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1、江苏省无锡市初中毕业升学考试英语试题十含答案37绝密启用前2018年江苏省无锡市初中毕业升学考试英语试题(十)含答案第I卷(选择题)第II卷(非选择题)一、单选题1 _ your parents strict _ you _ your study? Of courseADo; with; withBAre; with; inCDo; of; inDAre; of; with【答案】B【解析】句意:你父母在你学习上对你要求严格吗?当然。根据be strict with sb in sth在某事上对某人要求严格;疑问句把be提前;故选B2The books which _ in that book

2、shop _ wellAsold; soldBare sold; are soldCsell; sellDare sold; sell【答案】D【解析】句意:在那个书店里被卖的书卖的很好。定语从句主语 which 和sell之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态,排除A/C;当sell表示某种东西的自然属性和特点时,一般用主动形式表被动意义,所以书卖得好用主动语态;故选D3I _ the fourth letter in the word advise There is also _ s but it doesnt make _ /s/soundAam; an; aBam; an; anCis; an

3、; aDis; a; an【答案】C【解析】句意:“I”是单词advise的第四个字母,也有一个s,但是它不发 /s/音。根据I这里指字母,单三,所以用is;不定冠词a/an一个,表示泛指,a用于辅音音素开头的单词或字母前,an用于元音音素开头的单词或字母前,s以元音音素开头,所以用an, /s/是辅音音素,所以用a;故选C 点睛:不定冠词的用法1.用于可数名词的单数形式前,指人或事物的某一类。2.指某人或某物,但不具体说明。3.表示“一”这个量词。4.用于某些固定词组中,例如:a few。定冠词的用法 1.特指某人或某物。2.指双方都知道的人或物。3.指上文提到过的人或物。4.用于世界上独一

4、无二的事物前,例如:the moon。5.用于序数词和最高级前。4_ has Mr Green been a member of Greener China since he _ to China?AHow soon; comesBHow often; gotCHow long; cameDHow far; arrived【答案】C【解析】句意:格林先生自从来到中国,成为绿色中国中的一员多长时间了?how soon多久,指将来某个动作多长时间以后发生,常用于一般将来时态中,排除A;how often多久,对频率进行提问,这里指成为绿色中国中的一员多长时间了,排除B;how long多长,主要对

5、一段时间进行提问,提问某个动作进行了多长时间,这里指成为绿色中国中的一员多长时间了,所以用how long提问;how far多远,主要询问距离,排除D; arrive in/at到达,排除D;故选C点睛:how much多少,后用不可数名词;how many多少,后用可数名词复数;how long多长,主要对一段时间进行提问,例如:How long do you wtach TV at weekend?;how often多久,对频率进行提问,例如:How often do you go home?Once a week.;how soon多久,指将来某个动作发生这段时间提问,常用于一般将来

6、时态中,例如:How soon will you come back?5- Must I stay here with you?- No, you _. You may go home, but you _go to the net bar.Amustnt, neednt Bneednt, mustntCmust, need Dneed, must【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:我必须和你一起待在这儿吗?不,你不必。你可以回家。但是你不得去网吧。Must必须,mustnt不准,不允许,禁止;need需要,必须;neednt不必。“必须”回家吗?must;“不必”neednt;“不准”去网吧:

7、mustnt。故选B。考点:考查情态动词辨析。6If you have trouble reading aloud these words, you can repeat them over and over again _ you are comfortable with themAunlessBifCuntilDwhile【答案】C【解析】句意:如果你大声读这些单词有困难,你可以一遍又一遍的重复它们直到你对它们感到舒服为止。A. unless 除非; B. if 如果,是否; C. until直到; D. while当-时候;根据you can repeat them over and o

8、ver again和 you are comfortable with them可知应是读到舒服为止;故选C7The movie _ by a new director is _ one I have ever seenAdirected; the betterBwas directed; the bestCdirected; the bestDwhich directed; the better【答案】C【解析】句意:一个新导演导演的这个电影是我看过的最好的。根据 direct和 movie之间是动宾关系,所以用过去分词做定语,修饰movie,排除B/D;根据I have ever seen

9、可知用最高级;故选C点睛:形容词原级的用法 1.说明人或事物的自身特征、性质或状态时,用形容词原级。通常用as-as结构; 2.表示A与B在某一程度相同或不同时,用原级。比较级的用法 1.常用于比较级+than的结构;2.形容词常用much /a little /even等来修饰,例如:much bigger;3.表示两者之间进行选择时“Which is +形容词比较级,A or B ?”;4. the +比较级,the+比较级 越-就越-。形容词最高级用法 1.表示三者或三者以上进行比较时用最高级;2.用于“one of the +最高级”。最高级前常加冠词the 。8He told me

