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1、大学英语四级听力理解大学英语四级听力理解改革后的全国大学英语四级听力理解部分占35的分值, 共36题, 分为三节, 考试时间为35分钟。Section A是听力对话, 占15的分值, 由8个短对话和2个长对话构成, 共15题。短对话为传统题型;长对话为新增题型, 对话后有三至四个问题, 对话内容和问题只播音一次。这部分对话内容主要是学生所熟悉的日常生活中的话题, 口语性强。Section B是选择题型的短文理解, 共3篇短文, 10个问题, 占10的分值。这部分题材广, 篇幅长, 信息量大, 主要测试考生在语篇层面的理解能力, 短文和问题只播音一次。Section C是复合式短文听写(Comp

2、ound Dictation), 1篇短文, 共11题, 占10的分值, 为主观类题型。短文中留有11个空格, 空格18内要准确填人所听到的单词, 空格911内要填人所听到的句子的原文或大意。这部分是对考生综合听力理解能力的考核, 全文播音三遍。短对话短对话内容为日常生活中的一般对话。问题类型可分为时间、数字、地点、人物身份及人物关系、辨认细节、推理判断等六类。新的四级考试更倾向于后两类题型, 主要测试学生从有声句子中获取信息的能力和日常口语表达用语及语言功能的掌握情况和熟练程度。1. 时间类题型时间类题型(Time)包括直接型和计算型。直接型时间题无需计算, 只需记住有关时间的细节并听清楚问

3、题所问即可。计算型时间题需要考生在听懂对话的基础上做简单的加、减、乘、除运算。对于此类题型, 考生需熟悉其提问方式, 基本上是由when, what time, at what time, how long等疑问词引导的疑问句。同时也要熟悉一些时间的表达法, 如a quarter, a couple of hours, half an hour, ten (o clock) sharp, 5 a.m./p.m., decade, score, a fortnight等;还有一些经常出现的表示提前或延后的词语, 如early, delay, postpone, late, in advance,

4、 ahead of等。请看例子:例子1:M: Tony and I were supposed to meet here at the gate at 7 oclock, but he hasnt shown up yet.W. Are you sure? He told me you would meet at half past six. Now its already 7:10. I guess he has seated down in the auditorium.Q: When did Tony think they were supposed to meet?A) At 7:10

5、. B) At 7:00. C) At 6:30. D) At 6:00.答案为C。这是一道直接型时间题。对话中出现了多个时间, 只要听清楚第二位说话者的意思和对话后的提问就很容易得出答案。例子2:M: I think there is still time for us to catch the train to Paris. Now its only 2 o clock.W: I thought it was half past two. Thank goodness, we have 40 minutes left. Lets hurry.Q: When will the train l

6、eave for Paris?A) At 2:00. B) At 2:30. C) At 2:40. D) At 3:10.答案为C。这是一道加法题。根据第一位说话者, 现在的时间是两点, 根据第二位说话者, 他们还有40分钟的时间赶火车, 把两个时间相加就是火车的离站时间。2. 数字类题型数字类题型(Number)跟时间类题型一样, 包括直接型和计算型, 涉及价格、年龄、人数、速度、时间、电话号码、尺寸、距离、重量、频率等。考生需要仔细听清楚与数字有关的信息, 必要时作一些运算。对于此类题型, 考生需熟悉其提问方式, 基本上是由how many, how much, how old, how

7、 quick, how far, how big, how heavy等引导的疑问句。同时考生要在平时的训练中总结一些经常出现的与特定的话题有关的信号词。比如, 有关价格的试题经常涉及的词语与表达方式有:change, on sale, 10 discount, on special, rate, price等;有关速度的试题常出现的词语与表达方式有:speed, limit, mph等。此外, 考生也要熟悉一些与数字或数字运算有关的表达方式, 如two-thirds, quarter, half, twice, double, triple等。请看例子:例子1:M: Id like a si

8、ngle room and a large room with a double bed for two days.W: A single room is $ 30 a day, and a double-bed room is $ 50 a day.Q: How much would the man pay for the rooms?A) $ 30. B) $ 50. C) $ 80. D) $ 160.答案是D。这是一道涉及加法和乘法运算的计算型数字题。单人房是一天30美元, 双人房是一天50美元, 那么住两天总共要160美元。例子2:W: How many people enrolle

