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本文(沪教版英语五年级上册Unit 11《Water》word省优获奖教案.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

沪教版英语五年级上册Unit 11《Water》word省优获奖教案.docx

1、沪教版英语五年级上册Unit 11Waterword省优获奖教案课题:Unit11 Water 班级:姓名:小组:时间:学习目标1.知识与技能:帮助学生学习新词和句型。2.过程与方法:能正确书写本课所学的如何介绍某人的相同和不同。3.情感态度与价值观:通过情景学习,让学生体会志同道合的友谊。学法指导独立完成导学案。利用教材配套磁带或光盘来听书上的单词和句子,反复练习,并在课堂的小组活动中和小组成员对比发音,练习使用本课功能语言。对于仍不能解决的疑惑,向全班同学和老师请教。自学导航教学流程 专题一 写出下列短语的汉译1. Wash clothes 2.clean the floor 2. coo

2、k food 4.brush our teeth 5.wash vegetables 6.make drinks 专题二 Think and say专题三 Translate 专题四 Think and write教学重点:1.词汇:use, clothes, farmer, useful, grow crops, put out fires2.句型:Water comes from We use water to教学难点:句型We use water to 能用核心句型阐述水的基本用途。教学策略:引导学生小组交流合作探索。教学准备:导学案 课件课时安排:1课时基础题:新课标同步演练探究题:新

3、课标拓展延伸板书设计:Unit 11 Waterlake , river, rain, well, seawash faces , wash clothes, clean the floor, cook food ,brush our teeth, cook food教学流程:Step1:Leading-inT: Look at this! Can you guess what it is?(Its no taste,no smell,no color. Its everywhere around us.)Ss: Its a drop of water.Step2: Presentation

4、1. T: Today ,I bring the drop of water here. Can you guess where it comes from?(出示相关的图片lake ,sea, river,rain,well来提示)Ss:It comes from lakes ,sea, rain, well, waterfall2.T: Water is everywhere around us.Water is very important. I drink water every day.I use water to drink and cook. How do you use wat

5、er?S1: I use water to wash my face.S2: I use water to clean my house.Step3: Consolidation Students write some sentences about the use of water according to the key words on the blackboard.Water comes from the sea, the rain and the tap.Water comes from rivers,lakes and wells. We use water to clean my

6、 room .We use water to wash my face, to brush my teeth. We also use water to play water games. 我的收获及困惑 小组评价独立思考 认真完成字迹工整 书写美观善于倾听 乐于表达及时纠错 补充归纳课题: Unit11 Water 班级:姓名:小组:时间:学习目标1.通过Ask and answer的语言输出活动,帮助学生巩固本单元的生词及句型。2.过程与方法:会用情景对话,小组合作学习的方式,巩固和运用核心句型。3.情感态度与价值观:综合运用本单元所学的知识和技能。学法指导独立完成导学案。利用教材配套磁带

7、或光盘来听书上的单词和句子,反复练习,并在课堂的小组活动中和小组成员对比发音,练习使用本课功能语言。对于仍不能解决的疑惑,向全班同学和老师请教。自学导航教学流程专题一 Read a story 专题二Read aloud专题三Make a posterWater is wonderful.It comes from _.We use/need water to _._We must keep it clean.We must save water! 专题四Read and judge教学重点:1.词汇 :farmer, useful, grow crops, put out fires2.句型

8、:How do we use water? We use water to wash clothes.教学难点:能根据人物工作的不同来用核心句型阐述水的不同用途。教学策略:引导学生通过对话,学生小组内对话,引导学生通过阅读抓住关键信息,能够通过本单元的问句,来询问对方的生日信息。教学准备:导学案 课件课时安排:1课时作业设计:基础题:新课标同步演练探究题:新课标拓展延伸板书设计:Unit11 WaterHow do you use water?We use water to Cooks use water tocook: cook food / make drinks farmer: wate

9、r cropsfireman: put out firesworker: wash cars/ clean houses教学流程:Step1:RevisionT: Water is very useful.We use water to wash our face.We use water to Ss:We use water to clean our floor. We use water to Step2: PresentationT: Water is useful and important to us. Water is also useful to firemen. Firemen

