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1、初中英语阅读理解综合试题初中英语阅读理解1Mrs. Brow n had a small garde n beh ind her house, and in spri ng she pla nted some vegetables in it. She looked after them very carefully, and whe n summer came, they looked very nice.One evening Mrs. Brown looked at her vegetables and said, Tomorrow I am going to pick them, an

2、d them we can eat them. But early the next morning, her son ran into the kitchen( 厨房 )andshouted, Mother, Mother! Comequickly! Our neighbours( 令邻居的 )ducks are in the garden and theyare eating our vegetables! Mrs. Brown ran out, but it was too late! All the vegetables were finished! Mrs. Brown cried,

3、 and her neighbour was very sorry, but that was the end of the vegetables.Them a few days before Christmas, the n eighbour brought Mrs. Brow n a parcel( 包裹) .In itwas a beautiful, fat duck, and on it was a piece of paper with the words.Enjoy your vegetables! 根据短文内容,判断以下句子的正误 ( T、F)()1. In spring, Mr

4、s. Brown grew a number of vegetables in the garden. They grew very well. ()2. Mrs. Brow n could nt pick any vegetables because her n eighbours ducks ate up the vegetables. ()3. Her n eighbour was very glad for that.()4. The n eighbour bought Mrs. Brow n a parcel before Christmas.()5. There was a pie

5、ce of paper with the words: Enjoy your vegetables!2The date was like any other day in his life. After school Bill walked past the shop on the street corner.He stooped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt for sorry for himself. He really wan ted to have a pair for his birthday.He sadly walk

6、ed away and thought of what to tell his mother. He knew she would give him anything if she could. But he also knew very well she had little money. He decided not to go homeat once, as he looked worried and he did nt want to make his mother worry about it. So he went to the park and there he sat on t

7、he grass. Then he saw a girl in a wheelchair( 轮椅 ).He found that thegirl moved the wheels with her han ds. Bill looked at her carefully and was surprised to see that the girl had no feet. He looked dow n at his own feet. It is much better to be without shoes than without feet. It was not right for h

8、im to feel so sorry and sad. He went away and smiled, thi nking he was more lucky in life.1.Bill was so sorry that .A.the shoes in the shop were not the right size for him.B.he forgot to bring any money with him.C.his mother could nt buy him a pair of shoes.D.he walked past the shoe shop.2.From the

9、story we know that .A.Bills mother has much mon ey.B.Bills mother was a kin d-hearted woma n.C.Bills mother would nt buy him any thi ng.D.Bills mother ofte n bought prese nts for Bills birthday.3.Bill did nt go home at once .A.because his mother was at work.B.because his mother would nt give him any

10、 mon ey.C.because he wan ted to sit on the grass in the park.D.because he did nt want to give his mother any trouble.4.I n the park, Bill saw a girl .A.without feet. B. without hands C. walk ing slowly D. look ing dow n at his shoes.5.At last, Bill .A.decided to buy a new pair of shoes. B. left the

11、park sadly.C. thought hes more lucky tha n the girl in the wheelchair.D. did nt know what to do with his old shoes.3If you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they will become weak, when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows that. Yet many people d

12、o not seem to know that memory (记忆) works in the same way.Whensome one says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memoryin practice by using it. When some one else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it eno ugh cha nce( 机会) to become strong.If a

13、 friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know hat it is his own fault ( 过错) .But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us thi nk that his pare nts may be blamed ( 责备) ,and few of us know that it is just his own fault. Have you ever found that some people cant read or write but us

14、ually they have better memories? This is because they cannot read or write and they have to remember thing, they cannot write them down in a small notebook. They have to remember days, names, songs and stories, so their memory is the whole time being exercised.So if you want to have a good memory, l

15、ear n from the people: practise rememberi ng things in a way as other people do.1.Some one cant have a good memory if _ .A.he cant read or write B. he does nt use his memoryC. his pare nts have nt a good memory D. he does nt use his arms or legs for some time2.If you do mot use your arms or legs for

16、 some time, cant use them any more B. they will become strongerC. they become weak but they slowly become stri ng aga inD. they become weak and wont become strong un til you use them aga in3.Which of the following is true?A.Your memory works in the differe nt say as your arms or legs.B.Your m

17、emory, like your arms or legs, becomes weak if you do not give it eno ugh cha nee for practice.C.Dont learn how to read and write if you want to have a better memory.D.A good memory comes from less practice.4.Few people know that it is only if a friend has a poor memory.A.his own fault B. his pare n