9、d in our club this year? Eighty?M: We have expected sixty, but the number has doubled.Q: How many people enrolled in the club?A) Sixty. B) Eighty.C) One hundred and twenty. D) One hundred and sixty.答案是C。这是一道乘法题, 关键是抓住double(两倍)。3. 地点类题型地点类题型(Place)主要考查学生对对话地点和人物去向的判断能力, 考生需要根据对话的情节内容及暗示性的词汇进行判断。对于此类

10、题型, 考生需熟悉其提问方式, 基本上是由where, which place等引导的疑问句。同时考生要在平时的训练中总结一些经常出现的与地点有关的信号词。比如:school: class, freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior, assignment, campus, lecture, professor, full-time, essay, textbooklibrary: borrow, return, renew, be due, overdue, fine, librarian, reference bookhotel: room service,

11、check-in, check-out, book a room, single room, double room, rate, reception desk, porterpost office: mail, envelope, letter, package, registered letter, postage, sendhospital: doctor, nurse, operation, medicine, headacheother places: restaurant, bank, railway station, airport, cinema例子:W: Do you thi

12、nk my problem is serious?M: Don t worry. Just keep taking the medicine, and do some exercise, and youll feel better soon.Q: Where does the conversation take place?A) In a classroom. B) In a hospital.C) In a gym. D) In a lawyers office.答案为B。根据problem, medicine, feel better几个词可得出答案。4. 身份及关系类题型身份及关系类题型

13、(Identity and Relationship)的对话提供一个情节, 考生需要捕捉与讲话人身份、讲话人关系相关的线索词进行推断。对于此类题型, 考生需熟悉其提问方式, 基本上是由who, what kind off job, whats the professionoccupation, whats the relationship等引导的疑问句。考生要熟悉各种职业场所和人物关系方面的词汇, 比如:师生之间(assignment, exam, course, lecture, professor, credit等), 同学之间(textbook, class, students cent

14、er, students union, dormitory等), 医生与病人之间(fever, cold, cancer, surgeon, whats the matter with you?等), 顾客与侍从之间(menu, order, restaurant, table, beef, desert等), 以及夫妻, 顾客与销售员, 主人与客人, 检察与司机, 老板与职员等等。 请看例子:W: Hello, Doctor Smith. Im with the Medical Newspaper. Could you spare some time today for me to ask

15、some questions?M: Sure. How about at lunch break?Q: Who is the woman?A) A patient. B) A journalist. C) A student. D) A waitress.答案是B。根据Im with medical newspaper, ask some questions即可找出答案。W: Did you see my sports bag?M: Have you checked back in the classroom? I didnt see you with it when you came out

16、.Q: Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?A) Colleagues. B) Classmates. C) Neighbors. D) Relatives.答案是B。根据classroom即可得出答案。5. 细节类题型细节类题型(Detail Identification)旨在考查考生筛选与所问问题相关的信息的能力。通常对话双方就某一个话题展开谈论, 提出多个信息, 考生需要听懂并记住细节, 回答时通常无需引申、推理。对于此类题型, 考生需熟悉其提问方式, 基本上是由what, when, where, why,

17、which等引导的疑问句。做此类细节辨认题时, 常常听到所提问的问题时才知道哪些细节是重要的, 哪些是次要的。因此, 考生(1)在听之前先快速浏览四个选项, 做初步估计;(2)听时做笔记, 以免遗忘一些重要信息。例如:M: How was the drama that you went to watch last Sunday? I know you were keen on it.W: I just couldnt wait to watch it, and I was hoping for something wonderful. But it turned out to be rathe

18、r dull.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?A) The woman thinks the drama was good.B) The woman thinks the drama was boring.C) The woman didnt expect the drama to be good.D) The man thinks the drama was worth watching.答案为B。根据对话内容,第二位说话者认为那部戏剧dull,虽然她本来对它充满期待。这个对话中出现了多处对那部戏剧的修饰词和说话者对戏剧的态度词,只有分辨

19、出哪些是说话者的期望,哪个是真实情况,才能找出正确答案。6. 推理判断类题型推理判断类题型(Inference and Judgment)是短对话听力理解中比较难的一类,占的比重也较大。考生不仅要听懂关键信息,而且要进行深层次的逻辑推理,即从对话中获得“已知”信息,再对“已知”信息进行推理判断,来推测说话人的态度、真实意图、事件发生的原因和后果等。考生要熟悉此类题型的提问方式,基本上是由what,why,how等引导的疑问句。常见的推理方式有:根据虚拟语气(用反向思维方式),根据语音语调(说话人的态度、心情往往表露在这里),根据成语、习语(keep my eyes and ears open

