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新目标七年级下英语Unit 5 单元测试题 2.docx

1、新目标七年级下英语Unit 5 单元测试题 2Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?Written test part(共80分).单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )16. Look, _ elephant is in the picture.Oh, _ elephant is really cute.A. an; the B. an; anC. the; an D. the; the( )17. Johns dog is cool. He can walk _ two legs.A. in B. onC. by

2、 D. for( )18. Jessica, you look very _ in this new dress.Thank you, Linda.A. new B. shortC. beautiful D. strict( )19. I dont have a pet at home _ my mother is very tidy.A. so B. andC. but D. because( )20. You can watch TV _, but you cant watch it too _.A. one; long B. one; farC. first; long D. first

3、; far( )21. What place _ the girl _?Africa. And she wants to go there.A. does; live B. does; likeC. is; live D. is; like( )22. Dont _ to take my book home, Jim.OK, Ill take it for you.A. want B. forgetC. help D. bring( )23. The girl doesnt know her new classmates well because she is _ shy.A. kind of

4、 B. kinds ofC. a kind of D. all kinds of( )24. _ dont you like cats?Because theyre lazy.A. Why B. WhenC. How D. What( )25. Is the class from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.?_. Dont be late for the class.A. Good luck B. Sorry, I dont knowC. Have a great time D. Yes, youre right.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,

5、然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Kids with autism are very lonely (患自闭症的孩子都很孤独), and their parents want to help them. Now, they have a new waythey can26pets like cats and dogs. These27animals can play with kids and they28friendly. Theyre good for the kids health.One 4-year-old girl, Alice, cant29. Alic

6、es mom notices (注意到) sometimes Alice likes to30the TV shows about cats. So she31acute cat from a pet store. After a few months, Alice can32“sit down, morning and thank you”.Alices parents are33for their daughter, and they thinkAlicemay speak well one day.“The cat brings us good luck,”Alices parents

7、say.“It stays (待)34Alice for a long time every day. They eat together (在一起) and they sleep together. I think they have35. It is important to our family.”( )26. A. keep B. sellC. meet D. draw( )27. A. lazy B. scaryC. fat D. useful( )28. A. feel B. soundC. taste D. look( )29. A. write B. speakC. liste

8、n D. read( )30. A. watch B. followC. find D. talk( )31. A. buys B. needsC. shows D. rides( )32. A. know B. learnC. say D. tell( )33. A. free B. quietC. afraid D. happy( )34. A. with B. toC. from D. at( )35. A. music B. dinnerC. fun D. art.阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)AAmy:Molly, I want to go to the zoo this week

9、end. Do you want to go with me?Molly:Sure! But Im busy on Saturday. What about Sunday?Amy:Sunday is OK.Molly:Why do you want to go there?Amy:Because there are many new animals in the zoo. We can see two pandas and some koalas.Molly:Great!(in the zoo)Amy:Look! Here come two elephants! They are so big

10、.Molly:Yes. Look at the giraffes!Amy:Theyre so tall!Molly:They are smart, too. What animals do you like?Amy:Pandas, because they are friendly. How about you?Molly:I also like pandas. They are cute. And I like koalas, too. Where are they from, do you know?Amy:They are fromAustralia.Molly:Youre right!

11、根据材料内容判断正(T)误(F)。( )36. Amy and Molly go to the zoo on Saturday.( )37. Amy wants to see some new animals in the zoo.( )38. There are some elephants in the zoo.( )39. Molly thinks giraffes are cute.( )40. Molly likes pandas and koalas.BDogs are our friends. Many people like them. Look at these two ni

12、ce dogs.The first dogs name is Estrella. She is fromPeru. She doesnt have front (前面的) legs, but she is happy. She can move like a kangaroo (袋鼠). She lives in ananimal shelter (收容所). Its only 2 kilometers from a zoo. Estrella is a big star in the shelter. People like the dog. Many people want to help

13、 her. They go to the shelter to see her and bring her money (钱). With the money, Estrella and other animals in the shelter can have a good life.The second dog is Freddy. He is from theUK. He is five years old. But he is very big. When he stands on his back legs, he is over2mtall. Freddy lives with h

14、is sister. Their favorite food is beef (牛肉). They need lots of money for food every year.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )41. Where does Estrella live?A. In a zoo.B. In a park.C. In a shelter.D. In the street.( )42. What do people bring to Estrella?A. Food.B. Money.C. Water.D. Clothes.( )43. Where is Freddy from?A.

