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1、英语表达招待客户Entertain ClientsPart OneWord bank:常见动词:attend 出席 witness 见证pay attention 注意 propose a toast 祝酒draft 签定 reserve 预定常见场合:dinner party 晚餐会 banquet 晚宴buffet 自助餐 cocktail party 鸡尾酒会press conference 记者招待会 negotiation 谈判invitation 邀请 tourist attraction 旅行景点sight spot 参观点 the Bund 外滩Yu Garden 豫园 Che

2、n Huang Temple 城隍庙Oriental Pearl TV Tower 东方明珠电视塔 the expo of foreign buildings 万国建筑群holiday resort 度假胜地 contract 合同赞美用词:hospitality 好客 cooperative 合作的uneventful 顺利的 favorable 一帆风顺的considerate 考虑周到的 thoughtful 体贴的generosity 慷慨 Part TwoUseful expressions: Thank you very much for picking me up at the

3、airport! 超级感激你能来机场接我! I will appreciate very much if you can arrange me to visit your factory. 若是你能安排我参观你们的工厂,我将不胜感激. Before we make the arrangement for you visit, wed like to hear you suggestions.在为你的访问做安排之前,咱们想先听听你的建议。 I have a very great time in here. Thank you for you hospitality.我在那个地址过得超级愉快,感激

4、你们的好客。 I hope we can reach an agreement in our negotiation.我希望咱们能在谈判中达到一致。 We have had a pleasant cooperation for quite a long time, and hope this relationship can be ever-lasting.咱们一直有很愉快的长期合作,并希望这种关系能够长期维持下去。 I wish our friendship can contribute to our cooperation.我希望咱们的友谊能增进合作。 It pays in the lon

5、g run, if we can develop together. 从长期来看,咱们一起进展会有收益的。Part ThreeDialoguesDialogue 1 Meeting at the airportMr. Wang: Excuse me, but arent you Mr. and Mrs. White from Britain? 抱歉,请问是英国来的怀特先生和夫人吗?Mr. White: Yes, we are from London. 是的,咱们是从伦敦来的.Mr. Wang: Id like to introduce myself to you. I am Managing

6、director of Sunny Ocean Company. This is my wife. 我自我介绍一下,我是太阳海公司的董事,这位是我的太太.Whites & Wangs: How do you do? 你们好.(They shake hands)Mrs. White: Its so kind of you to come and meet us at the airport. 你们特地来机场接咱们真是太好了.Mr. Wang: Welcome to Shanghai, Mr. and Mrs. White. How are the flight? 欢迎来上海,怀特先生太太,旅途顺

7、利吗?Mrs. White: Pretty good; its a fine day and the journey was uneventful. 很顺利.天气专门好,旅程一帆风顺.: Thats fine. Why are we all standing here? You must be very tired after more than 10 hours flight. Our car is just waiting outside. We can talk on the way to the hotel. 那太好了.咱们什么缘故都站在那个地址?通过十多个小时的飞行你们必然很累了,咱

8、们的车就等在外面,能够在去酒店的路上聊.Mrs. White: Great! You are very considerate. Will it take long to get to the hotel? 太好了!你们想的真周到.酒店离这远吗?Mr. Wang: Not far away. Its about 15 minutes drive. This way, please. 不远,大约15分钟的车程.这边请.Dialogue 2 Schedule Mr. Wang: Mr. White, weve made an initial arrangement for your stay in

9、 Shanghai. Wed like to have your comments. 怀特先生, 咱们为你们在上海的停留作了个初步安排,想听听你的意见.Mr. White: Id like to know it first. 好,我很想明白.Mr. Wang: We have arranged a banquet for your arrival at Mandarin at 7:00 this evening. Attending the banquet will be Mr. Chen, the CEO of our company. 今晚七点,咱们在锦沧文华为你们设宴洗尘.来参加晚宴的还