10、 use water to put out fires. Water is useful to cooks.Cooks use water toS1:Cooks use water to(提到几种有代表性的职业,引导学生用核心句型来表述水的用途)Step3:Group work1.Students work in one group. Ask and answer like this:S1: How do people use water to do?S2: I use water to wash our face.S3:Firemen use water to put out fires.S

11、4:Cooks use water to cook food.2.T: Water is useful. It is very important to you , to me, to cooks , to firemen, to everyone. But water resources are limited. We should save water.How can we save water? Discuss in your group and find more ways to save water.Groups show the ways they find to save wat

12、er. 我的收获及困惑 小组评价独立思考 认真完成字迹工整 书写美观善于倾听 乐于表达及时纠错 补充归纳课题:Unit11 Water 班级:姓名:小组:时间:学习目标1.知识与技能:通过阅读故事,帮助学生认识水循环的过程。2.过程与方法:能利用新学词汇,解决生活中的问题。3.情感态度与价值观:通过本课学习,让学生感受与朋友在一起的快乐。学法指导独立完成导学案。利用教材配套磁带或光盘来听书上的单词和句子,反复练习,并在课堂的小组活动中和小组成员对比发音,练习使用本课功能语言。对于仍不能解决的疑惑,向全班同学和老师请教。自学导航教学流程专题一Read the words专题二Ask and an

13、swer专题三Think and write出示主题Water is useful,让学生根据主题,试着介绍水的用途。然后学生围绕Water is useful and we should save water.和今天所学的句型,写一段短文告诉大家水的作用并且倡导大家节约用水。教学重点:单词:Up, shine, over, tree, ground教学难点:1.通过Read a story的故事阅读,帮助学生认识水循环的过程。2. 帮助学生阅读故事The journey of Little Water Drop让学生通过阅读活动抓住关键信息,了解故事大意。教学策略:引导学生小组交流合作探索。

14、教学准备:导学案 课件课时安排:1课时基础题:新课标同步演练探究题:新课标拓展延伸板书设计:Unit 11 Waterpictures Where is Little Water Drop? Where is Little Water Drop now? How does it get there? Where is Little Water Drop sitting? How does it come down ? Where does it go now?教学流程:I RevisionT shows some pictures ,Eg: the sun , clouds , rivers

15、,mountains , trees , ice , snow, rain , water drop.T: Where can you find water?(T shows a picture of a tap)Whats this ?S1: Its a tap. T Whats coming out of the tap?S2: Water.Ss talk about the picture in the group.T: Yes, its a drop of water. This is Little Water Drop. It travels a lot. Lets see wher

16、e it goes.II. Presentation1. T: The water is important in our life , we should know the water. How can we know the water?Discuss it in the group and say it.T: very well. Now lets look at the pictures and learn the story . Ss read the story alone and answer the questions.Picture 1: Where is Little Wa

17、ter Drop? Ss: It is in the sea.Picture 2: Where is Little Water Drop now? How does it get there? Ss: It is in the sky. It goes hot and goes up.Picture 3: Where is Little Water Drop sitting? Ss: It is sitting on a cloud.Picture 4: Little Water Drop comes down. How does it come down ? Where does it go

18、 now? Ss: It comes down as rainwater. It goes inside a tree.2. Play the tape. Ss read together.3. T: The water rises to the sky. The water becomes clouds. It rains. The water comes down as rainwater. It is very cold. The water comes down as snow.Ss draw the water cycle.(水循环)III. Drilling 1. Look at

19、the pictures and the key words on the blackboard. Ss retell the story in the group. 2. T: What do we learn from the story? Ss discuss in the group. PracticeThe water is important to the Dai people , we should know more about water stories. Can you find any other the water culture stories?Ss tell us

20、their stories.Do the exercises.Learn the sounds.学生感知在th单词中的发音。th this this th that that教师播放儿歌,鼓励学生模仿录音中的发音。k. 我的收获及困惑 小组评价独立思考 认真完成字迹工整 书写美观善于倾听 乐于表达及时纠错 补充归纳课题:Unit9 Around the city 班级:姓名:小组:时间:学习目标1.知识与技能:帮助学生学习新词和句型。2.过程与方法:能正确书写本课所学的如何介绍某人的相同和不同。3.情感态度与价值观:通过情景学习,让学生体会志同道合的友谊。学法指导独立完成导学案。利用教材配套磁

