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1、中级财务会计英文课程授课教学案中南财经政法大学会计学院School of Accouting, Zhongnan University of Economics & Law中级会计学(英文) 课程(Intermediate Accounting)授课教案(Teaching plan)中级财务会计教学小组编写Teaching Team of Intermediate Accounting 2006年2月修订(Feb.2006)Teaching Arrangement1 Time allocationThe total class hour is 51, with 3 scores. Lectur

2、es in class are divided into 4 teaching units. The time allocation for each teaching unit is as follows:Teaching UnitBasic ContentTime allocatedPart 1Financial Reporting: Concepts, Finanicial Statements, and Related Disclosures1 The Environment of Financial Reporting2 Financial Reporting: Its Concep

3、tual Framework83 The Balance Sheet and the Statement of Changes in Stockholders Equity44 The Income Statement and income recognition65 The Statement of Cash Flows5Part 2Financial Reporting: Asset Measurement and Income Determination6 Cash and Receivables47 Inventories38 Property, Plant, and Equipmen

4、t49 Intangibles3Part 3 Financial Reporting: Valuation of Liabilities and Investments10 Current Liabilities and Contingencies411 Long-Term Liabilities and Receivables312 Investments3Part 3 Financial Reporting: Stockholders Equity13 Contributed Capital14 Earnings Per Share and Retained Earnings4Total5

5、12 Teaching methodsThis course mainly adopts lecture in class, with the help of multimedia. We also allocates some presentations after group discussion out of classroom. It is taught either in English or in the combination of both English and Chinese. Teaching Materials1. Textbook中级会计学(高等学校会计学类英文版教材

6、),高等教育出版社,2005年1月第1版 (Intermediate Accounting, 9E, by Loren A. Nikolai John D. Bazley)2. References A. 中级会计学(会计类原版教材影印系列),中国财政经济出版社,2002年11月第1版(Intermediate Accounting, 14E, by Earl Kay Stice, James D. Stice, K. Fred Skousen )B. Statements of Financial Accounting Standards, by FASBC. International A

7、ccounting Standards / International Financial Reporting Standards D. Chinese Accounting Standards for Enterprises3. Related intenet web sitesA. FASB www.fasb.orgB. IASB www.iasb.orgC. the Nikolai and Bazley Intermediate Accounting web site http:/N )Teaching ContentLesson 1: THE ENVIRONMENT OF FINANC

8、IAL REPORTINGLearning ObjectivesAfter careful study , students will be able to: 1. Understand accounting information. 2. Know what is included in financial reporting. 3. Explain generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and the sources of GAAP in U.S.A. 4. Identify the types of pronouncements

9、issued by the FASB. 5. Understand how the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) operates. 6. Describe the relationship between the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the FASB. 7. Understand ethical dilemmas of Accountants. 8. Know the difference of accounting standards development be

10、tween China and U.S.A. Teaching Hours 3 hoursTeaching contentsThis lesson will begin with some forewords about the course to let students know exactly the course nature, objectives, requirements etc. Then the five sections of this lesson will be discussed logically. 1. Accounting information: users,

11、 uses, and GAAP in U.S.A.With the discussion of capital markets, accounting information will be induced. Accounting, the language of business, has been described as the process of identifying, measuring, recording, and communicating economic information to permit informed judgments and decisions by

12、users of information. Accounting provides a link between the economic activities of a company and decision makers who are interested in the company. These decision makers who use accounting information can be divided into two major groups: external users (such as investors) and internal users (the c

13、ompanys management). Because of their different relationships to the company, the two groups have somewhat dissimilar information needs. Questions will be raised as to examples of external users and internal users and their different information needs. Then differences of financial accounting and ma

14、nagerial accounting will be discussed. Financial accounting is the information accumulation, processing, and communication system designed to satisfy the investment and credit decision-making information needs of external users. Financial accounting information is presented in published financial st

