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1、典范英语2up注释607TheMaskedCleaningLadiesofOm典范英语2up打印版,打印前请将版面分页设置为“ 2up”,即可在一张 A4纸上打印两页。The MaSked CIeaningLadieS Of OmThere WaS a problem at the CaStIe. give up, ” Said MrS Binns, The royal cleaner, there?S too much work here for One PerSon.” MrS BinnS gave Quee n NOrah the keys to the CaStIe and left.

2、QUee n NOrah told the rest of the royal family. What are We going to do?” asked the PrinCeSS Jane. “ For a StaryOU CannOt have your friends round here any more . ? Said QUeen NOrth. Why not? ” asked PrinCeSS Jane.“ BeCaUSe they make too much mess. ” PerhaPS We Can all try to keep the CaStIe tidy, ”

3、Said King Harry. “ m SUre that CaPtainJones and CaPta in Smith Will help. I Can eve n do a bit of WaShing myself. ”What! ” ShOUted QUeen Norah. people Will Say that King Harry does his own Clea ning! Never!We Can PUt UP an advert for a Cleaner” Said PrinCeSS Jane. Good idea,” Said QUeen Norah.“ Writ

4、e an advert at once.Prin CeSSJJa ne wrote a no tice. She Pinned it to the CaStIe door.The days Went by and n ObOdy Came to ask about the clea ning job. The CaStIe became dirtier and dirtier. There Were no more clea n clothes and no more clea n PIateS.One morning QUee n Norah heard Singing com ing fr

5、om the kitche n. She POPPed her head round the door. She SaW a shock ing sight.King Harry WaS at the Sink doing the dishes. CaPta in Smith WaS mopp ing the floor. CaPta in Jones WaS WaSh ing the royal ShirtS.Stop this at once, J Cried QUeen Norah. these are not jobs for a king and his CaPta ins. You

6、 should be out fighti ng drag ons. JWe?/e never Seen any dragons, dea” Said the King. you have never even looked for them,” Said QUee n Norah.QUee n Norah WaS so UPSet that She made UP her mind to go on a royal tour that minute. ,and you three: don?t eve n think about doing the clea nin g,? She adde

7、d,you will go on a quest while I?m away.?,a quest?Said King Harry, he Went pale, , a quest for drag ons?,you Can look for them, too. ? Said QUeen Norah. , but the mai n job is to find a new clea ner. ?,What about me?asked Prin CeSS Jane.YOU Can Stay at home and don?t let any burglars in or your frie

8、nds. ?QUee n Norah Sent for her royal CaSeS and bags and bega n her royal tour.King Harry, CaPta in Jones and CaPta in Smith Set off on their quest for a clea ner. They looked Very Un happ y.Prin CeSS Jane WaVed them goodbye.,it?S not fair. ?Sniffed PrinCeSS Jane.,every one?S off on quests and tours

9、, and I am StUCk on my own in this smelly old CaStIe. ?Prin CeSS Jane StUCk out her lip and had a good suck.She had just fini Shed her SUCk Whe n there WaS a knock on the CaStIe door.Prin CeSS Jane ope ned the door. There stood three figures in masks. ,we are the MaSked Clea ning LadieS of Om ? Said

10、 one.,we Were Sent by your father, King Harry, ? Said ano ther.,that WaS quick.? Said Prin CeSS Jane, Where is my father?,chas ing drag ons? Said the third masked figure.,why are you masked ? asked Prin CeSS Jane,we have to PrOteCt ourselves from the dust.? Said On e, ,ca n We start?All day the MaSk

11、ed Clea ning LadieS scrubbed, dusted, WaShed and polished. By eve ning, the CaStIe SParkIed.,now that the CaStIe is clea n you Can take off your masks.? Said Prin CeSS Jane.,oh, no? Said one, ,we can?t do that.?,Why no t? dema nded Prin CeSS Jane,er,er,? Said ano ther, , if We take off our masks We