10、that he _ here for five minutesAhas comeBhad arrivedChad beenDhad come【答案】C【解析】句意:他告诉我他到这儿5分钟了。根据for five minutes可知谓语动词要用延续性动词,come和 arrive都是短暂性动词,be in+地点,表示延续性,here副词,要把介词省略;故选C9I can hardly hear the radio Would you please _?Aturn it onBturn it downCturn it offDturn it up【答案】D【解析】句意:我几乎不能听到收音机声,请你

11、开大点好吗?A. turn it on打开; B. turn it down关小;C. turn it off关上;D. turn it up开大;根据I can hardly hear the radio我几乎不能听到收音机声,可知是开大;故选D10It is impossible for _ little sheep to eat _ much grass in a short timeAso; soBso; suchCsuch; soDsuch; such【答案】C【解析】句意:在短时间吃如此多的草,对如此小的羊来说是不可能的。根据so如此的,副词,so+形容词/副词;such如此的,形

12、容词,such+形容词+名词;当名词前有many,much,few,little(一点)修饰时,只能用so;little 在这里是“小的”,不是“少量,一点”的意思;故选C11_ of the road _ broken down It needs _AThree-fourths; was; repairedBThree quarters; has; to repairCThree-fourth; was; to be repairedDThree quarters; has; repairing【答案】D【解析】句意:四分之三的路已经坏掉了,它需要被修理。根据分数表达法,当分子超过一时,分母

13、加s,所以排除C;根据break down坏掉和 road之间是主动关系,不用被动语态,排除A/C;need to do一般主语是人,need doing一般主语是物,need to do需要做某事,need doing需要被做;故选D12 Is there _ milk in the fridge? Sorry, there is _ left Ill go and buy someAany; nothingBsome; nothingCany; noneDany; no【答案】C【解析】句意:在冰箱里有些牛奶吗?对不起,没有任何牛奶了,我去买一些。根据some通常用于肯定句,any通常用于

14、否定句和疑问句,排除B; no后要有名词,这里没有名词,排除D; nothing没有东西,none指数量上没有了,相当于not any,这里指没有任何牛奶了,强调数量;故选C13They never realized the importance of the wetland _ we told them about itAifBuntilCsoDbecause【答案】B【解析】句意:直到我们告诉他们,他们才意识到湿地的重要性。A. if如果,是否;B. until直到;C. so因此;D. because因为;根据not- until- 直到-才;They never realized th

15、e importance of the wetland 和 we told them about it之间可知是直到我们告诉他们,他们才意识到湿地的重要性;故选B14 Kathy, what do you think of my painting? _AThats all rightBPretty goodCGood ideaDNot at all【答案】B【解析】情景交际。句意:凯西,你认为我的绘画怎么样?结合语境可知选B,相当不错。二、完型填空One day, a teacher was speaking to a group of students about how to _ thei

16、r timeHe gave an example that those students would never forgetHe pulled out a wide jar (罐子) and put it on the table He also took out several rocks and carefully put them into the jar one at a timeWhen no more rocks would _ inside, he asked, Is this jar full?Everyone in the class shouted, YesThe tea

17、cher replied, Really? He pulled out a box of small stonesHe dumped some in and _ the jarThe stones went down into the spaces _ the big rocksHe then asked the group once more, Is this jar full?Probably not, one of them answeredGood! he repliedHe brought out a glass of sand and dumped the sand into th

18、e jar and it went into all of the spaces _Once more he asked the question, Is this jar full?No! the class shoutedOnce again he said, Good! Then he poured a cup of water in _ the jar was fullThen he asked, What is the key point here? One student put up his hand and said, The key point here is that ev

19、en if you are busy, you can _ plan everything well if you try really hard!No, the speaker replied, thats not the pointThe point is if you dont put the big rocks in _ , youll never get them inWhat are the big rocks in your _ ? Time with your loved ones, your education, or your dreams? Remember to put

20、 these big rocks in first, or youll never get them in _15Aspend Btake Ckill Darrange16Adrop Bfall Cfit Dset17Athrew Bbroke Cshook Dhit18Abetween Bin Cunder Damong19Aadded Bmade Coffered Dleft20Abefore Buntil Cafter Dwhen21Aonly Beven Calso Dstill22Afirst Blater Cimmediately Dfinally23Alife Bfamily C

