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1、语法新题型和词汇Introduction 常用前缀意义前缀例词否定dis- dishonest, dislike, distrustin-, il-, im-, ir-incapable, inability, illegal, impossible, immoral, irregularun-unable, unbelievable, unemployment错误mis-mislead, misunderstanding反动作dis-disarm, disconnect, dissatisfyun-unload, uncover, undeniable相互inter-internationa

2、l, interaction, interrelated, interdependent超过super-supernatural, superpower, surpassover-overeat, overdress, overreact, oversleep, overestimateout-outdo, outweigh低于under-Underestimate, undervalue, underdeveloped再一次re-Refresh, reshape, renew共同co-coexist, cooperate转移trans-translate, transportation, t

3、ransfer, transform使en-enable, enrich, enslave, encourage, enlighten, endanger多multi-multimedia, multifunction, multinational 常用后缀意义后缀例词承受者-ee examinee, employee, interviewee, trainee, refugee从事者-eremployer, trainer, interpreter使化-izecentralize, globalize, modernize, civilize主义-ismheroism, work holis

4、m, idealism, socialism, optimism状态-shiphardship, friendship, leadership像一样-ishchildish, selfish, foolish-likechildlike, homelike充满的-fuljoyful, painful, helpful无,没有-lessendless, homeless, hopeless, careless, useless能的-able,-ibledurable, fashionable, accessible, available, flexible使-enshorten, widen,

5、strengthen-fyclassify, purify, simplify, qualifyPresentation(1)- (A) Even today there are a great many wrong ideas about food. Some of them are very widespread. One such idea is that fish is the best brain food. Fish is good brain food (25) _ _ it is good muscle food and skin food and bone food. But

6、 no one has been able to prove that fish is any (26)_ (good) for the brain than many other kinds of food. Another such idea is that you (27)_ not drink water with meals. Washing food down with water as a substitute (28)_ chewing is not a good idea, but some water with meals has been found to be help

7、ful. It makes the digestive juices flow more freely and helps to digest the food. Many of the ideas which scientists tell us (29)_ (have) no foundation have to do with mixtures of foods. A few years ago the belief became general that orange juice and milk should never be drunk at the same meal. The

8、reason given was (30)_ the acid in the orange juice would make the milk curdle (凝结) and become indigestible. As a matter of fact, milk always meets in the stomach a digestive juice which curdles (31)_; the curdling of the milk is the first step in its digestion. A similar wrong idea is that fish and

9、 ice cream when (32)_(eat) at the same meal form a poisonous combination.(B)Its one of our common beliefs that mice are afraid of cats. Scientists have long known that (33) _ _ a mouse has never seen a cat before, it is still able to detect chemical signals released from it and run away in fear. Thi

10、s has always been thought to be something that is hard-wired into a mouses brain. But recently Wendy Ingram, a graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley, (34)_(challenge) this common sense. She has found a way to “cure” mice of their inborn fear of cats by infecting them with a para

11、site, reported the science journal Nature.The parasite, called Toxoplasma gondii, might sound unfamiliar to you, but the (35)_(shock) fact is that up to one-third of people around the world are infected by it. This parasite can cause different diseases among humans, (36)_ pregnant women it is linked

12、 to blindness and the death of unborn babies.However, the parasites effects on mice are unique. Ingram and her team measured how mice reacted to a cats urine (尿) before and (37)_ it was infected by the parasite. They noted that normal mice stayed far away from the urine (38)_ mice that were infected

13、 with the parasite walked freely around the test area.But thats not all. The parasite was found to be more powerful than originally (39)_ (think) even after researchers cured the mice of the infection, they no longer reacted with fear to a cats smell, which could indicate that the infection has caus

14、ed a permanent change in mices brains.Why does a parasite change a mouses brain instead of making it sick like it does to humans? The answer lies in evolution. Toxoplasma gondii can only reproduce inside a cat. So the parasite had to develop a way of tricking the mice into getting eaten more easily

15、thus (40)_ (help) itself go inside a cat by taking away mices sense of alarm.Focused PracticeSection ADirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of

