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高中英语同步教案unit4 wild life protection听说写人教新课标必修2.docx

1、高中英语同步教案unit4 wild life protection听说写人教新课标必修2高中英语同步教案:Unit 4 Wildlife protection(听说写)(人教新课标必修2)Unit 4 Wildlife ProtectionListening, Speaking and Writing1st Period1. Teaching important points:A. Improve students ability of extensive reading.B. Improve students a skills of listening.2. Teaching diffic

2、ult points:A. How to finish the task in limited time.B. How to get the accurate information while listening.3. ProcedureStep 1. GreetingStep 2. Daily reportStep 3. RevisionCheck the answers to the exercises done yesterday. Step 4. Extensive reading1. Ask students two questions before listening to th

3、e tape, and then listen to the recording of the text:A. When did dinosaurs live on the earth?B. Why did they die out?2. Explain the following language points:1 long before 很久以前before long 不久之后Dinosaurs do live on the earth long before.Before long dinosaurs die out from the earth.2 on the earth- in t

4、he worldon earth 究竟What on earth do you want?Step 5. Listening 1. Explain the following difficult words to the students before listening:1 once upon a time 曾经;很久以前2 curious adj. 好奇的3 wing n. 翅膀4 trap n. 陷阱5 spear n. 矛2. Listen to the recording of Dodos Story.3. Finish Ex 1 on p30.4. Check the answer

5、s (C D B C)5. Listen to the tape again and finish ex2 on P30Step 6 Homework1. Finish Ex. 21-55 on English Weekly 15th 2. Review the language points in this unit.小结:这篇泛读的难度不大,学生基本上都能理解而且能得到练习的答案,听力效果还不错。但不难看出新单词依然是学生听力的拦路虎,所以以后要着重训练他们猜词的技巧,以便他们更好的完成信息获取。2nd Period1. Teaching important pointsA. How to

6、 use what their learnt in this unit.B. To express their opinions freely in the speaking task.2. Teaching difficult pointHow to write a letter.3. ProcedureStep 1. GreetingStep 2. Daily reportStep 3. RevisionReview the language points learnt in the former periods. Step 4. Speaking Group work to finish

7、 discussion about the topic on P 31Then invite some students to present their workStep 5. WritingPair work to discuss the topic of writing on P 31Give them 20 minutes to write a short letter Step 6. HomeworkFinish reading task on P 65小结因为学生对讨论的话题比较感兴趣,所以整堂课气氛都很热烈。但由于他们基础薄弱,所以许多句子语不达意。针对这一点,今后会加强写作训练

8、。 x-x高中英语同步教案:Unit 4 Wildlife protection(热身和阅读课)(人教新课标必修2)Unit 4 Wildlife protection 教学设计Period 1: Warming up and readingTeaching AimsTo talk about endangered speciesTo read about wildlife protectionProceduresI. Warming up by learning about animalsLook at the photos below and listen to me telling yo

9、u about the animals, the endangered animals. The Giant Panda is a mammal now usually classified in the bear family, beside, that is native to central China.The Giant Panda lives in mountainous regions, like Sichuan and Tibet. The Giant Panda is the symbol of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), a conserva

10、tion organization. Toward the latter half of the 20th century, the panda also became somewhat of a national emblem for China, and is now used in Chinese gold coins.Giant Pandas are an endangered species, threatened by continued loss of habitat and by a very low birthrate, both in the wild and in cap

11、tivity. About 1,600 are believed to survive in the wild.Milu deer is a Chinese deer. It has a long tail, wide hooves, and branched antlers. Another Chinese name for it is “four unlikes,.” because the animals were seen as having the horns of a stag, the neck of a camel, the foot of a cow, and the tai

12、l of an ass. These animals were first made known to Western science in the 19th century, by Father Arm and David, a French missionary working in China. At the time, the only surviving herd was in a preserve belonging to the Chinese emperor. The last herd of Milu deers that remained in China were eat

13、en by Western and Japanese troops that were present at the time of the Boxer Rebellion.These deer are now found in zoos around the world, and a herd of Milu deer was reintroduced to Dafeng Reserve, China in the late 1980s. They are classified as “critically endangered.” in the wild, but do not appea

14、r to have suffered from a genetic bottleneck because of small population size.A tiger is a large cat famous for its beautiful fur of orange striped with black. Tigers live in Asia and are becoming very rare. This is due to people hunting them for their fur and destroying the forests they live in.II.

