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1、湖北省部分重点中学届高三上学期第一次联考英语试题含答案湖北省部分重点中学2021届高三第一次联考高三英语试卷考试时间:2020年11月13日上午10:0012:00 试卷满分:150分第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答題卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选岀最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小 题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What are the speakers

2、 talking about? A. A prize, B. A travel plan. C. A contest.2. What will the woman most probably do? A. Skip dessert. B. Take a look at the menu. C.Have some chocolate cake.3. Where are the speakers probably? A. In a shop. B. In a theater. C.In a bank.4. How much is the bill for international call th

3、is month? A. S30. B. $100. C.$130.5. What is the man trying to do? A. Find a parking lot. B. Get some small change. C.Go to a shopping center.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选 出最佳选項,并标在忒卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小題5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7

4、题。6. What will the man explain first? A. The reasons for restructuring. B. The new tasks for the company. C. The timeline of his presentation.7. How can the staff learn more information? A. By the companys network. B. By the companys meetings. C. By the companys presentation.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What

5、is the topic of the mans writing assignment? A. A sport he participated in. B. An activity in the woods. C. A discovery in nature,9. What problem does the man have while working on his paper? A. He cant find good examples. B. He doesnt know how to write. C. He cant do the assignment peacefully.10. W

6、hat is common in writing papers according to the professor? A. New ideas come up as you write. B. Collecting data takes much time. C. The writers point of view often changes.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What was the woman,s first job? A. A guide. B. A hotel manager. C. A marketing consultant (顾问).12. What w

7、as the womans advantage of her trip in Japan? A. Being able to speak Japanese. B. Having been to the country before. C. Knowing some key people in tourism.13. Why is the woman applying for the new job? A. Itll involve lots of train travel. B. Ill bring her potential into full play. C. Itll give her

8、more chances to visit Japan.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. For what purpose did the woman go to India? A. To spend her honeymoon. B. To take photos of the Taj Mahal. C. To study the origin of a love story.15. What can we know about the Taj Mahal? A. It looks older than expected. B. It is built of wood and bri

9、cks. C. It has walls decorated with jewels.16. What is the womans impression of Indian cities? A. Their streets are narrow. B. They are mostly crowded. C. Their people are unfriendly.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. When did Andrea start playing tennis? A. At the age of 6. B. At the age of 8. C. At the age of

10、10.18. What do we know about the foundation? A. It offers free services. B. It teaches students aged 5 to 18. C. It has a history around 50 years.19. Who is Audra Bell?A. A student. B. A worker. C. The president.20. What can students learn from tennis according to Rebecca?A. Self-discipline (自律). B.

11、 Mental toughness. C. Independence.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选岀最佳选项。ANARRAT1VE invites all writers, poets, visual artists photographers performers and filmmakers between eighteen and thirty years old to send us their best work. Were looking for the tradi

12、tional and the new, the true and the creative. Were looking to encourage the best young authors and artists working today.Awards: First Prize is $ 1,500, Second Prize is $ 750, Third Prize is $ 300, and other ten finalists will receive $ 100 each. The prizewinners and finalists will be announced in

13、Narrative, We accept submissions (提交)in the following media:Written; works of literature including short stories5 all poetic forms, novels, essays and book-length nonfiction. Submissions must be within 15,000 words. Each poetry submission may contain up to five poems. The poems should all be contain

14、ed in a single file. All submissions should he double-spaced (except poetry, which should be single-spaced), with 12- point type, at least one-inch margins (空白).You may enter as many times as you wish, but we encourage you to be selective and to send your best work. All entries will be considered to

15、 be published.Photographed; photo essays of between five and twenty image, previously unpublished. Titles or text should he included, either with the file containing the images or as a separate document, with numbered photographs.Filmed: short films and documentaries of up to fifteen minutes. Submis

16、sions must be in .mp4 or .mov format.Entries will be accepted through November 19, 2020, at midnight, Pacific standard time. There is a $26 fee for each entry. And with your entry, youll receive three months of free access to Narrative Backstage. Winners and finalists will be announced to the public

