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1、湛江市中考英语英语阅读理解试题附答案湛江市中考英语英语阅读理解试题(附答案)一、英语阅读理解专项练习试卷1阅读理解 One day, while I was waiting for my father, I saw a little boy, around two years old, running freely on the grass as his mother watched from a short distance. The boy had a big smile on his face as if he had just been set free from some sort

2、of prison(监狱) . The boy would then fall to the grass, get up, without looking back at his mother, run as fast as he could, again, still with a smile on his face, as if nothing had happened. At that moment, I thought to myself, Why arent most adults this way? Most adults, when they fall down, make a

3、big deal out of it and dont even make a second attempt. They would be so embarrassed that they would not try again if someone saw them fall. Or, because they fall, they would find a good excuse for themselves that theyre not fit for it. They would end up being too afraid to attempt again for fear of

4、 failure(失败) . However, with kids, when they fall down, they dont consider their falling down as a failure, instead, they treat it as a learning experience. They try again and again until they succeed. The answer must be that they have not connected falling down with the word failure. Whats more, th

5、ey probably think to themselves that its quite okay to fall down and that its not wrong to do so. In other words, they allow themselves to make mistakes, so they remain energetic. I was deeply impressed by the boys persistence(坚持不懈) and the manner in which he did.(1)What did the little boy do when h

6、e fell down? A.He cried and lay on the grass.B.He asked his mother for help.C.He got up and went on running.D.He got up and stood there crying.(2)In the writers opinion, what might the little boy regard his falling down as? A.A failure.B.A joke.C.An interesting game.D.A learning experience.(3)In the

7、 writers opinion, why cant many adults succeed? A.Because they are afraid of being embarrassed.B.Because they cant find a good excuse.C.Because once they fail, they wont attempt again.D.Because they dont allow themselves to make mistakes.(4)The underlined word attempt in Paragraph 2 means . A.尝试B.放弃

8、C.面对D.怀疑(5)What does the writer want to tell us? A.Practice makes perfect.B.Failure is the mother of success.C.All roads lead to Rome.D.Each coin has two sides.【答案】(1)C(2)D(3)C(4)A(5)B 【解析】【分析】大意:本文讲述的是作者的一次观察男孩跌倒后自由奔跑所得到的启示。在我们成长过程中,我们不能从容面对失败和困难,而变得虚伪和恐惧,我们需要真实的自我和面对失败的勇气。(1)细节理解题。根据句中第一段第三句:“The

9、boy would then fall to the grass, get up, without looking back at his mother, run as fast as he could, again.可知,小男孩时不时地跌倒,爬起来。故选C。(2)细节理解题。根据However, with kids, when they fall down, they dont consider their falling down as a failure, instead, they treat it as a learning experience.可知对于孩子们来说,当他们跌倒时,他

10、们不认为跌倒是个失败,相反,他们把它当作一次学习经历。故选D。(3)细节理解题。根据Most adults, when they fall down, make a big deal out of it and dont even make a second attempt. 大部分的成年人,当他们失败的时候只会小题大做,甚至不愿意再做第二次尝试。故选C。(4)词义猜测题。根据They would be so embarrassed that they would not try again.大部分的成年人,当他们失败的时候只会觉得尴尬,不愿意再做第二次尝试。故选A。(5)主旨大意题。从全文中

11、可以看出作者对于失败是很乐观的,失败了可以当做一次学习的机会,以后再尝试。再就是端正态度,失败是不可避免的,要想得通。故选B。【点评】考查阅读理解,首先快速浏览、分析问题,抓住关键词;其次带着问题通读全文,了解文章大意,找到依据,确定答案;最后再检查一遍,确保答案正确。2阅读理解 As a young woman, my mother worked in the kitchen of a large farm owned by Fanny Cratty. She was hardworking and had a special skill in making delicious strawb

12、erry jam. Aunt Fanny was single and had no children. She didnt like to share love with others. I thought she was very lonely, although she didnt mind it. She had a workshop where my mother helped her make the best strawberry jam, and everyone in our town bought it. But aunt Fanny asked my mother not

13、 to tell the recipe(秘方) of making the strawberry jam to others. When the strawberries were ripe, my family would pick them together. We talked and laughed, experiencing the fun of picking strawberries. But aunt Fanny never joined us. She just asked us to pick strawberries quickly and make more straw

14、berry jam to make more money for her. Each person in our town said that she just paid attention to money rather than anything else. What a poor woman! Its no use having too much money because she had no family and friends to share her happiness during her lifetime. Maybe it was the recipe that broug

15、ht success to aunt Fanny. But to me, it was just a common recipe. Money can make you feel rich for a while, but it is the beautiful days spent with family and friends that truly make you rich.(1)Who owns the recipe of making the best strawberry jam?A.The writers mother.B.The writer.C.Aunt Fanny.D.Fa