12、won?t be the MaSked Clea ning LadieS of Om.?Prin CeSS Jane bega n to think Very hard. BUrgIarS ofte n wore masks. QUee n Norah had told her not to let burglars into the CaStIe.The next day, Prin CeSS Jane Set out to find out who the MaSked Clea ning LadieS really Were.The first MaSked Clea ning Lady

13、 WaS in the kitche n, StUffi ng a pile Of dirty ShirtS into the WaSh ing mach ine.,Hm,? She said,shall I WaSh this tablecloth On ,hot?or ,very hot? ?Prin CeSS Jane Came UP behi nd her. She grabbed the tablecloth and pulled .It over the clea ning Lady?S head.,help!? mumbled the clea ning lady, ,where

14、 am i?The SeC ond MaSked Clea ning Lady WaS SCrUbb ing the dungeon floors.,EXCUSe me,? Said Prin CeSS Jane, Sta nding OUtSide one of the cells. ,but, it?S Very dirty in here.?,I SWePt it only five minutes ago. ? Said the SeC ond clea ning lad y. ,let me have a look.?She WaIked into the cell.Prin CeS

15、S Jane closed the door and tur ned the key.The third clea ning lady WaS making a terrific no ise With the VaCUUm clea ner. She did not See Prin CeSS Jane CreeP ing UP beh ind her. Prin CeSSJane grabbed the VaCUUm. She POin ted the no ZZIe at the clea ning lad y.,one false move.? ShOUted Prin CeSS Ja

16、ne, ,and I?ll SUCk you into the vacuum, now, take off your mask.?Slowly the clea ning lady took off her mask.,Father!? Cried Prin CeSS Jane.The other two clea ning IadieS tur ned out to be CaPta in Smith and CaPta in Jones.,I think that you had better expla in. ? Said Prin CeSS Jane.,well, ?Said kin

17、g Harry, We Set off on our quest. Whe n We reached the woods, We SaW a drago n.?,W e thi nk We SaW a drago n,? Said CaPtai n Jones.,at least, We heard Sth moving in the woods and it soun ded like a drago n.? Said CaPta in Smith.,so We thought We had better come home? Said CaPta in Jones.,we dressed

18、UP as clea nerS? Said CaPta in Smith.,we rather Iike doing housework, ? Said King Harry, ,we like the smell of polish. ?,we like the hum of the VaCUUm clea ner.?Said CaPta in Jones.,we like the feel of soap flakes. ? Said CaPta in Smith ,and it?S much less dan gerous tha n fight ing drago ns.? Added

19、 King Harry.,drag OnS are Very rare? Said CaPta in Jones.,it?S not fair to hunt them. ?,Hm,? Said Prin CeSS Jan e., it SeemS to me that you three have bee n telli ng lies, Father, you have always told me to tell the truth. ?,I?m Very sorry,? Said King Harry.,what will the QUeen say? She?l find out t

20、hat you have n?t found any clea ners or fought any drago ns.? Said Prin CeSS Jane, She will Send you on a year?S drag on quest?King Harry, CaPtai n Smith and CaPta in Jones Went pale.,PIeaSe dor?t tell, ? they begged, ,I won?t tell if ? Said PrinCeSS Jane,if what? ?, if my frie nds Can COme round to

21、 PIa y.? ,agreed? Said King Harry.The next day, QUee n Norah Came back from her royal tour. She WaS Very PIeaSed to find the CaStIe n eat and tid y. ,so? She said,the quest WaS a SUCCeSs, who did you fin d?,we found three clea ners? Said King Harry. ,they Wear masks? Said CaPta in Jones.,and they Ca

22、n only come on Mon days? Said CaPta in Smith. ,why?S that?asked QUeen Norah.,now that We have PrOPer clea ners.?Said King Harry. ,do n?t you thi nk that Jan e?S frie nds Can come here aga in?QUee n Norah WaS so PIeaSed to be in a nice clea n CaStIe that She agreed at once.EVery Mon day QUee n Norah

