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1、石油单词513石油专业词汇(二)Seep 渗、漏 Fault 断层Anomaly 异常 Geophysical 地球(质)物理Marsh 沼泽 Exploration well 探井Development well 开发井 Pore 小孔Ooze 【u:z】 泥浆 Inexorably 坚持不懈地Sediment 沉淀物Cataclysm (地壳)剧变,大变动、大动乱Inlet 水湾 Impervious 不溶、不能渗透Lay cradled in 在产生 Source rock 生油岩Structural trap 构造圈闭 Anticline 背斜圈闭Stratigraphic trap

2、地层圈闭 Stratigraphy 地层学、地层成层情况Tilt (使)倾斜 Truncate 截去的顶端或末端Pinch out 尖灭Arid a. (指土壤、气候)干旱的、干燥的、无趣的Prairie 大草原(尤指北美的)Seismology 地震学 Drilling contractor 钻井承包商Lease 出租 Shale 页岩Tertiary regressive sequence 第三系海退系列In broad term 一般来说 Borehole logs 测井曲线Casing 套管Sonde (用以探测大气现象之)探空火箭、探测器Geological log 地质测井 Spo

3、ntaneous potential 自然电位Resistivity 电阻率Electrode 电极 Brine-saturated 饱和盐水的Delineate 画出、描绘出、描绘Filtrate 经过滤的液体Velocity (物理学)速度 Contour 轮廓、外形Sparse 稀少的,稀疏的Meager 瘦的、粗劣的、不足的Appraisal well 评价井Exploration geologist 勘探地质学家Development geologist 开发地质学家Salinity 矿化度Gas cap 气顶Recovery factor 开采率Structural contour

4、 map 构造直线图Bulk density 体积密度Hoisting system 提升系统Internal-combustion engine 内燃机Pulley 皮带轮Hydraulic coupling 液力耦合器Torque converter 力矩变换器Output shaft 输出轴Compound 并车Mud pump 泥浆泵Draw-works & rotary 绞车和转盘Alignment 排列、定线、校直Mast 桅杆式井架Derrick 井架、钻塔Crown block 天车Traveling block 游车Clutch 离合器Chain and gear drive

5、 for speed and direction change 链条齿轮驱动变速箱及换向器Main brake 主刹车Auxiliary hydraulic brake 水力辅助刹车Electric brake 电刹车Momentum 动力、冲力、势头Friction cathead 摩擦猫头Automatic (mechanical) cathead 自动(机械)猫头Air powered hoist 气动提升器(绞车)Make up / break out the drill string 上扣/卸扣Make-up / break-out cathead 上扣/卸扣 猫头Driller 司

6、钻Block sheave 滑轮槽Secure 缚住、系住Drill string 钻柱Vertical load 垂直负荷Girder 横梁Swivel 水龙头Rotary table 转盘Drill stem 钻柱Drill collar 钻铤Bail (水龙头)提环Hexagonal 六边形的Kelly bushing 方补心Slip 卡瓦Master bushing 主补心Tapered 楔形的A joint of pipe 钻杆单根Tool joints 工具接头Weldinto 把接合起来(焊接)Bulge 凸起,鼓起Box & pin 母扣(接头)、公扣(接头)Tool push

7、er 钻井队长Streak 矿脉、条痕Stringer 脉道、夹层RPM (revolution per minute) 转每分Milled-tooth bit 铣齿钻头Carbide insert bit 镶齿钻头Chert 燧石Out-guess the formation 预测地层Abrasion 刮除、磨损Tungsten 钨 tungsten carbide 碳化钨Offset 偏移Cone 牙轮Drag bit 刮刀钻头 cone bit 牙轮钻头Shear or gouge the formation 剪切铲凿地层Compressive failure 挤压破碎Lateral f

