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1、全国小学生英语竞赛五年级组决赛试题及答案完整版全国小学生英语竞赛(五年级组)2008年决赛试题及答案,完整版 听力部分(共四大题,计30分)I.听辨单词(共5小题,计5分)听音,从A,B,C三个选项中选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词。每个句子读两遍。1. A. stand B. steps C. stamps 2. A. wash B. watch C. want3. A. pity B. tidy C. dirty4. A. fast B. fat C. first5. A. hair B. here C. there . 句子理解(共5小题,计5分)听音,选出与你听到的句子意思相近的一项。每

2、个句子读两遍。6. A. I want to be a nurse.B. Im the daughter of a nurse. C. My sister is a nurse.7. A. This story-book is mine. B. This isnt my story-book. C. This is a new story-book.8. A. Lily can carry this light box. B. This box is heavy for Lily to carry. C. Dont carry this heavy box.9. A. Lucy is list

3、ening to music in her bedroom.B. Lucy likes playing the violin in her bedroom.C. Listen ! Lucy is singing a song.10.A. Jim bought a toy car from the toy shop yesterday. B. Jim wants to go to the toy shop tomorrow. C. Jim went to the book shop yesterday. 听话理解(共10小题,计10分)A.听音,判断下列图片与你所听到的对话内容是(Y)否(N)相

4、符。每组对话读两遍。11. 12 . 13. 14. 15. B.听对话,根据所听话对话内容填单词,补全句子(每空一词,首字母已给出)。每组对话读两遍。16. Rose is having s_ in the kitchen.17. The p_ is at the boys house.18. Tom is playing computer games in Peters _19.The girl s brother is n_ years old.20. Davids father is tall and k_.短文理解(共10小题,计10分)A.听短文,为下列各题选择正确的答案。短文读两

5、遍。21. Tina is in _.A. B. C. 22. Tina has _ friends at school.A. B. C. 23. Robert forgot to bring _. A . B. C. 24. When was it time for lunch ? A. B. C. 25. Tina brought some _from home.A. B. C. B.听短文,根据所听内容填写单词,补全短文(每空一词)。短文读两遍。 My name is Mike . I 26 up at 7:00 a.m. After that I take a shower and g

6、et dressed. Then I eat a big breakfast and 27 my teeth. I 28 the house at 29 a.m. and work from 8:30 to 4:30 p.m. I get home at 5:00 and cook 30 . I go to bed at 10:30 p.m. 笔试部分(共七大题,计70分).单词与短语( Words and phrases)(共5小题,计5分)看图,写单词,完成下列各局(首字母已给出,没空一词)31. There is a b over the river.32. Ann is u the t

7、ree.33. This monkey is very c . He can ride a bike.34.I often w the f in my free time.35.My grandfather likes r n on Saturdays. .单项选择(Multip-choice)(共15小题,计15分)从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最恰当的一项完成下列句子。36. This apple is red. A. a B. an C. the D./37. There are many on the hill. A. cow B. sheep C. horse D. pig38. T

8、he student looked the picture carefully .A. at B. to C. on D. into39. The four children to the same school.A. arrived B. met C. went D. studied40. These are not our pencils. theyre .A. their B. them C. they D. theirs41. Dont this iron(熨斗). Its very hot.A. to touch B. touch C. touches D. touching42.

9、Everyone is afraid of our new history teacher because shes very .A. kind B. nice C. strict D. beautiful43. You should your coat. Its cold outside.A. are B. take off C. put down D. put in 44. There a table and two chairs in the room.A. are B. be C. being D. is45. The workers worked very hard. They we

10、re busy as bees.A. the same B. like C. as D. alike47. Were going to a cake tomorrow.A. made B. make C. making D. makes48. Marys school report is than Nancys.A. good B. better C. bad D. best49. Julie and Monica in the classroom now.A. are talking B. talking C. talks D. talked50. I went to the to meet

11、 my friend who was flying from Hong KongA. bus stop B. train station C. taxi stand D. airport.情景会话(Dialogues)(共10小题,计10分)A.根据所给情景,从A, B, C, D四个选项中选出正确的一项完成下列对话.51. A. What are you doing?B. Whats this?C. Are you very busy?D. Are you writing a letter?52. A. Its Sunday.B. Its May 18th.C. Its half past

