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人教版英语必修第三册习题UNITMORALS AND VIRTUES 单元加餐练.docx

1、人教版英语必修第三册习题UNIT MORALS AND VIRTUES 单元加餐练单元加餐练.阅读理解The largestever study of the link between city walkability and high blood pressure has been considered as evidence of the “invisible value of urban design” in improving longterm health outcomes say researchers. The study of around 430,000 people age

2、d between 38 and 73 and living in 22 UK cities found significant connections between the increased walkability of a neighborhood and reduced risk of high blood pressure among its residents (居民)The results remained the same even after lifestyles and physical environment were changed, though the prote

3、ctive effects were particularly pronounced among participants aged between 50 and 60, women, and those living in heavily populated areas and poor neighborhoods.The paper was published in the International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. With high blood pressure a major risk factor for c

4、hronic (慢性的) and particularly heart diseases, researchers at the University of Hong Kong and Oxford University said the findings showed the need to take notice of the healthinfluencing factor in urban design.“We are spending billions of pounds in preventing and curing heart diseasesif we are able to

5、 invest in creating healthy cities through small changes in the design of our neighborhoods to make them more activityfriendly and walkable, then probably, we will have significant savings in future healthcare expenses.”Poorly designed spaces generally reduced walking and physical activity, promotin

6、g the lifestyles of long time sitting down and not moving, and were harmful to social communication, and as such related to poorer mental and physical health.Because walkability was “based on the potential (潜在的) design of the city”, said Dr Chinmoy Sarkar, cities could be adapted or designed to enco

7、urage it. “Such investments in healthy design are likely to bring in longterm gains as they are lasting and common.”本文为说明文。主要介绍了研究发现步行能力的增加能降低人们得慢性病的风险。专家呼吁城市建设要充分考虑城市设计的无形价值,通过让城市更加环保和适宜行走来提高人们的健康指数。1What is probably the result if we consider “invisible value of urban design”?AThe ageing population

8、 will be reduced.BOur cities will be more walkable and activityfriendly.CMore money will be invested in preventing and curing heart diseases.DThe pace of urbanization will be slowed down.答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“if we are able to invest in creating healthy cities through small changes in the design of o

9、ur neighborhoods to make them more activityfriendly and walkable.”可知,如果我们能够通过对社区设计的微小改变来投资于创建健康的城市,使其更易于活动和步行。分析选项可知B项符合题意,故选B。2What can be inferred from the study?AYoung people are more likely to benefit from increased walkability.BWalkable cities will cure a person of his or her high blood pressur

10、e.CChronic diseases are becoming common for peoples inattention to their health.DWalkable cities can help reduce blood pressure and the risk of heart diseases.答案:D解析:推理判断题。根据第一段“The study of around 430,000 people aged between 38 and 73 and living in 22 UK cities found significant connections between

11、 the increased walkability of a neighborhood and reduced risk of high blood pressure among its residents (居民)”可知,研究发现,适宜步行的城市可以帮助降低高血压和心脏病的风险。分析选项可知D项符合题意,故选D。3What isnt the effects of poorlydesigned neighborhoods?AWorse economy. BUnhealthy lifestyle.CFewer social communication. DPoorer health.答案:A解

12、析:细节理解题。根据第五段“Poorly designed spaces generally reduced walking and physical activity, promoting the lifestyles of long time sitting down and not moving, and were harmful to social communication, and as such related to poorer mental and physical health.”可知,空间设计不好通常会减少步行和身体活动,促使长时间坐着不动的生活方式,对社会交流有害处,因

13、此导致精神和身体健康较差。由此可得出,与经济无关,故选A。4What does Dr Chinmoy Sarkar mean?ACities should encourage the residents to engage in social communication.BThe design of our neighborhoods should meet peoples needs for shopping.CMoney invested in creating healthy cities is money saved in future healthcare expenses.DChr

14、onic diseases will be common because of pollution and the environment change.答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据第四段“if we are able to invest in creating healthy cities through small changes in the design of our neighborhoods to make them more activityfriendly and walkable, then probably, we will have significant saving

