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1、体验营销外文文献翻译译文3000多字文献出处:Adeosun L P K, Ganiyu R A. Experiential Marketing: An Insight into the Mind of the ConsumerJ. Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences, 2014, 2(7): 21-26.(声明:本译文归XX文库所有,完整译文请到XX文库。)原文Experiential Marketing: An Insight into the Mind of the ConsumerLadipo Patrick Kunle

2、Adeosun,Rahim Ajao Ganiyu1 INTRODUCTIONIn recent years, there has been increased interest in building and enhancing customer experience among researchers and practitioners. Companies are shifting their attention and efforts from premium prices or superior quality to memorable experiences. Also, the

3、value created by memorable or unique customer experiences and emotions exert significant impact on organizational performance in terms of customer satisfaction, retention and loyalty. Experiential marketing is the new approach which views marketing as an experience and treats consumption like a tota

4、l experiment, by taking cognizance of the rational and emotional aspects of consumption using eclectic methods.We are in the era of experience economy and the main concern and preoccupation of proactive organization is how to create total experience and unique value system for customers, which neces

5、sitate the need to understand the life of customer from perspective of their shopping experience. Experiences is inherent in the mind of everyone, and may result into physical, emotional, and cognitive activities which invariably may generate strong feelings that the customer might take away. Experi

6、ence tends to come from the interaction of personal minds and events, and thus no two experiences may be the same in any occasion (Schmitt, 1999).Schmitt (2003) distinguishes between five types of experience that marketers can create for customers to include; sensory experience (sense), affective ex

7、perience (feel), creative cognitive experience (think), physical experience, behaviors and lifestyles (act), and social-identity experience, all relating to a reference group or culture (relate). The author posits that the ultimate goal of experiential marketing is to create holistic experience that

8、 seek to integrate all these individual types of experiences into total customer experience.According to Pine and Gilmore (1999), economic development is generating a new and dynamic era of experiences, which challenge the traditional sales approach focusing on product sales and service offering. An

9、d in order to enhance consumers emotional connections to the brand and provide a point of differentiation in a competitive oligopoly, retailers have turned their attention to creating memorable retail experiences, which try to appeal to consumers at both physical as well as psychological levels.The

10、emergence and spread of shopping malls, supermarkets and hypermarkets in both developed and developing countries, heightened competition for consumers spendable or discretionary incomes. There are therefore more choices available for consumers than ever before. In such a situation retailers seeks to

11、 develop business strategies that focus on creating and maintaining customers, by offering customers a differentiated shopping experience.The term Experiential Marketing refers to actual customer experience with the product/service that drive sales and increase brand image and awareness. When done r

12、ight, its the most powerful technique to win brand loyalty. Olorunniwo et al., (2006) concluded that customer experience is related to behavioral intentions and connecting the audience with the authentic nature of the brand is one of the prime goal of experiential marketing. This is achieved through

13、 participation in personally relevant, credible and memorable encounters.Shopping has been considered a search process where shoppers would like to ensure that they make the right decisions. In addition, they also intend to derive emotional satisfaction (Tauber, 1972). It has been found that a high

14、level of brand awareness may not translate into sales. Proactive organization should consider every visit of the shopper as a distinct encounter and a moment of truth. Unless the interaction is satisfactory, the next visit may not guaranteed. Therefore, if the store does not provide a compelling rea

15、son for a repeat patronage, the amount of purchase per visit may likely decline (Zeithaml, 1998).The growing significance of experiential marketing has resulted into diverse and fascinating study on the concept (e.g. Csikzentmihalyi, 1997; Schmitt 1999; Pine and Gilmore 1999; Holbrook, 2000; Arnould

16、 et al., 2002; Caru and Cova, 2003 to mention a few). However, the dynamics of consumer behavior have necessitated the need for more papers. With few exceptions, the existing experiential retail literature has focused mainly on the isolated testing of static design elements (i.e. atmospherics, ambie

