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1、学年交华中学初三期中考试2018年交华中学初三期中考试Part 2 Phonetics,Grammar and Vocabulary (第二部分 语音、语法和词汇)II. Choose the best answer (选择最怡当的答案)(共20分)26. The TV series Life After Life,Blooms Over Blooms won the hearts of many audience. Which is correct for the underlined part?A) /a:/ B) /:/ C) /ei/ D) /27. Which of the foll

2、owing underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?A) Toms dream is to fly in space. B) There must be a reason for her success.功夫C) Go ahead! Believe in yourself. D) The sand on the beach is very hot.28. Learning music is important way to become confident.A) a B) an C) the D) /29.

3、Though William is average height, he is a star in his basketball team.A) for B) with C) of D) by30. Adele Adkins, who performed at the 2017 Grammy Awards,is favorite singer.A) I B) me C) my D) myself31. Besides noise and mess, reason for not keeping pet dogs is that some dogs bitepeople. A) the othe

4、r B) others C) the others D) another32. Do you know Yao Ming has been in charge of CBA since this February?Yes. The news makes lots of basketball fans .A) excited B) exciting C) frightened D) frightening33. can stop a man who has a burning desire.A) Everything B) Nothing c) Something D) Anything34.T

5、om looked upset yesterday, for he collected information about his project.A) little B) few C) much D) many35. Smokers smoke in all indoor public places from March 1st, 2017.A)can,t B) shouldnt C)neednt D) mustnt36. Mr. Black has been to lots of places around the world. Shanghai is city he ever visit

6、ed.A) beautiful B) very beautifulC) more beautiful D) the most beautiful37. Jane was a little nervous when the last light in the building . A) went on B) went out C) went over D) went up38. Jimmy takes notes carefully in class he can do some revision after class.A) so that B) now that C) as well as

7、D) as soon as39. The opening ceremony on April 11,but has been put off until April 20.A) arranges B) arranged C) was arranged D) will be arranged40. Martin will volunteer in the northwest of China after he from university.A) will graduate B) graduate C) graduates D) graduated41. No one will refuse w

8、ith him because he is hardworking and humorous.A) to work B) working C) work D) worked42. Youd better spend more time having sports instead of all day long.A) watch TV B) watched TV C) to watch TV D) watching 143. cruel facts the scientists showed in the report on the living conditions animals!A) Wh

9、at B) What a C) What an D) How44. We are going to have a picnic in Shanghai Botanical Garden this Sunday. . A) Congratulations! B) Enjoy your time there.C) All right. D) No problem.45. ,Simon? You look sad.My bike was stolen when I was doing some shopping at the supermarket. A) What are you doing?B)

10、 Where have you beenC) Whats wrong with you?D) How is it goingIII. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can be used only once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共8分)A) together B) cotton C) dark D) lay E) as well asAbout five years ago, Jacks father, a ships captain,

11、 brought back a strange egg from Africa. Nobody knew what kind of egg it was and whether it was alive. They stored it in a basket,covered it with 46 and laid it beside the warm radiator (暖气片)It 47 there for a very long while. One day, Jack discovered an empty shell in the basket and in the 48 corner

12、 under the radiator,a small ugly creature stayed there Quietly. It was a baby crocodile!Jacks classmates 49 newspaper reporters came to have a look at his pet crocodile. His mother kept a copy of the newspaper in her handbag and showed the article to her friends.A) through B) accidents C) likely D)

13、worried about E) likedBut as the crocodile grew larger and larger,Mother 50 it less and less and things became more and more unpleasant for Jack. For example,the crocodile ate half of Mothers stocking. When the crocodile saw the young woman who came to read the water meter,it attacked her hysterical

14、ly (歇斯底里地).There were also lots of such 51 But the very worst disaster of all began when Jacks father gave him an encyclopaedia of animals. Naturally the first thing he did was to read 52 everything it had to say on crocodiles. Suddenly he rushed to her mother and told her that their pet was very 53

15、 a giant Madagascar crocodile in Limpopo. “Limpopo” left Mother unworried but at the word giant she grew Complete the sen空格限填词)(共8分)54- Look, Linda. My younger brother has got two That,s interesting. Can he have porridge by himself? (tooth)55 All of the relatives came to celebrate my grandm

16、as X birthday, (ninety)56. Our parcel will be sent to New York two days earlier than (they)57. Why not have a barbecue on such a _ day? (pleasure)58. Susan seemed w because her new cell phone was stolen.(happy)59. Detective King will try to find out the of the robbery.(true)60. The Earth is polluted

