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1、黄山导游解说词黄山导游解说词各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢黄山,位于中国安徽省南部,属中国南岭山脉的部分,全山面积约1200平方公里。黄山山系中段,是黄山的精华部分,也就我们要游览的黄山风景区,面积约154平方公里。它在黄山市境内,南邻歙县、徽州区、休宁县和黟县,北连黄山区;这五个县、区也都属于黄山市管辖。 黄山在中国唐代以前叫黟山,黟是黑样子,因为山上岩石多青黑青黑的,古人就给它起这样一名字。传说咱们中华族的先祖轩辕黄帝在完成中原统一在业、开创中华文明之后,来到这里采药炼丹,在温泉里洗澡,因而得道仙。唐朝著名的皇帝明皇李隆基非常相信这个说法,就在天宝六年下了一道诏书,

2、将黟山改名黄山。意思是,这座山是黄帝的山。从那以后,黄山这个名字就一直到现在。 朋友们,你们不远千,甚至万里到这里,就要亲眼看一看黄山的美吗?不就是要感受一次人生快乐吗?是的,黄山是绝美绝美的,可说天第奇山,能够登临它,亲眼看看它,确实是人生的一大乐事。在很久很久前,在漫长地质历史代,大自然的无穷力,塑造了黄山那绝美的风采和种种奇特的景观,令人倾倒,令人心醉。 黄山的美,首先就美在它的奇峰。这里竞秀,峰峰称奇,各有特色,各具神韵。黄山奇峰到底有多少,还没有一个确切数字。历史上先后命名的有36大峰、36小峰,近年又有10座名峰入讯黄山志。这 80多座山峰的高绝大多数都在海拔千米以上,其中莲花峰最

3、高,光明顶次之,天都峰排行老三,这三大峰和风姿独秀始信峰,是黄山的朋友,哪怕登上这四座奇峰中的一个,也算不虚此行了。 下面,我再把黄山“四绝”分别作个介绍。 说起黄山“四绝”,排在第一的当是奇松。黄山松奇在什么地方呢?首先是奇在它无比顽强的生命力,你见了不能不称奇。一般说,凡有土的方就能出草木和庄稼,而黄松则是从坚硬的黄岗岩石里长出来的。黄山到处都生长着松树,它们长峰顶 ,长悬崖峭壁,长在深壑幽谷,郁郁葱葱,生机勃勃。千百年来,它们就是这样从岩石迸裂出来,根儿深深扎进岩石缝里,不怕贫瘠干旱,不怕风雷雨雪,潇潇洒洒,铁骨铮铮。你能说不奇吗?其次是,黄山松还奇在它那特有的天然造型。从总体来说,黄山

4、松的针叶短粗稠密,叶色浓绿,枝干曲生,树冠扁平,显出一种朴实、稳舰雄浑的气势,而每一处松树,每一株松树,在长相、姿容、气韵上,又各各不同,都有一种奇特的美。人们根据它们的不同的形态和神韵,分别给它们起了贴切的自然而又典雅有趣的名字,如迎客松、黑虎松、卧龙松、龙爪松、探海松、团结松等等。它们是黄山奇转载自百分网http:/,请保留此标记松的代表。 怪石,是构成黄山胜景的又一 “绝”。在黄山到处都可以看到奇形怪异的岩石,这些怪石的模样儿千差万别,有的像人,有的像物,有的有的反映了某些神话传说和历史故事,都活灵活现,生动有趣。在121处名石中,知名度更高一些的有“飞来石”、“仙人下棋”、“喜鹊登梅”

5、、“猴子观海”、“仙人晒靴”、“蓬莱三岛”、“金鸡叫天门”等。这些怪石有的是庞然大物,有的奇巧玲珑;有的独立成景,有的是几个组合或同奇松巧妙结合成景。还些怪石因为观赏位置和角度变了,模样儿也就有了变化,成了一石二景,如“金鸡叫天门”又叫“五老上天都”,“喜鹊登梅”又叫“仙人指路”就是移步换景的缘故。也还有些怪厂,在不同条件下看,会产生不能的联想,因而也就有了不同的名字,如“猴子观海”又叫“猴子望太平”便是。 再说云海。虽然在中国其它名山也能看到云海,但没有一个能比得上黄山云海那样壮观和变幻无穷。大约就是这个缘故,黄山还有另外一个名字,叫“黄海”。这可不是妄称,是有历史为证的。明朝有位著名的史志