17、nt conditions, and services cape architecture) of retail stores (Turley and Milliman, 2000). McCole (2004) in particular recognizes this dearth of academic research in the areas of experiential and event marketing as an indication of the division between academia and business and calls for marketing

18、 theory in these areas to be more closely aligned with practice. Similarly, Gupta, (2003) identified a lack of systemic body of knowledge and conceptual framework on which to base scientific inquiry as a key tenet of experiential marketing. The current study seeks to address some of these gaps in th

19、e literature. In consequence this paper aims to gauge consumers responses to experiential marketing in modern retail outlets and analyze the effect of experiential marketing on consumer behavior.2. CONCEPTUAL BACKGROUNDExperience as defined within the realm of management is a personal occurrence wit

20、h emotional significance created by an interaction with product or brand related stimuli (Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982). For this to become experiential marketing the result must be “something extremely significant and unforgettable for the consumer immersed in the experience” (Caru and Cova, 2003,

21、p. 273). According to Schmitt (1999) experiential marketing is how to get customers to sense, feel, think, act, and relate with the company and brands. Customer satisfaction is a key outcome of experiential marketing and is defined as the “customer fulfillment response” which is an evaluation as wel

22、l as an emotion-based response to a service. It is an indication of the customers belief on the probability or possibility of a service leading to a positive feeling. And positive affect is positively and negatively related to satisfaction.Experiential marketing involves the marketing of a product o

23、r service through experience and in the process the customer becomes emotionally involved and connected with the object of the experience (Marthurs, 1971). A well designed experience engages the attention and emotion of the consumer, and becomes memorable and allows for a free interpretation, as it

24、is non-partisan (Hoch, 2002). In contrast to traditional marketing which focuses on gaining customer satisfaction, experiential marketing creates emotional attachment for the consumers (McCole, 2004). The sensory or emotional element of a total experience has a greater impact on shaping consumer pre

25、ferences than the product or service attributes Zaltman (2003). The benefits of a positive experience include the value it provides the consumer (Babin et al., 1994; Holbrook, 1999) and the potential for building customer loyalty.Experiential retail strategies facilitate the creation of emotional at

26、tachments, which help customers obtain a higher degree of possessive control over in-store activities (Schmitt, 2003). These strategies allow consumers to become immersed within the holistic experience design, which often creates a flow of experiences. Affective reaction based on an interaction with

27、 an object can be described as a persons subjective perception or judgment about whether such interaction will change his or her core affect or his or her emotion toward the object. Cognitive reaction toward interacting with the object involves cognitive reasoning or appraisal, and is a consumer ass

28、essment of the purchase implications for his/her well being. Cognitive and affective reactions towards an object can be quite different, for example: one might appraise taking garlic as good and useful for ones health, nevertheless, one can at the same time consider it unpleasant due to its smell an

29、d taste.Experiential events can turn out to create both consumer and consumption experiences and can by far more effective in attaining communication goals. Caru and Cova (2003) conceptualization of experience, and Csikzentmihalyi (1997) experience typology and 7 Is of Wood and Masterman (2007) may

30、serve as a useful framework for evaluating the effectiveness of an event by developing measures that relates to the level of challenges, newness, surprise, and matching it with the audiences prior experience and skill level. However, the usefulness of measuring these attributes of the event depends

31、upon the assumption and belief that an event that is strong in those attributes will effectively create a memorable and potentially behavior changing experience.The strategic experiential marketing framework consists of five strategic experiential models which create different forms of experience fo

32、r customers. The five bases of the strategic experiential modules are: (1) Sensory experience: the sensory experience of customers towards experiential media includes visual, auditory, olfactory and tactile response results. (2) Emotional experience: the inner emotion and sense of customers raised b

33、y experience media. (3) Thinking experience: customers thoughts on the surprise and enlightenment provoked by experience media. (4) Action experience: is the avenue through which experience media, linked customers so that they can acquire social identity and sense of belonging. (5) Related experience for customers: is actualizes through th

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