17、 by December 18, 2020.21. How many kinds of prizes will be awarded with money? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.22. Which entry meets the standard of submission? A. A picture posted online. B. A poetry with six poems. C. A novel with single-spaced pattern. D. A photograph with a text in a separate

18、 document.23. What is the benefit for people who submit their work? A. They will be announced to the public, B. They will receive a $ 26 payment for their effort. C. They can have their work published in the magazine. D. They can visit Narrative Backstage for free for three monthsBThe city of Lviv,

19、as I have seen it in winter greatly reminded me of several famous cities o Central and Eastern Europe that I have been to, such as Prague and Saint Petersburg. At the same time, it has many features that make this western Ukrainian (乌克兰)city unique. Lviv is rather small, though rich with historical

20、heritages; as a result, you cannot make a single step without running into the next attraction.The historical center, if it had no places of interest, could be crossed in no time; however you will need at least four days to gel a rough picture of it. But let me tell you everything in order.The first

21、 thing that caught my eye was the architecture Perhaps, for those who have traveled across Europe it could seem less unique, but I was astonished? though I am a brat-up traveler. The reason for my surprise is that Lviv? s houses breathe with time: the city isnt, so restored as Prague, for instance,

22、but accurate. So, while walking the streets* you will repeatedly catch yourself imagining you got into the 17th century somehow ; many regular buildings in Lviv are at least 2-3 centuries old.Besides architecture which I will review in detail a bit later, I must mention two other phenomena that caug

23、ht my attention in Lviv: the number of themed cafes and restaurants? and extremely polite and friendly people. As for the cafethey can be safely considered a landmark of the city; looking back, I can tell you that you can hardly find two cafes in Lviv that would be at least remotely similar to each

24、other. During my first day, I visited the well-known House of Legends where each floor and each dining hall is restricted to their own themes.The atmosphere inside was relaxing, though there were lots of tourists like me, dropping in to take a picture. My advice: if you want to enjoy a beautiful cit

25、yscape, climb to the roof of this restaurant at sunset j sitting there with a glass of wine and watching the sun roll behind ancient roofs was an unforgettable experience for me,People in Lviv are friendly; you can always count on help, even if you dont know Ukrainian. The people I was talking to kn

26、ew English quite well一knowledgeable enough to explain to me where I could go and what to see* Many townsmen smiled without any obvious reason, though I arrived in Lviv the day before Christmas, so maybe this was the reason of the peoples? uplifted mood.24. What is so special about the city of Lviv?

27、A. The historical centre is very large. B. The winter is extremely beautiful there. C. The tourist sites are close to each other. D. The features of this city are typical in Ukraine.25. Why does the author feel astonished in paragraph 3? A. Because the city is poorly restored, B. Because the houses

28、changes through time. C. Because the architecture seems less unique in Lviv. D. Because the buildings looked the same as centuries ago.26. Which one has the closest meaning to the underlined word in the text? A. Exhausted. B. Experienced. C. Energetic. D. Enthusiastic.27. What caught the authors att

29、ention during his visit? A. Tourists interest in taking pictures. B. People being excited about Christ mas, C. Local peoples willingness in offering guidance. D. Ail cafes having different themes for each floor,C Teenagers who travel around the world alone have been making headlines quite often. A y

30、oung person alone in a dangerous situation attracts attention and sponsors. Young sailors also attract various views. For example, Jessica Watson was asked by the government to cancel her voyage yet the Prime Minister called her a hero for young Australians when she returned. It seemed there is conf

31、usion about the competence and independence of young people.The popular psychologists tell us that teenage brains are likely to make wrong judgments. But such ideas often do not apply to specific individuals* Between the ages of 14 and 18, teenagers vary greatly in their abilities. The amount of ind

32、ependence that each is allowed should be determined not simply by their age but by discussion with the related, responsible adults. Some teens are certainly inexperienced and capable of childish mistakes, but the ones who attempt dangerous journeys normally do so by winning the confidence of hard-headed and well-qualified adult supporters*But it? s also wrong to think that any 16-year old can desire to get achievements a

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