15、 Pre-reading1 Defining wildlifeWhat does the world wildlife mean?The term wildlife refers to living organisms that are not in any way artificial or domesticated and which exist in natural habitats. Wildlife can refer to flora (plants) but more commonly refers to fauna (animals). Needless to say, wil

16、dlife is a very general term for life in various ecosystems. Deserts, rainforests, plains, and other areasincluding the most built-up urban sitesall have distinct forms of wildlife.Humankind has historically tended to separate civilization from wildlife in a number of ways; besides the obvious diffe

17、rence in vocabulary, there are differing expectations in the legal, social, and moral sense. This has been reason for debate throughout recorded history. Religions have often declared certain animals to be sacred, and in modern times concern for the environment has provoked activists to protest the

18、exploitation of wildlife for human benefit or entertainment.2. Make a list of other endangered wildlife in China that is being protected.3. Pre-reading questions:4. Reading to the recordingNow turn to page 26, listening and reading to the recording of the text. Try to keep pace with the native reade

19、r, making your reading resemble that of the reader, in speed, in intonation and in pronunciation. III. Reading1 Reading and getting informationNow you are to read the text for information to fill in the form.AnimalProblemSolution1 antelopehunted for its furnot given2 elephantkilled for its habitatfa

20、rmers paid to promote tourism, not kill elephants3 monkeyrainforest being destroyedfind useful drugs to protect rainforest2Reading and underliningNext you are to read the text and underline all the collocations at the same time.HOW DAISY LEARNED TO HELP WILDLIFE long to do , wake up, findby ones bed

21、, a flying carpet, fly away, be killed for, turn around, in relief, burst into laughter, become endangered, destroy the farm, take photos, huntfor, make money for, as a result, in thick rain forest, protectfrom, rubover, a powerful drug, pay attention to, takehomeIV. Closing up by matching animals t

22、o five risk categories Different endangered species appear on different endangered species lists. And people who are trying to protecting animal use the following five risk categories to group the unlucky animal.Now in groups of four try to group all the unlucky animals found in China.List of Unluck

23、y animals found in China 中国不幸动物分类名录EXTINCT(灭绝动物)-A species formerly indigenous to Canada that no longer exists anywhere.EXTIRPATED(根绝动物)-A species no longer existing in the wild in Canada but occurring elsewhere.ENDANGERED(濒危动物)-A species threatened with imminent extinction or extirpation throughout

24、 all or a significant portion of its Canadian range.THREATENED(危急动物)-A species likely to become endangered in Canada if the factors affecting its vulnerability are not reversed.VULNERABLE(弱势动物)-A species particularly at risk because of low or declining numbers, small range or for some other reason,

25、but not a threatened species.Period 2: Learning about LanguageTeaching AimsTo learn about The Present Progressive Passive VoiceTo discover useful words and expressionsTo discover useful structures.ProceduresI. Warming up by acting a text playGood morning class. To begin with we shall put our text HO

26、W DAISY LEARNED TO HELP WILDLIFE on stage, that is, to act out our story. Now the class acting team with their text play of HOW DAISY LEARNED TO HELP WILDLIFE! II. Discovering useful words and expressions1. Doing vocabulary exercisesTurn to page 28 and do the vocabulary exercises 1, 2 and 3. You can

27、 simply write your answers in the blanks on the very page of 28.2. Playing a gameLets go on to play the game described on the top of the page 29. The following sentences are to be passed on. Plant native plants in your backyard. Do not dump weeds in the bush. Build a frog pond in your backyard. Put

28、your rubbish in the bin. Leave your pets at home. Do not take anything out of the park. Encourage your friends to keep patches of bush as wildlife habitats. Join a community group and offer to do voluntary work. Find out about conservation activities happening in your local area. Participate in loca

29、l clean-up, tree planting and weed control activities. Learn About Threatened Species Look out for wildlife Refuse to buy any rare or endangered plant or animal product. Be alert and drive slowly at dawn and dusk in rural areas where wildlife may be active. III. Studying The Present progressive Pass

30、ive Voice1. Passive Voice The passive voice is used when focusing on the person or thing affected by an action. The Passive is formed: Passive Subject + To Be + Past Participle It is often used in business and in other areas where the object of the action is more important than those who perform the

31、 action. For Example: We have produced over 20 different models in the past two years. Changes to: Over 20 different models have been produced in the past two years. If the agent (the performer of the action) is important, use “by.” For Example: Tim Wilson wrote The Flight to Brunnswick in 1987. The

32、 Flight to Brunnswick was written in 1987 by Tim Wilson. Only verbs that take an object can be used in the passive. The following chart includes sentences changed from the active to the passive in the principal tenses. Active PassiveTime Reference They make Fords in Cologne. Fords are made in Cologne.Pre

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