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1、苏教版牛津英语初中八年级上册精品教学案全册苏教版牛津英语初中八年级上册精品教案全册牛津初中英语8A Unit 1 Friends Checkout简要提示一、年级:八年级二、教学内容: 8A Unit 1 Friends 三、课型:Checkout四、教学目标 1.知识目标 1) 掌握与本单元描述人物特征话题有关的词汇及句型。 2) 掌握并能熟练运用形容词的比较级和最高级。2.能力目标 1) 能知道如何描述人的外貌。 2) 能用形容词来描述人物或事物。 3) 能掌握形容词的比较级和最高级。 五、教学重难点 采用多种方法巩固、加深理解并熟练运用与本单元话题有关的语言点和语法。 教学流程Part

2、One Language points revision (用时:18分钟) Step 1 Revision (用时:5分钟) We know this unit is about friends. 我们都知道这一单元的中心话题是关于朋友。After learning this unit, we should know how to use adjectives to describe our friends general appearance, personality and abilities.学完这一单元后,我们应该知道如何用形容词来描写我们朋友的外貌、个性和能力。And we sho

3、uld also learn to introduce our friends. 我们还应该学会介绍我们的朋友。First, lets look at these pictures and talk about them. 首先,下面让我们来看这些图片并谈论他们。A is strong. B is thin. A has big eyes. B has small eyes.A is short. B is tall. A has a square face. B has a round face.Step2 Practice (用时:5分钟) OK, now youll see three

4、persons in a group. Ill describe one of them, listen carefully, then try to choose the right one. 现在看这些人物,我将会描述他们,仔细听,从三副画中选择我所描述的人。(可以读两遍)No. 1 He is very tall, almost 1.75meters. He had poor eyesight and wears small, round glasses. No. 2 She is small and pretty. She has straight, shoulder-length h

5、air. No. 3 She is slim and her hair is short. Step3 Presentation (用时:8分钟) Daniel is writing in his diary about the articles he read in Teenagers magazine. 丹尼尔正在写日记, 内容是关于他在青少年杂志上读的文章。Whats he writing? Do you want to know? Open your books, turn to page 21, read Part B carefully, then finish it with t

6、he correct words from the box. 现在请同学们把书打开翻到21页,仔细阅读B部分,并用合适的词填空。OK, now lets check the answers. 下面让我们核对答案。Answers to Part B: 1 square 2 small 3 tidy 4 sense of humour 5 smartPart Two Grammar revision (用时:15 分钟) Step1 Revision (用时:5分钟) We know we can use adjectives to describe someone or something. W

7、e can put an adjective before a noun or after a linking verb. 我们可以用形容词来描述人或事。我们可以把形容词放在名词之前作定语或系动词之后作标语。There are two sentences, please chang each of them into another way.同学们将看到两句话,请逐一将他们转换为另一种表达法。1. Kate is tall and slim. Kate is a _ girl. 2. She has bright and smiling eyes. Her eyes are _. Step2

8、Presentation (用时:10分钟) Now, Daniel is telling his best friend Kate about his classmates opinions of different activities. 现在丹尼尔正在告诉他最好的朋友凯特关于他同学对不同活动的看法。Look at the picture, try to talk about it using the following stucture. 看表格,尽力用下面的句子结构来谈论它们。 I think climbing is as exciting as diving. Diving is m

9、ore dangerous than climbing. Diving is the most difficult of all. Exciting DangerousDifficultClimbing*Diving*Playing football*Step 3 PracticeNow open your books, turn to page 21, finish part A with the correct forms of the adjectives in brackets. 现在,打开你的书,翻到21页,完成A部分。 OK, lets check the answers. 下面让

10、我们核对答案。 Answers to Part A:1 as exciting as 2 more dangerous than 3 the healthiest 4 healthier than 5 the most difficultPart Three Practice (用时:7分钟) Its time for us to do some extra exercises. 现在是我们做课外巩固练习的时候了。一、根据所给中文提示完成句子。1 Please keep a _ (秘密). This is only between us.2 She looks as _ (苗条的) as I.

11、3 I think _ (登山) is more _ (令人兴奋的) than skiing. 二、选用所给词的适当形式填空 。1. I think English is _ (easy) of all the subjects.2. He will never forget the _ (cheer) holiday.3. What is the _ (high) of Yao Ming?4. The funny boy often makes us _ (laugh).三、根据中文提示,完成下列句子。1 他是一个多么诚实的学生啊! _ he is!2 谁是你们班最苗条的? Who is _

12、 in your class?3 她总是面带微笑。 She always _.4 他乐意与他的朋友分享他的食物。 He _ his food _ his friends. Homework 1. Revise all the language points and grammar.2. Get ready for the test. 小结同学们,这节课我们通过多种情景的创设对本单元的语言点和语法进行了系统的复习。同学们要学会归纳知识,提高学习效率。说明本课时是对整个单元基本内容的复习。要结合单元话题有效地复习语言知识和语法。设计情境鼓励学生运用所学的知识熟练地描述他们的朋友,用形容词的比较级和

