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1、英文短语唯美简短英文短语唯美简短导读: 1、想要留,不留全是空。想见面,不能见才最痛。If you want to stay, not all of them are empty. It hurts most to miss someone when you want to meet them.2、恨君不似江楼月,南北西东,只有相随无离别。Hate Jun is not like Jianglou Yue, north, south, West and east, only with each other.3、那些喜欢过的证据, 一直带不走,只是被人遗忘了许久takeThose who lik

2、e the evidence, has been unable to away, but has been forgotten for a long time.4、有多少人,跟我一样,死死地想着那个消失于现实中的 她。How many people, like me, are dying to think of her who has disappeared into reality.5、有些人宁愿永远失去,有些人宁愿永远记在心中。Some people prefer to lose forever, some people prefer to remember forever.6、好似跟谁关

3、系都挺好,又好似跟谁都只是泛泛之交。It seems to have a good relationship with everyone, and it seemsthat everyone is just a casual acquaintance.7、没有你的平安夜感到一点也不平安! 相反有些许的不安! Christmas Eve is not safe without you! On the contrary, a little uneasy!8、你一定不知道,你寂寞的时候,我也在寂寞的想着你。You must not know, when you are lonely, I also

4、think of you lonely.9、世上唯一不能复制旳是时间,唯一不能重演旳是人生。The only thing that cant be copied in the world is time, and the only thing that cant be repeated is life.10、真心不如红钞票,感情只是性需要。Truth is not as good as red money. Emotion is only a sexual need.11、你在时,你是一切;你不在时,一切是你。When you are there, you are everything; wh

5、en you are away, everything is you.12、用一根火柴烧一座蜃楼,借这场大雨让自己逃走。Burn a mirage with a match and let yourself escape through the heavy rain.13、如果有一天,我突然安静了, 你也走到了懊悔的边缘。If one day, I suddenly quiet, you also come to the edge of regret.悔更难。Never give up what you really want. Its hard to wait, but its harder

6、 to regret.15、下辈子我要做洋葱, 谁敢欺负我, 我就让谁泪流满面。In the next life, I will make onions. If anyone dares to bully me, I will make anyone cry.16 、你说我是你一辈子的挚爱,可不属于爱情。You said I was your lifelong love, not love.17、破碎的爱已经离开,给我期待应不应该梦想你还在。Broken love has left, give me hope should not fantasize you are still there.1

7、8 、最养眼的不是风华正茂的情侣,而是搀扶到老的老夫 妇。The most eye-catching thing is not the beautiful couple, but the old couple.19 、你姐妹众多, 不缺我一个, 但对你好的, 只有我一个! You have many sisters, not one of them is missing, but Iam the only one who is good to you!20、时间流逝,美好依旧。只想证明,没有你,我真的很好。As time goes by, the beauty remains. I just

8、want to prove that I am really good without you.21、要跟成功者有同样的结果,就必须采取同样的行动。To achieve the same results as successful people, the same actions must be taken.22、言青我爱白勺人白勺爱人,好好照顾我爱的人。I love the person I love, take good care of the person I love.23、愿你的爱乘着飞翔的白鸽,展翅高飞。May your love soar on the wings of a fl

9、ying dove.24、如果放不下过去,就别奢望有美好的未来。If you cant let go of the past, dont expect a better future.25、愿我开学后眼里只有题目和分数, 心里只有梦想和你 May I have only the title and the score in my eyes, and only the dream and you in my heart.26、假假设今天、对你说还喜欢你、你会不会相信呢。If you still like you today, would you believe it?27、这个年代什么都能要,就

10、是不能要脸。In this age, we can ask for everything, but we cant ask for faces.28 、爱情是两个人是事情,我不喜欢你疑心。 Love is a matter of two people. I dont like your suspicion.29、你告诉我,承诺是一辈子的,但你做到了你的承诺了么?You tell me that commitment is a lifetime, but have you fulfilled your promise?30、看那天地日月,恒静无言;青山长河,世代绵延。Look at the sk

11、y, the sun and the moon, silent, green mountains and long rivers, lasting for generations.31、是我没有你要的成熟,我会学着慢慢看透。I am not as mature as you want, I will learn to see through slowly.32 、口口声声念的人,却没有一次看到我憔悴的模样。 The man who speaks aloud never once sees me haggard.33 、喜欢简单美好的图画, 干净质朴的文字, 浅唱低吟 的旋律。Like simp

12、le and beautiful pictures, clean and simple words, singing the melody of murmuring.34、回头,只有一道狭长的影子默默地陪伴着我Looking back, there is only a long shadow silently accompanyingme.35、大风把烈酒吹醒,方知当初所拥有的美好全是梦。The strong wind wakes up the strong liquor, only to know that all the good things we had were dreams.36

13、、路是自己选的, 懊悔的话,也只能往自己的肚子里咽The road is chosen by oneself. If you regret it, you can only swallow it in your stomach.37 、我经常自我感觉良好的闯进你的世界。I often break into your world feeling good about myself.38、志在峰巅的攀登者, 不会陶醉在沿途的某个脚印之中。A climber who aspires to the summit will not be intoxicated with some footprint a

14、long the way.39、爱情不是竞赛,不是考试,尽了力也没有用。Love is not a competition, not an exam. It is useless to do your best.40、还是孩子,何必把一切都看得那么透。As a child, why do you see everything so thoroughly?41 、我们都很好,只是时间不凑巧,余生各自安好。We are all very well, but the time is not coincidental, the rest of ourlives are well.42 、我对你的包容全是因为我爱你,但这也是有限度的 My tolerance for you is all because I love you, but it is also limited.

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