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1、旋挖桩施工机械安全操作规程中英对照旋挖机安全技术操作规程Safety Operating Instruction Of Rotary Drill Rig1、作业地面应坚实平整,作业过程中地面不得下陷,工作坡度不得大于2。The working ground should be solid and flat to avoid sinking during construction. The working slope should be lass than 22、钻机驾驶员进出驾驶室时,应利用阶梯和扶手上下,在作业过程中,不得将操纵杆当扶手使用。The drill operator should

2、 use stair and handrail to climb up and down. Never us the control stick as handrail during operating.3、钻机行驶时,应将上车转台和底盘车架销住,履带式钻机还应锁定履带伸缩油缸的保护装置。The turntable and chassis frame should be pinned during driving. For the crawler rig, the crawler telescopic cylinder protection device also should be lock

3、ed.4、钻孔作业前,应检查并确认固定上车转台和底盘车架听销轴已拨出。履带或钻机应将履带的轨距伸至最大。During drilling operations, the turntable and chassis frame pinch axis should be unpinned, and the track gauge of crawler should be extend to maximum.5、在钻机转移工作点、装卸钻具钻杆、收臂放塔和检修调试时,应有专人指挥,并确认附近不得有非作业人员和障碍。A dedicated commander should be responsible f

4、or drilling machine transfer, loading and unloading drill rod, placing tower, maintenance and commissioning process, and no non-operating personnel and obstacles should appear in the vicinity.6、卷扬机提升钻杆、钻头和其他钻具时,重物应位于桅杆正前方。卷扬机钢丝绳与桅杆夹角应符合使用说明书的规定。When using winch to lift drill rod, drill bits and othe

5、r drilling tools, the heavy objects should be located in front of the mast. Winding rope and mast angle should be consistent with the instructions.7、开始钻孔时、钻杆应保持垂直,位置应正确,并应慢速钻进,在钻头进入土层后,再加快钻进。当钻头穿过软硬土层交界处时,应慢速钻进,提钻时,钻头不得转动。When starting drilling, keep the drill rod at right position and vertical, and

6、 the drilling speed should be slow. Speed up drilling when the drill bit enter the soil layer. When the bit is passing through the junction of hard and soft soil, slow down drilling. The bit should not be rotating when lift the drill rod.8、作业中,发生浮机现象时,应立即停止作业,查明原因并正确处理后,继续作业。If the drill is floating

7、 during operating, stop drilling immediately and find the reason. The operation shall not be restart until the problem is solved.9、钻机移位时,应将钻桅及钻具提升到规定高度,并应检查钻杆,防止钻杆脱落。Lift the drilling mast and tools to the specified altitude when transfer the drill rig, and carefully check the drill rod to avoid acc

8、idental falling.10、作业中,钻机作业范围内不得有非工作人员进入。Any non-staff should not have access to the drilling area during operation.11、钻机短时停机,钻桅可不放下,动力头及钻具应下放并宜尽时接近地面。长野间停机,钻桅应按说明书的要求放置。For short-time shutdown, drilling mast may not be dropped down, but the power head and drilling tools have to be kept lower to the

9、 ground as much as possible. For longtime shutdown, the drilling mast should be placed as required by the instructions.12、钻机保养时,应按使用说明书的要求进行,并应将钻机支撑牢靠。Follow the manual to carry out the maintenance. The rig must be fixed tight during maintenance.汽车、轮胎式起重机操作规程Safety Operating Instruction Of Auto/Tyre

10、 Crane1、起重机械工作的场地应保持平坦坚实,符合起重时的受力要求;起重机械应与沟渠、基坑保持安全距离。The working ground should be solid and flat. Keep enough safety distance between the crane and trenches and base pits.2、起重机启动前应重点检查下列项目,并应符合相应要求:Check following items before operating:A保安全保护装置和指示仪表应齐全完好;Safety devices and indicators should be in

11、good condition;B钢丝绳连接部分应符合规定;The wirerope connection should be solid;D燃油、润滑油、液压油冷却水应添加充足;The cooling water for fuel oil/lubricating oil/hydraulic oil should be sufficient.F各连接件不得松动;Every fittings/joints should be fastened;G轮胎气压应符合规定;The tyre pressure should be enough.H起重臂应可靠搁置在支架上。The boom should be

