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大学英语语法 第十二讲 动名词.docx

1、大学英语语法 第十二讲 动名词 第十二讲动名词 一、构成与特征动名词也是动词的一种非限定形式, 由动词原形加“-ing”构成, 与现在分词同形。动名词兼有动词和名词的特征和作用, 其动词特征表现在可以带宾语、状语或表语。例如: At the meeting he st ressed the importance of de f eating their competitors . 会上他强调了击败竞争对手的重要性。(带宾语) Getting up early is considered a good habit . 早起被认为是一种好习惯。(带状语) He dreamt of becoming

2、 an aviator . 他梦想当一名飞行员。(带表语) . 此外, 动名词的动词特征还表现在它的语态和时态变化。例如: He insisted on his being assigned the mission . 他坚持要给自己分配这项任务。(一般被动式) I know nothing about his having served in the army . 我一点也不知道他服过役。(完成式) . 动名词的名词特征主要表现在它在句中可以充当主语或宾语, 还可以受形容词、代词和名词的修饰, 前面也可以加冠词。例如: There is no justification for the ru

3、nning away in such haste . 如此匆忙逃走是无法辩解的。All seems smooth sailing . 一切看来都很顺利。What do you think of our class going out for an outing this weekend ? 你认为我们班周末出去郊游怎样? 二、功能1 . 作主语Saying is easier than doing . 说比做容易。His coming here will be a great help . 他到这儿来将大有帮助。(带逻辑主语) Your drinking so much wine is not

4、 good for health . (带逻辑主语) Jack.s suddenly disappearing made them worried . (带逻辑主语和状语) Today being sunny makes us happy . (带逻辑主语和表语) Having studied computer is an important qualification for the job . (完成式, 带宾语) Having seen a lot of the world in one.s youth is a good thing . (完成式, 带宾语和状语) Note: use,

5、 good, pity, bore, time, fun, hard, funny, nice, odd, worth, difficult , worthwhile, interesting, tiring, better , foolish, enjoyable, pointless , crazy , ter rible 等名词或形容词作表语时, 可用it 作形式主语, 把作主语的动名词后置。例如: I.t s crazy her going off like that . I t.s ter rible not being allowed to smoke at all . I.t s

6、 no use waiting here . I t.s no good helping him . He doesn.t help himself . I t.s rather tiring typing so many letters . I t is dangerous your swimming in this river . I t made them wor ried Jack.s suddenly disap pearing . there is no + 动名词为常见结构, 相当于It is impossible to do sth .There is no accountin

7、g for tastes . 人各有所好。There is no persuading her . 无法劝说她。There was no trusting such a man . 这样的人不可信。There is no getting along with him . 简直无法同他相处。There is no hiding of evil but not to do it . 若要人不知, 除非己莫为。(参阅第十五讲) 2 . 作表语Her job was keeping the hall as clean as possible . 她的工作是尽量使大厅保持整洁。Denying this

8、will be shutting one.s eyes to facts . 否认这一点就是闭眼不看事实。That is asking for trouble . 那是自找麻烦。The best policy is being honest . 上策是诚实。His aim is everybody having a good time . 他的目的是大家都玩得愉快。(带逻辑主语, 也可说everybody.s having) Her regret is having done so much for him and being abandoned by him . 她遗憾的是, 曾为他奉献了那

9、么多, 而却被他抛弃了。(完成式, 被动式) His trouble is having tried every means and being still poor . 他的麻烦是, 一切办法都试过了, 却依然贫穷。(完成式) 3 . 作动词宾语He admitted taking the watch . 他承认拿了手表。I appreciate her devoting herself to the cause of education . 我非常钦佩她献身于教育事业的精神。She imagined f inding a wallet on the sidewalk . He loathe

10、d getting up early in the morning . They confessed hating the king . I don.t doubt their wanting to help . She was in low spirits and even considered going away . They bar playing cards for money . You mustn.t shirk doing your duty . He owns being about to get married . 他承认快要结婚了。( = He owns that he

