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创新设计高中英语课时精练nit 24 Period 1北师大选修八课标通.docx

1、创新设计高中英语课时精练nit 24 Period 1北师大选修八课标通Unit 24 Society Period One Warmup and Lesson 1 课时精练(北师大版选修8,课标通用)时间:45分钟.用适当的介、副词填空1The average income of British families is now nearly 550 a week,compared _ 326 in 1981.2Many of us in developed societies are trapped _ a spending circle.3Instead, we start putting

2、 our signatures _ credit cards and spending money we dont even have.4In this spending circle,_ the one hand,we accumulate possessions but never feel _ we have enough.5_ the other hand, we work _ the ownership of bigger and better houses and cars and never have time to enjoy them.6_,they feel like a

3、burden because every month we have to hand _ most of the money we earn to pay _ them.7Surely were still better _ than those who wear rags and sleep _ the streets or vacant buildings.8If laws such _ these came _ being, a huge adjustment would be required and there would certainly be diverse reactions

4、.9We should insist that advertising is more controlled, especially advertising aimed _ children.10We should also make sure that there are better ways _ young people to use their free time apart _ spending money.答案1.with/to2.in3.on4.on;like5.On;towards6Instead;over;;on;;into9.at10for;fr

5、om.单词拼写1Sometimes we try to _(存储) a little or change our money into different countries currencies.2They feel like a _ (负担) because every month we have to hand over most of the money we earn to pay for them.3Because a lot of people were against his plan,he decided to_(辞职)4She likes to walk around in

6、_(赤裸的)feet.5There are_(充裕的)supplies of firewood in the forest.6By investing wisely she_(积累)a fortune.7America doesnt have the_(所有权)of the Pacific.8There are some_(空置的)buildings in our school.9Every person will have his_(退休金)when he retires.10The boy dressed in_(破衣服)is Tom.答案1.deposit2.burden3.resign

7、4.bare5.abundant6.accumulated7.ownership8.vacant9.pension10rags.语篇填词Spend, Spend, SpendMany of us in developed societies are trapped in a spending circle. We work hard so that we can earn more money. Sometimes we try to 1._ a little or change our money into different countries 2._ in the hope of mak

8、ing even more money. But strangely enough, the more money we earn, the less often we see it. Besides, were all 3._ so the more we earn the more tax we have to pay to those who 4._ us. Thus, the circle goes round and round and gets more and more complicated.In this spending circle, on the one hand, w

9、e 5._ possessions but never feel like we have enough. On the other hand, we work towards the 6._ of bigger and better houses and cars and never have time to enjoy them. Instead, they feel like a 7._ because every month we have to hand over most of the money we earn to pay for them.Surely were still

10、better off than those who wear rags and sleep on the streets or in 8._ buildings, but there is a growing resistance to this 9._ society which is especially affecting the youth of today with their computers, ipods, designer clothes and mobile phones.As a society,its high time that we took these issue

11、s more seriously. We should remember that:“being” and “doing” are much more 10._ than “having”答案1.deposit2.currencies3.taxpayers4.govern5.accumulate6.ownership7.burden8.vacant9.consumer10.important.佳句翻译与仿写1Not everybody has benefited though and there are much greater inequalities than twenty years a

12、go.翻译:_仿写:不是每个人都赞成你的观点。_2Not increased happiness,but stress and less free time to be ourselves and enjoy being with our friends and families.翻译:_仿写:不是这个男孩而是这位司机应该对这件事负责。_3Protest groups are insisting that some of our money be given to the third world.翻译:_仿写:她坚持要求我们早点出发。_4As a society,its high time t

13、hat we took these issues more seriously.翻译:_仿写:到了我们吃午饭的时间了。_5Above all,we should remember that “being” and “doing” are much more important than “having”翻译:_仿写:孩子们需要很多东西,但最重要的是需要爱。_答案1.但并不是每个人都受益了,比起二十年前,不平等的情况更加严重。Not everyone agrees with your idea./Everyone doesnt agree with your idea.2我们不是更幸福了,而是压

14、力增加了,留给自己、家人和朋友的时间少了。Not the boy but the driver is to blame for the matter.3这些抵制组织坚持把我们的一部分钱分给第三世界国家。She insisted that we (should) leave early.4作为整个社会来讲,我们早应该认真考虑这些问题了。It is high time that we had lunch/should have lunch.5最重要的是,我们应该记住“做人”和“做事”比“拥有”要重要得多。Children need many things,but above all they ne

15、ed love.单项填空1The number of crimes _ over the last twenty years.Ahave gone down Bhas gone downChave brought down Dhas brought down解析由句意知the number ofn.作主语,表示“的数量”,谓语用单数,故排除A、C两项。go down是不及物动词词组,意为“(价格等)下降”;bring down属及物动词词组,在此处应用被动形式,故应选B项。答案B2Besides, were all taxpayers so _ we earn _ tax we have to