12、eight.D. Its Fathers Day.53. A. Thank you for calling.B. Sorry, hes not in.C. Yes, tomorrow is fine.D. No, sorry, I will play chess with my father then.54. A. Oh, Im sorry.B. Youre welcome.C. Im very well.D. I go home by bus.55. A. I often wash the dishes on Tuesday.B. I always get up at 6:30 every

13、day.C. I sometimes go to bed at 9 p.m.D. I usually go to see my grandparents.B.从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话(其中有两个多余选项)。 A. Im having breakfast.B. Is that all?C. How are you?D. Im at the supermarket.E. Anything else?F. See you later.G. How about juice?.完型填空(Cloze)(共5小题,计5分)根据所给单词提示,选出正确的单词并用其恰当的形式填空,补全下面的短文(其中

14、有两个多余选项)。 before look where after point way which One night, John was on his _home. Sunday , he dropped his keys. He started to look for them. _a few minutes, his friend walked up to him. “What are you doing?” he askedJohn. “Im looking for my keys,” John replied. “_did you drop them ? ” the friend a

15、sked.“Over there,” said John. He_ to a dark part of the street. “Then why are you _ here?”His friend asked . “Because its dark over there,” said John.阅读理解(Reading comprehension)(共15小题,计15分)A.阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。 In 1998, Oliver was on his surfboard (冲浪板)in the Pacific Ocean (太平洋)were with him. They

16、were near a group of dolphins. Suddenly the dolphins began to swim faster and faster around them. Oliver saw a fish near him. It wasnt a fish, it was a shark! The shark bit (咬) Olivers legs. He was very afraid. Suddenly he saw the dolphins again. They were in a big group. They chased(追赶) the shark a

17、nd it went away. Olivers friends helped him to the beach. He had cuts on his legs and his back but he could walk. Two months later, Oliver was OK and went surfing again.66. One day Oliver was surfing with his friends near a group of dolphins.67. The dolphins started to swim slowly around the boys.68

18、. The shark bit Olivers arms and legs.69. The dolphins didnt chased(追赶) the shark but the shark swam away.70. Oliver was fine again after two months.B.阅读短文,为文后问题选出正确的答案。 How do you make a cheese and tomato sandwich? To find out, read the following passage. You need 2 pieces of bread Butter 100g of c

19、heese 1 tomato Salt and pepper(盐和胡椒粉) The method(方法) First , put some butter on each piece of bread. Next, cut the cheese thinly. Put the cheese on one piece of bread. Then cut the tomato into five or six pieces. Put the tomato on the cheese. Add salt and pepper. Put the second piece of bread on top

20、. Cut the sandwich into two pieces.71. What is the passage about? A. How to make bread. B .How to make a sandwich. C. How to make cheese. D. How to make butter.72. How many pieces of bread do you need?A. Three. B. Four. C. Two. D. One.73. What vegetables do you need? A. A potato. B. An eggplant. C.

21、A cabbage. D. A tomato.74. Where do you put the cheese?A. On the plate. B. On one piece of bread.C. On the potatoes. D. On the knife.75. Whats the last step(步骤) in making a sandwich?A. To cut the sandwich into two pieces. B. To cut the tomato into several pieces.C. To cut the cheese thinly. D. To ad

22、d salt and pepper.C.阅读短文,根据短文内容填写单词(每空一词),补全文后句子。 Fire is very useful to us. We use it to cook food. It also gives us light and keeps us warm. In forests, its also used to keep wild animals away. Only man can use fire. Animals do not know how to use it. They eat their food raw(生的).Some animals have

23、thick fur to keep them warm and special eyes to help them see in the dark.Some animals dont hunt during the day when its bright.76. We can food over a fire.77. Fire keeps us in winter time.78. Light from a fire helps us to in the dark.79. Fire is only used by .80. Some animals do not during the day

24、when its bright.X.小作文(Composition)(第81小题,计15分) 题目:I Like Winter提示词:season 季节,snowman 雪人,make a snowman堆雪人,throw snowballs打雪仗,skate滑冰。要求:1.条理清晰,意思明确,语句通顺,连贯,用词恰当,语法正确,书写工整、规范; 2.不少于60个单词; 3.根据所给图片适当发挥。XI. 智力测试(IQ test)(共5小题,计15分)按要求完成下列各题。82. As tall is to short, cheap is to .A. expensive. B. thin. C

