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1、中国工程建设标准化协会标准CECS01:2004呋喃树脂防腐蚀工程技术规程 Technical specification for anticorrosion engineering of furan resin CECS02:88超声回弹综合法检测混凝土强度技术规程 Technical specification for testing concrete strength by ultrasonic - rebound combined method CECS03:88钻芯法检测混凝土强度技术规程 Technical specification for testing concrete st

2、rength with drilled core CECS04:88静力触探技术规程 Technical specification for electrical cone penetration test CECS05:88焦化厂、煤气厂含酚污水处理设计规范 Code for design of phenol - containing wastewater treatment in coking plant and gas plant CECS06:88栅条、网络絮凝池设计标准 Standard for design of flocculation tank with rack and sc

3、reen CECS07:2004医院污水处理设计规范 Code for design of hospital wastewater treatment CECS08:89砖砌圆筒仓技术规范 Technical code for brick silos CECS09:89工业企业程控用户交换机工程设计规范 Specification for design of SPC PABX engineering in industrial enterprises CECS10:89埋地给水钢管道水泥砂浆衬里技术标准 Technical standard for cement mortar lining o

4、f buried steel water supply pipeline CECS11:89贮筑物常用术语标准 Standard for terms used in the stor-age structures CECS12:89进口木材在工程上的应用规定 Specification for engineering use of imported timber CECS13:89钢纤维混凝土试验方法 Standard for test methods of steel fiber reinforced concrete CECS14:2002游泳池和水上游乐池给水排水设计规程 Specifi

5、cation for design of water supply and drainage for swimming and amusement pools CECS16:90预应力混凝土输水管道工程技术规程 Code for structural design of prestressed concrete water transmission pipeline CECS17:2000埋地硬聚乙烯(PVC-U)给水管道工程技术规程 Technical specification for buried unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U)pipel

6、ine of water supply engineering CECS18:2000聚合物水泥砂浆防腐蚀工程技术规程 Technical specification for anticorrosion works of polymer cement mortar CECS19:90混凝土排水管道工程闭气检验标准 Standard for the air test method of concreate sewerage pipe work CECS21:2000超声波检测混凝土缺陷技术规程 Technical specification for inspection of concrete

7、defects by ultrasonic method CECS22:90土层锚杆设计与施工规范 Code for design and construction of soil anchors CECS23:90钢货架结构设计规范 Code for design of steel storage racks CECS24:90钢结构防火涂料应用技术规范 Code for application technology of fire resistive coating for steel structure CECS25:90混凝土结构加固技术规程 Technical specificati

8、on for strengthening concrete structures CECS26:90双钢筋混凝土构件设计与施工规程 Specification for design and construction of reinforced concrete with coupled steel bars CECS27:90工业炉水泥耐火烧注料冬期施工技术规程 Technical specification for winter construction of cement refractory materials for industrial furnace CECS28:90钢管混凝土结

9、构设计与施工规程 Specification for design and construction of concrete-filled steel tubular structures CECS29:91柔毡屋面防水工程技术规程 Technical specification for soft felt roof waterproof engineering CECS30:91建筑中水设计规范 Code for design of reclaimed water system of buildings CECS31:91钢制电缆桥架工程设计规范 Code for design of ste

10、el cable trayengineering CECS32:91并朕电容器用串朕电抗器设计选择标准 Standard for series selection of series reactors of shunt capacitor CECS33:91并朕电容器装置的电压、电容系列选择标准 Standard for series selection of voltage and capacity of shunt capacitor CECS34:91供水水文地质卙察遥感技术规程 Technical specifications for remote sensing of hydroge

11、ological investigation of water supply CECS36:91工业企业调度电话和会议电话工程设计规范 Specification for engineering design of dispatch telephone and conference telephone in industrial enterprises CECS37:91工业企业通信工程设计图形及文字符号标准 Standards for graphical and lettered symbols of communication engineering design in industria

12、l enterprises CECS38:92钢纤维混凝土结构设计及施工规程 Specification for design and construction of steel fiber reinforced concrete structures CECS39:92钢筋混凝土深梁设计规程 Specification for design of reinforced concrete deep beams CECS40:92混凝土及预制混凝土构件质量控制规程 Specification for quality control of concrete and precast concrete

13、 components CECS41:92建筑给水硬聚氯乙烯管道设计与施工验收规程 Specificaton for design and construction of UPVC pipeline for water supply in buildings CECS42:92深井曝气设计规范 Code for design of deep well aeration CECS43:92钢筋混凝土装配整体式框架结点与连接设计规程 Specification for design of joints and connections of precast-monolithic reinforced

14、 concrete frames CECS44:92工业厂房玻璃钢采光罩采光设计标准 Standard for design of daylighting using glass fiber reinforced plastics daylighting shade in plant CECS45:92地下建筑照明设计标准 Standard for design of underground building lighting CECS46:93饮用水除氟设计规程 Specification for design of removing fluorides from drinking wate

15、r CECS47:93建筑拒水粉屋面防水工程技术规程 Technical specification for roof waterproof projects with waterproofpowder for buildings CECS48:93沙、石碱活性快速试验方法 Standard for rapid test method of determining the alkali reactivity of sands and rocks CECS49:93低压成套开关设备验收规程 Specification for acceptance of low-voltage switchgea

