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1、高中英语好作文范例和分析英语好作文,给高考加分! (2012-11-02 21:28:18)转载标签:教育分类:英语好作文 【第3篇】【外国语学校高三3班50位学生作文的精华样文】 【原来的范文】南京2013届高考考试调研 Students in class are usually looking forward to the break. However, they are expecting different things. Some students want to make use of that period of time hanging out with their class

2、mates. They enjoy fun by chatting, playing games, or doing some outdoor activities. Others want to spend the break reading, doing homework, or reviewing lessons. In a word, nowadays, school breaks could be either “academic” or “physical”, which is a very interesting phenomenon. As a high school stud

3、ent, I favor the “physical” way of break. I find it very hard when I have too much work to finish, though. I have to deal with my homework during the break.I dont deny some students are really book worms, absorbing knowledge every minute. However, I dare say the majority of us students know what we

4、really want and what we really need to do. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. We are struggling for a balance between work and play.【第2篇】(2012年湖北卷) 请根据以下提示,并结合事例,用英语写一篇短文。 You cannot choose what you are given, but you can choose how you make use of it. 【试卷范文】与尖子生作文相比,是否有点寒酸呢?Three years ago

5、 I failed an important exam in my life and became a student in an ordinary school. Disappointed as I felt at the shabby campus and the poorly-equipped classroom, I found the teachers patient and considerate. Besides, I enjoyed the friendly atmosphere in class. I decided to make the best of it. I wor

6、ked hard and got along well with my teachers and classmates. Whenever I had difficulties, they were always available. Soon, I became one of the top students in my class, which greatly increased my confidence and got me motivated.My experience tells me that it is not what you are given but how you ma

7、ke use of it that determines who you are. 【作文策略】介绍学生最需要的方法和策略,让你技高一筹。要写好漫画作文,我们得首先知道漫画到底是什么。它是不是生活中常见的普通卡通画或故事画呢?漫画在辞海中的解释为:是一种具有强烈的讽刺性或幽默性的绘画,画家从政治事件或生活现象中取材,通过夸张、比喻、象征、寓意等手法,表现为幽默、诙谐的画面,借以讽刺、批评或歌颂某些人和事。因此,要写好漫画作文的第一步就是要从图画中挖掘出漫画的寓意。 第一步:由画面到文字。先要对漫画进行描述,内容要简明扼要,切忌拖泥带水;语言要准确到位,切忌闲言碎语。换句话说,我们就是要用最简洁

8、的语言概括出漫画的主要内容,并挖掘出隐藏在漫画中的寓意,从而引出文章主题。 第二步:由结果推原因。在这一步骤中,我们要对漫画中所讽刺或歌颂的现象进行简单剖析,列举出导致这种现象的主要原因,透过现象看到本质,并从自己的立场做出客观评价,阐述独到观点。如果第一部分的写作手法是描述和记叙的话,那么,这个部分就主要是以议论为主了。鉴于中学生英语表达能力有限,我们建议点到为止,一带而过,不提倡面面俱到和深层次的长篇大论,以免出现过多的表达错误。 第三步:由问题想对策。这一部分的表达开放性最大,需要学生自由发挥。但是,由于学生的阅历和知识面有限,所建议的对策在内容上雷同现象非常严重,千人一面,缺乏个性。最

9、困难的地方,也是最容易出彩之处。要拿取漫画书面表达高分,我们就要独辟蹊径,从“情、理、趣”中找对策,写好这个部分。【名校名题】精选著名学校或大型考试的作文题目,质量有保证。 请根据下图所展示的内容及你对此图的理解用英语写一篇短文。短文应包括:对图片内容的概括性描述;了图片后的感想;怎样回报父母对你的爱。(2012年苏锡常镇高三调研测试一) 【好词好句】选自50位外国语学校高三尖子生的作文,供你模仿学习。As is vividly i_ in the comic, .(如图所示,)It actually m_ a common social phenomenon that .(这反映了一个常见的

10、社会现象)Nowadays spoiled kids are mostly s_.(现在多数被宠坏的孩子都是自我为中心。)When a_ about their parents birthdays, they all have no idea.(当问到父母亲的生日时,他们都不知道。)Parents offer us everything they have but asks for nothing in r_.(父母愿意把一切都给我们,却不求回报。)Parents regard us as the a_ of their eye while we just leave them ignored