11、will get married .) I can.t stand to be kept waiting . (误) I can.t stand being kept waiting . (正)我不堪久候。. 下列动词后常跟动名词作宾语, 其中有些可用sb ./ sth . doing 结构: admit , stand, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, complete, consider, delay, deny, detest , enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy( = imagine) , finish , forgive, ima

12、gine, keep( = continue) , mind, miss , pardon , postpone, practise, prevent , propose, quit , recall , recollect , resent , risk , resist , suggest , advise, allow, permit , recommend, acknowledge, require, resent , tolerate, favour , picture, visualize, envision, despise, relish, loathe, disdain ,

13、abhor, decline, reject , facilitate, defer, involve, imply, ensure, guarantee, confirm, justify, substantiate, approve, endorse, favour, encourage, shirk, shun , bar, ban, prohibit , hinder, impede, omit , overlook, foresee, predict , contemplate 等。. 但在advise, allow, permit , recommend 后, 如果提到有关的人,

14、可用动词不定式。例如: He advised me to leave right now . 他劝我马上就离开。大学英语语法讲座与测试(第二版) 591 二、功能They don.t allow us to park here . 他们不许我们在这里停车。Note: 比较下面两句中动名词短语肯定式和否定式的不同含义: She excused (或spared) my doing the work . 她免除了我做那项工作。(我不必做那项工作了) She excused (或spared) my not doing the work . 她原谅了我没有做那项工作。(我没有做那项工作) 4 . 作

15、介词宾语I am looking forward to meeting her . 我盼望着同她会面。He bribed the boss into taking him . 他贿赂老板留用了他。1)动名词作介词宾语常用在某些词组后面go on, get through , insist on , persist in, keep on, accuse . . .of, think of, care for, give up , put off, dream of, suspect . . .of, charge . . .with, prevent . . . from, be engage

16、d in , thank . . .for, feel like, excuse . . .for, aim at , devote . . .to, depend on, set about , be fond of , be capable of, be afraid of, be tired of, be sick of, succeed in, be interested in, be keen on, be responsible for , abstain from 避免, apologize for, believe in, dream of, worry about , aid

17、 somebody in, take to 喜欢, pay attention to, advice on , difficulty in, fancy for 对.的迷恋, genius for 做.的天赋, no harm in ,motive for . . .动机, object of . . ., passion for.的热情, plan for.的计划, surprise at 对.感到吃惊, adapt at ( in)熟练于, aware of, apprehensive of 对.担忧, apologetic for , confident of 对.有信心, equal

18、to, exact in 精确., fond of, guilty of 为.内疚, fearful of, hopeful of, awkward at , intent on 决意., suitable for, unconscious of 未意识到, right in . . .做得对, desirous of 渴望, wrong in 等词组后跟动名词。He is intent on carrying out the experiment . You are wrong in accepting her offer . She is apologetic for breaking t

19、he vase . There is no harm in trying again . He took to going out for a walk in the evening . 他喜欢晚间散散步。She felt like going out . She is desirous of winning the match . 她渴望赢这场比赛。(也可说desirous to win the match) Note: cannot help + 动名词= cannot avoid( resist ) + 动名词= cannot refrain( keep, desist , abstai

20、n) from+ 动名词= cannot hold( keep) back from+ 动名词= cannot choose but + 动词原形或cannot but + 动词原形。例如: I cannot abstain f rom( keep back from) smiling at the nodding flowers . 2)动名词作介词宾语构成的介词短语, 在句中可起状语作用She left without saying goodbye to us . 她没有向我们告别就走了。3)动名词作介词宾语构成的介词短语, 在句中可起定语作用His method of organizin

21、g the work is commendable . 他组织这项工作的办法是值得称赞的。He hasn.t much experience in running factories . 他没有多少管理工厂的经验。. 这类介词短语(介词+ 动名词) 作定语修饰的名词常见的有: way ( of ) , method( of ) , ar t ( of ) , chance( of ) , opportunity(of ) , habit (of) , hope( of ) , process ( of ) , possibility( of) , impor tance( of ) , nec

