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1、亚运英语100句ENGLISH 100 亚运英语100句A Handbook for the 16th Asian Games迎16 届亚洲运动会市民读本Thrilling Games Harmonious Asia激 情 盛 会 和 谐 亚 洲Essential Phrases 必备短语 Hello. 你好。See you. / Bye. 再见。/ 拜拜。Thank you. 谢谢。Youre welcome. 不用谢。Yes. / No. 是。/ 不是。Pardon? 请原谅,能再说一次吗?Sorry. 对不起。 I (dont) know. 我(不)知道。I see. / I dont

2、understand. 我明白。/ 我不明白。No problem. 没关系。/ 没问题。One moment, please. 请稍等。After you. 您先请。Can I help you? 需要帮忙吗?Excuse me. 请问, / 抱歉,借过一下。 /抱歉, 离开一下(中途离席时用) 。Numbers 数 字 1 一 one 6 六 six 2 二 two 7 七 seven 3 三 three 8 八 eight4 四 four 9 九 nine 5 五 five 10 十 ten . Greetings 问 候 1. Good morning. 早上好。2. Nice to

3、meet you. 很高兴认识您/你。 3. My name is / I am 我的名字叫 / 我是 4. May I ask your name? 请问你叫什么名字? 5. Where are you from? 你是哪里人? 6. How are you? 你好吗?7. Fine. Thank you. 很好。谢谢。8. Hope you enjoy your stay here! 祝你在这里过得愉快! 9. Have a nice day! 祝你愉快! (告别时用)10. See you. 再见。Conversation 会 话 Peter meets Yang Cheng for t

4、he first time. 彼得和杨成初次见面。 Peter: Hello, Im Peter. May I ask your name? Yang Cheng: My name is Yang Cheng. Nice to meet you, Peter! Peter: Nice to meet you, too.Yang Cheng: Where are you from? Peter: Im from Hong Kong. Yang Cheng: Welcome to Guangzhou. Peter: Thank you. Its great to be here. Yang Che

5、ng: Have you ever been to Guangzhou before? Peter: Yes,I have. / No, I havent. Yang Cheng: Hope you enjoy your stay here! Peter:Thank you. Peter meets Yang Cheng for the second time. 彼得和杨成第二次见面。Peter: Good morning! Yang Cheng: Morning! So nice to see you again, Peter. How are you? Peter: Fine, thank

6、 you. And you? Yang Cheng: Not bad. Sorry, I must go now. Have a nice day. See you.Peter: See you. Useful Information 实用信息 亚洲运动会(Asian Games)简称亚运会, 是亚洲地区规模最大的综合性运动会。每四年一届,与奥林匹克运动会相间举行。自1951年第一届始,迄今共举办了15届。亚运会由亚洲奥林匹克理事会(Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) 主办。亚洲奥林匹克理事会简称“亚奥理事会”, 其前身为亚洲运动会联合会。目前,有45个成员国家与地区。

7、45个亚奥理事会成员 45 OCA members: 东亚: 中国China (CHN) 韩国Korea (KOR) 日本Japan (JPN) 朝鲜Peoples Republic of Korea (PRK) 蒙古Mongolia( MGL) 中国香港Hong Kong China (HKG) 中国澳门Macau China (MAC) 中国台北Chinese Taipei (TPE )东南亚:文莱Brunei (BRU) 缅甸Myanmar / Burma (MYA) 印尼Indonesia (INA) 老挝Laos (LAO) 马来西亚Malaysia (MAS) 菲律宾Philipp

8、ines (PHI) 新加坡Singapore (SIN) 泰国Thailand (THA) 越南Vietnam (VIE) 柬埔寨Cambodia (CAM) 东帝汶East Timor (TLS)南亚: 阿富汗Afghanistan (AFG) 孟加拉国Bangladesh (BAN) 不丹Bhutan (BHU) 印度India (IND) 马尔代夫Maldives (MDV) 尼泊尔Nepal (NEP) 巴基斯坦Pakistan (PAK) 斯里兰卡Sri Lanka (SRI) 西亚: 巴林Bahrain (BRN) 伊朗Iran (IRI) 伊拉克Iraq (IRQ) 约旦Jor

9、dan (JOR) 科威特Kuwait (KUW) 黎巴嫩Lebanon (LIB) 巴勒斯坦Palestine (PLE) 卡塔尔Qatar (QAT) 沙特阿拉伯Saudi Arabia (SAU) 叙利亚Syria (SYR) 阿联酋United Arab Emirates (UAE) 也门Yemen (YEM) 阿曼Oman (OMA)中亚: 哈萨克斯坦Kazakhstan (KAZ) 吉尔吉斯斯坦Kyrgyzstan (KGZ) 塔吉克斯坦Tajikistan (TJK) 土库曼斯坦 Turkmenistan (TKM) 乌兹别克斯坦Uzbekistan (UZB) 亚奥理事会会徽T