15、s in future healthcare expenses.”可知,如果我们能够通过对社区设计的微小改变来投资于创建健康的城市,使其更易于活动和步行,那么在未来我们可能会在医疗方面节省大量资金。由此可推断出投资于创建健康城市的钱是为未来的医疗开支节省的钱,故选C。.七选五For most of us, stress is a reality and learning how to deal with it is very important in our growth. After all, stress goes hand in hand with change, and our lif

16、e is all about change. _1_ We all behave a bit differently according to different types of stress. Here are some helpful tips to help you.Eat right. Cola and chocolate are not the best way to keep healthy. _2_Get moving. Most of our everyday stress is related to school, work, or a lot of emotional p

17、roblems. _3_ When we are under a lot of stress, our bodies can develop a lot of muscle tension. Regular exercise can help you relax and feel better._4_ Essays wont write themselves, and good grades require hard work, but dont think much about the bad things. Give yourself praise where you can improv

18、e yourself. Stress is a clear sign of worry, but it doesnt mean your situation is hopeless.Speak up. The breakup of your favorite rock band isnt the end of the world, but sometimes life throws some real problems at you. But dont let the stress eat you up. _5_ If youre feeling seriously unhappy and u

19、nable to keep up with school and life, speak to a family member or your doctor.AStay positive.BTalk to a trusted friend.CPeople could not think clearly when under stress.DThe older a person is, the more stressed he feels.EThere is simply no way to get away from stress completely.FHowever, a bit of p

20、hysical activity can help us work it off.GSure, everyone likes a little comfort food, but you will need a balanced diet.这是一篇说明文。短文向读者介绍了如何应对压力的一些小窍门。1E解析:由“ After all, stress goes hand in hand with change, and our life is all about change. _1_ We all behave a bit differently according to different t

21、ypes of stress”可知,毕竟,压力与变化相伴而生,而我们的生活就是关于变化的。我们每个人的行为都因压力的不同而有所不同。所以小题1起到承上启下的作用。故E选项“根本没有完全摆脱压力的方法”符合句意。故E选项切题。2G解析:由标题“Eat right”可知,小题2要与上一句一同来说明如何正确地饮食。故G选项“当然,每个人都喜欢吃令人心情愉快的食物,但你需要均衡的饮食”符合句意。故G选项切题。3F解析:由“Most of our everyday stress is related to school, work, or a lot of emotional problems”可知,我

22、们每天的压力大多与学校、工作或许多情绪问题有关。所以小题3与上一句构成转折关系。故F选项“然而,少量的体育活动可以帮助我们消除压力”符合句意。故F选项切题。4A解析:由“Essays wont write themselves, and good grades require hard work, but dont think much about the bad things. Give yourself praise where you can improve yourself. Stress is a clear sign of worry, but it doesnt mean you

23、r situation is hopeless.”可知,作文不会自己写好,好的成绩需要努力才能获得,但不要对坏的事情想得太多。在能提高自己的地方表扬自己。压力是一种明显的忧虑迹象,但并不意味着你的处境是绝望的。所以本段主要在说明要保持积极的心态也就是小题4本段的小标题所要说明的内容。故A选项“保持积极的心态”符合句意。故A选项切题。5B解析:由“But dont let the stress eat you up.”可知,但是不要让压力吞噬你。所以小题5要说明应该具体怎么做以此来呼应标题和承接下文。故B选项“和值得信赖的朋友谈一谈”符合句意。故B选项切题。.完形填空The Secret of

24、HappinessAn old man walked slowly into a restaurant with his cane (拐杖). His _1_ overcoat and wornout shoes made him stand out (突出) from the usual Saturday morning breakfast crowd.A young waitress named Mary watched him move toward a _2_ by the window. Mary ran over to him, and said, “Here, Sir. Let