15、Peru.B. Australia.C. China.D. TheUK.( )44. Which dog is Freddy?A.B.C.D.( )45. What can we know about these two dogs?A. Freddy eats no beef.B. Estrella has only two legs.C. Freddy lives with his parents.D. Estrella likes to play with kangaroos.情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,在空白处填入恰当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。A: Hi, Frank.

16、Are you free this afternoon? (46)_.B: Sounds good. I love animals.A: (47)_?B: I like pandas best.A: (48)_?B: Because they are so cute.A: (49)_?B: Yes, elephants are kind and clever.A: There is a new elephant in the city zoo, and it can draw pictures. And it has a show this afternoon.B: Really? (50)_

17、?A: At 4:00 p.m. I think we can meet at 3:00 p.m.B: OK. See you then.词汇运用(每小题0.5分,共5分)A)根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。51. A new treatment (疗法) cansthe mans life.52. Jason is very busy these days and he onlysfor 5 hours a day.53. Dogs are verys . They can learn many things from people.54. Students love the m

18、usic club and there areo40 students in it.55. Fish live in thew.B)根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。place, forget, kill, friend, flag56. Jimmy wants to go to some _ with great food.57. The white _ is a symbol of surrender (投降).58. Mark loves elephants so he doesnt want people _ them for their ivory.59. Li

19、nda always _ to make her bed after she gets up.60. Ms. Browns son is _ to all of us.完成句子(每小题2分,共20分)A)根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。61.这双由皮革制成的鞋是我的。This pair of shoes _ _ leather is mine.62.我非常喜欢大熊猫。I like pandas _ _.63. Ms. Smith是我的一位老师。Ms. Smith _ _ _ my teachers.64.在森林里很容易迷路。Its easy _ _ _ in the forest.65.那

20、个女孩处于极大的危险之中,因为她的房间着火了。That girl _ _ _ _ because her room is on fire.B)根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词(含缩略形式)。66. I likelions. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ you like?67. I like giraffesbecause they are cute. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ like giraffes?68. Remember to bring me the book. (改为同义句)_ _ _ bring me the book.69. Those lions are from

21、Africa. (对划线部分提问)_ _ those lions from?70. Is the tiger black and yellow? (补全肯定答语)Yes, _ _.书面表达(10分)假如你是李铭,最近养了一只宠物狗。请你根据下表向你的美国好友Henry介绍一下你的新宠物。名字Amy年龄5个月毛色黄白相间习性对人友好,爱玩球最喜欢的食物苹果要求:1.短文内容须包含表格中提供的所有信息,可适当发挥。2. 60词左右。_附加题(共10分)Its a Sunday. Mark and Sophie take a walk in the city zoo.When they arrive

22、, they first go to the lions cage (笼子). They want to see a new lion. She is there for only three weeks. She is very beautiful. She has big brown eyes. When the lion sees Mark and Sophie, she opens her big mouth and shows her teeth.Sophie asks Mark to go to the monkeys area (区). She buys bananas and

23、feeds them slowly. Theyre very funny. They jump up and down a lot.Then they go to the snakes (蛇的) area. Sophie feelsfrightened. She doesnt want to be there. Mark is different. He walks close to the cage and says hi to the snakes. He isnt afraid at all.In the afternoon, they are tired. They take a bu

24、s home. On the way, they talk about the animals in the zoo. Their favorite animal is a little monkey. They think he is very cute.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )1. What can we know about the new lion?A. She is funny.B. She has brown eyes.C. She likes to see kids.D. She is three weeks old.( )2. What does Sophie do i

25、n the monkeys area?A. She takes pictures.B. She eats some food.C. She buys some fruit.D. She jumps like monkeys.( )3. What does the word “frightened” mean?A.害怕的B.激动的C.愤怒的D.开心的( )4. How do Mark and Sophie go home?A. On foot.B. By car.C. By bus.D. By bike.( )5. What animal do Mark and Sophie like best

26、?A. A snake.B. A panda.C. A new lion.D. A little monkey.参考答案. 16-20 ABCDC 21-25 BBAAD. 26-30 ADDBA 31-35 ACDAC. 36-40 FTTFT 41-45 CBDDB. 46. Lets go to the zoo47. What animals do you like best48. Why do you like pandas49. Do you like / love elephants50. When / What time is the show. 51. save 52. sleeps 53. smart 54. over55. water 56. places 57. flag 58. to kill59. forgets 60. friendly. 61. made of 62. a lot / very much63. is one of 64. to get lost65. is in great danger 66. What animals do67. Why do you 68. Dont forget to69. Where are 70. it is. One possible version:Henry, I

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