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1、Beirut贝鲁特完整中英文对照剧本4000年来.For 4,000 years.这里从来不分好人还是坏人.villains and heroes, we dont do that here.这里有犹太人 穆♥斯♥林♥ 基♥督♥徒Here you have Jews, Muslims, Christians,所有人肩并肩一起生活 搞得乌烟瘴气all living shoulder to shoulder and its messy.这是国♥务♥院♥和我们所有人所面临的挑战.And t

2、he challenge for the State Department, for all of us.听起来你不会很快回答我的问题Sounds like Im not gonna get a quick answer to my question.梅森只是扮演外交官和国会议员的角色Masons just playing the diplomat, Congressman.是啊Yeah.他在这里待了很久了 要解释你这个问题很容易Hes been here long enough to explain this place in a minute if he has to.如果有更简短的概述

3、我们很乐意听听 斯基尔斯先生If theres a shorter version, lets have at it, Mr. Skiles.就给我个初步印象就好Just give me the snapshot.好吧 我不知道这算不算简略的概述 但是.Okay, I dont know if Id call it a snapshot, but, um.我想告诉大家的是 如果你想了解黎巴嫩I like to tell people if you want to understand Lebanon,想想那些没有房♥东的公♥寓♥吧think of a

4、boarding house without a landlord.房♥客们唯一的共同点就是他们天生就会出♥卖♥♥♥别人Okay? And the only thing that the tenants have in common is their talent for betrayal.所以这些人一直生活在一起So these people have been living together,20个世纪以来形影不离cheek-by-jowl, for 20 centuries.伴随两千年来的各种复仇 世仇 仇杀和谋杀Tw

5、o thousand years of revenge, blood feuds, vendetta, murder.一天晚上有一场暴风雨One night theres a storm.外面下着倾盆大雨 这时有人敲门Raining like all hell. Theres a knock at the door.你们猜是谁? 是几个巴勒斯坦人Who is it? Its the Palestinians.他们一直在街上徘徊 想要进屋 门在他们面前砰地一声关上了They want in. Theyve been up and down the block, doors slammed in

6、their face.他们又冷又累 只想进屋 想马上进去Theyre cold, theyre tired. They want in and they want in now.于是整个屋子吵翻了天So the house is thrown into confusion.房♥客们互相争论 有些人强烈反对Tenants arguing. Some of them violently opposed.有些人想 “就让他们进来吧 他们明早就会走了”Some of them think, Let em in, theyll be gone by tomorrow morning.有些人

7、想 “如果我今晚让他们进来Some of em think, if I let them in tonight,“那么他们就能帮我一起对付我的死敌了”then Ill have an ally against my enemy down the hall.有些人害怕如果关上门不知道会发生什么Some of them are terrified as to what happens if they keep the door shut.所以直到巴勒斯坦人进来后So it isnt until after the Palestinians move in,屋里的其他人才意识到了这一悲剧that t

8、he other people in the house realize the tragedy of the situation.巴勒斯坦人只想烧掉That the Palestinians want nothing more隔壁的以色列房♥子than to just burn down the Israeli house next door.欢迎来到贝鲁特Welcome to Beirut.我告诉过你他很棒 对吧?See, I told you he was good, huh?这肯定 - 不就是这样Sure is. - And so it goes.斯基尔斯先生Mr. Sk

9、iles.你好吗?Ca va? How are you?最近好么? - 挺好的Ca va? Ca va bien? - Lovely.你看起来很漂亮 你们都看上去不错You look beautiful. You guys look great.我是梅森斯基尔斯 你好吗?Mason Skiles. How do you do?我们没见过面 你好吗? 很高兴再次见到你We have not met. How do you do? Nice to see you again.我们知道现在不想和哪些人做交易We know who we dont wanna make deals with at th

10、is point.已经吸取了越南的教训 我认为我们的总统And the lessons of Vietnam have been learned, and I think our president国内也有自己的事情要处理got his own things on the domestic front to deal with as well.但我认为我们绝对不想建立任何形式的But I think what we definitely dont want to do is establish any sort of,呃 驻军部队uh, permanent presence.你来自哪里? -

11、我来自华盛顿Where are you from? - Im from Washington, DC.华盛顿? 嗯 很不错 欢迎 欢迎 欢迎来这里Washington, DC? Well, good for you. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Here we are.我们理解在黎巴嫩 尤其是贝鲁特We understand that Beirut specifically, Lebanon more generally,有太多的人涌进来 想在这里留下他们的印记has enough people coming in and trying to put fingerpr