6、学家叫潘之恒,在黄山住了几十年,写了一部60卷的大部头书-黄山山志,书名就叫黄海。黄山的一些景区、宾馆和众多景观的命名,都同这个特殊的“海”有关联,有些景观若在云海中观赏,就会显得更加真切,韵味也更足了。这些也都证明,“黄海”这个名字是名副其实的。 最后,介绍一下温泉。我们常讲的和游览的温泉是前山的黄山宾馆温泉,古时候又叫汤泉,从紫石峰涌出。用它命名的温泉景区,是进入黄山南大门后最先到达的景区。温泉水量充足,水温常年保持在42度左右,水质良好,并含有对人体有益的矿物质,有一定的医疗价值,对皮肤病,风湿病和消化系统的疾病,确有一定的疗效。但是只能浴,不能饮;过云说它可以饮用,是不科学的。 其实,

7、黄山温泉不止一处。在黄山北坡叠嶂峰下,还有一个温泉,叫松谷庵,古称锡泉。它与山南的宾馆温泉水平距离公里,标高也近,南北对称,遥相呼应。这也够奇的了。不过因为它地处偏僻目前还未开发利用。 除了“四绝”之外,黄山的瀑布、日出和晚霞,也是十分壮观和奇丽的。 黄山,山高陂陡,溪流从高山峡谷中奔涌出来,从陡谷悬岩上飞落下来同,就形成瀑布。“山中一夜雨,处处挂飞泉”,就是黄山温存的生动写照。黄山瀑布很多,最壮观的有“九龙瀑”、“人字瀑”和“百丈瀑”。 黄山四季分明:春天青峰滴翠,山花烂漫;夏季清凉一片,处处飞瀑;秋天天高气爽,红叶如霞;寒冬则是银装素裹,冰雕玉砌。黄山确实是一个旅游、避暑、赏雪的绝好去处。

8、 Huangshan in southern Anhui Province, China, is a part of China Nanling Mountains, the whole mountain area of approximately 1200 km2. The middle of the Huangshan Mountains, is an essential part of Huangshan, Huangshan Scenic Area, also we want to tour the area of about 154 square kilometers. It in

9、Huangshan City in south Shexian, Huizhou District, in Xiuning County and Yixian County, north of Huangshan District; five county area belong to the jurisdiction of Huangshan City. Huangshan called Yi Shan in China before the Tang Dynasty, Yixian black look, because the hill rock multi Qinghei Qinghe

10、i, the ancients gave it up this name. Family legend we ancestors Huangdi in the completion of the Central Plains unified in the industry, creating the Chinese civilization, came here to herbs alchemy, bathing in the hot springs, and thus moral cents. The famous Tang Dynasty Emperor Ming Huang Li Lon

11、gji strongly believe that this statement, Tianbao six years under an edict, Yi Shan renamed Huangshan. The meaning is that the mountain is the mountain of the Yellow Emperor. Since then, Huangshan name until now. Friends, you are not far from one thousand, even thousands of miles to be here, we shou

12、ld see for themselves the beauty of Huangshan? Not to feel a life happy?s Huangshan is beautiful beautiful, said the skys the odd mountain be able to board it, to see for themselves that it is indeed a great pleasure in life. Shaped in a long, long time ago, in the long geological history on behalf

13、of, the infinite force of nature, the Huangshan stunning elegance and all the strange landscape, is dumping fascinating. The beauty of Huangshan, first the United States in its peaks. King show here, the peak-to-peak amazed, have their own characteristics, each withverve. Huangshan peaks in the end

14、how much, and also do not have an exact figure. History has named 36 peaks, 36 peaks, there are 10 names in recent years, peak into the hearing Huangshan Chi. More than 80 peaks, vast majority are in kilometers above sea level, where the highest Lotus Peak , Bright Summit followed , Heavenly Capital

15、 Peak , the third of the three major peaks and grace alone show Beginning to Believe Peak , Huangshan friends, even boarded four peaks, can be considered a worthwhile trip. I then Huangshan “four no” for a description. Speaking of Huangshan “four no” in the first when the pines. Huangshan Songqi pla

16、ce? First odd it extremely tenacious vitality, you can not help but marvel met. Generally speaking, where the side of the earth will be able to vegetation and crops, while ponderosa is from the hard Huanggangshui rock where long out. Huangshan everywhere growing pine trees, their long peak, long cli