13、最高级来谈论对不同活动的看法。切忌把本课时的内容当成简单的习题课来处理。8A Unit 1 Grammar Teaching objectives1. To use an adjective before a noun or after a linking verb to describe someone/something2. To use comparatives and superlatives to compare people/things.Teaching proceduresGrammar AStep 1 Lead-in 1. Review some useful adjecti

14、ves by asking students to describe a girls appearance with adjectives. Then read the description together with the class.2. Tell the students that this lesson well go on to learn describing someone or something with adjectives. Ask them if they know how to describe someone or something with adjectiv

15、es. Then start to learn Grammar A.Step 2 Learning for use Show a picture of a lovely girl. Tell the students the girl is lovely and encourage them to think of another way to express the same meaning: She is a lovely girl. Then show some other pictures and help students to put an adjective before a n

16、oun or after a linking verb to complete the sentences.Step 3 Rule out 1. Ask the class to read the sample sentences carefully and try to find out where we should put an adjective in a sentence when we use them to describe things. The teacher can divide the sentences into two groups to help them.2. W

17、ork out the rule together with the students. Tell them that we use adjectives to describe someone or something. We can put an adjective before a noun or after a linking verb such as the verb be. Step 3 Practice 1. Ask the students to do some practice!1. He is a strong man. means The man is strong.2.

18、 Toms hair is long. means Tom has long hair.3. He has small eyes. means His eyes are small.4. This book is interesting. means This is an interesting book. 2. Ask the students to open their books at page 12 and help Daniel rearrange the words to form complete sentences. Then check answers with the wh

19、ole class.T&Ss: Millie has short hair. / Sandy wears round glasses. / Amy is funny and cheerful. / Millie does not like long hair. / Sandy is tall and has long hair.Step 5 Rule out 1. Go through the rules about adjectives again. Then invite students to think of more linking verbs.2. Show some linkin

20、g verbs that we often use to the students and ask them to read together: be, become, feel, get, grow, keep, look, seem, smell, sound, taste, turn.Step 6 Practice Ask students to make sentences using these linking verbs with adjectives.The teacher can offer some adjectives. The students can choose so

21、me of these linking verbs to make sentences with them. Of course, they can make sentences with other adjectives if they like.Grammar B Step 1 Lead-in Use pictures of two girls to elicit examples with comparative forms.Linda is taller than Nancy is. Nancy is shorter than Linda is.Then ask students to

22、 guess the meaning.Step 2 Learning for use 1. Show pictures of two bags and compare their price. S: The green bag is 50 yuan. The pink one is 100 yuan.Tell the students The green bag is cheaper than the pink one. or The pink bag is more expensive than the green one.2. Ask the students to look at the

23、 sentences again and read them together. Linda is taller than Nancy is. / Nancy is shorter than Linda is. The green bag is cheaper than the pink one. / The pink bag is more expensive than the green one. Step 3 Rule out 1. Ask the students to look at these sentences carefully and try to find out some

24、 rules of comparatives through them. They can talk about this with their partners.2. Try to elicit the rule from students, e.g., we use comparatives to compare two people or things. We usually add -er to short adjectives and use more for long adjectives. Then we add than after the comparatives.3. As

25、k students to complete the two model sentences using comparatives. She is shorter than I am. / My book is more interesting than his book.4. Ask students if they know what is a short adjective and what is a long adjective. Ask them to read Part B on Page 12 and try to find the answer. 5. Explain that

26、 short adjectives are adjectives of one or two syllables such as clean and heavy. Long adjectives are adjectives of three or more syllables such as interesting and beautiful.Encourage them to think of more short adjectives and long adjectives. Step 4 Learning for use 1. Add another girl Kate to the

27、picture of Nancy and Linda to elicit examples with superlative forms. Elicit the answer from students Linda is the tallest girl of the three. / Kate is the shortest girl of the three.2. In the same way, add another bag to the two bags and help students to get the right superlative form.The green bag

28、 is the cheapest one of all the bags. Ask students to talk about the purple one. Ask them if we can add -est to expensive too.Explain that cheap is a short adjective while expensive is a long adjective. We add -est to short adjectives to compare three or more people or things.Obviously, we cant add

29、-est to the word expensive. We should use most for long adjectives.So, we should say like this: The purple bag is the most expensive one of all the bags. Step5 Rule out 1. Ask students to put two model sentences into Chinese.他是我们班最高的男生。/ 这是这家商店最贵的一台打印机。Point out that we call the parts marked in yell

30、ow superlatives of adjectives.2. Go through when we should use comparatives with the class. Then ask students when we should use superlatives. Elicit the rule from students that we use superlatives to compare three or more people/things. we usually add -est to short adjectives and use most for long

31、adjectives. Then we add the before the superlatives.3. Ask how we can form comparatives and superlatives with different adjectives.Tell students to read the table on Page 13 and find the answer. Then go through the table and check understanding.Point out the exceptions. Good and bad are two of the special adjectives. We for

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