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1、BNC英语单词详解系列九十七BNC英语单词详解系列九十七odour释义 n.气味;声誉短语 odour nuisanee:令人讨厌的气味;令人不愉快气味;恶臭公害stale odour:陈气;霉味;陈味;茶叶陈化的气息underarm odour:腋臭 decomposed odour:腐败臭味;分解味;腐烂气味ammoniacai odour:氨味;氨臭bilgy odour: 土腥味;底舱污水臭气Odour Pai:香气派酒店 body odour:体臭 sour odour:酸味例句 1.N-VAR An odour is a particular and disti nctive sm

2、ell. 独特气味例:.the lingering odour of car exhaust.挥之不去的汽车尾气的独特气味。un derwriti ng释义 n.保险业;金融证券包销v.认购(underwrite的ing形式);写在下面;经营保险业短语 underwriting account:保险帐户;underwriting profit:保险帐目;保险账户underwriting result:承保利润;承保利益;核保利润;保险利润underwriting fee:承保业绩securities underwriting:承销费;包销费用;审批费;承销费用Standby Underwrit

3、ing:证券承销;券商包销;有价证券承销Underwriting Specialist:备用包销;备用承销;余股包购underwriting year:产品责任险核保专员;核保管理专员;工程险核保专员underwriting deposit:保险业务年度;翻译例句 1.V-T If an institution or company underwrites an activity or underwrites the cost of it, they agree to provide any money that is n eeded to cover losses or buy specia

4、l equipme nt, often for an agreed-up on fee. 为提供 经济担保;同意资助商业例:The gover nment will have to create a special age ncy to un derwrite small bus in ess loa ns.政府将不得不建立一个专门机构来为小额企业贷款提供担保。plai ntif英pie?美plef?释义 n.原告短语 civil plaintiff:民事原告;翻译pla in tiff shareholder:原告股东plaintiff standing:原告适格succeed ing pl

5、a in tiff:承继原告Plaintiff qualified:原告资格infan t pla in tiff:未成年的原告;翻译pla in tiff adva ntage:原告优势plaintiff status:原告资格例句 1.N-COUNT A plai ntiff is a pers on who brings a legal case aga inst some one in a court of law. 原告例:The lead plaintiff of the lawsuit is the University of California.这次诉讼的第一原告是加利福尼亚

6、大学。formulati on英f?mj? le?美,f?rmj? le?释义 n.制订,规划;(想法或理论的)系统阐述;表达方式;制剂,配方短语 Strategy formulation:战略形成;战略制定;策略形成;战略制订 proprietary formulation:有产权的配制方法;有产权的配方;有产权的方子 variational formulation:变分的定式Kirchhoff formulation:基尔霍夫衍射理论cementing formulation:注水泥配方Formulation Chemist:配方研发化学家;药物制剂研究员Formulation Scien

7、tist:制剂研究员;药物制剂科学家;处方研究员oil formulation:油相制剂;油悬剂;油的成份complex formulation: 复数表示法;复配己例句 1.N-VAR A formulatio n is the way in which you express your thoughts and ideas. 表述方式例:This is a far weaker formulation than is in the draft resolution which is being proposed.这是相对于正在被提议的草拟决议要弱得多的一种表述方式。2.N-UNCOUNT

8、The formulation of something such as a policy or plan is the process of creating or inventing it.制订例: .the process of policy formulation and implementation.政策制订及执行过程。3.N-VAR The formulation of something such as a medicine or a beauty product is the way in which differentingredients are combined to m

9、ake it. You can also say that the finished product is a formulation .( 药品或化 妆品的)配方;配方产品英国英语treasures释义 n.宝物(treasure的复数)v.珍爱(treasure的第三人称单数);储藏短语 cultural treasures:文化宝藏;指礼乐制度Carribean Treasures:加勒比宝藏;加勒比宝库Rabbil Treasures:兔子的宝藏dangerous treasures:玛雅遗迹大冒险royal treasures:皇家珍品十字绣Seven Treasures七宝藏论;七

10、宝;七珍Discoveri ng Treasures:寻宝America n Treasures:美国宝藏Greatest treasures:最珍贵的宝藏例句 1.N-UNCOUNT Treasure is a collect ion of valuable old objects such as gold coins and jewels that has bee n hidden or lost. 财宝文学性例:It was here, the buried treasure, she knew it was.那些埋藏的珍宝就在这儿,她知道就在这儿。2.N-COUNT Treasures

