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UT II级试题.docx

1、UT II级试题 ZhangJiaGang HaiGuo Heavy Forged Piece Co., Ltd张 家 港 海 锅 重 型 锻 件 有 限 公 司 超声波检验级通用考试试卷(接触法)UT Level II General Examination应试人姓名Candidate考试日期Date考试地点Address得分Grading主考人Examiner阅卷日期Date1. The acoustic impedance of a material is used to determine the :材料的声阻抗用于决定:a. angle of refraction at an int

2、erface 在界面上的折射角b. attenuation within the material 材料中的衰减c. relative amounts of sound energy coupled through and reflected at an interface声能经耦合,通过界面的相对量和在界面上反射的相对量。d. beam spread within the material 波束在材料中的扩散2. The crystal thickness and transducer frequency are related. The thinner the crystal :晶体厚度和

3、传感器频率有关。晶体越薄:a. the lower the frequency 频率越低b. the higher the frequency 频率越高c. there is no appreciable affect 没有明显的影响d. none of the above 上述都不对3. The random distribution of crystallographic direction in alloys with large crystalline structures is a factor in determining :在具有大晶粒结构的合金中,结晶方向的随意性是一个因素,它

4、决定什么 ?a. acoustic noise levels 声的燥音水平b. selection of test frequency 检测频率的选择c. scattering of sound 声的散射d. all of the above 上述都对4. The length of the zone adjacent to a transducer in which fluctuations in sound pressure occur is mostly affected by :靠近换能器的声压涨落区域,该区域长度受什么影响最大 ?a. the frequency of the tra

5、nsducer 换能器的频率b. the diameter of the transducer 换能器的直径c. the length of transducer cable 换能器电缆的长度d. both a and b a和b 5. The differences in signals received from identical reflectors at different material distances from a transducer may be caused by :在离换能器不同的材料距离上,从同一反射体接受到的信号有差异,是由什么引起的 ?a. material

6、attenuation 材料的衰减b. beam divergence 波束的扩散c. near field effects 近场作用d. all of the above 上述都对6. As frequency increases in ultrasonic testing, the angle of beam divergence of a given diameter crystal :在超声波检测时提高频率,给定晶片直径的波束扩散角 :a. decreases 减小b. remains unchanged 保持不变c. increases 增大d. varies uniformly t

7、hrough each wavelength 通过每个波长均匀变化7. At an interface between two different materials, an impedance difference results in :在二种不同材料之间的一个界面上,阻尼差别导致:a. reflection of the entire incident energy at the interface 在界面上全部入射能量反射b. absorption of sound 声波的吸收c. division of sound energy into transmitted and reflec

8、ted modes声能分成穿透波型和反射波型d. none of the above 上述都不对8. During straight beam testing, test specimens with non-parallel front and back surfaces can cause :在直射波检测中,试件前后表面不平行,会引起:a. partial or total loss of back reflection 底部反射的部分或全部消失b. no loss in back reflection 底部反射没损失c. a widened (broad) back reflection

9、 indication 一个宽的底部信号d. a focused (narrow) back reflection indication 一个窄的底部信号9. On an A-scan display, the “dead zone” refers to :在A型显示中,“盲区”涉及:a. the distance contained within the near field 包括近场在内的距离b. the area outside the beam spread 波束扩散以外的区域c. the distance covered by the front surface pulse widt

10、h and recovery time 覆盖前表面脉冲宽度和恢复时间的距离d. the area between the near field and the far field 近场和远场之间的区域10. In straight (normal) beam contact testing, a reduction in the back surface reflection amplitude could indicate :在直射波接触检测中,底波反射降低表明:a inadequate coupling 耦合不良b a flaw which is not normal to the bea

11、m 伤不垂直于波束c. a near surface defect that cannot be resolved from the main bang (initial pulse)近表面缺陷不能与始脉冲分开d. all of the above 上述都对11. Which best describes a typical display of a crack whose major surface is perpendicular to the ultrasonic beam ?裂缝的主平面垂直于超声波波束a. a broad indication 一个宽的信号b. a sharp ind