23、WaVeS goodbye to ki ng Harry and his two CaPta ins as they Set off to fight drag ons. Prin CeSS JanS frie nds come to pla y. Later, the masked clea ning IadieS of om arrive to clea n the CaStIe. So everybody is happ y.CaStIe城堡give UP 不干了royal CIeaner王室/御用清洁工There?S too much WGrk here for One PerS on

24、. 这里一个人干的活儿太多了。QUeen NGrah诺拉王后the keys to的钥匙the rest Gf the royal family 王室的其他成员 Prin CeSS Jane 简公主FGr a Start 首先have your frie nds round here带朋友到这儿来make too much mess 把这儿弄得 L七八糟PerhaPS 也许keep the CaStIe tidy让城堡保持整洁King Harry哈瑞王CaPta in 上尉do a bit Gf WaShing 洗点儿东西 does his GWn CIeaning 自己搞卫生PUt UP a

25、n advert for张贴广告招聘 at GnCe马上notice告示Pinned it to 把它钉在了 上CIea ner Wan ted招聘清洁工Good Pay工资优厚The days Went by 几天过去了ask about 询问became dirtier and dirtier 变得越来越脏 PIateS盘子Singing 歌声POPPed her head round the door从门边探出头来shocking Sight 惊人景象at the Sink在洗碗池边doing the dishes 洗盘子 mopping the floor 拖地板Stop this 停

26、止TheSe are not jobs for 这可不是干的活儿 fighting dragons 与龙作战so UPSet that十分难过,于是 made UP her mind 打定主意go on a royal tour 进行一次御驾旅行 that minute当场,立马don ?t even thi nk about 想都别想added补充道 go On a quest 去寻找 while I?m away我不在的时候Wen t pale脸色发白 quest for 寻找 main job主要任务 burglars 盗贼 Sent for派人去拿 royal CaSeS御用衣箱Set

27、 off on their quest 动身去寻找WaVed them goodbye和他们挥手告别It?S not fair这不公平Sniffed忿忿不平地说off离开,出去I am StUCk on my own 我自己一个人被困在 smelly臭烘烘的StUCk out her IiP 噘起了嘴 had a good sulk生了好半天闷气Whe n there WaS a knock on the CaStIe door这时候城堡大门传来敲门声There stood three figures in masks.门口站着三个戴着面具的人。That WaS quick 好快呀ChaS i

28、ng在追捕PrOteCt ourselves from the dust避免吸入灰尘SCrUbbed 擦洗dusted除尘WaShed洗涤polished 擦亮SParkIed 锂亮 take off 取下 demanded追问道Er,er呃,呃(表示犹豫或不知所措)不知所措think Very hard 苦思冥想StUffing into 把塞进a pile of 一堆tablecloth 台布on “ Hot ” or ” Very hot ”用 热”还是 极热”(洗衣机上的水温控制)Came UP出现grabbed 抓起 pulled it over把它蒙在上mumbled闷声闷气地喊道

29、 dungeon 地牢 cells牢房,囚室 SWePt打扫过tur ned the key转动钥匙锁上门 maki ng a terrific no ise With用发出极大的噪音VaCUUm clea ner 吸尘器CreeP ing UP behi nd her蹑手蹑脚地从背后靠近她POin ted the no zzle at 把吸口对准One false move 舌 L动一下SUCk you into把你吸进 turned out to be 原来是 explain解释是怎么回事 at least 至少 dressed UP as 装扮成 rather like 很喜欢 doing housework 干家务 the smell of polish 抛光剂的味道 hum嗡嗡声 the feel 手感SOaP flakes 肥皂片rare稀有,罕见hunt捕捉tell the truth 说真话PIeaSe don?t tell千万别说出去 begged央求道 agreed 一言为定 neat and tidy既干净又整齐SUCCeSS 成功havi ng lots of trouble With 深受的困扰 tidy打扫now that 既然PrOPer正规的

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