8、orce 侧向力Detrimental 有害的、不利的Roller bit 牙轮钻头Penetration rate 机械钻速Drilling fluid carry capacity 钻井液携屑能力Hydraulic parameter 水力参数Bit nozzle velocity 钻头水力功率Jet impact force 射流冲击力Competent formation 坚硬地层、致密地层Annulus 环空 annular 环形的Nozzle velocity is directly proportional to the square root of the pressure d

9、rop across the bit喷嘴流速正比于钻头压力降的平方根Flow rate 排量Property 特性、特质Keepin check 控制住Contain 控制Slough 脱落Veneer 薄片 v 加(镶)薄片Cementation 固井 Counteract 对抗、抵消Corrosion inhibitor 防腐蚀剂Aerated mud 充气泥浆Emulsifier 乳化剂Oil-base mud 油基泥浆Water filtrate / aqueous filtrate 失水Continuous phase 连续相Mud discharge line 泥浆排放管 pit

10、泥浆池Shale shaker 震动筛 mud agitator 泥浆搅拌机Desilter 除泥器 mud centrifuge 泥浆离心机Accessory equipment 附属设施 centrifugal pump 离心泵Derrick man 井架工 sand line reel 捞沙滚筒Hydraulic choke 水压节流器 salvage 打捞(费)Entrained gas 夹带气体 barge 驳船Funnul 漏斗(hopper) bulk-storage bin 散装箱 Conductor pipe 导管 pile driver 打桩机Gravel 砾石 muck

11、腐殖泥土Mire 淤泥 floater 移动式钻井平台(浮船)Dynamic positioning 动力定位 propeller 推进器、螺旋桨Dope 润滑油、司扣油 trip out 起钻Trip 解扣、起下管柱 running surface casing 下表层套管Centralizer 扶正器 guide shoe 套管鞋Ledge 井筒中的台肩 float collar 浮箍Receptacle 容器 slurry 稀泥浆Intermediate casing 技术套管 production string of casing 油层套管Mud logger 泥浆录井员 well l

12、ogging 录井Perforate 打孔、打眼 shaped charged 聚能射孔弹Packer 封隔器 turbine blade 涡轮叶片Gyroscope 定向仪 whipstock 造斜器、用造斜器侧钻Ramp 斜坡、斜道 bottom-hole assembly 井底钻具总成Earthen dike 土堤 manifold 管汇Choke manifold 节流管汇 choke 节流箱Service well-head 修井井口装置 sleeve type preventer 套筒式防喷器Double-ram type preventer 双闸板式防喷器 NRV: none-r

13、eturn valve 单向阀Self-contained emergency NRV 自足式安全阀 robust 有活力的、强健的Robust needle valve 耐用的针型阀 orifice (身体等的)外孔、口Exert 用(技巧、方法等)、应用,尽力Slush pump 泥浆泵 reinforced rubber ring 强化橡胶圈Pack off 封住 Round the irregular profile 沿不规则剖面Capital construction 基本建设 opening address 致辞Self-propelled 自力推进的、机动式的Live well

14、充气油井、压力大的井Hydropneumatic 液(压)气(动)的Accumulator 蓄能器 pressure vessel 压力容器Diaphragm 横膈膜 three-way valve 三通阀Anchor 固定管柱 orifice 孔、口Remedial 补救的、救治的 function 函数Tectonic analysis 构造分析、岩组分析Neutron 中子Pay evaluation 产油层评估 interface 介面Earths mantle 地幔 geothermal 地热TD: total depth windward 上风地带Cordial 兴奋剂(型饮料)P

15、hysiological saline 生理盐水 erythromycin 红霉素Chloromycetin 氯霉素 stud driller 大班司钻Vane 风向标 refurbish 再供给、重新装备Customize 定制 workover 修井Inception 起初 matrix 基质(岩)Fracture-bulk volume 裂缝总体积 void area 空穴区、空隙区Connate water saturation 共存水饱和度 filtration 滤液Magnitude 大小、数量 oil-wet 优先油湿Interstitial 空隙的、在裂缝间的Constitue