12、ication 一个尖锐的信号c. the indication will not show due to improper orientation 由于不适当的取向,没有信号。d. a broad indication with high amplitude 一个高波幅的宽信号12. A primary purpose of a reference standard is : 参考标准件的主要用途是:a. to provide a guide for adjusting instrument controls to reveal discontinuities that are consid

13、ered harmful to the end use of the product提供调整仪器控制器以发现产品最终使用时的有害不连续。b. to give the technician a tool for determining exact discontinuity size给技术员提供一种决定不连续精确尺寸的工具c. to provide assurance that all discontinuities smaller than a certain specified reference reflector are capable of being detected by the

14、test提供保证对小于某个规定的参考反射体的不连续都能检测到d. to provide a standard reflector which exactly simulates natural discontonuities of a critical size提供一个标准反射体,该反射体精确模拟一个极限尺寸的天然不连续。13. Compensation for the variation in echo height related to variations in discontinuity depth in the test material is known as :补偿与在试件中的不

15、连续深度变化有关,而引起回波高度的变化的现象,称为:a. transfer 传递b. attenuation 衰减c. distance amplitude correction 距离波幅校准d. interpretation 解释14. Which of the following is a reference reflector that is not dependent on beam angle ?下列哪一个是不取决于波束角的参考反射体 ?a. a flat bottom hole 平底孔b. a vee notch V型槽c. a side drilled hole which is

16、 parallel to the plate surface and perpendicular to the sound path 平行于板材表面而垂直于声程的横钻孔d. a disc-shaped laminar reflector 碟型分层反射体15. During a straight beam ultrasonic test, a discontinuity indication is detected that is small in amplitude compared to the loss in amplitude of back reflection. The orient

17、ation of this discontinuity is probably :在直射波超声波检测期间,检测到波幅小于底波消失的波幅的不连续信号。这个不连续的取向可能:a. parallel to the test surface 平行于检测表面b. perpendicular to the sound beam 垂直于声波波束c. parallel to the sound beam 平行于声波波束d. at an angle to the test surface 与检测表面成一个角度16. In such zone does the amplitude or an indication

18、 from a given discontinuity diminish exponentially as the distance increases ?在哪个区域里,当距离增加时一个给定的不连续的波幅或信号成指数下降 ?a. The far field zone 远场区b. The near field zone 近场区c. The dead zone 盲区d. The Fresnel zone. 费涅尔区17. A smooth flat discontinuity whose major plane is not perpendicular to the direction of so

19、und propagation may be indicated by :一个扁平光滑的不连续,其主平面与声波传播方向不垂直,可用什么来说明 ?a. an echo amplitude comparable in magnitude to the back surface reflection回波波幅大小与底波反射相类似。b. a complete loss of back surface reflection 底波完全消失c. an echo amplitude larger in magnitude than the back surface reflection回波反射大于底波反射d.

20、all of the above 上述都对18. A set standard reference blocks with the same geometrical configuration and dimensions other than the size of the calibration reflectors, e.g., flat bottom holes, is called a set of :具有相同几何外形和尺寸的一组标准参考试块,而不是校验反射体的大小。也就是说:平底孔,该组试块称为:a. distance amplitude standards 距离波幅标准件b. a

21、rea amplitude standards 面积波幅标准件c. variable frequency blocks 变频试块d. beam spread measuring blocks 波束扩散试块19. The control of voltage supplied to the vertical deflection plates of the instrument display in an A-scan UT setup is performed by the :在A型扫描超声波探伤仪中,控制仪器示波管垂直偏转板的电压的部件,称为:a. sweep generator 扫描发生器

22、b. pulser 脉冲发生器c. amplifier circuit 放大器线路d. clock timer 计时器20. The vertical linear range of a test instrument may be determined by obtaining ultrasonic responses from :超声波探伤仪的垂直线性范围,可以由超声波信号来测定,该信号来自:a. a set of distance amplitude reference blocks 一组距离波幅参考试块b. steel balls located at several differen

23、t water path distances位于几个不同水声程距离上的钢球c. a set of area amplitude reference blocks 一组面积波幅参考试块d. all of the above 上述都对21. Large grains in a metallic test specimen usually result in : 金属试件的粗晶导致:a. a decrease or loss of back surface reflection 底波辐射的减小或消失b. large“hash”or noise indications 大的“杂乱”信号或噪音信号c.