15、atements. Managerial accounting is the information accumulation, processing, and communication system designed to meet the decision-making information needs of internal users. The format for internal reports is determined by the company. The system is constrained by the need for information and the

16、cost of providing that information. After students got an overall impression about accounting and accounting information, focus will be conducted to financial accounting and financial reporting. Financial reporting is the process of communicating financial accounting information about a company to e

17、xternal users, primarily through the companys annual report. The annual report includes three major financial statements: the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows, as well as notes to the financial statements. Many companies include the statement of changes in stockholders eq

18、uity as a fourth major financial statement. Most financial statements are audited by an independent certified public accountant, who expresses an opinion as to the fairness, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, of the financial statements and accompanying notes.In its audited

19、 financial statements, a company must follow generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), the guidelines, procedures, and practices required for recording and reporting accounting information. GAAP define accepted accounting practices and standards of reporting at a particular time. They have ev

20、olved over many years, with the involvement of different policy-making bodies. Emphasis should be put to students that there is no single document including all of the standards for accounting, although the FASB Financial Accounting Research System (FARS) includes most accounting standards in its el

21、ectronic data base. 2. The development of accounting standards in U.S.A.A brief history introduction about the development of accounting standards in U.S.A. will give students a full impression about accounting standards in U.S.A. From 1938 to 1959 the Committee on Accounting Procedure (CAP) of the

22、AICPA issued 51 Accounting Research Bulletins, which are still part of GAAP unless specifically superseded or amended. Because of criticism of the processes of formulating accounting principles, the AICPA replaced the CAP with the Accounting Principles Board in 1959. From 1959 to 1973 the APB issued

23、 31 Accounting Principles Board Opinions, many based on Accounting Research Studies. Unless amended or rescinded, APB Opinions are also still part of GAAP. Development of accounting principles by the APB was criticized. The structure of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), which replaced

24、 the APB in 1973, was designed to meet these criticisms. The FASB issues several types of pronouncements, including Statements of Financial Accounting Standards, Interpretations, Technical Bulletins, and Statements of Financial Accounting Concepts. Before issuing a statement of concepts or standards

25、, the FASB usually completes a multistage process designed to develop accounting standards efficiently and with due process, in a public forum. Because accounting policy decisions are complex and part of a broader social system, input from interested parties is important. Negotiation and compromise

26、are often necessary during the development of fair, acceptable standards. Here, a question can be raised to discuss that why FASB adopts political and social involvement methods in its standards-setting process. 3. Other organizations currently influencing GAAP in U.S.A.Other organizations currently

27、 influencing GAAP in U.S.A. will be discussed then, including SEC, AICPA, EITF, CASB, IRS, AAA, IASB, GASB, G4+1 and Several professional associations. Emphasis will be given to the fact that the Securities and Exchange Commission has the legal authority to prescribe accounting principles and practi

28、ces for usually all companies issuing publicly traded securities. To date, the SEC has usually allowed accounting principles to be formulated in the private sector, but has occasionally exerted pressure on the CAP, APB, and FASB. In addition, the SEC administers the extensive disclosure requirements

29、 of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Companies are required to file forms, such as Form 10-K, electronically with the SEC and these forms are located in the SECs EDGAR. Enron case will be given as an example. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants i

30、s the professional organization for all certified public accountants in the U.S. The FASB Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF) identifies significant emerging accounting issues and develops consensus positions on accounting for these issues. The Cost Accounting Standards Board (CASB), a congressional a

31、gency, is charged with setting standards of accounting for negotiated federal contracts and subcontracts. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) administers the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code. These provisions do not always reflect the goals of financial accounting. However, they do at times in

32、fluence the choice of accounting methods and procedures. The American Accounting Association (AAA) is an organization comprised primarily of academicians and practicing accountants. The AAA attempts to influence the development of formal accounting pronouncements through education and persuasion. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has as its goals to develop and promote the use of global accounting standards, and to bring national accou

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