22、essity( of) , intention ( of ) , honour ( of ) , means ( of ) , right ( of ) , surprise新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书592 第十二讲动名词 ( at ) , astonishment( at ) , excuse( for ) , apology( for ) , plan( for ) , idea( of) , experience( in) , skill( in) , purpose(of ) , practice ( of ) , choice ( of ) , custom( of )

23、, object ( of ) , aptitude ( for ) 等。. 这类名词有些可以接“介词+ 动名词”, 也可接不定式, 意义上没有区别。例如: intention of doing sth . intention to do sth . (意愿) mood of doing sth . mood to do sth . (心绪) reason of doing sth . reason to do sth . (理由) way of doing sth . way to do sth . (方法) time for doing sth . time to do sth . (时间

24、) necessity of doing sth . necessity to do sth . (必要) patience in doing sth . patience to do sth . (忍耐) propensity for doing sth . propensity to do sth . (倾向) desire of doing sth . desire to do sth . (欲望) freedom in doing sth . freedom to do sth . (自由) honour of doing sth . honour to do sth . (荣幸) o

25、pportunity of doing sth . opportunity to do sth . (机会) objection of doing sth . objection to do sth . (反对) choice of doing sth . choice to do sth . (选择) capacity of doing sth . capacity to do sth . (能力) failure in doing sth . failure to do sth . (失败) chance of doing sth . chance to do sth . (机会) cla

26、im of doing sth . claim to do sth . (要求) attempt at doing sth . attempt to do sth . (企图) aversion to doing sth . aversion to do sth . (厌恶) Note: 下面两个词组接动名词或不定式均可: entitle sb . to doing sth . entitle sb . to do sth . (使.有权力) see one.s way to doing sth . see one.s way to do sth . (设法) Their educationa

27、l qualifications entitle them to getting ( to get ) a high salary . Father hoped that she could see her way to settling ( to settle) the dispute . 名词refusal, promise, effort , desire, attempt , ability , ambition, resolution , tendency, determination, failure 等后不可接of + 动名词, 但可以接不定式结构。例如: He burns wi

28、th an ambition of winning fame . (误, 应改为to win) He has the ability o f translating the book . (误, 应改为to translate 或in t ranslating) 但在purpose, method , idea, habit 等后只能接of + 动名词, 不可接不定式, 比如: the good idea of playing snowball(不说to play) , for the purpose of winning(不说to win) , in the habit of rising

29、early(不说to rise) , a new method of learning(不说to learn)。某些形容词后既可接“介词+ 动名词”, 也可接不定式。例如: content with doing sth . content to do sth . (满足的)大学英语语法讲座与测试(第二版) 593 二、功能proud of being proud to be (自豪的) fortunate in doing sth . fortunate to do sth . (幸运的) unworthy of being unworthy to be (不值得的) 5 . 作定语1)动名词

30、有时也可以作定语No one is allowed to speak aloud in the reading room . 阅览室里不准大声说话。That is a shop dealing in walking sticks . 那是一家出售手杖的商店。2)动名词作定语修饰名词, 两者结合即构成合成名词这类合成名词很多, 常见的有: writing table 写字台dining-car 餐车sleeping-bag 睡袋hunting ground 猎场running-t rack 跑道washing line 晾衣绳waiting room 候车室sleeping pill 安眠药片s

31、wimming pool 游泳池living ( sitting) room 客厅fishing rod 钓竿singing competition 歌咏比赛flying suit 飞行服parking lot( space) 停车场carving knife 雕刻刀drawing pin 图钉consulting room 诊室hearing aid 助听器dressing table 梳妆台watering can 洒水壶freezing point 冰点bathing suit 游泳衣drinking water 饮用水operating room 手术室frying pan 煎锅driving licence 驾驶证cooling system 冷却系统parking meter 停车计时表washing liquid 洗涤剂drilling platform 钻井台cooking oil 食用油racing car 赛车magnifying glass 放大镜rowing boat 用桨划的小船marketing manager 销售经理milking machi

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