12、 secured to the support.3、起重机启动前,应将各操纵杆放在空挡位置,手制动器应锁死,应在怠速运转3min5min后进行中高速运转,并应在检查各仪表指示值,确认运转正常后接合液压泵,液压达到规定值,油温超过30C时,方可作业。Each control sticks should be placed in neutral position and the hand brake should be locked before starting the crane. Run at idle speed for 3min5min before high-speed operati

13、on, and connect hydraulic pump after all indicator values is confirmed as normal. When hydraulic pressure reaches the specified value, and the oil temperature exceeds 30C, operation shall start.4、作业前应前部伸出支腿,调转机体使回转支撑面的倾斜度在无载荷时不大于1/1000(水准剧中)。支腿的定位销必须插上。底盘为弹性悬挂的起重机,插支腿前应先收紧稳定器。The front landing leg s

14、hould be extended out before operation. Turn the body so that the support surface tilt is less than 1/1000 (level centered) at zero load. Leg pins must be plugged in. For elastic suspension type chassis, attract stabilizer before extending landing legs.5、作业中不得扳动支腿操纵阀。调整支腿时应在无载荷时进行,应先将起重臂转至正前方或正后方后,再

15、调整支腿。Do not pull the landing leg control valve during operation. The adjustment should be carried out without load. The boom should be moved to the front or behind before adjustment.6、起重作业前,应根据所吊重物的重量和起升高度,并应按起生性能曲线,调整起重臂长度和仰角;应估计索长度和重物本身的高度,留出适当起吊空间。Adjust the boom length and elevation based on the

16、 object weight and lifting height and performance curve before lifting. Appropriate lifting space should be reserved according to the rope length and object height.7、起重臂顺序伸缩时,应按使用说明书进行,在伸臂的同时应下降吊钩。当制动器发出警报时,应立即停止伸臂。Follow the instruction to extend or extract the boom, and drop the hook at the same t

17、ime. When the brake send an alarm, stop immediately.8、汽车式起重机变幅角度不得小于各长度所规定的仰角。The variable angle of auto crane should be more than the required elevation of corresponding length.9、汽车式起重机起吊作业时,汽车驾驶室内不得有人,重物不得超越汽车驾驶室上方,且不得在车的前方起吊。Make sure that no one is in the car cab during lifting, and the heavy ob

18、jects shall not move across the car cab, and shall not lift in front of the car.10、起吊重物达到额定量的50及以上时,应使用低速档。If object weights 50% of the rated load and above, use low gear.11、作业中发现起重机倾斜,支腿不稳等异常现象时,应在保证作业人员安全的情况下,将重物降至安全的位置。If crane tilting, unstable landing leg or any other anomalies are found in the

19、 operation, lower the object to a safe position under the condition of ensuring the safety of workers.12、当重物在空中需停留较长时间时,应将起升卷筒制动锁住,操作人员不得离开驾驶室。If the object has to stay for a long time in the air, the lifting reel brake should be locked, and the operator shall not leave the cab.13、起重吊物达到额定起重量的90以上时,

20、严禁向下变幅,同时严禁进行两种及以上的操作动作。If the object weights over 90% of the rated load, no downward amplitude is allowed, and two or more concurrent motions are prohibited.14、起重机械带载回转时,操作应平稳,应避免急剧回转或急停,换向应在停稳后进行。When swinging with load, the operation should be smooth to avoid rapid rotating or emergency stop. Rev

21、erse after the crane stops steady.15、作业后,应先将起重臂全部缩回放在支架上,再收回支腿;吊钩应使用钢丝绳挂牢;车架尾部两撑杆应分别撑在尾部下方的支座内,并应采用螺母固定;阻止机身旋转的销式制动器应插入销孔,并应将取力器操纵手柄放在脱开位置,最后应锁住起重操作室门。After work, the boom should be fully retracted and placed on the bracket first, and then retract the landing legs; the hook should be fixed with wire

22、 rope; two struts at the rear of the frame should be supported in the seat, and fixed with nuts; the pin-type brake should be inserted into the pin hole, and the power take-off control handle should be placed in the off position, and lock the crane cab last.16、起重机械行驶时,发动机水温应在80C90C范围内,当水温未达到80C时,不得高