11、 are valuable objects, especially works of art and items of historical value. 珍品 (尤指艺术品和有历史价值的物品)例: The house was large and full of art treasures.那栋房子很大,里面满是艺术珍品。3.V-T If you treasure someth ing that you have, you keep it or care for it carefully because it gives you great pleasure and you think it

12、is very special. 珍惜例: She treasures her memories of those joyous days.她珍惜那些快乐时光的记忆。4.N-C0UNT Treasure is also a noun.珍爱之物例: His greatest treasure is his collect ion of rock records.他最珍爱的东西就是他收藏的摇滚唱片。5.treasured ADJ 珍贵的ADJ n例: These books are still among my most treasured possessions.这些书仍然是我最珍贵的财产之一。

13、yo英j?美jo释义 int.(用于招呼、引起注意)唷,喂;(表示应答)嗨,哎;(表示赞同、鼓励、警告)哟,唷n. (Yo)(日)与(人名)短语 YO保存率Yo querfa:我心渴望Yo Ota:人太田尤yo yo:悠悠;看着好看随便打的;溜溜球美俚Yo Lin kup:连连看Amber Yo:安柏儿Yo Deshi有得失YO MEGU天然呆少女yo alice:萌胖胖出游例句 .CONVENTION People sometimes say yo to greet other people or to get their atte ntio n. 哟;用于打招呼或引起他人注意非正式,口语例

14、:Yo, Carl, great outfit man!哟,卡尔,这身行头很不错嘛!fleet ing英fli?t?美flit?释义 adj.飞逝的;转瞬间的v.迅速移动(fleet的ing形式)短语 Encroach fleeting:侵犯短暂;侵占转瞬即逝;侵犯暂短;染指稍纵即逝 Fleeting memory:短暂记忆;忆流年;转瞬即逝的内存;流年内存fleeting a:飞逝的Fleeting memories:流年回忆;流年往事FLEETING SPIRI 快马精神 fleeting glimpse:匆匆瞥见 Fleeting mind:流年记Remembrance fleeting

15、:追忆流年 fleeting moments:稍纵即逝的瞬间例句 1.ADJ Fleeti ng is used to describe someth ing which lasts only for a very short time. 短暂的例:The girls caught only a fleeting glimpse of the driver.姑娘们只是匆匆瞥了那个司机一眼。2.fleetingly ADV 短暂地例: A smile passed fleetingly across his face.笑容从他的脸上一闪即逝。differe ntiate英,d? ren? 美,d

16、f? r?et附加 过去式 differe ntiated 过去分词 differe ntiated 现在分词 differe ntiati ng 释义 vi.区分,区别vt.区分,区别短语 Differentiate Fare:差别费率Differentiate your:你与众不同Differentiate Service:提供差别服务differe ntiate differe ntiate:区另 Udifferentiate treatment:辨证论治Differentiate Name:中的分辨名interests differentiate:责任区另Ufuzzy differen

17、tiate:模糊判别Differe ntiate compete nee:鉴别性胜任力例句 1.V-T/V-I If you differentiate between things or if you differentiate one thing from another, you reeognize or show the differe nee betwee n them. 区分例: A child may not differentiate between his imagination and the real world.孩子也许无法区分想像与真实世界的差别。2.V-T A qu

18、ality or feature that differe ntiates one thi ng from ano ther makes the two things differe nt. 使有差另 U例: .distinetive policies that differentiate them from the other parties.使他们与其他政党区别开来的独特政策。3.differe ntiation N-UNCOUNT 差别 例:For about six or seven weeks after conception, there is no differentiation

19、 between male and female.在受精后大约六七个星期时,男性和女性胚胎之间没有什么差别。in volvi ngv.涉及;包括;使陷于(involve的ing形式)短语 in volvi ng coord in ati on:涉及协调Involving the:涉及至UParent Involving:家长参与Theoreticing involving:实际用量Involving Food:涉及食品value involving:价值涉入involving others:涉他性involving regularities:演变规律Involving Dyeing:涉及漂染例

20、句 1.V-T If a situati on or activity in volves someth ing, that thing is a n ecessary part or con seque nee of it. 需例: Running a kitchen involves lots of discipline and speed.管理厨房需要讲究纪律和速度。2.V-T If a situati on or activity in volves some one, they are tak ing part in it. 涉及例: If there was a cover-up,

