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1、高三摸底英语卷高三摸底考卷(英语). Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections:Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25) _ the weather, the sports meet will be held on time.A.Instead of B. Compared with C.On behalf o

2、f D.Regardless of26) He _ an accident, or he would have been here for class then.A. could have B.should have had C.would have D.must have had27) Many people in this country eat _ as they actually need every day.A. twice as much meat B.twice meat as much twice much meat D.meat as much twice28) T

3、hey were playing in the garden _ they heard a scream.A. while B. as C. until D. when 29) The education of _ young is always _ hot and serious topic in China.A. /, / B. the,a C. /,the D. the,/30) Im not sure whether Ill succeed in persuading her. _ I will try all possible means to make it.A. Even tho

4、ugh B.If so C. Anyhow D. Instead31) My pen-pal, Peter, wrote to me, expressing the hope_ he would come to Beijing to see the 2008 Olympics Games.A. that B. which C. what D. whether32) -I went to work on foot yesterday, though it was raining cats and dogs.-You _ a bus. You were likely to get a cold.A

5、.must have taken B.would take C.should have taken D.could take33) _ a college or university in the USA, Chinese and other international students must show and prove their strong ability in spoken and written English.A.Having be admitted to B.To be admitted toC. Admitted to D.To admit to34) The pilot

6、 lost control with the military base, _ the plane crashed in the means of which B.for which case of which a result of which35) -Where is your uncles home?-In New York. But he _ in Boston for 4 years.A. has lived B. had lived C.lived D.had been living36) “ Hope for the best and

7、prepare for the worst.”is a proverb, _ life is beautiful and full of frustrations as well.A. meaning mean C.means D.meant37) I hadnt expected James to apologize but I had hoped _ me.A. him calling B.that he would call C. him to call D.that he called38) -Was the driving pleasant when you are on

8、vacation in Mexico last month?-No, it _ for four days when we arrived, so the roads were very muddy.A. was raining B. rained C.has rained D.had been raining39) _ abroad for a tour can be a great honor for an ordinary person like me. A. Taking B.Taken C.Being taken D. Having been taken40) It is the c

9、ity _ you are going to pay a visit to _ this kind of beer is produced.A./, where B.where, that C./, that D. that, which Section BDirections:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. resources B. ta

10、lent C.terms D.increasingly E.focus G.developing H.train J.effectively China will lead the way in attracting and educating 41 in Asia, according to the first ever Global Talent Index produced by American search firm Heidrick & Struggles.Improvements in Chinas education

11、system, along with its great human 42 , will help the country rise. Experts expect it to move from eighth in the world to sixth by 2012.“Chinas rise up the rankings shows that the Asia Pacific is beginning to flex its muscles when it comes to 43_ talent,” said Gerry Davies, regional managing partner

12、 for Asia Pacific at Heidrick & Struggles.One area where China will be particularly well placed in 44_ of talent is in the industrial sector. In the developing world, science and _45_ degrees are becoming _46_ popular as a means to move up the income ladder, according to Dale Visokey, Partner in the

13、 Industry Practice at Heidrick & Struggles.+The study also suggests the leaders of tomorrow must have different skills. They need to be multilingual and have lived abroad for several years. Only 42 percent of top CEOs in the UK had_ 47_ experience in 1996, but that figure grew to 79 percent by 2005.

14、 Large companies are increasingly developing their own universities and programs to _48_ people. They also 49 on keeping employees from day one. Reading Comprehension Section ADirections:For each blank in the passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the w

15、ord or phrase that best fits the context. Tears can ruin make-up, bring conversation a stop, and give you a runny nose. They leave you _50_ and without energy. _51_ , crying is a fact of life, and your tears are very useful. Even when you are not crying, they make a film over the eyes surface, which

16、 contains a substance that protects your eyes against infection.When tears fall, they relieve stress; but we tend to fight them for all sorts of reasons. “People worry about showing their emotions, _52_ that once they lose control they will never get it back,” explains psychologist Dorothy Rowe. “As

