这个充满竞争的社会。5amazing adj.令人惊异的教材原句The sisters road to success has been amazing.两姐妹的成功之路令人惊异。(1)Its amazing that . 令人惊讶的是(2)amaze vt. 使惊奇,使惊诧It amazes sb. that .What amazes sb. is that . 使某人惊奇的是(3)amazed adj. 吃惊的,惊奇的be amazed at/by . 对感到惊讶be amazed t

29、o do sth. 做某事感到惊讶(4)amazement n. 惊奇,惊愕to ones amazement 令某人惊讶的是in amazement 惊愕地It was amazing (amaze) that the boy was able to solve the problem so quickly.这个孩子那么快就解决了这个问题,真令人惊讶。We were amazed to_learn (learn) that she had left the hospital $18 million.得知她把1 800万美元留给了医院,我们感到很惊讶。Hearing my words, the girl looked at me in_amazement.听到我的话,这个女孩惊讶地看着我。6involve vt.涉及,参与教材原句This is how I got involved with my charity work to improve the quality of life for all disabled people.这就是我如何参与慈善活动,改善残疾人生活质量的情况。(1)be/get i

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