20、for you,go in one ear and out the other等),根据句型(why not,couldn t agree with you more,the last thing I would do,anything but,nothing but,Id like to but等)。例如:W: Romeo and Juliet is the most tragic story Ive ever heard.M: I cant agree with you more.Q: How does the man mean?A) He doesnt agree with the wo

21、man.B) He thinks the story is the most tragic one.C) He thinks the story is more than tragic.D) He didnt read the story.答案是B。抓住句型cant agree with you more,只要明白这个结构的意思是“非常同意你的观点”便可找出答案。7. 常用英语日常对话常用英语日常对话是考生必须熟练掌握并运用的语言知识与技能,它有助于日常口语的提高以及短对话听力的理解。以下所列的日常对话摘自大学英语课程教学要求教学大纲(试行),是大学英语课程教学要求学生掌握的基本对话,也是大学

22、英语四级短对话听力测试中常见的口语表达形式。Greetings1) How are you?2) How do you do?3) How are you doing?4) How s everything?5) Hows it going?6) Ive been looking forward to meeting you.7) I have heard so much / a lot about you.8) Glad / Nice to meet / see you!9) Fancy meeting you here!10) Long time no see.11) You look g

23、reat today.12) Give me a hug.Introduction13) I would like to introduce myself. Im.14) Mary, let me introduce.15) Allow me to introduce.16) May I have your name?17) John, may I introduce Mary to you?18) Id like you to meet Mary.19) This is my friend John.20) Can I have your business card?21) Here is

24、my business card.22) Melinda, this is Roger. Roger, this is Melinda.23) Sorry I didnt catch your name.Farewells24) See you (later).25) See you soon.26) See you tomorrow /next year!27) So long.28) Hope to see you again.29) I am afraid that I must be leaving.30) I am sorry but I have to go now.31) Ive

25、 got to go now.32) Have a pleasant journey.33) Have a good journey, and all the best.34) Take care of yourself and dont forget to keep in touch.35) I am looking forward to seeing you again.36) Remember the good times we shared!Thanks37) Many thanks.38) Im much obliged to you.39) Thanks a lot.40) Tha

26、nks ever so much.41) 1 can never thank you enough.42) Thank you for all youve done for me.43) Thanks for the trouble you have taken for me.44) I appreciate your help.45) Im truly grateful for your help.46) I couldnt have done it without you.47) You saved my life.48) Youre one in a million.Apologies4

27、9) I m really sorry.50) I apologize for.51) Please accept my heart-felt apology.52) I beg your forgiveness.53) I feel really bad /sorry about.54) Im really sorry for not keeping my promise.55) Im not sure how to put it, but Im sorry that I have done something wrong to you.56) It must have been very

28、embarrassing to.57) Ill never forgive myself.58) Will you ever forgive me?59) How could I be so thoughtless?60) Its all my fault.61) I didnt mean it.Invitation62) Would you like to join. ?63) I was wondering if youd like to go to the.64) I 11 be happy if you can come to the.,65) Id like to have dinn

29、er with you next Tuesday.66) I wonder if you two would like to come to.67) Lets go and have something.68) We should be delighted if you could.69) Would you be free to a concert on Sunday?70) What about going to. ?71) Why not join. ?72) Why dont you come on a holiday with us?Asking for Permission73)

30、Is it all right if I. ?74) Do you mind my doing. ?75) Would you mind my doing. ?76) Can I possibly have the book for a moment?77) Do you have any objection to my doing. ?78) Would I be in a position to express my opinion on this?79) Would it be possible for me to put off the work till a later day?80

31、) I wonder whether I could take it away.81) Id like to make a phone call here, if you permit me.-82) Am I allowed to make a suggestion?Wishes and Congratulations83) Wish you every success!84) Good luck to you.85) Wishing you good luck (forever).86) Wish you peace and happiness (during the holidays).87) Let me wish you the best of everything.88) May you succeed at whatever you try.89) May all your wishes come true.90) I wish you every fortune and every success.91) May your Christmas be filled with joy and warmth!92) Hope the holid

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