21、带或光盘来听书上的单词和句子,反复练习,并在课堂的小组活动中和小组成员对比发音,练习使用本课功能语言。对于仍不能解决的疑惑,向全班同学和老师请教。自学导航教学流程 专题一 Think and write On Sunday afternoon, Kitty wants go to the _. But shedoesnt know how to _ there. Now she is on _ Street,. Walk _ Winter Street. Turn _ at Spring Street. Walk _ and she can see the post office on her

22、 _. Its _ the cinema and the flower shop.专题二 Make a guess专题三 Read and match 专题四 Think and write教学重点:词汇:Post office, hospital, toy shop, flower shop, along, turn ,left,rightget to,between ,quite教学难点:通过开展听录音朗读、连线、快速应答、小组卡片游戏等活动,帮助学生巩固词汇。教学策略:引导学生小组交流合作探索。教学准备:导学案 课件课时安排:1课时基础题:新课标同步演练探究题:新课标拓展延伸板书设计:P

23、ost office, hospital, toy shop, flower shop, along, turn ,left,rightget to,between ,quite教学流程:Step 1.Greeting and free talk1. T: What day is it today? Whats the date today?How do you go to school? S123: 2.T: Boys and girls, on your way to school, what can you see?S1: I can see a post office, a hospi

24、tal, .T: Good! You can see some buildings and so many people on your way to school, and I can also see a lot of traffic signs on my way to work. Look, here they are!(CAI show some traffic signs.) But what do they mean? T: What does this sign mean? Ss: Turn left. T: What about this one? Ss: Turn righ

25、t. T: What does this sign mean? Ss: Walk along this street. T: Good! All the traffic signs can show us the way. Lets read them. Ss: Read the signs together. T: You can read very well. This time, can you look and say their meanings? S1:Walk along Winter Street. Turn left at Spring Street. 我的收获及困惑 小组评

26、价独立思考 认真完成字迹工整 书写美观善于倾听 乐于表达及时纠错 补充归纳课题:Unit9 Around the city班级:姓名:小组:时间:学习目标1.知识与技能:学会重点句型How do I get there?和如何正确的指路Walk along Winter Street。 Turn left at 2.过程与方法:会用情景对话,小组合作学习的方式,巩固和运用核心句型。3.情感态度与价值观:综合运用本单元所学的知识和技能。学法指导独立完成导学案。利用教材配套磁带或光盘来听书上的单词和句子,反复练习,并在课堂的小组活动中和小组成员对比发音,练习使用本课功能语言。对于仍不能解决的疑惑,

27、向全班同学和老师请教。自学导航教学流程专题一 Lets chant专题二 Think and write专题三Fill in the blanks Peter, Alice and Kitty are at the zoo. They want to see different _. Peter wants to see the _ . Alice wants to see the _ . Kitty wants to see the _. They walk _ Summer Road and then turn _ at Spring Road. They can see the monk

28、eys on their _. And the birds is on _ Road, too. Then they can walk _ Spring Road and see the _ . After that, they can turn _ and walk along _ Road and see the bears on their _. 教学重点:How do I get there?和如何正确的指路Walk along Winter Street。 Turn left at 教学难点:固练习本单元的核心句型而且还可以提高学生学习英语的兴趣。教学策略:引导学生通过对话,学生小组

29、内对话,引导学生通过阅读抓住关键信息,能够通过本单元的问句,来询问对方的生日信息。教学准备:导学案 课件课时安排:1课时作业设计:基础题:新课标同步演练探究题:新课标拓展延伸板书设计:Walk along the street。Turn left/Turn right at教学流程:Step 1. Pre-task preparation 1. Free talk T:What day is it today? Whats the date today? How do you go to school? How do you get to school? How do you get to ?Step 2.While-task procedure 1. T: Peter and his friends wants to visit the zoo. They want to see different animals. 2. Lets look, listen and answer these questions: a. What animal does Peter want to see? How do they get there? b.What animal

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