10、有陈先生,咱们公司的首席执行官.Mrs. White: Thank you very much for your generosity. 超级感激你们的慷慨招待.Mr. Wang: Tomorrow morning at 9:00. You are going to meet people from Pudong Development Bank and discuss matter about investment. 明天早上九点,你们将与来自浦东进展银行的人讨论投资的事宜.Mr. White: Thats fine. What about tomorrow afternoon? 专门好,那

11、么明天下午呢?Mrs. Wang: Tomorrow afternoon, youll first visit Shanghai Stock Exchange Center. And then, well show you around Shanghai. Shanghai has a lot of tourist attractions. You must be interested. And at 7:00, you will attend a buffet at Hilton. 明天下午,你们第一参观上海证券交易所,然后咱们将率领你们参观一下上海. 上海有许多旅行景点.你们必然会感爱好的

12、.晚上七点,在希尔顿酒店有自助晚餐.Mr. White: Excellent. We are leaving for Hong Kong at 8:00 in the evening the day after tomorrow. Do I have a chance to see Pudong? 棒极了! 咱们将于后天晚上八点飞往香港在此之前,咱们有机遇看看浦东吗?Mr. Wang: Of course. We have made the arrangement.固然能够,咱们已经作了安排Mrs. White: Very good!太好了Mrs. Wang: I think well lea

13、ve now, Mr. and Mrs. White. You may take a rest for a while. Well pick you up in the lobby of the hotel at 6:30.我想咱们就先走了怀特先生太太,你们能够先休息一会,咱们六点半来酒店大堂接你们Mr. White: Thank you very much. See you then.超级感激,到时候见Dialogue 3 BanquetMr. Wang: How nice to see you! Mr. and Mr. White, I am so glad to have you bot

14、h to attend our dinner party. 看见你们真快乐!怀特先生太太,我很快乐能邀你们参加晚餐会.Mrs. White: Thank you for your invitation. Thats very kind of you. 感激你的邀请.你们真是太好了.Mr. Wang: Please be seated. Mr. White, will you sit beside me? And Mrs. White, will you sit beside my wife? You must have a lot of common ideas. 请入座.怀特先生,你情愿坐在

15、我身旁吗?怀特夫人,请你坐在我妻子身旁好么?你们必然有许多一起话题.Mr. White: All right, thank you very much. 好的,超级感激.Mrs. Wang: Whats your impression of our city this time? 这次来对这座城市印象怎么样?Mr. White: Yeah, Shanghai has really changed a lot. When I was on the way to J. C. Mandarin from the Hong Qiao Airport, I could hardly believe it

16、 was the one I saw five years ago. 是的,上海变了许多.我在从虹桥机场来锦仓文华的路上,几乎难以相信这是我五年前见过的城市.Mrs. White: Ive also found ladies here more beautiful and men more handsome. 我还发觉女士们便得更漂亮了,先生们也都更帅了.Mr. Wang: Thats probably because of the raising of living standard. People pay more attention to clothes. 这或许是因为生活水平提高了,人

17、们更注重穿着打扮了.(Later on)Mr. Wang: Please help yourselves. Have you learned to manage chopsticks? 请别客气,你们已经学会用筷子了吗?Mr. White: Yes, we often go to Chinese restaurant in Britain to learn how to use chopsticks after our last visit to Shanghai. 是的,自从上次访问过上海后,咱们在英国常去中国餐馆,学会了利用筷子.Mr. Wang: Mr. and Mrs. White,

18、may I propose a toast to your happiness and health? 怀特先生太太, 请许诺我祝你们健康,欢乐!Mr. and Mrs. White: To the happiness and health. Thank you for your hospitality. Cheers! 为健康欢乐干杯!超级感激你们的热情好客,干杯!Dialogue 4 See offMr. White: Its really time to say good-bye. Thank you very much for your help during our stay in

19、Shanghai. 是说再会的时候了,超级感激咱们在上海期间你们提供的帮忙.Mr. Wang: We are pleased to have you visit Shanghai. We are particularly happy because we have reached an agreement on the cooperation. 咱们很快乐能邀你们来上海.尤其快乐的是咱们在合作上达到了共识.Louder speaker: Passengers for Hong Kong on Cathay Pacific flight 2184. please board at Gate 5.