10、he Emblem of the Olympic Council of Asia Asking for Directions 问 路 11. Excuse me, where is the toilet / restroom? 请问,厕所 / 洗手间在哪儿? 12. How can I get to the subway station? 去地铁站怎么走?13. Go straight. 直走。14. Turn left/ right. 左 / 右转。15. Walk across the road. 穿过马路。 (the underpass / footbridge). (地下通道/人行桥)

11、 16. Its (not) far. (不) 远。 17. Its a five- minute walk. 走路五分钟。18. It is on Tiyu Xi Road. 在体育西路。 (on the fifth floor) (五楼) (on your left/ right) (你的左边/右边)19. It is opposite (to) the bank. 在银行对面。20. Sorry, I dont know. 对不起,我不知道。Conversation 会 话 Peter is in a department store. 彼得在百货商场。Peter: Excuse me,

12、 where is the toilet? Shop assistant: Go straight and turn left. Its on your right. Peter: Thank you. Shop assistant: Youre welcome. Peter is looking for a subway station. 彼得在找地铁站。 Peter: Excuse me, how can I get to the subway station?Passer-by: Walk across the underpass. Its on Tiyu Xi Road. You ca

13、nt miss it. Peter: Thank you very much. Passer-by: Youre welcome. Additional Vocabulary 补充词汇 银行 bank 自动取款机ATM 密码password 现款 cash 支票check 余额balance 兑换率 exchange rate 签名 signature 邮局 post office 快递 express delivery 包裹parcel 邮资 postage 邮票 stamp旅馆 hotel 客房服务room service 入住 check-in 退房check-out 娱乐中心enter

14、tainment center 商务中心 business center餐馆 restaurant 咖啡馆 caf 酒吧 bar 网吧 internet /cyber caf 电影院cinema 超市supermarket 购物中心shopping mall 书店bookstore医院 hospital 诊所 clinic 药店 drugstore 领事馆 consulate 公安局 public security bureau 派出所 police station 机场 airport 航班 flight 飞机票 air ticket 火车站 railway station 汽车站 bus

15、stop 地铁站 subway/ metro station 售票处booking office 问讯处 information center 出发时间 departure time 抵达时间 arrival time 目的地 destination 马路 road 街道 street 高速公路 expressway十字路口 intersection 斑马线 zebra crossing 人行道 pavement/ sidewalk 人行桥 footbridge 地下通道 underpass Transportation 交 通 21. Which bus goes to Beijing Ro

16、ad? (Which subway line) Bus 36/ Line 1 goes there. 22. Which bus/ line should I take to Tee Mall? 23. Take bus 245 / Line 1. 24. You have to change lines.25. Please change to Line 1 at Gongyuan Qian. 26. What is the next stop? 27. Sir / Madam, where would you like to go? 28. Its about a ten-minute d

17、rive. 29. Theres a traffic jam. 30. Sorry, Im changing shift now. Conversation 会 话 One day, Peter wants to take the subway to Tee Mall.Subway Staff: May I help you? Peter: Which line should I take to Tee Mall? Subway Staff: Take Line 1. (or: Change to Line 1 at Gongyuan Qian.) Peter is going to take

18、 a taxi to the Guangzhou Gymnasium. Taxi driver: Sir,where would you like to go? Peter: To the Guangzhou Gymnasium. Is it far? Taxi driver: Its not far. Its about a ten -minute drive. Peter: Please hurry. Taxi driver: Theres a traffic jam. But Ill try my best.。Peter: Thank you. They arrive at the Gu

19、angzhou Gymnasium. Taxi driver: Here we are. Peter: How much is it? Taxi driver: 32 (Thirty-two) yuan. Peter: Heres the money. Taxi driver: Thank you. Do you want a receipt? Peter: No, thanks. Keep the change. Taxi driver: Thank you. Have a nice day. Useful Information 实用信息 亚运场馆 Asian Games venues“两

20、心四城” “Two Centers and Four Towns” 广东奥林匹克体育中心 Guangdong Olympic Sports Centre 广州天河体育中心 Tianhe Sports Center亚运新城(黄村) Asian Games New Town ( Huang Cun)大学城 University Town白云新城 Baiyun New Town 花地新城 Huadi New Town 亚运村 Asian Games Village越秀山体育场 Yuexiu Shan Stadium 燕子岗体育场 Yanzi Gang Stadium 沙面网球场 Shamian Te

21、nnis Court 黄埔体育中心 Huangpu Sports Center广州体育馆Guangzhou Gymnasium 宝岗体育场 Baogang Stadium 广东省体育馆 Guangdong Provincial Gymnasium 广东省人民体育场 Guangdong Provincial Peoples Stadium 广东国际划船中心 Guangdong International Rowing Center芳村体育中心 Fangcun Sports Center . At the Restaurant 餐 馆 就 餐 31. How many in your party?