17、 children we might have been punished for shedding tears or expressing anger; as adults we still fear the consequence of showing _53_. The fact is : “no emotion lasts forever.” After we cry, the feelings that caused the tears often _54_.Almost any emotion-good or bad, happy or sad-can bring on tears

18、. Crying is an escape mechanism for built-up emotions. Tears help you when you feel you are ready to _55_ because of very strong feelings. How many times have you laughed until you cried? That is an example of _56_ tears release feelings. This may explain why men, who are _57_ afraid to cry, suffer

19、more heart attacks than women. Women cry. Men explode.Sometimes people become too stressed to cry. Whatever emotion they are feeling-shock, anger, fear or grief-is being _58_.“Everyone is _59_ crying,” says psychotherapist Vera Dimond. She explains that therapy often consists of giving people permis

20、sion to cry. She even gives crying exercises, in which patients practice crying just to become used to expressing emotion. She suggests safe, _60_ places to cry, like under the bedcovers or in the car. Crying is a way of relieving tension,but people dont like it when others cry because it brings abo

21、ut tense. They too many be holding back a need to cry, and theyll do just about anything to make you stop.In certain situations, such as at work,tears are not _61_. Its good not to cry during a tense business discussion. “But once you are _62_ behind closed doors, dont just cry,” Diamond says. She s

22、uggests that you act out the whole _63_ again and be as noisy and angry as you like. It will help you feel better. “And,”she adds,”_64_ your tears have released the stress, you can begin to think of logical ways to deal with the problem.”50AsurprisedBembarrassedCdisappointedDexcited51AHoweverBTheref

23、oreCAfter all DIn addition52AconflictBafraidCeagerDsure53AopinionsBtalentsCemotionsDpreferences54AdisappearBremainCstrenthenDhide55AexplodeBlaughCcriticizeDleave56AwhenBwhereChowDwhy57AgraduallyBeventuallyCequallyDusually58Amoved backBheld backCput backDbrought59Ain need ofBin use ofCin favour ofDin

24、 charge of60AbeautilfulBcomfortableCdistantDprivate61AhelpfulBvaluableCconvenientDappropriate62AluckilyBreluctantlyCsilentlyDsafely63AstoryBplayCsituationDcondition64AunlessBonceCthoughDbecauseSection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unf

25、inished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage. (A)Consulates(领事馆)exist to help citizens abroad to help themselvesEvery Ycar millions of people go abroad for pleasure or profitThere are

26、 consular officers ready to do what they can to help if people get into difficulties,but for all sorts of reasons there are limits to what thev can doMost times things go well for travelers abroad but occasionally things go wrongSo,whether you are all experienced travelers or a first timergoing by y

27、ourself,with the family or a group there are things you should do before you goThink about money and tickets well in advanceTake enough money including enough to pay your return fare,and hold on to itBetter still,buy return tickets in the first placem an emergency a consul will contact relatives or

28、friends and ask them to help you with money or ticketsBut theres no law that says a consul has to lend you money and if he eventually does(and it will have to be repaid)he will want to be satisfied first that you really do have no money and there is no one else you know who can help It is also impor

29、tant to take out proper insurance for everything from car breakdowns to loss of lifeA consult cannot pay your medical or any other bills,nor can he do the work of local travel representatives or motoring organizations.65) What is the author trying to do in the text?A. To inform people about laws abr

30、oad. B.To describe an international problemC. To explain how to visit a consulate D.To give advice about consulates66) Why would somebody read the text?A. To know how to contact a consul. B. To find out how to make a complaintC. To know when to contact a consul. C. To find out where a consul lives67

31、) You can borrow money from a consul if you _A. need to stay abroad longer B. have to help a relativeC. have no other financial means D. nod to have your car repaired(B)How to Choose the Perfect Hairstyles tor Your Face There must be a million and one ways to style our hairIf you like your hair styled short,there are short hairstyles

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