24、a decrease in penetration 穿透力减小d. all of the above 上述都对22. The total energy losses ocurring in all materials is called : 材料中超声波总能量的消失,称为:a. Attenuation 衰减b. Scatter 散射c. beam spread 波束扩散d. interface 界面23. When the incident angle is chosen to be between the first and second critical angles, the ultra

25、sonic wave generated within the part will be :当选择入射角是在第一临界角和第二临界角之间,在工件中产生的超声波是:a. Longitudinal 纵波b. Shear 横波c. Surface 表面波d. Lamb 兰姆波24. When conducting a contact ultrasonic test, the “hash” or irregular signals that appear in the CRT display of the area being inspected could be caused by :当进行超声波接触

26、检测时,出现在示波屏上被检区的“杂乱”或不整齐信号,可能是什么引起的 ?a. fine grain in the structure 结构中的细颗粒b. dirt in the water couplant 水耦合剂脏c. coarse grains in the structure 结构中的粗颗粒d. a thick but tapered back surface 厚工件的倾斜底部表面25. The process of adjusting an instrument or device to a reference standard is referred to as :一台仪器或装置,

27、对一个参考标准件进行调节的过程,称为:a. angulation 测量角度b. scanning 扫查c. correcting for distance amplitude variations 校准距离波幅变数d. calibration 校验26. In ultrasonic testing, the time duration of the transmitted pulse is referred to as :在超声波检测中,反射脉冲的持续时间,称为:a. the pulse length or pulse width 脉冲长度或脉冲宽度b. the pulse amplitude

28、 脉冲波幅c. the pulse shape 脉冲形状d. none of the above 上述都不对27. The phenomenon by which a wave strikes a boundary and changes the direction of its propagation within the same medium is referred to as :超声波发射在一个界面上,在同一介质中改变超声波的传播方向的现象,称为:a. divergence 扩散b. impedance 阻尼c. angulation 角度变化d. reflection 反射28. W

29、hich of the following modes of vibration exhibits the shortest wavelength at a given frequency and in a given material ?在给定材料中,在给定的频率下,下列哪一种振动波型的波长最短 ?a. A longitudinal wave 纵波b. A compression wave 压缩波c. A shear wave 横波d. A surface wave 表面波29. In general, which of the following modes of vibration wo

30、uld have the greatest penetrating power in a coarse-grained material if the frequency of the waves are the same ?一般说来,在粗晶材料中,假如超声波频率一样的话,下列哪一种振动波型具有最大的穿透力 ?a. Longitudinal waves 纵波b. Shear waves 切变波c. Transverse waves 横波d. All of the above modes would have the same penetrating power 上述波型都一样30. Which

31、 of the following frequencies would probably result in the greatest ultrasonic attenuation losses ?下列哪一种频率可能导致最大的超声波衰减 ?a. 1 MHZ b. 2.25 MHZ c. 10 MHZ d. 25 MHZ 31. When inspecting a rolled or forged surface with a thin scale that is generally tightly adhering to the part, before teating the part :当检测具有薄氧化皮的轧制或锻造表面时,薄氧化皮紧紧地贴在工件上,在检测工件前:a. clean the surface of loose scale 清除表面松动的氧化皮b. have all scale removed 除去所有的氧化皮c. rough machine the surface 表面粗加工d. caustic etch the surface 表面苛性腐蚀32. Beam divergence is a function of the dimensions of the crysta

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