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《大学英语》课程考试大纲 II.docx

1、大学英语课程考试大纲 II大学英语课程考试大纲 (II) 一、课程基本信息1、课程编号:音体美本科:180002、180003、180004、180005普通专科: 180007、180008、180009、1800102、课程性质:公共基础必修课3、适用专业:全日制音体美本科及普通专业专科4、考试对象:全日制音体美本科及普通专业专科学生5、学时/学分:本科:268学时/16学分 专科:200学时/12学分二、课程考试目的大学英语课程考试为大学英语教学每学期结束后的综合测试。根据大学英语课程教学要求相关规定,大学英语课程考试的目的是客观、公正、准确地检测学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力。

2、检测学生是否能较好地掌握英语基础知识和语言技能,并具有一定的听、说、读、写、译的能力;是否能借助词典阅读和翻译有关的英语业务资料,具有套写有关的应用文的基本能力;是否能在一般交际和涉外业务交际活动中进行简单的交流。三、考试内容与要求 怀化学院大学英语课程考试包括学业测试和水平测试,其中学业测试重点检测和评估学生对本学期所学的知识和技能,水平测试重点检测学生对语言知识和技能的综合运用能力。笔试考试具体内容及要求如下第一部分:听力理解(Listening Comprehensive) 测试考生理解所听对话、会话和简单短文的能力。听力材料的语速为每分钟120词。对话、会话和短文以日常生活和实用的交际

3、性内容为主。听力部分分值为15分,其中对话10分,短文5分。考试时间为15分钟。对话部分包括短对话和长对话,均采用多项选择题的形式进行考核。短文部分采取填空和简答的形式。第二部分:语法结构(Structure) 测试考生运用语法知识的能力。测试内容包括语法结构、词性变化、词类用法、词语搭配等。分值为15分。考试时间为15分钟。第三部分:阅读理解(Reading Comprehension) 测试考生从书面文字材料获取信息的能力。总阅读量约1,000词。本部分测试的文字材料包括一般性阅读材料(文化、社会、常识、科普、经贸、人物等)和应用性文字,不包括诗歌、小说、散文等文学性材料。采用填空、简答、

4、信息转换、排序、匹配、多项选择等形式考核。分值为35分,考试时间为40分钟。第四部分:翻译(Translation) 测试考生将英语正确译成汉语及讲汉语译成英语的能力。所译材料为句子和段落,包括一般性内容和实用性内容。这部分分值为20分,考试时间为25分钟。第五部分:写作(Writing) 测试考生套写应用性短文、信函,填写英文表格或翻译简短的实用性文字的能力。所占分值为15分,时间为25分钟。口语考试具体内容及要求如下:口语测试时间为每期期末,共分四级,每学期为一级,占总成绩的15%。采用朗读、背诵、相关主题对话、观点陈述、情景对话、看图说话等方式。分为四个分数等级:6分、9分、12分、15


6、能力和交际能力。考试内容主要包括情景对话、看图说话或就任意主题发表自己的看法,其中情景对话10分,看图说话5分。四、考试方式及时间1、考试方式:采用考试与考查相结合。其中期末考试采取笔试(闭卷)的方式,口语考试采取期末考查的方式。 2、考试时间:120分钟五、笔试考试题型结构及分值分布序号 测试项目 测试内容 题型 百分比 听力理解 对话、会话、短文 选择、填空15% 语法结构 句法结构、语法、词形变化 选择、填空15% 阅读理解 语篇,包括一般性及应用性文字 选择、填空、简答、匹配 35% 英汉译、英译汉句子和段落 多项选择、段落翻译 20% 写作应用性文字(摘要、通告、信函、简历表、申请书

7、、协议书等)翻译。 套写、书写、填写或翻译 15% 合计 100% 口语考试题型结构及分值分布口语成绩(15%)级 别测试内容分数比例一级朗读单词、5%朗读句子、课文10%二级课文段落背诵5%对话10%三级对话10%观点陈述5%四级情景对话10%看图说话5%六、成绩综合评定办法成绩评定采用百分制。本课程成绩采用期末考试与平时成绩相结合的方式进行综合评定,最终成绩由以下几个部分组成:第一部分:期末考试成绩占总成绩的50%;第二部分:期末口语测试占总成绩的15%;第三部分:上课考勤占总成绩的10%第四部分:课堂内外的表现总成绩的20%;第五部分:学生学习态度及进步成绩占总成绩的5%。期末成绩的构成

8、如下所示:期评成绩(100分)平时成绩(50%)口语考试(15%)出勤(10%)课内表现情况(10%)课外表现情况(10%)学习态度及进步程度(5%)七、教材与参考书目主干教材1 余渭深 邹晓玲 朱万忠 晏晓蓉.大学体验英语综合教程(第一至四册).北京:高等教育出版社,2003(9).2 黄必康 韩金鹏。大学体验英语听说教程(第一至四册). 北京:高等教育出版社,2003(9).教学参考书1 A.S. Hornby. 牛津高阶英汉词典. 北京:商务印书馆,2004年. London: Oxford University Press, 2004.2 邓炎昌,刘润清. 语言与文化. 北京:外语教学