16、 the given word; for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.(A)Many kinds of music can stir the imagination and produce strong feeling. For some people, romantic composers such as Chopin and Tchaikovsky enhance feelings of love and sympathy. Religious and spiritual music 25 help som

17、e people feel peace or lessen their pain. But one musician seems to have a unique ability of healing(治愈) the human body Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Scientists have found Mozarts music to be remarkable in its ability 26 (calm) its listeners. It can also increase their perceptions, and help them express

18、themselves more clearly. Many amazing cases have been documented using Mozart 27 a healing aid. For example, a tiny premature baby 28 (name) Krissy, who weighed just 1.5 pounds at birth, was on total life support. Doctors thought she had little chance of survival. Her mother insisted on playing Moza

19、rt for Krissy, and thought 29 saved her daughters life. Krissy lived, 30 she was very small for her age and slower than the average child. At the age of four, she showed an interest in music and her parents gave her violin lessons. 31 their astonishment, Krissy was able to play musical pieces from m

20、emory that were far beyond the ability of an average four-year-old. 32 (play) music helped her improve in all areas of her life.(B) Touch is the first tool we turn to when we face pain. We react similarly to 33 injured toe and a broken heart, tenderly 34 (grasp) the affected area. We are all born wi

21、th the power to heal ourselves and to heal others because healing energy does not come from within but from outside ourselves. The energy is there for anyone to use, and no formal training 35 (require). When you have the intent to heal, and love is your only motive, you become a channel for healing

22、energy. Through the simple touch of hands, you can use that universal healing energy to comfort those who 36 (experience) pain or distress. In performing healing energy work, it is necessary that you let your intuition (直觉) guide you to the affected area. Just imagine a healing light being drawn in

23、through the top of your head and flowing through your hands. The energy will begin to flow once you have made a physical connection, and your touch will help awaken the bodys capacity for self-healing. The affected areas of the body, 37 were previously tense or tight, will relax with enough healing

24、energy. 38 (try) not to feel like you arent helping if you dont feel the flow. The work you are doing is indeed helping.Understanding 39 energy works is less important than consciously making use of it. Performing a loving healing treatment on your loved ones can be a wonderful experience that bring

25、s you closer together. And as the healing energy passes through you, it can awaken a feeling within you that helps you 40 (well) understand the interactions between the spiritual, physical and mental selves. Presentation(2)四十个常用合成词合成词词性释义例句bulid-upn.聚集The build-up carbon dioxide eventually leads to

26、the global warming.cost-savingadj.节约成本的Doing business online is undoubtedly efficient and Cost-saving.cure-alln.万能的药Some people regard education as the cure-all for all the social problem.double-edgedadj.双刃的Fire is a double-edged sword, bringing not only to human warmth, but also disaster.duty-bound

27、adj.责无旁贷的The government is duty-bound to ensure peace and security for the people.easy-goingadj.随和的Sweet-tempered and easy-going girls are welcome环保的Creating an eco-friendly society is a matter of great urgency.ever-changingadj.常变的It is the quality of their service that h

28、as enabled the company to stand steadily in the ever-changing Information Age.ever-lastingadj.永恒的What is knowledge? This is an ancient and ever-lasting topic.far-reachingadj.深远的The invention of electronic computers has a far-changing effect on the development of science and technology.far-seeingadj.

29、有远见的The far-seeing policy will bring endless benefit to future快节奏的In the fast-paced world of today, it can be difficult to make new friends.first-classadj.一流的To be a first-class scientist, one should never lose hope in setbacks.good-for-nothingn.无用的人Their little son became

30、 a good-for-nothing due to their overprotection.hard-wonadj.来之不易的People in that region cherish the hard-won independence.history-makingadj.创造历史的That was a history-making discovery in medical history.ill-manneredadj.无礼的The Englishman thinks it is ill-mannered to ask personal questions.labor-savingadj

31、.节省体力的Not all inventions are labor-saving machines like the computers.noble-mindedadj.品格高尚的Your nobleminded spirit is shown by your blood donation.on-goingadj.正在进行的The on-going social change has much to do with the development of science.poverty-strikenadj.贫穷的Many people complain that the high tuition fee actually keeps poverty-stricken students away from the college dream.problem-solvingadj.解决问题的Very few of u

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