17、, so we must take action to take care of it. (serious)61. Alice bought a large carton of ice cream. She ate some and the rest, (freezing)V. Complete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求完成句子。6267小题每空accident格 限填一词)(共14分)62. Both Linda and Lisa have been to the Great Wall.(改为否定句) Linda Lisa has

18、 been to the Great Wall.63. They hardly knew anything about the survey.(改为反意疑问句)They hardly knew anything about the survey, ? 64. Edward borrowed a dictionary from Alex just now.(保持句意不变)Alex a dictionary Edward just now.65.Mr. Sessions had to sit down and rest every thirty minutes.(对划线部分提问) did Mr.

19、Sessions have to sit down and rest?66. Dangerous driving causes many accidents.(改为被动语态)Many accidents by dangerous driving.67. “Does your aunt plan to work in Japan for a long time?” I asked Bob.I asked Bob his aunt to work in Japan for a long time.68. the heavy rain, get to school, John, because of

20、, on time, mainly, didnt(连词成句) Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分读写)VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解)(共50分)A. Choose the best answer (根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案) 69. East Point is a station A) along the Red Line B) along the Blue LineC) along the Green Line D) along all the lines70. Both the Blue Line and the Gre

21、en Line goA) West Point B) Giant TreeC) Sun Valley D) Pink Wall71. are the farthest.A) Sun Valley and Mid West C) West P0int and Sun ValleyB) North Station and Riverside D) East Point and Lowland72 It will take Simon at least _ to travel from North Station to Mid WestA)29 minutes B) 41 minutesC) 44

22、minutes D) 72 minutes73. will get most from buying a Monthly Subway Pass.A )A businessman who is visiting Dragon City for three daysB) A clerk who takes all three lines to his office everyday.C) A student who takes the Blue Line to school every dayD) A retired teacher who visits her granddaughter by

23、 underground once a week 74. What kind of information is not mentioned in the timetable?A) Lines and stations B) Frequency of trains.C) Operation hours. D) Fare information.B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)(12分)Emily was a teenager and lived with her parents. She and

24、her best friend, Kim, found out that their favorite band would give a concert in their town on Friday night. They really wanted to go, but they didnt think their parents would agree.Emily explained to her parents that she wanted to go to the concert with Kim,but they thought that she was too young t

25、o go without 75 .Emily told Kim that she could not go to the concert, but her friends answer was a real 76 to Emily. Kim told her mum she would study with friends on Friday.“I really do not want to be dishonest with my parents,” Emily told her friend.“Oh, 77 acting like a little kid! Everyone lies,”

26、 Kim replied.But Emily was not so sure. She thought that honesty was very important. Emily never felt comfortable lying, and her parents always told her that it was wrong.On Thursday, Kim invited Emily over to her house to watch a movie after school. When they got there, Kim and her mother got into

27、a fight. Emily realized that Kim lied to her mother 78 and her mother did not trust her. Emily had to go back home.As she walked home, she remembered that Kim always told her how terrible her relationship with her mother was. Kim thought her mother did not understand her, but Emily thought maybe Kim

28、s mother was just _79_ Kim being dishonest with her. Emily decided she would not lie to her parents about the concert. There would be lots of concerts in the future, but they were the only Parents she would ever have. She knew it was better to honor them and help them because her parents trusted her

29、, let her do 80 of the things that she wanted to do, and she really preferred it that way.75. A) partners B) friends C) adults D) relatives76. A) promise B) impression C)experience D) surprise77. A) continue B) stop C) enjoy D) hate78. A) all the time B) at the same time C) for the time being D) ahe

30、ad of time79. A) fond of B) satisfied with C) used to D) tired of 80. A) none B) few C) most D) allC. Fill the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)At a busy bus station, there is a little girl sitting all alone. She stares at the floor as all the busy travelers rush aro

31、und her. She does not move.Some people are in such a hurry that they do not n 81 her. Other people look at her,but they think, “She is not my daughter. She is someone elses responsibility. I am sure her parents must be somewhere a 82 here.” They continue running to where they need to go.After some t

32、ime, a man stops next to the girl. He is very tired and just wants to get to his home as quickly as possible. But he cannot just leave this little girl alone because she is no older than his o 83 little daughter!“Hello,” he says gently. “Are you all right? Are your parents here with you?”The little girl does not even look up at him. H

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