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1、西班牙音乐舞蹈地理位置对西班牙音乐的影响Locationinfluence on Spanish music西班牙位于伊比利亚半岛,境内山脉纵横,交通不便,因此民间音乐具有地区特色。Spain is located in the Iberian Peninsula,churchyard gully freely, on any account rises and fall and traffic is folk music with local characteristics.它位于地中海西,为欧洲、非洲交通枢纽,历史上除接触希腊、罗马文化、基督教文化外,并受到阿拉伯文化以及吉卜

2、赛文化的影响。这一切都使西班牙的音乐极为丰富多采,并带有东方色彩,热情奔放。It is located in the West of the Mediterranean, the transport hub of Europe and Africa. it is not only get in touch with Greek,Roman culture and Christian culture, but also impacted by the Arab culture and the Gypsy all makes the music of Spain become

3、 more rich with oriental flavor and passion.西班牙人民能歌善舞,由于地处交通枢纽,不少民间舞曲体裁都被欧洲艺术音乐所吸收采用,如“恰空”、“萨拉班德”、“凡丹戈”、“博莱罗”等。(第三张PPT)Spanish people are skilled in singing and dancing,because it is located in the transportation hub, many folk dance music genre have been absorbed by European art and music, such as

4、Chaconne, Sarabande, Fandango, Bolero etc.小结 brief summary 1.西班牙的音乐史可以看作是欧洲殖民扩张史的附属产物 2.多民族的交汇与融合为近现代西班牙音乐风格的形成起到了决定性的作用 3.吉他几乎成为西班牙音乐旋律的核心载体 1.Spanish music history can be seen as the subsidiary product of European colonial expansion History 2.Intersection and integration of multi-ethnic has played

5、 a decisive role in the formation of modern Spanish music style. 3.guitar almost become the core of the spanish music melodies.西班牙斗牛士进行曲-简介Introduction of Spanish bullfighter march 西班牙斗牛士进行曲这部作品由西班牙作曲家玛奎纳创作,用小号来演奏的一首独奏曲。在这首乐曲中,小号用其高亢、嘹亮的音色表现出了斗牛士英勇、威武的英雄形象。Spanish Matador march was worked by the Spa

6、nish composer Ma Kuina,and is a soli play with trumpet.In this song, the trumpet showed a heroic matador, mighty hero image with its high-pitched,loud sound.西班牙斗牛相关知识 relevant knowledge of Spanish bullfight斗牛是西班牙的国粹,西班牙的传统活动,风靡全国,享誉世界,尽管从动物保护的观点上看目前人们对此存在争议,但是作为西班牙特有的古老传统还是保留到现在,并受到很多人的欢迎。Bullfighti

7、ng is the quintessence of Spainish culture,it is a worldwide famous traditional activity sweep the country.althongh there are some disputes on the view of animal protection,as a unique ancient tradition in Spain,it is retained to the present and welcomed by many people. 斗牛季节是3月至10月,斗牛季节里,每逢周四和周日各举行两

8、场。如逢节日和国家庆典,则每天都可观赏。Bullfighting season is from March to October,the match will hold twice every Thursday and Sunday in bullfighting season.if meet with festival or national celebration,you can enjoy it every day.西班牙斗牛士进行曲-来历西班牙斗牛历史由来以久。在阿尔达米拉岩洞中发现的新石器时代的岩壁画中,就有人与牛搏斗的描绘。曾统治西班牙的古罗马的凯撒大帝就曾骑马斗牛。在这之后的约六

9、百年时间里,斗牛一直是西班牙贵族显示勇猛剽悍的专利项目。十八世纪,波旁王朝统治西班牙,第一位国王费利佩五世禁止贵族玩斗牛,至此这一传统的贵族项目才从宫庭来到了民间。在斗牛竞技场入口方的铜管乐队,总是不断的演奏著进行曲,即西班牙所谓的斗牛舞音乐,形成斗牛舞的灵感即来自于这种音乐。同样的也因为这种音乐才激发出斗牛戏本身的脚步。 斗牛舞音乐就是斗牛舞的一种诠释表现;男舞者的角色可比拟为斗牛士,女舞者则代表用以吸引公牛注意的红斗篷。西班牙斗牛士进行曲-使用乐器Instrument of Spanish bullfighter march 现代音乐家们将古典与现代完美结合,通过不同乐器的组合,将这首西班

10、牙斗牛士进行曲重新编曲、演绎,呈现给世人的,就是我们现在正在听的这段慷慨激昂的音乐。弗拉门戈-简介 弗拉门戈是西班牙的一种综合性艺术,它融舞蹈、歌唱、器乐于一体,过去流行在西班牙南部,现在已扩展到西班牙的广大地区,并正在成为整个西班牙的代表性艺术之一。代表了这门艺术的弗拉门戈舞融合了欧洲的华丽、美洲的奔放而响誉世界舞台。 Flamenco is a comprehensive art in Spain, which melt dancing, singing, instrumental music in one,it was popular in southern Spain in the p