9、与研究出版社,2001年.3 胡文仲,杜学增. 中英文化习俗比较. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999年.4 贾玉新. 跨文化交际学. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2003年.5 汪榕培,任秀桦. 英语学习背景知识词典. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,1996年. 执笔人:刘蓉 审核人:补爱华 刘巧燕 时间: 2008年11月26日 大学英语(一)样卷:怀化学院课程考试命题双向细目表考试时间:20052006学年第 一 学期 期末考试考试课程: 大 学 英 语 授课人: 刘巧燕,杨期存,黄金京,武岚,刘蓉 年级专业: 2005级普通系专科、音体美本科 细目表设计人: 刘 巧 燕 表1:考试内容与能

10、力层次、难度等级 分 水 值 平考试内容(章)能力层次难度等级分值合计ABC识记理解应用综合容易适中较难Unit One334.54.50.715Unit Two 34.54.530.615Unit Three23320.610Unit Six23320.610Unit Eight23320.710课外阅读555100.425课外听力34.54.530.815分值合计202627.526.5100表2:题型与能力层次、难度等级题号题 型能力层次难度等级分值合计ABC识记理解应用综合容易适中较难一Listening Comprehension 34.54.530.815二Vocabulary &

11、 Structure46640.7 20三Reading Comprehension 710.5710.50.5 35四Translation-English to Chinese26660.6 20五Writing22420.5 10六七八九十合计182927.525.5100说明:1.各能力层次的含义如下:.识记:能知道有关的名词、概念、原理的意义,并能正确认知和表达。.理解:领会,在识记的基础上,能全面掌握基本概念、基本原理、基本知识、基本方法,能掌握有关概念、原理、知识、方法的区别与联系。.应用:简单应用,在领会的基础上,能用学过的基本概念、基本原理、基本方法的一两个知识点分析和解决简

12、单的问题。.综合:综合应用,在简单应用的基础上,能用学过的多个知识点,综合分析和解决比较复杂的问题。2.不同能力层次要求的分数比例一般为:识记占20%,理解占30%,应用30%,综合20%。3.试题要合理安排难易度结构。A 容易:难度系数0.8(预计全答对的学生达到80以上)B 适中:难度系数0.6-0.8C 较难:难度系数0.3-0.64.题型应多样,一般不得少于五种题型。Part I Listening Comprehension (每小题1分,共15分 )Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consist

13、s of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from t

14、he 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. .Now the test will begin.1. A. Yes, I was. B. I dropped it. C. Yes, I did. D. Of course not.2. A. I feel a bit tired. B. It doesnt

15、matter. C. It matters me. D. I feel like it.3. A. I believe she would have. B. I believe she would. C. I believe she has. D. I think she did.4. A. Yes, I am very kind. B. You are kind, too. C. Its all right. D. Youre welcome.5. A. That will be glad. B. Of course. C. Certainly, I will. D. Yes, please

16、Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answ

17、er from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 6. A. At the department store. B. At the church. C. At the grocery. D. In the garden.7. A. Policeman and driver. B. Teache

18、r and pupil. C. Policeman and thief. D. Director and actress.8. A. 3.50 dollars. B. 50 dollars. C. 3 dollars . D. 6 dollars.9. A. He wants to save it. B. He has a toothache. C. He doesnt like it. D. He has trouble eating anything.10. A. Tom didnt like his brother. B. Tom was seriously ill. C. Tom go

19、t some bad news. D. His brother liked to phone him.Section CDirections: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed on the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put t

20、he missing words or phrases on the Answer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin.Many people have hobbies. They make things or _ 11_ things. Right now, someone is enjoying a hobby somewhere. Peo

21、ple collect _12_, rocks, records, pictures, or china. Some people like to make _13_. They could make a table, a chair or a boat, or make a cake, an apple pie or some ice cream. People with hobbies are not _14_. They are interested in their hobbies because they can _15_ their leisure activities. Some

22、 work and some play will make people interested, too.Part II Vocabulary & Structure (每小题1分,共20分)Directions: This part is to test your ability to use words and grammar correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections: There are 10 in

23、complete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.16. Young trees _ quite often.A. Should water B. sh

24、ould be water C. is water D. should be watered 17. This is a _ amusing film. Youll regret if you miss it.A. highly B. higher C. high D. highlier18. Every means _ been tried since then. A. has B. have C. are D) is19. Can you _ me two good seats for the concert? A. secure B. have C. security D. give20

25、. I love music, _ whatever reasons. A. as B. for C. why D. because21. You cant get to the island _ by boat. A. apart B. as well as C. other than D. more than22. Nothing can _ the friendship between intimate friends. A. instead of B. replace C. stand me in stead D. take place23. Little _just how much

26、 the experience would offer me such powerful feelings and a strong sense of pride. A. did suspect B. I suspected C. I did suspect D. did I suspect 24. He gave his son _.A. a good advice B. some good advices C. the good advices D. a good piece of advice25. She likes being with young people and consid

27、ers teaching a _ career.A. worthwhile B. worthyC. worth D. worthy ofSection BDirections: There are also 20 incomplete statements here. You should fill each blank with the proper form of the word given in the bracket. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.26.With all

28、his _(assure) of four years of college study, they felt ready to conquer the world.27. We cant understand why he avoided _(speak) to us28. A group of seniors huddled, _ (discuss) the exam due to begin.29. We should try our best to develop into a well-_(round) individual.30. I wish I _(can freeze) ti

29、me and make the next two weeks go more slowly.31. Through many triumphs and _ (fail) I came to know more about myself.32. Ive found myself _ (have) great interest in oral English.33. Kelleys story is a wonderful _ (remind) about the impact of Distance Education.34. He is college teacher of many years _ (experience).35.With the _ (compliment

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