21、education Dstudy24Aat least Bat first Cat once Dat all【答案】15D16C17C18A19D20B21D22A23A24D【解析】文章讲述了一个老师问学生怎么安排业余时间的,老师通过向罐子里先放水还是先放石头来告诉学生一个道理,花时间和爱的人在一起,用于教育和梦想,否则永远不会得到这些大石头。15句意:怎么安排业余时间。A. spend度过; B. take花费; C. kill 杀死; D. arrange安排;根据后文老师举的例子是先放大石头还是先放其他的东西,可知是怎么安排业余时间;故选D16句意:当不再有石头适合放在里面。A. dr

22、op掉落; B. fall落下; C. fit适合; D. set设置;根据 Is this jar full?罐子满了吗,可知是罐子里放不下石头了,故选C17句意:他倒了一些在里面,然后摇晃罐子。A. threw扔; B. broke打破; C. shook 摇晃; D. hit碰撞;根据The stones went down into the spaces _4_ the big rocks这些小石头进到大石头之间的空间里;可知是摇晃罐子;故选C18句意:这些小石头进到大石头之间的空间里。A. between 在-之间(两者); B. in 在-里; C. under在-下; D. am

23、ong在-之中(三者以上);根据进到大石头之间的缝隙,应是两个石头之间的缝隙;故选A19句意:它进到了留下的所有缝隙里。A. added添加; B. made 制造; C. offered提供; D. left留下的;根据先放大石头,再放小石头,可知是沙子进到了小石头留下的缝隙里;故选D20句意:然后他倒了一杯水进去,直到罐子满了。A. before 在-之前; B. until 直到; C. after 在-之后; D. when当-时候;根据Then he poured a cup of water in和the jar was full可知是然后他倒了一杯水进去,直到罐子满了;故选B21

24、句意:如果你努力了,你仍然能计划好每一件事情。A. only仅仅; B. even 甚至; C. also 也; D. still仍然;根据老师一步一步的往罐子里加东西, 和even if you are busy即使你忙,只要努力去做,仍然能计划好每一件事情;故选D22句意:如果你不先放大石头。 A. first 先; B. later 后来; C. immediately 立刻; D. finally最后;根据老师放的先后顺序,可知是先放大石头;故选A23句意:你生活中的大石头是什么?A. life 生活; B. family 家庭; C. education 教育; D. study学习

25、;根据Time with your loved ones, your education, or your dreams? 可知是生活中的东西;故选A24句意:否则你将根本不可能得到他们。 A. at least 至少; B. at first 首先; C. at once 立刻; D. at all根本,根据 Remember to put these big rocks in first,可知先放其他的,大石头就放不进去了,故选D 点睛:根据前后文语境,结合时态,语态,词性,短语,句型,词义辨析和主谓一致,选出正确的选项。例如:小题8 句意:如果你不先放大石头。 A. first 先; B

26、. later 后来; C. immediately 立刻; D. finally最后;根据老师放的先后顺序,可知是先放大石头;故选A三、阅读单选A little boy was playing in his sandbox on a Saturday morningWhile he was building roads and houses in the soft sand, he discovered a large stone in the middle of the sandboxThe little boy pushed and pulled, but every time he t

27、hought he had made some progress, the stone tipped (倾斜) and then fell back into the sandboxThe little boy tried his best, but his only reward was to have the stone roll backFinally the boy criedAll that time the boys father watched him from his living room windowAt the moment tears fell, his father

28、came to the boy and the sandboxGently but surely he said, Son, why didnt you use all the strength that you had? The boy said sadly, But I did, Daddy, I did! I used all the strength that I had! No, son, corrected the fatherYou didnt ask meWith that, the father reached down, picked up the stone and re

29、moved it from the sandboxDo you have stones in your life that need to be removed? Are you discovering that you are too weak to lift them? There is ONE who is always ready to give us the strength we needIsnt it funny how we try so hard to do things on our own?25The first paragraph mainly tells us _Ai

30、t was Saturday that dayBthe boy had a sandboxCthe boy created roads and housesDthe boy found a large stone in the sandbox26Why did the boy cry?AIt was too boring for him to play with the stoneBHis father just watched him from the windowCHe was too weak to remove the stone by himselfDHis fingers were hurt when he tried to remove the stone27From the pa

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