11、ast, and now has spread to large areas of Spain, and is becoming one of the representative arts throughout Spain. It absorbed the flamboyance of Europe and the boorishness of America,and is famous for this feature around the world.弗拉门戈-起源公元八世纪起,阿拉伯人在此建立了西哈里发帝国,统治延续了700多年。从15世纪中期起,吉卜赛人又大量移居此地。因此,既有阿拉

12、伯文化的巨大影响,又有吉卜赛歌舞艺术的强大魅力,使这个地区变成了欧洲最具有异国风味,东方色彩的地方。正是在这样的背景下产生了弗拉门戈艺术。Since the eighth century, the Arabs established the empire of 西哈里发,and dominated here for 700 years. From the mid-15th century, a large number of gypsies moved here. Therefore, with the influence of Arab culture and the charming so

13、ng and dance of gypsies, this region has become Europes most exotic, oriental place.flamenco art is produced just under such background.表演形式-弗拉门戈歌唱这种音乐形式是从18世纪开始的,然而,安达路西亚有着浓厚的音乐传统,并且把弗拉门戈从传统中分离了出来。弗拉门戈演唱者对外表甚至声音的好坏都不关心,他们只是在寻找自己的感情并且把它们传递和感染给每一个人。This form of music from the 18th century, however, t

14、he Andalusian has a strong musical tradition, and they separated flamenco from traditions. Flamenco singers does not care about their appearance and even sound quality,they just looking for their feelings and pass their passion to everyone.弗拉门戈音乐在历史上是作为一种特别的歌唱形式出现的。虽然吉他演奏了大部分的音乐,但歌唱家在弗拉门戈的历史上也被认为是这种

15、艺术的代表者。Flamenco music emerged in history as a special form of singing. Although most parts of the music is played by guitar,the singers in the history of flamenco are also considered as the representative of this art.表演形式-弗拉门戈吉他弗拉门戈吉他的魅力在过去的近百年中来自于古典吉他的声望和普及。它吸引了很多音乐爱好者对于各种形式的吉他演奏的注意。在弗拉门戈里,他们发现了一种伴

16、随着异乡人的具有西方特点的音乐感受,在音乐中充满了异国情调,特边是在弗拉门戈的歌声中。The Charm Flamenco guitar is come from the prestige and popularity of the classical guitar during the past hundred years.It draws a lot of music lovers attention of various forms of guitar playing.In flamenco, they found a strangers music experience accompa

17、nied with western features ,full of exotic atmosphere,especially in flamenco singing.吉他是在弗拉门戈中唯一的传统乐器,它的表现形式把富于节奏性的元素和必不可少的抒情的元素结合了起来,这就使弗拉门戈吉他具有了与众不同的表现力。Flamenco guitar is the only traditional instrument in flamenco play,its performance form combined rhythmic elements with essential elements, whic

18、h makes flamenco guitar has a distinctive expressive force.表演形式-弗拉门戈舞蹈在安达路西亚,所有的舞蹈都有着手和手臂的美妙动作,有着像音乐一样颤动和紧缩的腰部,有着血管里充满着火焰一样的燎人的激情,以及情绪燃烧到极至时又转而变为舒展、缓慢的优美。In Andalusia, all the dance has wonderful movement of arm and hand,has the trmbling and tight waist as a song,has the strong passion like the flam

19、e is filled with your blood vessel.When the passion burn out,the dance would become soft and graceful.激情、燃烧、疯狂每个人的血管里流淌着与生俱来的热情的火焰,与西班牙舞蹈天然地联系在了一起。passion, burning,folie . everyones veins flowed innate passion flame, and linked together with Spanish dance naturally.表演形式-其他弗拉门戈由于其最广泛的参与性而迅速风靡西方世界,在亚洲

20、的日本和中国也已经有了一群疯狂的爱好者。剧场或酒吧中,弗拉门戈的表演在疯狂的吉他扫弦声中拉开帷幕,清脆的响板和舞蹈,“啪啪”的踏地声打出了轻快的节奏,引得观众们情不自禁地随着节拍即兴击掌、喝彩、跺脚。如今,这些击掌、喝彩、跺脚等形式也逐渐发展为弗拉门戈表演形式中的第四个组成部分。Flamengo swept the Western world quickly due to its widest participation ,it already have a group of crazy fans in Asia,such as Japan and China.flamenco perform

21、ances kicked off the paroket with the crazy sweep twang of guitar in Theaters or bars.the flap sound of ringing castanets and dance play upon the earth at a brisk pace.which attracted the audience can not help but follow the beat impromptu clap, cheer, stomp. Today, these clapping, cheering, stompin

