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石油人 第五届职称英语网络培训 中石油考试真题 课件.docx

1、石油人 第五届职称英语网络培训 中石油考试真题 课件2008年中石油职称英语考试题(试卷类型05)I. Vocabulary1. The whole country _ with little red hearts on Valentines Day.A. breaks out发生,爆发 B. breaks in打断;闯入,插嘴 C. breaks into 破门而入 D. breaks off中断,断交 2. If I were the president of a university 1 should _ a compulsory course【必修课】 in How to Use Yo

2、ur Eyes.A. estate n.不动产,资产; B. elapse v.(时间)流逝,过去; C. escape 逃脱,逃跑 D. establish 建立,成立; 3. Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply_.A. appreciated 欣赏,感激 B. approved赞成,通过 C. appealed呼吁,恳求 D. applied 实用,适用4. Inflation【通货膨胀】is the first problem that the new government will have to_.A

3、. grasp抓住,领会 B. seize抓住,占领 C. tackle解决,应付 D. revolve旋转5. I believe that truth and justice are _to an enduring【持久的】 social order.A. formation形成,构成 B. fundamental基本法则 C. fountain泉水,源头 D. friction摩擦力6. Difficulties and hardships have_ the best qualities of the young geologist.A. brought out生产,出版,使出现 B.

4、 brought about引起,造成 C. brought in挣得,引入 D. brought up教育,养育7. Some of these upside down airmail stamps are now _ over $6,000.A. worth值的 B. worthwhile 有价值的(作定语) C. worthy有价值的 D. worthedbe worth +n.= be worthy of worth doing=be worthy of being done = be worthy to be done 8. Im_ with computer progr

5、ams that correct spelling through the use of built-in dictionaries. A. known B. friendly C. common D. familiar 9. Being able to save and accumulate【积累】 _ wealth is not automatic.【自动的】A. conscious有意识的 B. considerate 体贴的,考虑周到的C. considerable相当多的 D. careful10. Wonderful _ of nature are all around us. A

6、. phenomena (phenomenon现象) B. philosophy哲学 C. appearance外表 D. experience经验11. With winter here you can_ these skirts till you need them again next summer.A. do away with废除,消灭 B. put away放好,存储 C. get rid of摆脱,去掉 D. give away赠送,泄露12. Do you know where the pictures on money_?A. fell from落下,跌落 B. result

7、ed from由引起 C. removed from移开,撤职 D. came from来自,出生翻译:你知道在钱上印人头像出自哪里吗?13. The statement that oil originated in the sea is _ by a glance at a map showing the chief oilfield of the world.A. conformed符合,一致 B. confirmed证实,确认 C. confined限制,局限于 D. confessed 供认,忏悔14. Remember that customers dont _ about pric

8、es in that city.A. discuss讨论 B. dispute辩论,争论 C. bargain讨价还价 D. consult咨询,商量15. Male cigarette smokers have a higher death _ from heart disease than non-smoking males. A. speed速度 B. degree度数 C. rate比率,速度 D. price16. Almost 70 percent of all non-food purchases in supermarkets are generated by in-store

9、_.A. decisive决定性的 B. decide C. decisions D. decided17. Few people who _ of high school will be rich. A. check in登记,报到 B. drop out离开,放弃 C. check out检查,核实 D. run down用完,停止18. I often _ about how quickly time flies.A. conceive构想,设想 B. complain 抱怨 动词 C. complaint 名词 D. compile收集,编辑19. The good service a

10、t the hotel _ the poor food to some extent【某种程度上】.A. made up for补偿,弥补 B. made use of 使用,利用C. made for有利于,导致 D. made out填写,明白20. The early pioneers had to _ many hardships to settle【安家,定居 】on the new land.A. go along with赞同,一起去 B. go back on背弃 C. go through经历 D. go into从事II. Grammatical Structure21.M

11、ore than two thousands _ work in this refinery【精炼厂】.A. Russia俄国 B. Russias C. Russian俄国人 D. Russians22. _ in 1943 _ the harmful smog【烟雾】made its appearance in Los Angeles.A. Only.that B. It was.thenC. That it was.when D. It was.that 表示强调23. The population of Beijing is three times _ that of Qingdao.

12、A. so large as B. as large to C. as large as D. as larger than24. The young receptionist【接待员】doesnt permit _ in the exhibition center.A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. to have smokedpermit doing 固定搭配,允许做25. The clerk asked Robey _ later in the day.A. to return B. return C. returning D. to be return

13、ed ask sb. to do 固定搭配,让某人做某事。26. I wish to thank you for the incomparable【无比的】hospitality【好客】 for _ the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.A. which B. what C. whom D. that27. When I pulled into her driveway, she _ by the door with her coat on. A. waits B. waited C. is waiting D. w

14、as waiting28. Since 1939, numerous scientific studies _ to determine whether smoking is a health hazard【危险】. A. is conducted B. being conductedC. have been conducted进行,引导 D. are conducted29. There _ a lot of_ on the roads yesterday.A. were.traffics B. was.trafficsC. were.traffic D. was.traffic30. Al

15、l the money _, we started looking for work.A. has been spent B. have been spentC. being spent D. having been spent 独立主格31. China and America are separated by_.A. Pacific Ocean B. a Pacific OceanC. the Pacific Ocean D. Pacific Oceans32. The ancient Egyptians believed all illnesses were related to _ was eaten. A. which B. it C. what 做句子的成分 D. that不做成分33. _ to completely cut off【切断】 its oil supply, it would badly damage its own economy.

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