22、 (Two / Four / Five) 32. This way, please. 33. Heres the menu. 34. What would you like to have? 35. Our specials are 36. I am a vegetarian / Buddhist / Muslim. 37. I dont eat meat / pork / beef / seafood. 38. Enjoy your meal!39. Cheers! To our friendship! To the Asian Games / world peaceTo your succ

23、ess / your health40. Check, please. Conversation 会 话 Peter is having dinner with his friends. 彼得和朋友们一起吃晚饭。Waitress: How many in your party? Peter: Four. Waitress: This way, please.Please take a seat. Heres the menu. What would you like to have? Peter: Anything to recommend? Waitress: Our special is

24、Gu Lu Rou.Its sweet and sour pork. Peter: Sounds good. Peters friend: Im a Muslim. I dont eat pork.Peter: Then we would like to have steamed fish and cauliflower. Waitress: What would you like to drink? Peter: A bottle of red wine and a glass of ice water. The food is served after a while. 过了一会儿,上菜了

25、。Waitress: Enjoy your meal! Peter: Cheers!To our friendship!Peters friend: Cheers!Peter: Hows the food? Peters friend: Great! Its really tasty. Peter calls the waitress and asks for the bill. 彼得让服务员把帐单拿来。Peter: Check, please. How much? Waitress: 200 (Two hundred) yuan in total.Peter: Its on me. Pete

26、rs friend: Thank you! Additional Vocabulary 补充词汇 粤菜 Cantonese food / cuisine 广式点心Cantonese Dim Sum 茶:早茶 morning tea 凉茶Liangcha / herbal tea 红茶 black tea 绿茶 green tea乌龙茶 Wulong tea 花茶flower tea 茉莉花茶 jasmine tea 烹饪方法: 蒸 steamed 煮boiled 炖 stewed 炒stir-fried 油炸deep-fried 烤 roasted 烧烤 barbecued 煎fried肉蛋:

27、 鸡肉chicken 鸭肉duck 鹅肉goose (鸡)蛋egg 鸭蛋 ducks egg牛肉beef 羊肉mutton 猪肉pork 鱼fish 虾 shrimp 螃蟹 crab蔬菜: 土豆potato 番茄tomato 茄子eggplant 红萝卜 carrot 黄瓜cucumber 南瓜pumpkin 玉米corn 洋葱onion 卷心菜cabbage 西兰花cauliflower芥兰broccoli 芹菜celery 大白菜Chinese cabbage 生菜lettuce 菠菜spinach 豆芽bean sprouts 菜心flowering Chinese cabbage芦笋a

28、sparagus 芋头taro 辣椒 pepper 大蒜garlic 姜ginger 味道: 酸 sour 甜 sweet 苦bitter 辣 spicy 咸 salty 清淡 light 油腻 oily 主食: 米饭rice 炒饭 fried rice 稀饭 / 粥porridge 馒头 steamed bun 面条noodles 饺子dumpling 薄饼/烙饼 pancake 岭南四大名果:荔枝litchi 香蕉banana 木瓜papaya 菠萝pineapple 广东特色水果:龙眼 dragon eye 杨桃star fruit 芒果 mango黄皮wampi 番石榴guava 火龙

29、果dragon fruit / pitaya 毛丹rambutan . Shopping 购 物 41. May I help you? 42. I would like a Tang-style suit. (No, thank you. Im just looking.) 43. What color/size/style do you want? 44. May I try it on? 45. The fitting room / cashier is over there. 46. It fits you very well. 47. All right. Ill take it.

30、48. Any discount? 20% (Twenty percent) off. 49. Do you take credit cards? (travelers cheques ) 50. Heres your change. 51. Thank you for coming! Conversation 会 话 Peter is shopping in Beijing Road. 彼得在北京路逛街. Shop assistant: May I help you? Peter: Id like a Tang-style suit. Shop assistant: What size do you want?Peter: Medium.Shop assistant: One moment, please. The shop assistant gets Peter a Tang-style suit. 店员拿了一件唐装给彼得。Peter: It looks nice. May I try it on? Shop assistant: Sure. The fitting room is over th

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