25、. light. D. high.83.What dose this detective(侦探) need to do his job?84. If you are facing(面对) east and take ten steps (步子)forward(向前), then turn right and take three steps backward, then turn around(向后转) and take five steps forward, and then turn left, and take two steps forward, which direction(方向)

26、 are you facing?85.Which animal has tusks(长牙) and a trunk? Its a(n) .86. Whats the missing square? (缺失的方块是什么?)参考答案及解析 听力部分(共四大题,计30分)I.听辨单词(Words)1. C 录音中讲到,Nick喜欢运动和集邮,选项stamps(stamp/stAmp/(邮票)的复数形式)在录音中出现,故答案是C项。Stand/, step/,2. B 录音中问到你为什么不看电视,选项中在录音中出现,故答案是B项。3. C 录音中讲到,这下鞋子很脏,选项中在录音中出现,故答案是C项。4

27、. A 录音中讲到和跑得很快,选项中在录音中出现,故答案是A项。5. B 录音中讲到,他们今天不在这儿,选项中在录音中出现,故答案是B项。.句子理解(Sentences)6. B 录音中讲到,我的妈妈是一名护士,也就是说我是一名护士的女儿,故答案是B项。7. A 录音中讲到,这是我的故事书,选项A与所听内容一致,故答案是A项。Story-book故事书。8. B 录音中讲到,Lily搬不动这个箱子,也即是“这个箱子对Lily来说太重了,她搬不动”,选项B与所听内容意思一致,故答案是B项。9. C 录音中讲到,Lucy正在她的卧室里唱歌,选项C与所听内容意思一致,故答案是C项。Sing a so

28、ng 唱歌,listen to the music听音乐,play the violin拉小提琴。10. A 录音中讲到,Jim昨天去玩具店买了一个玩具车,选项A与所听内容一致,故答案是A项。.对话理解(Dialogues)A.11.N 录音中男孩问女孩最喜欢那个月份,女孩回答说最喜欢六月,因为有六一儿童节;图片中是圣诞老人说明是Christmas(圣诞节),故该图与所听对话内容不符。12.Y 录音中女孩问男孩星期天做什么,男孩回答说他通常打篮球,图片中男孩正在打篮球,故该图与所听对话内容一致。13.Y 录音中男孩问Amy要去哪儿,Amy回答说要去动物园,图中是动物园,故该图与所听对话内容一致

29、。14.N 录音中男孩问女孩每天怎样去学校,女孩回答说坐公交车,图中是火车,故该图与所听对话内容不符。15.Y 录音中女士问男士每个星期一早上几点起床,男士回答说6:30,图中是6:30,故该图与所听对话内容一致。B.16. supper (录音中女士问男士谁在厨房,男士回答说是Rose,她正在吃晚饭,结合所给首字母s,可知此处应填supper。have supper 吃晚饭)17. party (录音中女孩问男孩聚会在哪儿,男孩回答说在他家,结合所给字母p,可知此处应填party。)18. study (录音中女士问Peter为什么在卧室里学习,Peter回答说Tom正在他的书房里玩电脑游戏

30、,结合所给首字母s,可知此处应填study。)19.nine (录音中男孩问女孩她的弟弟多大了,女孩说他9岁了,结合所给首字母n,可知此处应填nine。)20.kind (根据录音可知,David的父亲既和蔼又高大,结合所给首字母k,可知此处应填kind。).短文理解(Passages)A.21.A 录音中讲到在二年级四班,结合所给图片,可知答案是A 项。B项是四年二班(Class Two, Grade Four)。C项是二年五班(Class Five, Grade Two)。22.C 录音中讲到,Tina在学校有3个好朋友,结合所给图片,可知答案是C项。23.C 录音中讲到,Robert忘记带钱了,结合所给图片,可知答案是C项。A 项是pencil(铅笔)。B项是eraser(橡皮)。24.B 录音中讲到,中午十二点是吃午饭的时间,结合所给图片,可知答案是B项。25.A 录音中讲到,Tina从家里带了一些饼干(biscuits),结合所给图片,可知答案是A项。B.26.wake (录音中提到“I wake up at 7:00 a.m.”(我早上七点醒来),故答案是wake。wake up 醒来,起床。) 27.brush (录音中提到”Then

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