23、速行驶。The engine water temperature should be 80 C 90 C. If the water temperature is below 80 C, do not travel at high-speed.17、起重机械应保持中速行驶。不得紧急制动,过铁道口或起伏路面时应减速,下坡时严禁空挡滑行,倒车时应有人监护指挥。The crane should always travel at medium speed. Avoid emergency braking. Decelerate when crossing the railway or rough ro

24、ad. Neutral sliding is strictly prohibited on downhill, and someone should give commands when reversing.18、行驶时,底盘走台上不得有人员站立或蹲坐,不得堆放物件。Nobody is allowed to stand or squat on the chassis during travelling. Do not stack stuffs on the chassis.挖掘机安全技术操作规程Safety Operating Instruction Of Excavator1、单斗挖掘机的作

25、业和行走场地应平整坚实,松软地面应用枕木或垫板垫实,沼泽或淤泥场地应进行路基处理,或更换专用湿履带。The working ground should be solid and flat. If the ground is soft, put sleeper or pad on it. For marsh and sludge condition, subgrade treatment should be carried out, or use special wet track.2、履带式挖掘机的驱动轮应置于作业面的后方,采用液压悬挂装置的挖掘机,应锁住两个悬挂液压缸。The driving

26、 wheel should be located behind the excavating surface. For excavator with hydraulic hitch, two suspension hydraulic cylinders should be locked.3、作业前应重点检查下列项目,并应符合相应要求;Check following items before operating:A照明、信号及报警装置等应齐全有效;Light/signal/alarm system should be fully functional;B燃油、润滑油、液压油应符合规定;Fuel/

27、Lube/hydraulic oil should comply with requirements; C各铰接部位应连接可靠;Hinge point connections should be solid;D液压系统不得有泄漏现象;No Leakage-free should be found in hydraulic system.4、启动前,应将主离合器分离,各操纵杆放在空挡位置,并应发出信号,确认安全后启动设备。Disengage the main clutch and place the control sticks at neutral position before start.

28、 The machine is ready to start after the signal is released and safety is confirmed.5、启动后,应先使液压系统从低速到高速空载循环10min20min,不得有吸空等不正常噪声,并应检查各仪表指示值,运转正常后再接合主离合器,再进行空载运转,顺序操纵各工作机构并测试各制动器,确认正常后开始作业。After starting, cycle the hydraulic system from low speed to high speed at zero-load from 10min 20min. There sh

29、ould be no abnormal air suction and other abnormal noise. Check if the indicator values are normal, then engage the main clutch and start no-load operation. Manipulate the various mechanisms in order and test the brakes, when everything is normal, start normal operation.6、作业时,挖掘机应保持水平位置,行走机构应制动,履带或轮

30、胎应楔紧。Keep excavator in horizontal during operating. The travelling mechanism should be braked, the track or tire should be wedged.7、平整场地时,不得用铲斗进行横扫或用铲斗对地面进行夯实。Do not use bucket to sweep the ground or to tamp the ground. 8、挖掘岩石时,应先进行爆破。挖掘冻土时,应采用破冰锤或爆破法使冻土层破碎。不得用铲斗破碎石块、冻土,或用单边斗齿硬啃。Blasting should be c

31、arried out first before excavation of rock. When excavating frozen soil, the soil should be broken by using ice hammer or blasting method. Do not use the bucket or one side bucket teeth to break stones or frozen soil.9、挖掘机最大开挖高度和深度,不应超过机械本身性能规定。在拉铲或反铲作业时,履带式挖掘机的履带与工作面边缘距离应大于。The maximum excavation h

32、eight and depth should not exceed the equipment capacity. For dragline or backhoe excavation, the distance between crawler and excavating surface should be greater than .10、在坑边进行作业,当发现有塌方危险时,应立即处理险情,或将挖掘作业撤至安全地带。坑边不得留有伞状边沿及松动大块石。When working at the pit side, if there is danger of landslide, deal with the dangerous situations immediately, or transfer excavation operations to safe areas. No umbrella edge and loose large stones should be left at pit side11、挖掘机应停稳后再进行作

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