16、nnys mother.(2)Why do people in the town think aunt Fanny is poor?A.Because she needed to work hard in her workshop.B.Because she paid attention to nothing except money.C.Because she had no close friends to shared her success.D.Because she always thought of helping others rather than herself.(3)What

17、 does the last word “rich” mean in this passage?It means _.A.the success of making strawberry jamB.having the recipe and much moneyC.the happiness, ones family and friendsD.owning a big house and the large farm【答案】 (1)A(2)C(3)C 【解析】【分析】短文大意:作者的妈妈拥有一种特殊的制作美味草莓酱的技巧。每年她帮助范妮姨妈做最好的草莓果酱,但范妮姨妈不让她把制作草莓酱的配方告

18、诉别人。镇上的每个人都说范妮姨妈只关注钱而不是其他的东西。都认为她可怜,因为她没有家人和朋友在她的一生中分享她的幸福。而作者认为使你真正富有的是与家人和朋友一起度过的美好时光。是亲情与友情。(1)A细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“She was hardworking and had a special skill in making delicious strawberry jam.” 她很勤劳,有一种特殊的制作美味的草莓酱的技巧。可知作者的妈妈拥有制作美味的草莓酱的食谱。答案为A。(2)C细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“Each person in our town said that she

19、 just paid attention to money rather than anything else. What a poor woman! Its no use having too much money because she had no family and friends to share her happiness during her lifetime.”可知,除了钱之外他什么也不关注。都认为她可怜,因为她没有家人和朋友在她的一生中分享她的幸福。答案为C。(3)C词意猜测题。根据短文最后的句子“but it is the beautiful days spent wit

20、h family and friends that truly make you rich.”使你真正富有的是与家人和朋友一起度过的美好时光。故答案为C。3阅读理解 One night, when I was eight, my mother gently asked me a question I would never forget. Sweetie, my company wants to promote(升职) me but needs me to work in Brazil. This is like your teacher telling you that youve done

21、 well and allowing you to skip(跳) a grade, but youll have to leave your friends. Would you say yes to your teacher? She gave me a hug and asked me to think about it. I was lost in thought. The question kept me wondering for the rest of the night. I had said Yes but for the first time, I realized the

22、 difficult decisions adults had to make. For almost four years, my mother would call us from Brazil every day. Every evening Id eagerly wait for the phone to ring and then tell her everything that happened during the day. A phone call, however, could never take her place and it was difficult not to

23、feel lonely at times. During my fourth-grade Christmas break, we flew to Rio to visit her. Looking at her large empty apartment. It was then I started to understand the difficult choices she had to make. She needed to think about both family and work. Faced with difficult decisions, she used to tell

24、 me, you wouldnt know whether you made the right choice, but you could always make the best out of the situation, with a positive attitude.Back home, I reminded myself that what my mother could do, I could, too. If she managed to live in Rio all by herself, I, too, could learn to be independent. I l

25、earn how to take care of myself and set high but achievable goals. My mother is now back with us. But I will never forget what the experience has really taught me. Ive learned a lot because of this separation(分离). There are lots of difficult decisions that we have to face in our life. We need to hav

26、e a positive attitude no matter what happens.(1)It was _ for the writer to say Yes to her mother s question. A.excitedB.difficultC.unusualD.easy(2)Which of the following sentences can be put in the blank in Paragraph 3? A.I thought my mother might regret her decision.B.I thought my mother might want

27、 to go home with us.C.I realized how lonely my mother was in Brazil herself.D.I realized my mother had a happy time in Brazil herself.(3)The writer most probably wants to tell us that _. she gets on well with her motherB.its difficult for her to make a decisionC.she has learnt a lot from the e

28、xperienceD.adults have to face the difficult decisions【答案】 (1)B(2)C(3)C 【解析】【分析】文章大意:主要介绍了我在小时候与妈妈分开的一段经历,懂得做决定的艰难,理解了妈妈工作的辛苦。 (1)细节理解题。根据文中的第 一The question kept me wondering for the rest of the nightI had saidyes,可知 这个问题很难回答,故答案是B。 (2)细节理解题。根据文中的前面Looking at her large empty apartment看着她那空荡荡的大公寓,可知

29、后面应该是我意识到我母亲在巴西是多么孤独,故答案是C。 (3)细节理解题。根据文中的最后一段My mother is now back with usBut I will never forget what the experience has really taught meIve learned a lot because of this separationThere are lots of difficult decisions that we have to face in our lifeWe need to have a positive attitude no matter w

30、hat happens.可知 作者从中学到了很多,故答案是C。 【点评】考查阅读理解。考查对篇章的把握与细节的识别能力,答题时注意紧扣问题中的关键词,在文章中寻找答案。4阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Meiyu, born in 1995, is from Turkey (土耳其). She is the youngest child of her family. After high school, many people learned English or Japanese, but Meiyu decided to learn Chinese in university. She learned Chinese for four years in Ankara University in Turkey, and got her name Meiyu there. Meiyu fell in love with Chinese after going to university. She became more int

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