20、 乘坐国泰航空2184航班前去香港的旅客,请在5号闸口登机.Mrs. White: Weve got to go through the Customs. Thank you again for seeing us off. 咱们得去登机了,再次感激你们来送行.Mr. and Mrs. Wang: Wishing you a pleasant journey! After the contract is drafted, well fax you immediately. 祝你们旅途愉快!合同一旦拟好,咱们就当即给你们.Mr. and Mrs. White: Thanks. Good-bye.

21、 谢谢.再会.Part FourExercise:Substitution drills Mr. A, please allow me to introduce Mr. B to you. Id like you to meet Mr. B. Mr. B is from Have you met Mr. B? He is from Do you know Mr. B, our newA 先生,请许诺我向您介绍B先生. 我希望你熟悉一下B先生,他来自 你见过B先生了吗?他来自 你熟悉B先生吗,咱们新的. Ive been looking forward to meeting you! 我一直很期

22、待见到你! May I propose a toast to the success of our cooperation. Our friendship. The success of our negotiation. The health of all the ladies and gentleman present here.我提议为咱们合作成功干杯. 咱们的友谊干杯. 为咱们成功的谈判干杯. 为在座列位的健康干杯. May I raise my glass with the guests present in a toast to the health of.请许诺我提议在做列位为的健

23、康干杯. Bottoms up! 干杯! Good-bye, its very nice to have met you! And thanks for everything. Im so glad we were able to meet. Hope to see you soon. And dont forget to keep in touch.再会,遇见你们真愉快. 感激你们所做的一切. 真快乐能和你相遇 希望专门快能再会. 别忘了维持联系. Give my regards to.请代我向问好.Q & A1. Mr. Green, please allow me to introduc

24、e our general manager to you.2. Is your flight smooth?3. Do you have any suggestions to our arrangement for you?4. Thank you very much for arranging us to visit Shanghai, but my time is so limited. So can you recommend a good place to relax?5. After visiting our factory, do you have any advice to us

25、?a.I can see you have make great efforts to develop your factory, and all the workers are closely united and work hard. But there is still some room to improve. For example, you can learn some good management methods from other big companies. That will be better for the future.b.Thank you very much

26、for your careful and considerate arrangement. I will appreciate it more, if you can spare some time to show me around your branch companies,c.Yes, the service is quite good on the plane, and the food is much better than I thought.d.Shanghai is very famous for its night entertainment. Heng Shan Road

27、is the most well-known street for all kinds of bars and pubs on both side of it. Young men and foreigners all like to meet friends there.e.Nice to meet you. Mr. Tang. I have always been looking forward to meeting you.Situational rehearsalsOne:作为公司领导助理,去机场接从美国纽约前来访问的Mr. Depp. 并将他送往四季酒店休息.Two:作为公司领导代表

28、公司,在国际饭馆接到前来出席晚宴的美国总公司代表。Three:公司领导和助理在机场送别前来进行考察的Mr. Frewild.Tips风俗适应在国际商务谈判中,通常有一些正式或非正式的社交活动,如喝茶、喝咖啡、宴请等。这些活动受文化因素的阻碍专门大,并制约着谈判的进行。如阿拉伯人在社交活动中常邀请对方喝咖啡。按他们的适应,客人不喝咖啡是很失礼的行为,拒绝一杯咖啡会造成严峻麻烦。曾经有一名美国商人拒绝了沙特阿拉伯人请他喝咖啡的友好提议,这种拒绝在阿拉伯世界被以为是对邀请人的侮辱。结果这位美国商人因此而丧失了一次有利可图的商机。德国人在绝大多数时候都是穿礼服,但不管穿什么,都可不能把手放在口袋里,因


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