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1、JAS分析指南JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS guidance作业安全分析简明指南 1. INTRODUCTION (介绍) Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is a simple structure approach used to assess potential hazards associated with any identified activity and to ensure risks are minimized. JSA applies the standard Hazard Management Process (HMP) of:作业安全分析 (

2、JSA)是一种常用于评估与作业有关的基本风险分析工具,以确保风险得以有效的控制。JSA 使用下列标准的危害管理过程 (HMP): Identify the potential hazards and Evaluate the Risks 识别潜在危害并评估风险 Establish controls (to avoid hazards) 制定风险控制措施 (控制消除危害) Plan recovery measures (if things do go wrong) 计划恢复措施 (以防出现失误)This can be applied to any task. 这个过程适用于任何作业任务。2. A

3、pproach 步骤For larger or more complex tasks, the initial JSA can be carried out as a desktop exercise at the office. However, a key principle is that the proper JSA is done in the field with people experienced in the activities and with the facilities.JSA一般在控制房或作业现场进行。对于大型或复杂的任务,初始的JSA 可以作在办公室以桌面练习的形

4、式进行。其关键是JSA 应由熟悉现场作业和设备的、有经验的人员进行作业安全分析。The following steps are taken:JSA 通常采取下列步骤: Person from group undertaking the task undertakes preparation for the JSA. Breaks the activity into the key steps and records this on the Job Safety Analysis Worksheet (refer to the following worksheet)实施作业任务的小组成员负责准

5、备JSA。将作业任务分解成几个关键的步骤,并将其记录在作业安全分析表中(参见下表) 。 Assemble JSA team (3 or 4 personnel). Need mix of skills. Recommend: one operational person who knows the area and the process facility, one from the group undertaking the task and a safety professionalJSA 小组成员集合 (通常3、4个人),要求有相关的经验。建议:有1位了解作业区域和生产流程设备的操作人员

6、,有1位来自负责实施作业小组的成员和1位安全专业人员。 Each step reviewed for what could go wrong and list the credible hazards. To help this the team can use the hazards checklist developed by professionals for the specific tasks. 审查每一步作业,分析哪一个环节会出现问题并列出相应的危害。JSA 小组可以使用由专业人员针对具体作业任务而制定的危害检查清单。 For each hazard the present spe

7、cified control measures should be identified and assessed for effectiveness. 针对每一个危害,应对现有的控制措施的有效性进行评估。 For each hazard the need for further controls should be considered by asking the question “what more could we do to reduce the risk from this identified hazard?” Sensible additional controls are t

8、hen added to the worksheet.对于那些需要采取进一步控制措施的危害,可通过提问“针对这项危害,我们还能做些什么以将风险控制在更低的范围?”,来考虑在分析单内增加进一步的控制措施。 Following completion of the review the safety supervisor /coordinator /manager should summarize the special controls identified by the team for that activity on the Job Safety Analysis Worksheet. Th

9、is will list the activity hazards, the special control requirements and who has to implement the controls during the task execution.审查完所有作业步骤后,安全主管或协调员或经理应将所有已识别的控制措施在安全分析工作表中列出,包括:作业危害、控制要求、在作业期间谁负责实施执行等。 The safety Supervisor/Coordinator/Manager files the JSA and may add it to the Asset JSA databa

10、se if it is considered that the activity may be repeated. 安全主管或协调员或经理应将所有JSA 文件存档,如果某项作业任务以后还可能进行,应考虑建立JSA数据库,以备将来审查时借鉴和使用。 The task supervisor has to ensure that the JSA worksheet is included along with the Work Request Form when the Permit to Work is being initiated.负责该项作业任务的监督应确保在审批该项作业许可证时,作业安全分

11、析表应和作业许可申请单附在一起。 The Task supervisor is responsible for a brief to the work party on the job hazards, controls and limitations (pre-job safety meeting) and ensures all controls are implemented as required in JSA worksheet. 作业任务的负责监督负责向所有参与作业的人员介绍作业危害、控制措施和限制(通常通过作业前安全会),确保所有控制措施都按照JSA的要求及时实施。 JOB SA

12、FETY ANALYSIS WORKSHEET (作业安全分析表)DATE (日期):ACTIVITY NAME (作业名称):JSA REVIEW TEAM (JSA小组成员):Step No.步骤Description of Activity作业步骤描述Potential Hazards潜在危害Existing Controls现有控制措施Further Controls Recommended to Reduce Risk建议进一步控制措施Responsible Person负责人Complete Date & Signature完成日期和签名12345AUTHORITY (作业名称):

13、SIGNATURE (JSA小组成员):DATE (批准时间):Notice: Action to take in the event of an accident involving this hazard: 1. Notify supervisor; 2. Call for help if needed; 3. Get medical assistance if necessary; 4. Do not change the scene of the accident unless absolutely necessary; 5. Record the names of all witness. 注 意: 一旦发生意外事故时应采取的措施:1、立即向直接监督报告;2、如有必要,请求他人帮助;3、如有必要立即通知医务人员;4、除非绝对有必要,否则不要改变事故现场的场景; 5、记录事故见证人的名字。

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