16、nt 成分、构成部分 capillary 毛状的、毛细的Heterogeneity (生)异质的、(化)不均匀性、多相性Advancing contact angle 前进接触角Receding contact angle 后退接触角Equilibrium 平均、平衡Homogeneous 由类似成分(部分)组成的,同种类(性质)的Affinity 亲和力 residual 剩余的、残余的Viscosity 粘性 dissolve 溶解、解散Underlie (underlain) 位于之下,成为的基础Water-wet consolidated porous media 水湿的固结的空隙介质

17、Texture parameter 结构参数Tortuous 弯弯曲曲的Hydrodynamic laws 液体力学定律 analog computer 模拟电子计算机Empirical 以实际经验为依据的Simulator 模拟器With the advent of 随着的出现Micellar fluid 胶束液Oil-water transitional zone 油水过渡区Deplete 耗尽 detriment 损害、损害物Indigenous 本土的 dissent 不同意Rationing 配给 Vertical sweep efficiency 垂向扫油系数Areal sweep

18、 efficiency 面积扫油系数Volume sweep efficiency 体积扫油系数Vacuum degasser 真空除气器 desander 除砂器Centrifuge 离心机 Auxiliary equipment in unbalance drilling 欠平衡钻井辅助设备Peripheral 外围的Solid control system 固控系统 stack water tank 套装水罐Life tank 生活水罐 mud test chamber 泥浆化验房Assembly tank 套装水罐 pump room 泵房Pipeline pump 管道泵 fire

19、pump 消防泵Electro-thermal boiler 电热锅炉 jet self-suction pump 射流式自吸泵Electric power distribution cabinet 配电柜Elevated oil tank 高架油罐 shear pump 剪切泵Hydroclone 水力旋流器 The principle of hydroclone centrifugal settling 水力旋流器离心沉淀原理With strong abrasive resistance 耐磨性强Elastomeric 弹性体的MCC (electrical system control

20、center of well site) 井场电路系统控制中心Plug package and joint chamber 插接件室Cable drum chamber 电缆滚筒室Stand-by power cabinet 备用电源柜Power factor compensation cabinet 功率因数补偿柜Auto-decompression starting cabinet 自耦减压启动柜Ambient temperature 环境温度Qualified on-the-job training certificate 岗位人员培训合格证The assembling and repa

21、iring qualification for explosion proof electrical equipment 防爆电器安装修理资格证Electro thermal steam generator 电热蒸汽发生器Explosion suppression type multi-grouped control 防爆型多组合控制装置Explosion suppression type terminal box 防爆型接线箱Fouling 污垢 defrost 解冻The high pressure water column 高压水柱Purgation 净化、洗涤 dead weight

22、自重Evacuation cavity 排空腔 dynamo 发电机Air-contented drilling fluid 含气钻井液 gaseous drilling fluidChoke manifold 节流管汇 depression tank 减压罐Baffle 挡板 lamina 薄板、薄层Adjustable outrigger height 可调支腿高度 Simple assembly 安装简便 convenient maintenance 维修简便The pressure of hydrostatic column 静液柱压力 hydrostatic 静水力学的,流体静力学的

23、Well sloughing 井塌 water-ring vacuum pump 水环式真空泵Isothermal 等温的、等温线Vacuum exhaustion 真空排气 eddy current 涡流Air-cooled electromagnetic eddy current brake 风冷型电磁涡流刹车Rated resistance of each coil 每个线圈额定电阻Excitation power 励磁功率Cooling wind mount 冷却风量Shuffle valve 梭阀 desiccant 干燥剂De-sludge 清楚泥渣 silencer 消声器Blo

24、w-off noise 放空噪声 metallurgy 冶金Horizontal spiral discharging settling centrifuge 卧式螺旋卸料沉降离心机Centrifugal settling 离心沉降Spiral propeller 螺旋推进器Differential gear 差速器 mesh 网孔(眼)Skimming tank 撇油罐 cyclone mixing hopper 漩流混合器Cyclone volute casing 漩流涡壳 inlet pressure 进口压力Barite 重晶石 bentonitic clay 膨润土Reciproca