21、 it involved people at the very highest levels of government.如果有掩盖真相的行为,它就牵扯到了处于政府最高层的那些人。3.V-T If you say that some one in volves themselves in someth ing, you mean that they take part in it, ofte n in away that is unn ecessary or unwan ted. 使卷入例: I seem to have involved myself in somethi ng I don

22、t understand.我似乎已经将自己卷入了我不了解的事情当中。4.V-T If you in volve some one in someth ing, you get them to take part in it. 使参与例: Nasser and I do everything together, he involves me in everything.纳萨和我做什么事都在一起,他让我参与所有的事情。5.V-T If one thing in volves you in ano ther thi ng, especially someth ing un pleasa nt or

23、inconvenient, the first thing causes you to do or deal with the sec ond. 使陷入例:I don t want to do anything that will involve me in a Iong -term commitment.我不想做任何会使自己做出长期承诺的事情。flowsn.现金流量v.流流动(flow的第三人称单数形式)短语 Process flows:程序流程;工艺流程;下拉到进程流;流程流Compressible Flows:可压缩流动;可压缩流Registration flows:注册流程In for

24、mation flows:信息流;资讯流;实体问的信息流Object Flows:对象流Financial flows:资金流动;金融流量Lateral flows:平行流In direct flows:非直接流;间接流通例句 1.V-I If a liquid, gas, or electrical curre nt flows somewhere, it moves there steadily and continu ously. 流动例: A stream flowed gently down into the valley.条小溪缓缓地流进山谷。2.N-VAR Flow is als

25、o a noun.流动例: It works only in the veins, where the blood flow is slower.它只在血液流动较缓的静脉中起作用。3.V-I If a number of people or things flow from one place to another, they move there steadily in large groups, usually without stopping.( 大量人或物)流动例: Large numbers of refugees continue to flow from the troubled

26、 region into the no- mari s land.大批的难民持续从骚乱地区涌进无人区。4.N-VAR Flow is also a noun.流动例: She watched the frantic flow of cars and buses along the street.她注视着街道上川流不息的小车和巴士。5.V-I If information or money flows somewhere, it moves freely between people or organizations. ( 信息 ) 传播;(资金)流通例: A lot of this infor

27、mation flowed through other police departments.该信息大批地传到了其他警务部门。6.N-VAR Flow is also a noun.传播;流通例: .the opport unity to con trol the flow of in formati on.控制信息传播的机会。7.t see also cals flow8.PHRASE If you say that an activity, or the person who is performing the activity, is in full flow , you meantha

28、t the activity has started and is being carried out with a great deal of energy and enthusiasm. 热火朝天的例: Lunch at Harry s Bar wasiili flow when Irene made a splendid entrance.艾琳光彩夺目地进门时,哈里酒吧的午餐已进行得热火朝天了。lace英le?s美les附加 过去式 laced 过去分词 laced 现在分词 laci ng 释义 n.花边;鞋带;饰带;少量烈酒 vt.饰以花边;结带子vi.系带子n. (Lace)人名;

29、億)拉切短语 shoe lace:鞋带;鞋匠式French Lace法国花边;法国蕾丝antique lace:粗线亚麻梭结花边;古董蕾丝;手工花边;仿古花边Clu ny lace:克纶尼花边boot lace:靴带;鞋带tambour lace:绷子刺绣花边lace trimming:厘士花边;小花边;装饰花边Chantilly lace:尚蒂伊花边;尚蒂伊蕾丝;香蒂莉蕾丝;尚蒂伊的蕾丝例句 1.N-UNCOUNT Lace is a very delicate cloth which is made with a lot of holes in it. It is made by twis

30、tingtogether very fine threads of cott on to form decorative patter ns. 花边例: She fin ally found the perfect gow n, a beautiful creati on trimmed with lace.她最终找到了那件完美的大衣,款式漂亮、饰有花边。2.N-COUNT Laces are thin pieces of material that are put through special holes in some types of cloth ing, especially sho

31、es. The laces are tied together in order to tighte n the cloth ing. 系带例: Barry was sitting on the bed, tying the laces of an old pair of running shoes.巴里正坐在床上系一双旧跑鞋的鞋带。3.V-T If you lace someth ing such as a pair of shoes, you tighte n the shoes by pull ing the laces through the holes,and usually tying them together. 系 的带子例:I have a good pair of skates, but no matter how tightly I lac

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