11、.(父母把我们视为掌上明珠,而我们对他们却置之不理。)Many children take their parents love for g_.(许多孩子都认为父母对他们的爱是理所当然的。)We are supposed to work hard at our schoolwork and live up to their e_.(我们应该努力学习,实现父母的期望。)Children should communicate with parents frequently to d_ the understanding of each other.(孩子应该多与父母交流,增加相互了解。)We ca

12、n help with some housework, thus r_ our parents burden.(我们可以帮忙做点家务活,以减轻父母的负担。)答案:illustrated; mirrors; self-centered; asked; return; apple; granted; expectations; deepen; reducing. 【典型问题】归纳学生的共性错误和中国式英语,做到危险早预防。Most kids remember their friends and idols birthdays. _I never buy cakes and celebrate pa

13、rents birthdays as they do for me. _Parents give us birth and raise me day by day. _Parents devote themselves to bringing up us. _Do whatever we can to help with the housework also counts. _As is portraied in the comic, children know nothing about parents birthdays. _Only in this way we can express

14、our thanks to parents. _Children catch up with pop stars without paying any attention to their parents. _We should do something to pay off our parents. _I think they are too self-centered and dont care about their parents. _答案:把friends改成friends;把and改成or;Parents bring us to the world and raise me day

15、 by day.把bringing up us改成bringing us up;把Do改成Doing,或者把原句改为It also counts to do whatever we can to help with the housework.把portraied改为portrayed;把we can改为can we;把catch up with改为are crazy about;把pay off改为repay;把原句改为In my view, they are too self-centered and dont care about their parents. 【非常讲解】介绍作文中最常

16、用的核心词汇,让你先声夺人。 在这篇作文中,学生要反复用英语来表达“回报父母”,不少人误用了pay back和pay off短语,而这两个片语却没有“回报”的含义,请认真比较下面的例句:I will pay you back on Friday. 我将在周五还你钱。I will pay Jenny back for what she did to me. 珍妮这样对我,我迟早要报复的。He will pay off all his debts first. 首先,他将还清所有的债务。Our efforts finally paid off. 我们的工作终于奏效了。200 workers hav

17、e been paid off.200 名工人拿到工资后被解雇了。那么,哪些词可以被用来表达“回报”呢?再认真观察下面的例句:How can I repay you for what youve done? 如何才能回报你所做的一切?He is always helping people without expecting anything in return. 他总是乐于助人,不求回报。She agreed to look after the baby in return for a free room. 她的房间是免费的,作为回报,她同意照看婴儿。另外,还有许多学生不知道如何用英文准确表达

18、“我们总是认为父母对我们的爱是理所当然的。”当然,英文水平比较好的学生知道使用成语takefor granted。但是,如果不知道,又该如何迂回表达呢?其实,我们可以用简单的英语来解释,只不过要多费一点笔墨而已。We always take their parents love for granted.We expect that parents will always be there when we need them without thinking how important they are. 【精彩样文】浓缩各家之长,供学生朗读、背诵和模仿。 注意划线部分的好词好句。 As the

19、 picture shows, the boys know their own, their friends and even their idols birthdays very well. Yet when asked about their parents birthdays, neither of them can give a correct answer. Sure enough, this picture just gives us an extreme example. But what the picture tries to tell us is that we shoul

20、dnt ignore our parents love. They sacrifice so much bringing us up! They work hard to provide us with all that we need, but seldom do we ever think of how we can repay them for their love. What this picture reminds me of is that when we receive our parents love, we shouldnt just take it for granted.

21、 Instead, we should try our best to think what we can do in return. We should work hard at our schoolwork, in the first place, to live up to their expectations, which I believe will make them happy. We all have keys in life, some visible and others invisible. In our daily life, we cannot go without

22、visible keys. Everyone needs them to ensure their privacy and the safety of their valuable possessions. With the right key, we can open a door, unlock a drawer or start a car. But if we are careless to lose them, our life may be in trouble. Actally, some invisible keys also play a vital role in our

23、growth and development. For example, hard work is a key to success. Nothing great is achieved without our efforts. Just as the great inventor Edison once said, genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration. Perseverance is another invisible key. Sometimes life can be challengin

24、g. Only determination can help us keep trying to achieve our goal in spite of difficulties. In one word, the two kinds of keys are equally important in our life. The visible keys should be kept in a safe place because they enable us to live a simple and convenient life. In a similar way, the invisible ones should be kept in mind because they open the door to success.

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