22、g and other forms gradually developed into the fourth component of flamenco performances .弗拉门戈一词的由来1.吉普赛人从印度巴基斯坦一带流浪到西班牙安达卢西亚地区,被当地人称作gitanos,他们的歌曲舞蹈流传下来被命名为Flamenco,取自gitano的反义词Flandes。1.the gypsies rove from India and Pakistan to Andalusia of Spain ,the locals called them gitanos,these dances and

23、songscame down to us are named As Flamenco, taken from the antonym of gitano- Flandes.2.“Flamenco”是由“felag”(农夫)和“mengu”(流浪的)组成,这个词来源于西班牙的阿拉伯语。Flamenco is consist of felag (farmer) and mengu (wandering),this word comes from the Arabic in Spain.拉法叶.亚吉拉 Lafayette. Agiler 1.西班牙近代最具影响力的弗拉明戈编舞大师。 2.第一位将戏剧

24、元素融入弗拉明戈的先驱始祖。3.他使得卡门、阶级、叶玛、波莱罗及斗牛士等一系列作品以弗拉门戈的形式享誉全球 1.of modern Spains most influential flamenco choreographer. 2.The first one who integrate dramatic elements into flamenco pioneer. 3.He makes the Carmen, class, Ye Ma, Bolero and Matador and a series of works world-renowned in the form of flamenc

25、o国宝级流行女歌手 她永远是西班牙流行文化的贵妇人、女强人,真正西班牙和南美的女歌唱家,拥有独特的领袖般气质和非凡魅力.西班牙歌手露兹卡莎尔是西语音乐世界中的领军人物,她的声线时而悠远绵长,时而婉转低回,亦不乏强烈的爆发力。西班牙情歌王子 Alex Ubago1982年出生在西班牙,被称为西班牙情歌王子,其嗓音沙哑、浑厚,充满男性魅力。浑然天成的唱功和深长幽远的编曲搭配西班牙语性感的发音,建立起了拉丁音乐可沉淀可纵深的内涵,听Alex Ubago的音乐,字里行间都是柔情。 他03年的歌,至今还在各大颁奖礼上声声不息,几乎每届选秀都会被翻唱,。作为西班牙著名的年轻创作歌手,他的词洋溢着诗情画意,

26、他专辑的主打曲面SIN MIEDO A NADA从出来就一直走红至今。拉丁天王-瑞奇马丁 瑞奇马丁,原名恩里克马丁莫拉莱斯,波多黎各裔流行歌手及演员,拉丁美洲音乐风潮的标志性人物之一。有着“拉丁王子”美誉的瑞奇马丁聪明、英俊,有着一双忧郁、有神,而又充满灵气的眼睛,令人喜爱的小酒窝、招牌式的摇摆舞姿把他推上了事业的顶峰。 才华洋溢的瑞奇马丁是当今歌坛,唯一能同时灵活运用英语、西班牙语双声带演唱,兼跨流行与拉丁音乐领域,征服了无数歌迷,并在全球掀起了拉丁狂潮的国际巨星。拉丁天后-夏奇拉 夏奇拉,全名:夏奇拉伊莎贝尔迈巴拉克里波尔,出生于哥伦比亚小城,而今,Shakira除了一再地获得各种音乐奖项

27、的肯定外,更被极具影响力与极高荣耀指标的美国时代杂志选为杂志封面人物,被推举为当今Latin艺人的代表人物。 她真诚的性格和对慈善事业的广泛参与打动了奥巴马总统,他曾经邀请夏奇拉到白宫探讨幼儿培养问题,而她的一首魅力无比的流行歌曲Waka Waka还成为了2010世界杯足球赛的官方主题曲,全球狂销200万张,入籍史上最卖座的世足赛歌曲,惊人创下YouTube超过2亿次的点阅率。西班牙著名乐队组合梵高的耳朵 来自西班牙的流行摇滚乐队La oreja de Van Gogh(梵高的耳朵),由一群在大学读书的年轻人一起在1996组建。后来乐队参加了San Sebastian的歌唱比赛, 而后获得sony的一纸签约。 曾获拉丁格莱美奖的梵高的耳朵乐队的歌曲主要由Amaia Montero、Pablo Benegas、Xabi San Martn创作,爱情和友情通常是这些歌曲的主题。他们的4张专辑的销量超过了6百万。但是2007年11月,主唱Amaia Montero宣布她将离开乐队独自发展。乐队在经过大半年的寻觅后,从西班牙歌唱大赛节目Factor X中找到了29岁的未来新主唱Leire。小结 1.西班牙当代流行音乐是融合了南美的拉丁风情与西方电子与摇滚元素2.自由、奔放、热情、洒脱是西班牙流行音乐的主要特色3.西班牙语流行音乐能够在全世界范围内传播,更多的是靠来自拉丁美洲国家的音乐人

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