17、ffs, long in the deep ravines of the valley, lush and vibrant. Thousands of years, they is from the rock burst, Gener deeply headlong into the crevices of the rocks, not afraid of barren drought, not afraid of wind and thunder, rain, snow, Xiaoxiao Sasa, upright. Can you say no odd? Followed taiwane

18、nsis also odd in its unique natural shape. Taiwanensis coniferous general short and thick dense, dark green leaves, stems Qu Health, flat crown, showing an earthy, the steady ship forceful momentum while every pines, each strain pine, looks, looks, artistically, Calvary, has a peculiar beauty. Peopl

19、e based on their morphology and charm to them from the appropriate natural yet elegant and interesting name, welcoming pine, black tiger loose, the Wolong loose, the Alondra loose, the exploration pimaric, unity loose and so on. They the Huangshan Qi Reprinted from percentile http:/, please retain t

20、his tag pine representatives. Rocks, the Huangshan scenic yet another “must”. Huangshan everywhere can see the weird odd-shaped rocks, these rocks look like children vary widely, and some, like the people, and some, like the material, and some some reflect some of the myths and legends and historica

21、l stories are vivid, lively and interesting. The famous stone of the 121, the higher visibility of some of the “flying stones”, “fairy chess”, the Magpie Dengmei “,” monkey view of the sea “,” fairy drying boots “,” Penglai Isles “,” Jinji called Heavenly Gate “. These rocks some monster, some Kit K

22、at exquisite; Some separate King, some are several combinations with pines cleverly combined into the scene. Also some rocks because of the viewing position and angle change, will have a change in the appearance of children, become Shier Jing the “Rooster called Heavenly Gate” is also called “five o

23、ld God are” and “Magpie Dengmei” also known as “fairy guiding “is the venue for Kings sake. Also some strange plant under different conditions to see, will not Lenovo, and thus will have a differentname, such as “monkey view of the sea known as the” monkey Wang Taiping “is. Besides the sea of clouds

24、. While other famous mountains in China can see the sea of clouds, but no one can match Huangshan sea, spectacular and endless changes. About this reason, Huangshan also has another name, called the “Yellow Sea”. This is not a presumptuous claim, history as evidence. Ming Dynasty famous Chronicles s

25、cientist called Pans constant, and lived for decades in Huangshan, wrote a 60-volume tome - Huangshan Mountain Books, the title is called “Yellow Sea”. Huangshan scenic spots, hotels, and the naming of many landscape with this special “sea” associated with some ornamental landscape in a sea of cloud

26、s, it will seem more real, the charm more foot. These also have to prove that the name of the “Yellow Sea” is worthy of the name. Finally, about the spa. We often talk about the spa and excursions the former Mountain Huangshan Hotel Spa, also known as the hot spring, in ancient times, to gush from t

27、he purple Shifeng. It named Scenic Area, is a scenic spot into the south gate of the first to arrive. Plenty of hot spring water, the water temperature is about 42 degrees year round to maintain good water quality and contains beneficial minerals, some medical value, does have a certain effect on sk

28、in diseases, rheumatism and diseases of the digestive system. But only bath, can not drink; over cloud that it drinkable, is unscientific. In fact, more than a hotspring. Huangshan North Slope peaks peak, as well as a spa called Pine Valley Nunnery, the ancient name of tin springs. Shannan hotel spa

29、 level distance of kilometers above sea level is also near the north-south symmetry, in Vicenza. This is also odd. However, because of its remoteness has not yet been developed to take advantage of. In addition to the “four no” Huangshan waterfall, sunrise and sunset, but also very spectacular and s

30、trange and beautiful. Huangshan Mountain Gaopi steep streams from the mountains and canyons rushes out, flew down from the steep valley cliff on the same, on the formation of waterfalls. “A night rain in the mountains, hanging waterfalls everywhere” is a vivid portrayal of the Huangshan tenderness.

31、Huangshan many waterfalls, the most spectacular Jiulong Pu “, the word waterfall” and “Baizhang waterfall. Huangshan four distinct seasons: spring the Qingfeng Dicui, the flowers are blooming; summer months one everywhere waterfalls; air is crisp autumn day, the the red Ye Ruxia; winter is blanketed by trees, ice jade puzzle. Huangshan is indeed a wonderful place to travel, summer, to see the snow.各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢

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