16、r assemblies CECS50:93滤池气水冲洗设计规程 Specification for design of air-water washing for filter CECS51:93钢筋混凝土连续梁和框架考虑内力重分布设计规程 Specification for design of reinforced concrete continuous beams and frames considering redistribution of internal forces CECS52:93整体预应力装配式板柱建筑技术规程 Technical specification for co

17、lumnslab building assembled by monolithic prestressing CECS53:93混凝土碱含量限值标准 Standard ofr maximum alkali content in concrete CECS54:93袖珍贯入仪试验规程 Specifications for test of pocket penetrometer CECS55:93孔隙水压力测试规程 Specification for measurement of pore-water pressure CECS56:94室内灯具的光分布分类和照明设计参数标准 Standard f

18、or classification of light distribution and for design parameters of lighting for interior lamps CECS57:94居住小区给水排水设计规范 Code for design of water supply and sewerage in residential sub-district CECS58:94混凝土电视塔施工技术规程 Technical specification for construction of concrete television tower CECS59:94水泵隔振技术规

19、程 Technical specification for vibration isolation of water pump CECS60:94半即热式水加热器热水供应设计规程 Specification for design of hotwater supply with semi-instantaneous water heater CECS62:94工业企业扩音通信系统工程设计规程 Specification for engineering design of amplifying communication system in industrial enterprises CECS6

20、3:94增强氯化聚乙烯橡胶卷材防水工技术规程 Technical specification for waterproof projects with reinforced chlorinated polyethylene rubber sheet CECS64:94高压交流架空送电线无线电干扰对中波导航影响的计算规程 Specification for calculation of interference effects of AC highvoltage overhead power transmission lines on non-directional beacons CECS65

21、:94送电线对双线电话线路干扰影响的计算规程 Specification for calculation of interference effects of power transmission lines on telephone lines CECS66:94交流高压架空送电线对短波无线电测向电(站)和收信台(站 )保护间距计算规程 Specification for calculation of protecting distance for AC highvoltage overhead power transmission lines to shortwave radio dire

22、ction finding stations and receiving stations CECS67:94交流电气化铁道对电信线路杂音干扰影响的计算规程 Specification for calculation of noise disturbance effects of AC electrification railways on telecommunication lines CECS68:94氢氧化钠(碱)溶液加固湿陷性黄土地基技术规程 Technical specification for strengthening collapsible loess foundation b

23、y sodium bydroxide solution grouting CECS69:94后装拔出法检测混凝土强度技术规程 Technical specification for testing concrete strength by pull-out post-insert method CECS70:94建筑安装工程金属熔化焊焊缝射线照相检测标准 Standard for inspection and meas-urement with ray photographing for metal melting weld seam of building installation engi

24、neering CECS71:94工程建设施工现场焊接目视检验规范 Code for visual inspection and acceptance of site weld of engineering construction CECS73:95二甲苯型不饱和聚酯树酯防腐蚀工程技术规程 Technical specification for anticorrosion works of xylene type unsaturated polyester resin CECS75:95带式压滤机污水污泥脱水设计规范 Code for design of sewage sludge dewa

25、tering with belt filter press CECS76:95气压给水设计规范 Code for design of pnenmatic water supply CECS77:96钢结构加固技术规范 Technical code for strengthening steel structures CECS78:96砖混结构房屋加层技术规范 Technical code for adding stories of brick-concrete structure of buildings CECS79:96特殊单立管排水系统设计规程 Specification for des

26、ign of specific single stack drainage system CECS80:96塔桅钢结构施工及验收规范 Specification for construction and acceptance of steel structural tower and guyed mast engineering CECS81:96工业计算机临控系统抗干扰技术规范 Technical code for anti-interference of industrial computer monitoring and controlling system CECS82:96农村给水设

27、计规范 Code for design of rural water supply CECS83:96管道工程结构常用术语标准 Standard for terms used in pipeline engineering structures CECS84:96太阳光伏电源系统安装工程设计规范 Code for design of installation engineering of solar photovoltaic powersystem CECS85:96太阳光伏电源系统安装工程施工及验收规范 Code for construction and acceptance of inst

28、allation engineering of solar photovoltaic power system CECS86:96混凝土水池软弱地基处理设计规范 Code for design of soft ground treatment for concrete water tank CECS87:96可挠金属电线保护管线工程技术规范 Technical code for feeder cable engineering with flaxible metal tube CECS88:97钢筋混凝土承台设计规程 Specification for design of reinforced

29、 concrtet pile caps CECS90:97整体浇注防静电水磨石地坪技术规程 Technical specification for integralpouring antistatic terrazzo floor CECS91:97合流制系统污水截流井设计规程 Specification for design of combined sewage intercepting well CECS92:97重金属污水化学法处理设计规范 Code for design of treatment of wastewater containing heavy metals with ch

30、emical method CECS93:97工业给水系统可靠性设计规范 code for reliability design of industrial water supply system CECS94:97建筑排水用硬聚氯乙烯螺旋管道工程技术规范 Technical specification for UPVC spin pipe work for water severage of buildings CECS95:97玻璃纤维氯氧镁水泥通风管道技术规程 Technical specification for glass fiber ventilation duct with magnesium oxychloride cement CECS96:97基坑土钉支护技术规程 Technical specification for soil nailing in foundation excavations

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