16、 pay to those who govern us.Awell; that Bthe better; the moreCthe more;the better Dthe more;the more解析句意:除此之外,我们都是纳税人,因此我们挣的钱越多,就要向政府交更多的税。只有D项符合句意。答案D3In this spending circle,on the one hand,we _ possessions but never feel like we have enough.Aaccount BaccordCaccumulate Daccuse解析句意:在这个消费圈里,一方面,我们积累

17、财产但是永远感觉不到足够。account认为;accord符合,一致;accumulate积累;accuse指控,控告。故只有C项符合句意。答案C4Surely were still _ than those who wear rags and sleep on the streets or in vacant buildings.Aworse off Bbadly offCwell off Dbetter off解析句意:当然我们仍旧比那些穿着破衣烂衫,睡在街道上或者空置的大楼里的人的生活要好很多。由空后than知应用比较级,故排除B、C两项。better off更富有的;worse off

18、更糟糕的。由句意知应选D项。答案D5They are also suggesting that people _ work and thus reduce unemployment.Ashare BsharedCare sharing Dhave shared解析suggest表“建议”讲时,从句谓语用虚拟语气即should do sth,其中should可省略。故应选A项。答案A6If laws such as these _, a huge adjustment would be required and there would certainly be diverse reactions

19、.Acame into being Bwas coming into beingChad come into being Dwould come into being解析由句意知,本句是对将来情况进行假设的虚拟语气,此时if从句谓语可用一般过去时或were to/shoulddo形式,主句谓语用would/could/might/shoulddo形式。故应选A项。答案A7As a society,its high time that we _ these issues more seriously.Atake Bmust takeCtook Dhave taken解析句意:作为一个社会,这该是

20、我们更加严肃地对待这些问题的时候了。Its (high) time that.现在该干,从句中谓语动词用过去式或shoulddo,其中should不省略。故应选C项。答案C8We should insist that advertising is more controlled,_ advertising aimed at children.Aspecially Bespecially Cspecial Despecial解析句意:我们应该坚持对广告采取更多的控制,尤其控制那些针对孩子们的广告。由句意知此处需一副词,故排除C、D两项。specially专门地;especially尤其是。故应选

21、B项。答案B9On a personal level, we _ visit the shops less and worry less about image.Amay Bought to Cwould Dhad to解析句意:从个人角度来说,我们应该少逛商店,不要那么在意自己的形象。ought to do sth应该做某事,用来表示劝告或建议。答案B10His boss insisted that he work longer hours so he _.Aresigned Bretired Cdismissed Dfired解析句意:他的老板坚持要他工作更长的时间,因此,他辞职了。res

22、ign辞职;retire退休;dismiss解雇,开除;fire解雇。由句意知应选A项。答案A11Our _ resources and stable policy provide foreigners with advantages of developing their businesses.Agenerous Blimited Cnarrow Dabundant解析abundant大量的,丰富的,符合语境。generous慷慨的;limited有限的;narrow狭窄的。 答案D12A(n) _ apartment in New York City is very difficult t

23、o find.Aempty BcomfortableCpractical Dvacant解析句意:在纽约市里找一套空置无人住的公寓是很困难的。empty空的,无人的;comfortable舒适的;practical实际的;实用的;vacant空置的,未住人的,只有D项符合。答案D13Though he was _, he looked down on those who had a lot of money.Awell off BrichCbadly off Dwellknown解析句意:尽管他贫穷,但他看不起那些有钱人。well off有钱的,富裕的;rich富有的;badly off贫穷的

24、,拮据的;wellknown有名的。A、B两项不符合逻辑搭配;D项不符合句意。答案C14Today, we will begin _ we stopped yesterday so that no point will be left out.Awhen Bwhere Chow Dwhat解析句意:今天,我们要从昨天停止的地方开始,这样就不会遗漏要点。此处为where引导的地点状语,指“从这个地方开始”。答案B15The teachers promised to _ the wishes of the parents before making any changes.Atake into a

25、ccount Bpay attention toCconsider that Dtake account for解析句意:教师们答应在作出变更之前要考虑家长的愿望。pay attention to意为“注意”;consider that后接从句;take account for中的for应改为of,故B、C、D三项都不符合题意。答案A.完形填空I will never forget the year I was about twelve years old.My mother told us that we would not be_1_Christmas gifts because ther

26、e was not enough money.I felt sad and thought,“What would I say when the other kids asked what Id_2_?”Just when I started to_3_that there would not be a Christmas that year,three women_4_at our house with gifts for all of us.For me they brought a doll.I felt such a sense of_5_that I would no longer have to be embarrassed when I returned to school.I wasnt_6_.Somebody had thought_7_of me to bring me a gift.Years later,when I stood in the kitchen of my new house,thinking how I wanted to make my_8_Christmas there special and memorable,I_9_remembered the womens

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