25、me give you a hand with that _3_.”Without _4_ a word, he smiled and nodded a thankyou. She pulled the chair away from the table and helped him get seated _5_. In a soft, clear _6_ he said, “Thank you, Miss. And thank you for your _7_.”“Youre welcome, Sir,” she responded. “Ill be _8_ in a moment, and

26、 if you need anything in the meantime, just wave at me!”After he had finished a _9_ meal, Mary helped him up from his chair, _10_ him his cane, and walked with him to the front door. Holding the door open for him, she said, “Come back and see us, Sir!” The old man _11_ around and smiled.When Mary we

27、nt to clean his table, she was _12_ to find a business card, a onehundreddollar bill and a _13_ which read, “Dear Mary, I respect you very much, and you respect yourself too. It shows the way you treat others. You have found the secret of _14_! Your kind gestures will shine through those who meet yo

28、u.”Actually the man she had served was the _15_ of the restaurant. That was the first time that she or any of his employees had seen him.本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲的是年轻的女服务员帮助一位行动不便的老人就餐,并且多加照顾。待送走老人后,惊讶地发现这位老人因为她善良的举动奖励了她一张100元的支票和感谢卡,在感谢卡上告诉她找到了快乐的秘密。原来他就是店里的老板,这是女服务员和其他店员第一次看见他。1A.clean Bold Cstrange Dfunny答案:B

29、解析:考查形容词辨析。A.干净的;B.旧的;C.奇怪的;D.好笑的。根据第一段第二句中,wornout shoes made him stand out穿破了的鞋让他看起来格外显眼,因此老人的衣服也应该是旧的。故选B。 Bwaiter Ctable Dgirl答案:C解析:考查名词辨析。A.房间;B.服务员;C.桌子;D.女孩。根据句意老人进入餐厅应该是走向桌子。故选C。3A.chair Bdish Cdesk Dmenu答案:A解析:考查名词辨析。A.椅子;B.盘子;C.书桌;D.菜单。根据句意,老人行动不便,玛丽走过去应该是帮助老人坐下来,因此是帮他放好椅子。故选A。4A.s

30、aying Bspeaking Creading Dtelling答案:A解析:考查固定搭配。A.说;B.讲;C.读;D.告诉。Without saying a word是固定搭配,意为一言不发。句意:老人没说一句话,微笑着点了点头以表感谢。故选A。5A.sadly Bquietly Cgradually Dsafely答案:D解析:考查副词辨析。A.悲伤地;B.安静地;C.渐渐地;D.安全地。根据句意玛丽把椅子挪开,帮助老人安全地坐上去。故选D。6A.language Bsound Cattitude Dvoice答案:D解析:考查名词辨析。A.语言;B.声音;C.态度;D.声音。sound

31、做声音主要指人或动物发出的声音,或物体碰撞的声音,使用范围很大;voice一般指人的声音、说话、唱歌。此处是指老人说话的声音很轻柔干净。故选D。7A.attention Bkindness Cinvitation Dcooperation答案:B解析:考查名词辨析。A.关注;B.善良;C.邀请;D.合作。根据上文玛丽帮助了老人入座,此处老人应该是感谢她的善良。故选B。8A.ready Bbusy Cback Dfine答案:C解析:考查形容词辨析。A.准备好的;B.忙碌的;C.向后的;D.好的。be ready准备好;be busy忙碌;be back回来;be fine好的。根据句意玛丽说如

32、有什么需要,老人可以向她招手,她便过来。故选C。 Bexpensive Cterrible Ddelicious答案:D解析:考查形容词辨析。A.便宜的;B.贵的;C.糟糕的;D.美味的。结合上下文这顿饭是贵是便宜无从得知,老人享用后没有抱怨,因此是美味的。故选D。10A.showed Bhanded Clent Dtook答案:B解析:考查动词辨析。A.表现;B.给;C.借;D.拿走。根据句意玛丽帮老人站起来,递给了他拐杖。故选B。11A.turned Bwalked Clooked Dmoved答案:A解析:考查动词短语辨析。A.turn around转过身;B.walk around游荡;C.look arou

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