18、ts fault C. his teachers fault D. his gran dmothers fault5.The writer wants to tell us to use our arms or to read and write strong arms and good to have a good to lear n from the people4In Europe many people died duri ng the Second World War. As a result, a

19、t the end of the war there were many orpha ns (孤儿)there. A man called Herma nn Gmei ner wan ted to help these childre n. His idea was simple. He wan ted orpha ns to have a home, and he wan ted them to have the care and kindn ess of pare nts. Gmeiner asked people to give him some mon ey. With this mo

20、ney he built the first SOS Childrens Village at Imst, in Austria. It opened in 1949. This is how the SOSChildren s Village started. The letters SOS stand for “Save Our Souls (灵魂).” This meansPlease help us! . An SOS Childre n s Village gives help to orpha ns.Herma nn Gmeine s idea for help ing orpha

21、 ns soon spread (传播)all over the world. By 1983there were 170 SOS Childre n s Villages in the world. People in many coun tries gi ve money tohelp the villages. Today the childre n from the first village are grow n up. Nowsome of them workin other SOS Children s Villages.In SOSVillages orphans live i

22、n family groups. There are several houses in each village. The biggest villages have 40 or 50 houses! Between seven and ten children live in a house. A womanlives with each group of children and looks after them. She gives the children a lot of love and kindness. She cooks for them and makescomforta

23、ble (舒适的),happy home for them.Of course, the children don t spend all their time in the village. They go to school, they go out with their friends and they go into town. But the village fives them a home-sometimes for the first time in their lives.1.Which of the followi ng came last?A.People gave Gm

24、einer some mon ey.B.There were many orpha ns at the end of the war.C.Gmei ner built the first SOS Childre n s Village with the money people gave him.D.A man called Herma nn Gmei ner wan ted to help the orpha ns.2.An orpha n is a child .A. who has no brother B. who has no sister3.How many houses are

25、there in the biggest SOS Childre n s Villages?A. Seven and ten. B. Forty or fifty. C. 170. D. About 30.summarize (总结)the work a woman in an SOS Village does foreach group of childre n?A.She gives the childre n a lot of love and kindn ess.B.She lives with each group of childre n.C.She cooks the meals

26、 for childre n.D.She looks after them.In Brita in win ter is not very cold and summer is not very hot. There is not 1 differe nee betwee n summer 2 win ter. 3 is this?Brita in has a mild (暖和的) win ter and a 4 summer because it is an 5 country. In summerthe sea is cooler than the land. The winds from

27、 the sea 6 cool air to Britain.The western winds blow 7 Britain all the year. They blow from the southwest. They are wetwin ds. They bring rain to Brita in all the year. Brita in has a lot of 8 all the year. The westof Brita in is 9 than the east.The four seas ons are 10 three mo nths long. Win ter

28、is in December, January and February.Spring is in March April and May. Summer is in June, July and August. Autumn is in September, October and November.1.A.a littleB. a fewC. a greatD. a small2.A.butB. andC. toD. for3.A. WhyB. WhatC. HowD. Where4.A.hotB coolC. coldD. warm5.A.En glishB. islaC.ope nD.

29、 importa6.A.takendcB. carryC. bringntD. fetch7.A.onB.un derC. overD.above8.A.s nowB. rainC. wi ndD. sunshine9.A.coolerB. wetterC. drierD. hotter10.A.everyB. sometimes C. bothD. all6Kim s Diary7:00 am: Woke up. It was sunny but there was a cold wind blow ing.7:30 am: Had breakfast quickly because I g

30、ot up late.7:45 am: Lieu arrived on his bike.8:00 am: Spent morning ridi ng our bike. We visited Ming and Gordon.12:30 pm: Had lunch at lieu s house. His mother made hamburgers. They were good to eat.3:00 pm: Went home after play ing computer games. Saw Alex in the park on the way home.4:00 pm: Watc

31、hed TV un til dinner time.1.What was the weather like on the day Kim wrote her diary?A.Cloudy. B. Win dy. C. Wet. D. Hot.2.Who did Kim see on the way home?A.Gordo n. B. Mi ng. C. Lieu. D. Alex.3.Kim s diary te lls us that she A. enjoyed her lunch B. missed her breakfastC. does n t like hamburgers D. went to Lieu s house for dinner4.The right order (顺序) of the things Kim did is .A.watched TV , ate lun ch, rode bike and played computer gamesB.ate lun ch, rode bike, watched TV and played computer gamesC.rode bike, ate lun ch, played computer games and w

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