25、ting pump 往复式柱塞泵 Electrical submersible pump 潜油电泵 pumping unit 抽油机Bushing roller chains 套筒滚子 down-hole motor 螺杆钻具Stator 定子 centralizer 扶正器Drive shaft unit assembly of down hole motor 螺杆钻具传动总成Sealing device in drive shaft of down hole motor 螺杆钻具传动轴密封装置Anti-drop device in 螺杆钻具传动轴防落装置Sealed ball-pivot

26、universal shaft of down hole motor 螺杆钻具密封球铰接万向轴Sealed pin-hinge universal shaft of down-hole motor 螺杆钻具密封箱联接万向轴Overall inside drilling bit of natural diamond 天然金刚石全面钻进钻头Side tracking and deflective bit 侧钻造斜钻头Bi-center reamer bit 双心扩眼钻头Coring bit 取芯钻头Impregnated PDC bit 孕镶式单晶金刚石取芯钻头High pressure reci

27、procating plunger pump 告诉往复式柱塞泵Fuel transfer pump 输油泵Twin screw multi-phase pump 油气混输泵Rotary volumetric pump 旋转容积泵Conformability 适应性能(一致性)Pumping units 抽油机Conventional walking beam pumping unit 成规游梁式抽油机VFC control board 变频控制柜CP water supply capacitance self compensation board 恒压供水自动电容补偿柜Commissionin

28、g 试运转、试车Telescoping 可伸缩式(井架)Bootstrap 自展式 (井架) barge 平底船,驳船Jackup 自升式平台 box-on-box 箱叠式Substructure 底座 swing lift substructure 吊运式底座Dog house 偏房 snub 突然刹住,缓冲Umbilical 脐带、支应线、控制管缆Collection system 收集系统、集输系统TB (terminal board) 接线板 setback (钻台上)钻杆盒子Workover 修井 drawworks 绞车Groundbreaking 奠基的,有创造力的Stroke

29、冲程Culminate (与in连用)达到顶点,达到顶峰Alloy 合金 cylinder 圆筒、气缸Crankshaft 曲轴 pinion 小齿轮Bearing 轴承 crosshead 十字头Rod 抽油杆、标尺、测杆Overlay 镀、覆盖 、表层、重叠Resilient 有弹性的 liner 衬垫、尾管Down time 停机时间 jib crane 挺杆起重机Racking capacity 排钻杆量 power swivel 动力水龙头Service well-head 修井井口装置 sleeve type 套筒式Double ram type 双闸式 Kelly cock 方钻

30、杆旋塞Kill the well 压井 hydropneumatic 液压气动的Incompressibility 不可压缩性 versatile 通用的、万能的Intermediate string 中间套管 flow swing 翼形流量阀Tectonic 建筑的,构造的 collimator 瞄准仪Amplitude 振幅 tiltmeter 测斜仪Tilt 倾角、仰角 pendulum 钟摆、摇锤Convex 表面弯曲如球的外侧、凸起的Calibre 口径 LCM 堵漏剂Mitigate 减轻 step-out well 探边井Ascertain 确定、探知 optimum 最适宜的、

31、最适合的Stoodite 司图迪特(耐磨堆焊)焊条合金Stellite 钨铬钴合金、硬合金 borium insert 镶硼Sintered 烧结的,熔结的Chert 燧石 quartzitic 石英岩的、Lithology 岩石学PDM (positive displacement motor ) 正容积马达Steering tool 导向工具Releasing overshot 可退式打捞筒 bailer 捞沙筒Critical flow 临界流 Boil down 1、浓缩、简化 2、简单地总结为 to Pressure drop 压力降Mass 质量 momentum 动量Compart mentalized

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