12、ints on it.我们不想成为那样的人We dont wanna be another one of those people.我们只想确保每个人都有公平的竞争环境We just wanna make sure everybody has a fair playing ground为国家稳定做出贡献to contribute to a stable,你知道的 发展地区经济 这就是我的想法you know, regional economy. Thats what I think.我觉得议员在这方面能发表更多的意见The congressman, I think, can certainly

13、 speak more to that.卡里姆 这是我们的朋友Karim, this is, uh, some friends of ours.这是安格斯和乔安娜 他们来自英国This is Angus and Joanna. Theyre from the United Kingdom.卡里姆一直在为大家提供美食Karims been keeping everybody well fed.干得好 - 谢谢Good job. - Thank you.他多大了? 看起来很年轻啊How old is he? He looks very young.他大概13岁 来自贝鲁特西部的一个巴勒斯坦难民营H

14、es about 13. Hes from one of the Palestinian refugee camps in West Beirut.他有点拘谨Uh, hes kind of stuck around现在有点.开始融入我们这大家庭了 这很棒and hes become a bit of. Part of the family, which is very nice.这是我可爱的妻子 娜迪亚 - 很高兴见到你This is my lovely wife, Nadia. - Nice to meet you.我想你认识议员I think you know the congressma

15、n.你在贝鲁特过得怎么样?How are you enjoying life in Beirut?事实上我们在贝鲁特过得很愉快Well, weve been having a very nice time in Beirut, in fact.我发现这个地方很美 人也很美I happen to find it a beautiful place, full of beautiful people.是的 - 是的Yes. - Yes.尤其还有一个.这么美丽的夫人One. One beautiful person in particular.作为一名中东外交官Well, look, as a di

16、plomat in the Middle East right now,你必须学会随机应变you have to learn to think on your feet.你做得越多就会越得心应手And the more you do it, the better you get at it.当你和别人谈生意时Uh, when you talk about making deals with people,最重要的就是要不停地说话the most important thing to do is to keep talking.一旦谈话结束 战斗就要开始了And as soon as the t

17、alking stops, then the fighting starts.我们需要从外交的角度介入We need to come in, from a diplomatic standpoint,并向所有相关人员解释说and explain to everybody involved,“这是我们必须要做的”This is what we have to work with.“这些都是棋盘上的棋子 ”These are the pieces on the game board right now.谢谢你们的到来 我要离开一下 好吗?Thank you for being here. Im g

18、onna leave you in very capable hands here, okay?我得跟某人打个招呼 非常感谢 很高兴见到你Ive gotta say hi to somebody. Thanks so much. Good to see you.爱丽丝 爱丽丝 你一个人来?Alice. Alice, all alone?我听说你这里有国会议员I heard you had congressmen.你知道这多么令我疯狂You know how that drives me wild.卡尔呢? 我这里需要帮忙Where is Cal? I could use a hand here

19、.哦 他就来 办公室里有点事Oh, hes coming. Just something at the office.每个人都还算规矩吧?Everyone behaving themselves?才刚开始呢Its early.来 我给你弄杯喝的Come on, lets get you a drink.饿吗? - 饿死了Hungry? - Famished.我们要怎么做?How are we doing?好 一个角落里有基♥督♥徒 另一个角落里有穆♥斯♥林♥Good. Weve got Christians in one c

20、orner, Muslims in the other corner,杰克丹尼尔在中间and Jack Daniels in between.要开饭了 人都到了吗?Dinners close. Everyone here?卡尔迟到了 爱丽丝说我们不用等他了Cals running late, but Alice said we should start without him.你好吗 亲爱的?How are you, sweetie?是问我下辈子吗?My next life?下辈子你会嫁给一个木匠In your next life, you marry a carpenter.你躲哪儿去了?W

21、here you been hiding?谁 司机? 把你赶出来了?Who, the drivers? Clean you out?没错吧Bingo.我帮你重新摆满 你再送过去Lets get you reloaded and back out there.你好 你好Hello, hello.嘿 亲爱的 - 嘿 你好吗?Hey, sweetie. - Hey, how are you?你见到梅森了吗? - 你看起来很焦虑Have you seen Mason? - You look tense.不 不 不 就想和梅森谈谈而已No, no, no, just want to talk to Ma

22、son for a second, thats all.怎么了? - 没什么 我只是.Whats wrong? - Nothing, I just, uh.哦 你好 卡里姆 看看你Oh, hello, Karim. Look at you.你看起来好有气质 你觉得呢 卡尔?Dont you look elegant. Dont you think so, Cal?对对对 很有气质Yeah. Yeah, yeah, very elegant.我知道该恭喜你了I understand congratulations are in order.娜迪亚告诉我你考试考得很好Nadia told me y

23、ou did really well on your exams.她帮了我很多She helped me a lot.但参加考试的不是她 不是吗?But shes not the one who took the test though, is she?你听说了吧 卡尔?You heard about this, right? Cal?是的 真厉害 不好意思 我.Yeah, very impressive. Uh, excuse me, Im just gonna.嘿 你来啦Hey, there you are.我像是做了场恶梦 还以为得自己照看这些粗人I was having a night

24、mare I was gonna have to babysit these yahoos by myself.我们得谈谈 - 你先喝一杯We need to talk. - You need a drink.没有什么比和一群国会议员混在一起Nothing like mingling with a bunch of congressmen能更让你对民♥主♥失去信心to make you lose faith in democracy.说真的 我们得谈谈Indeed. We need to talk.梅森 我们一起经历过风风雨雨 对吧?Mace, weve been

25、through a lot together, right?无论遇到什么挫折And somehow, through all of it,我们都能成功化解weve managed to steer around the icebergs.不了 谢谢 - 别绕弯子了 卡尔 有话直说No, thank you. Come on, Cal, spit it out.外面有25个人还在等开饭Ive got 25 people out there waiting for dinner.听着 我从来没找你要求过什么Look, Ive never come to you with anything oper

26、ational.我们从来各不相欠Weve always been clean.你到底想说什么?What the fuck are we talking about?卡里姆Karim.是关于卡里姆 他们要找他问话Its about Karim. They want him for questioning.谁要问话? - 每一个人Who wants him? Everybody.他有一个哥哥 你知道吗? - 什么? 不 他没有亲人Hes got a brother. Did you know that? - What? No, hes got no one.他.He.你以为娜迪亚为什么会收留他?

27、我的意思是.Why do you think Nadia took him in? I mean.拉菲特阿布拉哈尔 他们于1968年分开Rafid Abu Rajal. They were separated in 68.随后卡里姆来到了贝鲁特Karim came here to Beirut.拉菲特在约旦被判入狱两年Rafid went to prison for two years in Jordan.等等Hold on.这是要去哪里?Wheres this going?慕尼黑Munich.哥哥在奥♥运♥村外留了一辆租赁汽车The brother left a

28、rental car outside the Olympic Village.他们有照片 还有一个人证Theyve got prints. Theyve got a witness.他们还有这个 梅森Theyve got this, Mace.这是卡里姆和他的哥哥 六个月前 在贝鲁特Thats Karim and his brother. Six months ago, here in Beirut.他们是谁?They who?有个运营主管在车♥库♥里等你Theres an operations supervisor waiting for you at the b

29、ottom of the driveway.他们现在就要带走他 - 不 他们是谁? 摩萨德(以色列情报机构)?They want him now. - No. They who? Mossad?梅森 我可以帮你 但必须要带走他Mason, I can help you. I cant make this go away.看来就是摩萨德了 所以以色列只要扔一毛钱过来 你们就会跳起来捡?Okay, so it is Mossad. So Israel just drops a dime and you guys just jump up?嘿 听我的 你的人都在这里 - 简直一派胡言Hey, com

30、e on. Your people are all over this. - This is bullshit.嘿 两小时前国♥务♥院♥冻结了你的安全访问权限!Hey, the State Department froze your security access two hours ago!好吗? 有人泄密了Okay? Someone talked, it leaked.你得.你得抓紧时间了 现在不安全Its. Its. Its. Its gotta be now. Its not safe.卡尔 现在说的可是卡里姆 靠!Come on, Cal, its Karim, for fucks sake!你这里有全球头号♥敌人的弟弟Youve got the kid brother of global enemy number one还为那些该死的国会议员服务! - 你打算.serving canaps to fucking congressmen! - What are you.你打算怎么办? 想把他拖出去吗?What are you gonna do? You

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